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Current Government Policy towards Older People - Essay Example

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The paper "Current Government Policy towards Older People" discusses whether those policies are going to meet the elderly's health and wellbeing needs, now and in the future. UK’s laws besides how they are operating in ensuring the elderly people’s wellbeing, will not offer much in the future…
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Current Government Policy towards Older People
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The current government policy and legislation towards older people going to meet their health and wellbeing needs, now and in the future? Professor Institution Course Date Introduction Wellbeing is an essential aspect that guarantees humanity’s sound existence, which each global state ought not to assume or take lightly especially when it entails frail people. These encompass the ageing and children who their health status immensely relies on the extra able individuals and more so the regimes’ facilities and policies instituted to protect them. Wellbeing normally assumes three aspects, which are physical, psychological and sound social setting. UK measures regarding the wellbeing of the elderly, it is undeniable that it has intensively availed the required resources meant to ensure the accessibility of the necessary facilities for assistance. This is via colossal funding of their care institutions, hospitals and somehow intervening in the end time services, which entail spirituality. Mainly, this is evident in the care centers; both the private and the public (Jeary, 2005). Contrary to all this efforts, the state has invested to ensure sound living of their elderly, the condition of their regulations and policies have proved quite divergent to their expectations. Since the population is rapidly augmenting annually whereas, those responsible to care for the elderly fail in their responsibilities (Eriksson, Asplund & Sellström, 2010, p. 1322). Numerous evils and abuses against the elderly are emanating from the caregivers, that encompass neglect, segregation, both sexual and physical assaults. These have culminated to mysterious deaths resulting from the absence of administering medications, beating and neglect. These cases’ causes have proved to numerous investigations as unconquerable, since those who undertake these vices are close people behind the masks of loving relatives. Hence, has rendered UK Legislations and other reinforcements inadequate to ensure sound elderly wellbeing now and in future (Jeary, 2005). Wellbeing definition Wellbeing normally assumes three approaches that encompass psychological, bodily and social setting, but their soundness does not imply the absence of sickness and other related maladies (Anneyce, 2011). Psychosomatic approach entails mind aspects where an individual experiences peace and does not have conflicting memories. Uncontrolled memories or thoughts usually yield to mental disorders that may render one incapacitated. Since, they normally lead to stress or prolonged depression, hence prompting an individual live happiness deprived life. Peaceful mind normally emanates from the sound spirituality of an individual, which also comprises one approach of psychological wellbeing (Anneyce, 2011). Religion or creed normally offers an individual the necessary hope; anchored on a superlative being believed to be possessing utter control of the impossible. Consequently, assuring humanity despite life’s predicaments, they will culminate to an individuals favor primarily to the believing and regardless of their creed (Jeary, 2005, p. 330). Additionally, it also entails soul where an individual being in a peaceful and contended state, tends to make informed decisions that usually yield to a prolonged life (LGID, 2010). Since, studies contend that one’s life constitutes of thought, which ignites the power within to live and accomplish varied tasks. Sound education, environment, shelter culture and policies that care for humanity normally constitute social welfare (Anneyce, 2011). Education’ rationale is to empower society with the necessary intellectual capacity that will enable one have an aggressive edge against the global stiff competition (LGID, 2010). This is especially apparent in the career ladder present struggle via advancing education to have a decent living, which is only attainable via acquiring the right knowhow (Eriksson, Asplund & Sellström, 2010, p. 1322). Education primarily boosts a society economy, since people will not be relying on the already early strategies in this ever-changing world where every life’s facet depends on technology. Hence, implying that for one to enjoy greater advantage of the present global status ought to align his or expertise with the technology. Shelter or housing entails accessible and reliable inhabitance to the humanity especially in one’s locality, which is among the necessities that the state and other governing bodies entitled to deliver this service ought not to overlook (Eriksson, Asplund & Sellström, 2010, p. 1322). Environment is the manner in which we relate and co-habit with fellow humanity since man is a social being, which draws its happiness from health relationships of others. Health relationships coupled with understanding normally yields to mutual benefits. This strengthens societal bond, thus enabling us to conquer any life obstacle that might seem difficult without sharing out or involving others. Conversely, social policies normally emanate from the state in its sole devotion in providing varied and numerous amenities to the citizens. For illustration, health cares besides other services, which the society is unable to provide for itself like security and wholesome physical environment (Eriksson, Asplund & Sellström, 2010, p. 1322). Conversely, physical wellbeing mainly refers one’s bodily fitness whose approach to an individual is to provide and undertake any task with the intention of having excellent health (McClelland, 2007, p. 149). For instance, personal exercises, which calls a person to have a proper exercising procedure. This does not imply reducing weight, but its core purpose is to ensure that one is healthy where habitual exercises leads to boosting of immune (Shepherd, 2009). Hence, making one remain health since minor maladies like the common cold will not have a chance against a strong body besides immunity. It also entails selective consumption of foods that will only be beneficial to the body. This is because numerous foods now especially the fast delicacies have proved obnoxious to humanity’s health. Primarily, they do lack the necessary nutrients and constitute of either starch or other supplements, which are not natural, but emanate from chemicals where tend to bear adverse impacts on people like some of the dreaded chronic ailments (cancer). The state while safeguarding its population’s health, it may try to intervene via regulating the chemical contents in processed foodstuffs (Matheson, 2010, p. 23). Besides, its role may entail devising policies that would filter unworthy food processes that may yield to production of harmful products like fruit juices. In numerous states, like the developing nations, some corporations may decide to mix chemicals with the addition of colors to resemble a certain fruit and brand it as fruit juice (Gilbert & Parkes, 2011). Once an elderly consumes this, it worsens the already frail state and may culminate to other serious predicaments. Therefore, individuals ought to be extra careful in ensuring their wellbeing via food they consume since this normally features in one’s health condition (McClelland, 2007). State intervenes in promoting health via awareness and instituting more health centers so that it may cater for each individual’s fitness universally, but in details, citizens are liable like exercises that require gym. Current political context of wellbeing and the demographics relating to older people It is irrefutable that UK has made a colossal funding meant for the welfare of the elderly, which emanates from keen observance of the augmenting elderly population (Matheson, 2010). This is via funding the care institutions responsible for offering care services to the ageing via offering universal incentives (Dahlberg, Demack & Bambra, 2007). Additionally, via applying the present legislations regarding the welfare of the aged, UK has managed to offer some diverse services like those, which entail medications and spirituality (Shepherd, 2009, p. 307). According BBC updates regarding the elderly shelter in UK, the regime’s suggestion is that the elderly ought to down size their big residential and relocate to rental homes. This will offer them with adequate finances, which will prompt them not to rely on the Government (BBC, 2012). In addition, this move will enable young couples who are unable to afford mortgage rates have cheaper shelter, since they will be cheap. Conversely, Michelle Mitchell highly refuted the move, contending that was the decision of the elderly and UK  is not in a position to force them to comply, but they will move out of their willing. This argument unveiled the state’s neglect in offering housing to the elderly, as confirmed by Grant Shapps while trying to push for the motion (BBC, 2012). UK despite its funding to its citizens, it has neglected the housing aspect, which adequately resurfaced in January 2012, where even the young couples are unable to afford their shelter. This should not be the case, since the state has the capacity and resources that will enable it to intervene and make residential across the societal strata affordable (BBC, 2012). Presently, UK is experiencing rapid increment of the elderly people and a decreasing trend of the young generation who are heading towards 65 years (EHRC, 2011). This trend is closing the gap amid the aging and those who are elderly but still working and pose alarm to the UK regarding measures that it should adopt in ensuring its ageing wellbeing. Studies depicted that in the period amid 1985 – 2010 people aged 65 years in UK augmented by 20% (10.3M) while those aged 85 doubled (1.4M) (ONS, 2011). The trend assumed a contrasting direction among the young generation under 16 years whose percentage declined from 21 to 19%. By 2010, the elderly population constituted 17% of the UK natives, thus implying that the regime was committing immense resources in ensuring the elderly group’s welfare. Future predictions targeting year 2035 continues to project an augmentation of the elderly people were those over 85 years would constitute 5% (3.5M) of the population, while those aged 65 years 23% (ONS, 2011). Similarly, according to the present predictions, people aged amid 16 to 64 years, their number will decrease from 65 to 59% (Shepherd, 2009, p. 305). Consequently, depicting an augmenting trend where in the stated year and beyond the elderly would have a high percentage contrary to the young generation. Figure 1: UK Gender Comparison according 2010 population statistics, Obtained from ONS Mid-Year Estimate 2010 Gender / Age Estimated Net Total Migration Male 102 Less than 18 years 479 18-24 -506 25-34 -16 35-44 -92 45-54 97 55-64 85 65 years and over 55 Female -122 Less than 18 years 466 18-24 -572 25-34 -152 35-44 -88 45-54 142 55-64 43 65 years and over 39 Total -20 Source: NISRA (July 2011) Figure 2: Estimated Net Total Migration, by Age and Gender (July 2009 - June 2010), Accessed from There are varied aspects that have prompted to this trend and offered an augmenting characteristic. First, is the immigrants’ influx who emerged in UK amid 1950s and 60s after WW11, where currently are heading to the aging stage (Rangarajan, Yee & Wilde, 2011, p. 30). According to the evident studies, this category will close the gap amid 85 and 65 years, yielding to an increasing elderly population (Matheson, 2010, p. 18). Conversely, the young generation will not have a significant growth except a mere decrease where by then its decrease will not exceed the already projected 59%. Additionally, the state traces its increasing elderly population trend from the mergence of “Baby Boom” that existed in 1962 and extended in form of SPA presently (ONS, 2011). An additional aspect is the low population of the international immigrants in UK who have decided to live permanently UK. This is especially among those having over 65 years, which is contrary to their young generation who are moving out of the state to search for greener employment fields. Comparison amid the two genders and especially those dominating years 40 and 64, tend to move faster in the elderly category, thus confirming the growth of the elderly people (Rangarajan, Yee & Wilde, 2011, p.28). The reason is that, they form the greatest percentage in comparison to the youths who may opt to move out of the UK and seek inhabitance in other states. The compelling factor will be due to inadequate residential affordability via mortgages as argued amid the youths and especially the young couples (JRF, 2010). Argument Besides UK’s efforts in funding the elderly wellbeing via their centers and offering adequate healthcare facilities, the failure emanates from their legislations and policies (DH, 2001). For illustration, the elderly abuse, this has characterized instituted centers meant to care for the elderly. This encompasses neglect, segregation, both physical and sexual assault rampant in the centers where the core initiators are mainly relatives and staffs (who are specialists and equipped adequately with information regarding those vices) (Kullberg et al 2010). These compared to other individuals, the state has bestowed liability of caring the elderly since they are capable, but contrary they have put on the “love masks.” This is because many ageing people normally experience untold suffering silently, owing to their inability to air them to the responsible authorities (JRF, 2010). Consequently, some cases culminate to death that emanate from beating, neglect and improper medication administering, which the state via its legislations and policies will be unable to rectify (Kullberg et al 2010). UK’s legislations and policies in unveiling the core causes of these deaths, has to date proved fruitless (Dahlberg, Demack & Bambra, 2007, p. 440). Since, the cases’ reports tend to be late and the circumstances that surround them are impenetrable, because the initiators due to fear are unwilling to confess besides offering the right information (JRF, 2010). Hence, rendering the state’s efforts regarding the welfare of the elderly insufficient where the elderly for their wellbeing is at the mercy of their caregivers (JRT, 2011). Studies indicate that approximately 5% elderly (confessed) have experienced verbal abuse especially from the caregivers and 2% bodily abuse (The house of common, 2004, p. 10). Judging from from the reported cases, the leading settings regarding elderly abuse are the own homes and instituted care centers where UK has placed immense trust that the elderly will be safe (Daily Mail, 2010). This is contrary, since the initiators are the people supposed to have great love for this category, besides fulfilling their roles. It is evident that the UK legislations and policies will not be able to handle the future elderly care effectively (Fisher & Brumley, 2008). Since the current, one is getting out of hand due to numerous unreported cases in the institutions or settings (NATCEN, 2004). Abuse Setting Abuse Percentage Own Home 67% Sheltered Housing 4% Residential Care 10% Nursing Home 12% Hospital 5% Other Settings 2% Figure 3: UK Elderly Setting Abuse, Acessed from Figure 4: UK Elderly Setting Abuse Graphical Representation Acessed from UK will not cater effectively for the increasing elderly population due to its requirements. This is from the current judgment regarding how the policies have attained hitherto. The requirements entail varied prevalence of diseases related to ageing especially diabetes 2, which is rampant among populace aged beyond 45 years (DH, 2001). For illustration, number involving diabetic people is rapidly augmenting annually, where according to 2011 studies the state showed it had 1.8M people. This encompassed colossal funding where per day NHS parted with £10M, in the absence of catering for morbidity that varied among the genders (JRF, 2010). Hence, render the elderly wellbeing system extremely pricey, where in the future due to increasing ageing, UK legislations will be insufficient (McClelland, 2007). Morbidity evident among the elderly will increasingly render the wellbeing policies’ implementation extremely complicated especially among the genders. This will encourage segregation and even neglect due to varied medications, which diverse genders have to take and with absolute keenness (DH, 2001). This will trigger ageism especially among the staffs where they will brand the elderly according to the predicaments they have, for instance, those who are notoriously naughty (Daily Mail, 2010). Other difficult prevalence among the elderly management entails HIV, where the victims due to the fear that lingers among many people the victims may suffer segregation. Since, not many staffs or caregivers will ever dare to associate with these freely, hence the staff defying the already stipulated Legislations (JRF, 2010). The UK’s authority will not notice these, since they are in the care institutions where there numerous people who will encounter it (Kullberg et al 2010). Conclusion UK’s laws besides how they are operating in ensuring the elderly people’s wellbeing, they will not offer much in the future. This is because the incoming population has diverse and complicated requirements that involve their health. Therefore, these require more involving care, which might render the Legislations unfruitful due to certain strategy implementations that are too pricey. For illustration, supervising the staffs and ensuring investigations regarding elderly abuse have borne the required justice and shun the behavior. In addition, funding will augment according the involved elderly population, which by 2035 will be almost double than the current number. This is according to the present projections. References Anneyce, Knight. 2011. Understanding Wellbeing: an Introduction for Students and Practitioners. Cheltenham: Lantern Publisher. ONS. 2011. Annual Mid-year Population Estimates, 2010. Statistical Bulletin. Councils should help elderly to downsize, minister says. (BBC, 2012) The house of common, 2003–04. House of Commons Health Committee: Elder Abuse. <> Research Findings:UK Study of Abuse and Neglect of Older People. (Northern Ireland by the Northern Ireland Statistics. (Research Agency- NATCEN, 2004) National Service Framework for the Elderly. (Department of Health-DH, 2001) Marmot Review report – Fair Society, Healthy Lives (Local Government Improvement and Development- LGID, 2001-2010). <> Department of Health-DH, 2001. LIFETIME HOMES, LIFETIME NEIGHBOURHOODS: A National Strategy for Housing in an Ageing Society, [Online]. Available [Accessed 5Th May 2012] JRF, 2010. Older people with high support needs: how can we empower them to enjoy a better life [Online]. Available < > [Accessed 5Th May 2012 ] JRT, 2011. 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Fisher, J, & Brumley, D 2008, Nurses and carers spiritual wellbeing in the workplace, Australian Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 25, 4, pp. 49-57, viewed 5 May 2012. Rangarajan, S, Yee, T, & Wilde, J. 2011, Experience of four UK comprehensive care centres using FEIBA, Haemophilia, 17, 1, pp. 28-34, viewed 5 May 2012. Dahlberg, L, Demack, S, & Bambra, C 2007, Age and gender of informal carers: a population-based study in the UK, Health & Social Care In The Community, 15, 5, pp. 439-445, viewed 5 May 2012. Read More
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