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Steps That Would Be Necessary to Gain Access to a Formal Organization for the Doing Field Research - Essay Example

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The paper "Steps That Would Be Necessary to Gain Access to a Formal Organization for the Doing Field Research" highlights that the researcher should offer an option for return to the organization after the research in the favor of the organization’s interests…
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Steps That Would Be Necessary to Gain Access to a Formal Organization for the Doing Field Research
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Since most researchers are viewed as outsiders, the first step should be an attempt to gain trust and acceptance from one or two of the top officials in the organization. Friends, contact persons, or academics may play a crucial role in assisting a researcher to gain the support of someone within the organization who will act as the researcher’s champion (Johl & Renganathan, 2010, p. 42). Although a researcher may secure an agreement with someone in the lower ranks of an organization, it is important to access the top management for clearance to carry out their investigations in the organization. Clearance to conduct the investigations from the top management can be achieved through a formal letter, outlining the study purpose, targeted informants and action requests (Maxfield & Babbie, 2011, p. 196). This can also be secured through organized meetings in which the researcher briefs the management about the research intentions before seeking formal permission to conduct the investigations.

The researcher should also offer something in return to either the organization or the participants as a way of gaining a sense of being trustworthy. Another important step is the need to provide clear explanations of research aims and suggestions of methods to deal with concerns that may arise from the study (Bryman & Bell, 2007, p. 445). Since it is almost impossible to gain full access, researchers should be flexible and ready to negotiate. It is also important to be reasonable about the amount of time the researcher intends to spend with the participants. Read More
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