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Learning Environment For Teaching The SQL Language - Case Study Example

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The paper "Learning Environment For Teaching The SQL Language" discusses the project that presents for student learners with the basics of SQL language and does so in a dynamic and technologically forward-looking manner that increases student absorption and retention of knowledge…
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Learning Environment For Teaching The SQL Language
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Learning Environment For Teaching The SQL Language Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1.1 Introduction A technology revolution can be seen rapidly taking place not just in one location, but on a global scale. Hardly a day passes without a new product or electronic system being released, with ads often displayed in vivid multimedia on computer screen and televisions. Updates to existing products—the latest software version or the new and improved operating system—are must-have items, and all of this has been made possible by the invention of the computer and internet technology. As the global economy progresses, excellence is increasingly measured by a country’s scientific prowess. This technical revolution has engendered new methods of teaching, in which technology plays a crucial role. Technology facilitates not only the act of teaching, but also the learning process. Knowledge is able to be transferred in vivid multimedia between countries and cultures as never before. Computer software, applications, and applets have only recently become a staple of education, evolving into the interactive internet-based e-curricula and e-classroom projects that are now commonly being implemented. Technology is also used to increase recruitment by spreading knowledge of programs and curriculums, and to develop the relationships between students and instructors. Many various educational institutions and researchers are now developing new manners of conveying knowledge to students, and receiving student feedback and gauge the learning process. These technologies have provided methods of reducing traditional costs associated with heavy paper textbooks, while increasing responsiveness to student learners. The primary objective of this project not to just present student learners with the basics of SQL(Structured Query Language) language, but to do so in a dynamic and technologically forward-looking manner that increases student absorption and retention of knowledge. The project focuses especially on code writing, and how code is written to create basic structures such as tables and fields in the language of SQL that is often challenging to students as they begin their journey into the SQL language. The following sections serve to clarify the purpose and objective of the project as well as to detail the overall project plan. 1.2 The Aims of the Study: The objective of this project is to create a new learning environment to teach the SQL language, focusing on language fundamentals. Moreover, the project will serve to provide examples of all fundamental concepts in a context that is applicable to the student learner’s experience. The application relies on the dynamic programming language PHP (Personal Home Page), MySQL database software, and the markup language HTML (HyperText Markup Language). These tools combine to form an interactive interface that will provide feedback, and allow student learners to make maximum progress in learning the SQL language. The project will allow instructors to customize the learning experience by developing questions that target certain topics or areas of study, which can then be administered to students. Results are viewable online in the application database, providing a simple mechanism for grading and assessment of student progress. 1.3 Project Objective The identification and satisfaction of goals are crucial to the development of an effective project. The following succinctly summarizes the goals of this project. Complete a research study of web-based SQL learning environments in order to identify the benefits and limitations of each pre-existing format. Implement a web-based system for SQL learning using the PHP, MySQL, and HTML coding languages. Additional software, such as Adobe Suite, will be used for the creation and modification of the GUI interface associated with the application. Evaluate the system by examining the results of application of the newly developed system to a classroom environment of beginning SQL Language student learners. Figure 1.1 : Goals of Project 1.5 Project Plan The project was initiated by the construction of a project plan, constructed by the author in collaboration with the academic supervisor overseeing the project. This plan consisted of a schedule for project completion by dividing the work into several specific sections to be completed at separate intervals. The project plan divided the project into three primary sections, as follows. 1.5.1 Research A broad variety of research was conducted, including a search of university provided databases, a variety of websites, and many different scientific journals on both the subject of SQL and the process of learning itself. These resources were compiled into a relevant work that discusses the problem presented by the project and how it is to be resolved.  Research for this section was completed in approximately forty days.  Research subjects are broadly defined as follows: A variety of learning and teaching methods. Multimedia and its capacity to further learning. Accepted methods of learning SQL. Previous studies and research in methodology of learning SQL . 1.5.2 Implementation This phase incorporates development of the project functionality, including the development of the interface and programming backbone of the application. Adobe Suite has been used to created graphic elements used in the GUI interface. PHP, MySQL, and HTML coding provide the dynamic functionality of the site. The work encompassed approximately thirty-five days. The work may be broken down categorically into: Complete the structural design of the site. Develop site content (lectures, images, etc.) as directed by the special lectures supervisor. Design the graphical interface of home page and lesson pages. Develop the code for implementation of test questions. Compile elements into a functional application on test server. Implement changes as suggested by project supervisor. Register a domain name and assign hosting for site with appropriate capabilities. Upload finished application. Test and debug all functionalities of the application. 1.5.3 Evaluation In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the application, a step paramount in determining the success of the project, the application has been tested on a test group of twenty undergraduate students. Results and reviews from the test subjects have been analyzed in order to gauge the effectiveness of the application as a learning tool. The evaluation period spanned approximately fourteen days. 1.6 Outline The dissertation consists of five complete chapters, discussing all elements of the project in depth. Chapter 1 – outlines the dissertation including aim, project objective, requirements, and project plan. Chapter 2 – provides a literature review related to the project scope, including learning processes and methods of teaching fundamental SQL Language content. Chapter 3 – gives analysis for the GUI interface, programming, and database design and describes the implementation of the application. Chapter 4 – highlights testing and evaluation for the application. Chapter 5 – provides a conclusion identifying the merits of the project and possible future expansion of the work. Chapter 2: Literature Review [This is a summary for order #454011] 2.1 Summary of Literature Review A number of sources exist for exploring the many aspects of learning, as seen in the contemporary definition of learning presented herein. These research results demonstrate that learning is not an isolate process, but instead a function of communication between instructors and student learners that must utilize technology as well as traditional media in order to achieve success. Learning styles, including visual, auditory and kinesthetic are explored in order to show the variety of manners in which students may learn, and how multimedia can improve those processes. The literature review contains a discussion of the benefits and limitations of each learning style, as defined by several modern psychological theories, enabling effective use of a web-based application to deliver instruction in the SQL language that will maximize the potential benefit of the medium. In addition, specific tools and theories for teaching the SQL language and distinct advantages provided by e-learning tools are examined. These tools provide benefits and allow for the implementation of customized learning paths, that may serve to minimize the difference in learning observed between various groups by age, gender, and other characteristics E-learning provides an unique environment in which the student can learn effectively through a variety of tools, as shown in this review. A number of tools and learning environments for teach fundamentals of the SQL Language, including ESQL, WinRDBI, SQL-Tutor and SQLator, were examined in order to give perspective to this project. This literature review demonstrates the effectiveness of the web-based environment over the traditional classroom setting. Chapter 3: Methodology 3.1 Methodology The methodology of software development will help to understand the situational problem presented by designing a new system for SQL learning. Additionally, it will also aid in the design and development of the project application by providing solutions to issues encountered in developing an application with heavy dynamic elements for student-instructor interaction. 3.2 Models for Development In this work, the life cycle model of development will be used to create the work and carry it to completion. The waterfall scheme is used in this methodology, providing a robust method for meeting the needs of the application. 3.3 Use Requirements and Patterns The above techniques result in a program that with quick response times and few errors. Also, a Unified modelling Language (UML) will be used to study use requirements in the system and identify possible cases for users at various levels. Use Case diagrams in UML will allow us to establish behavioural patterns for the users of the system in order to correctly assess and develop the programming features necessary for highest application performance. 3.4 Non-Functional Requirements Non-functional requirements are requirements that are not related to system functionality, including the ease of use and specific qualities necessary for the successful implementation of the project. 3.4.1 Usability Previous manifestations of web-based application for teaching SQL have been effective. The SQL- Tutor has been the most effective, more than any other web-based tool for teaching the SQL language. Its success is partially due to the fact that the system is simple and effective for a variety of users. 3.4.2 Efficiency The system provides fast feedback, minimal lag, and reliably secure transmission of data with little instance of error or interruption. It can also handle many users simultaneously. 3.4.3 Satisfaction Students should exhibit satisfaction with application results and provide positive feedback to instructors. The ultimate goal is to enhance the learning process by harnessing new media. Technology provides a challenge for implementation of learning that must be met in order to progress in education of any discipline, including the SQL language. 3.5 Database Design The project requires a database for storage of user data, which is accomplished through the implementation of a MySQL database which is easily transferred between servers utilizing the program. MySQL provides a versatile and robust database solution for dynamic websites. Five tables are used in the database to organize user data. 3.6 User Interface Design Learning can be understood by examining the way students learn by visual, auditory, and kinesthetic sensations. This project capitalizes on this sensory stimulation, providing visual learners a greater chance to excel at assignments (Learning Styles Online 2010). Moreover, WinRDBI, SQL-Tutor and SQLator tools have excellent environments for learning the SQL Language. The user interface is a visible face of the system with which the end user, presumably the student or admin, will interact. For the student learner, it provides a way to navigate the system and input/output data necessary to interact with the system in order to complete assignments and engage in learning activities. The interface is designed to be fundamentally intuitive to operate, leaving little room for operator error or confusion, which also provides the benefit of simplifying the maintenance process. Chapter 4: Implementation 4.1 Implementation This chapter details the work completed during the development of this application. The implementation phase of this project was enacted with much study and careful attention to detail throughout the development process Many of the tools used in development are outlined below: Adobe Photoshop CS and Adobe Image Ready CS (Adobe Suite) HTML Markup Language PHP Programming Language MySQL Database Management System. In order to implement the project with maximum efficiency, the author worked first in Adobe Photoshop CS to design the web site GUI. Secondly, the author utilized PHP and HTML coding to generate the dynamic content. The data was then stored in a MySQL database developed by the author. Many of the systems used in development are outlined below: Apache Web Server Version 2.2.8 MySQL Database Version 5.0.51b phpMyAdmin Database Manager Version 2.10.3 Portable Blumentals Rapid PHP 2010 (PHP editor). These tools were selected for maximum efficiency and reliability of code. 4.2 Benefits of Adobe Photoshop CS and Adobe Image Ready CS The Adobe Suite consists of the most powerful tools for image manipulation in the world, and these tools gives complete freedom to modify and enhance graphic images. These tools allow the user to change the image depending on the project needs. Layers may be utilized to streamline design and modification. Additionally, Adobe Suite software is widely supported, and information on its applications is readily available online in the form of documentation, forum, and user support groups. Adobe Photoshop CS provides unparalleled freedom to implement graphics solutions, and easily adapt graphics to multiple applications between various lessons or pages of the application. Adobe Image Ready CS allows for the creation of multimedia content. This program specializes in the design of animation as well as graphics for the web. It utilized in this project within tutorials that explain the syntax of fundamentals the SQL language. There are many students have difficulties in understanding the fundamental concepts associated with SQL, and these multimedia pieces maximize the applicability of the system to all learning types. 4.3 Benefits of HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) allows for simple formatting of text and page elements, as it has been utilized for many years. It is also supported by all major browsers, and is a staple of web development. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) allow for the organization of HTML elements into logical units that are easily restructured, providing for easier maintenance and modification to the page over traditional flat HTML web sites. CSS is the language of design and CSS serves to give more sophisticated structure to HTML pages, often allowing for easy manipulation of lines, colors, margins, and positioning. CSS is a revolution in the world of web design, and basic benefits are: • Control of design through a single, easy-to-manipulate file. • The possibility of larger and more precise control of the design details. • Easy formatting for printers and mobile media. • Ultimate control of positioned elements on a page. 4.4 Benefits of PHP PHP enables dynamic content, which allows for user interactions and data submission as well as simpler site maintenance and organization. PHP was designed specifically for the web application, and, as such, offer ultimate performance. Many interactive websites utilize this language due to its high-performance, versatility, and completely open and modifiable source, which is extremely beneficial to designers and developers alike. Additionally, it is supported by the majority of web-hosting services and installation and maintenance on proprietary servers is simple and user-friendly. Use of the PHP language in this project was also influenced by the example of the SQLator, which has excellent evaluation for correctness of the query formulation using PHP. 4.5 Benefits of MySQL MySQL is quick and robust, and it is often the logical choice for simple web databases as it interfaces naturally with PHP coding. The MySQL database management system is a relational database. It is very secure, fast, active, and controls access to data in the fastest time. Most importantly, it uses the programming language SQL. 4.6 Coding The code is the original work of the author, who utilized the following tools for code development : Apache Web Server for hosting the web-based tool in the local host. PHPMyAdmin Database Manager to mange and add the data in database in the local host. Portable Blumentals Rapid PHP editor was use to write the code. 4.6.1 Connect Function This code contains the process of connecting to the server and the database prepared by a "mysqldd" and also displays any errors the process of connecting to the database. 4.6.2 Add New Student Function This code allows the admin to add students in the database and fills the following fields: User Name Password First Name Last Name Code [USE COURIER FONT] 4.6.3 Remove User Function This code allows the admin to remove a user (student) from the database. Code [USE COURIER FONT] *All functions for the application are presented in Appendix C. 4.7 Application Screenshots The following are captured images from the screen of the application from testing students. Each image is accompanied by a brief explanation in order to provide the reader with a generally overview of the GUI interface and overall functionality of the system. 4.7.1 Addition of a New Student This dialog allows admin to add a new student. Figure 4.1: Add a New Student 4.7.2 Addition of a Question This screen allows admin to add a new question. Figure 4.2: Add a Question 4.7.3 View Results The admin can view student results from this screen. Figure 4.3: View Results 4.7.4 Student Database Creation Students can test their knowledge on database creation from this screen. Figure 4.4: Student Database Creation *All others screen are presented in Appendix D. 4.8 Evaluation The project’s aim was to create an efficient learning environment for teaching fundamentals of the SQL language using a web based application. The results of this project have been reviewed by a trial of twenty undergraduate students to present the following data. It can be seen that the objectives of the project have been achieved as follows: Research has been completed, highlighting a wealth of applicable data. The author has completed development and implementation using a number of tools and software packages to create coding, database, and interface, and upload the finished product to a live server. The third objective is verified in the following feedback from students, showing the overall success of the project as a tool for SQL learning. 4.9 Troubleshooting and Debugging The coding of the application has been evaluated and debugged by the author prior to student testing. Elements testing by the author include the following function: Add new student. Add question. Results. Testing of the Add New Student Function Test Plan Test Number 1 Tester(S) Function Add new student Result Pass Description To allow the admin to Add new student by a new user name and password for the student as well as the full name of the student into the system. Test case Users Data Fields Value(s) Entered Actual Result notes admin User Name (Text Field) Password (Text Field) First Name (Text Field) Last Name (Text Field) test 123 Alex LEX Successfully add user blank blank Alex Alex Error Message Testing of the Add Question Function Test Plan Test Number 2 Tester(S) Function Add question Result Pass Description To allow the admin to add question into the system by chose the question Type from the list , put the question and put the model answer. Test case Users Data Fields Value(s) Entered Actual Result notes admin Question Type (Text Field) Question (Text Field) Answer (Text Field) Create database Create a DB named aaa; Create a DB named aaa; successfully add question Create database blank blank Error Message Testing of the Results Function Test Plan Test Number 3 Tester(S) Function See the result Result Pass Description To allow the admin to see the result by Select student and Select question. Test case Users Data Fields Value(s) Entered Actual Result notes admin Select student (Text Field) Select question (Text Field) Show all Show all Successful result. 4.10 Student Evaluation: Student evaluation has been divided into two parts. 1. First Section - get the feedback from the student about the application . 2.  Second Section - test whether student learning is improves using the application. 4.10.1 Questionnaire A questionnaire for the first section to gauge student feedback. As it can be seen in Figure 4.5, there is just one student knows about alternative approaches to teach SQL of the twenty students sampled. Figure 4.5: Alternative Approaches Questionnaire In addition, there are fourteen students that enjoyed when they used the new SQL learning environment to help them to understand the SQL, but only three students that were not pleased with the experience, as shown in Figure 4.6. Figure 4.6: Feedback Questionnaire Each student states that they would recommend the application to students being introduced to the SQL language for the first time. 4.10.2 Effectiveness Testing The second section tests the overall effectiveness of the application on student learning. Students have been tested to verify whether the main objective of the application to improve student learning of the SQL programming has been achieved. The following student assessments have been made: Create database Create table Create query (Select) Insert table Test Plan Test Number 4 Tester(S) Function Create database Result Pass Description To allow the student to create database depend on the question which is display to student from the question table which is admin has been add it. Test case Users Data Fields Value(s) Entered Actual Result notes Student Database Name (Text Field) Test1 successfully create database and display the database code in SQL. blank Error Massage *All others Student Evaluations are represented in Appendix J Chapter 5: Conclusion 5.1 Conclusion Over the one hundred day course of this project, it has been proven that web-based teaching tools can be an effective and practical method for introducing students to the SQL language, and generally students are extremely responsive to the dynamic learning environment. A wealth of information exists regarding how SQL may be taught. In order to develop a new system for learning SQL that takes advantage of modern technology, it is important to examine not just SQL teaching methods, but the basis of learning itself. The web-based application developed in this project has numerous benefits over the traditional classroom, including twenty-four hour per day availability. Moreover, the project is cost effective and provides the best use of student and instructor time allotments. The project utilizes the waterfall model, following a step by step process that has lead to timely and effective project completion. The UML and use-case diagrams suggested by the project supervisor have also been implemented to maximum benefit. The author utilizes a variety of contemporary software systems and packages to achieve the best results possible for the integrated GUI interface, dynamic code, and database structure. This has resulted in a system that is both user-friendly and effective in teaching SQL. Evaluation has shown that web-based systems may be the future of teaching many programming language, including the SQL language, as evidenced by the positive results in the trials for this application. The author hopes to pursue the creation of even more sophisticated e-learning systems in the future, as this field is full of possibility. Read More
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