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Employability Skills - Assignment Example

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This paper "Employability Skills" discusses the skills of a particular person which are presented according to the following criteria: Technology, Communication, Learning, Self, Management, Initiative & Enterprise, Planning & Organizing, Teamwork, Problem Solving…
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Employability Skills
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Employability Skills Technology I am able to use work related technology efficiently and effectively to complete my allocated tasks/studies I am able to use work related technology efficiently and effectively in order to complete my tasks. Using a computer makes completion of tasks easy. One of the tasks is sending emails to CMU financial department for example during creating shipment for the customer since the metal had been produced and ready to be delivered, I was informed that the financial department blocked the order that the aluminium metal couldn’t leave alba since the customer did not pay for the order. I was advised from my head to contact the CMU department to release the order. Instead of shifting to one department and look the CMU employee, I simply sent an email informing them about the issue. This makes things more efficient and more effective. Technology I have assisted a fellow co-worker/student in using a form of new technology I have assisted one of the employees in using a form of new technology. Every person is specialized and more skilled in what they are good at which makes every person unique in their own way. For example, while I was at work my colleague asked me if I’m good at Microsoft Excel. Every morning the logistics supervisor has to prepare a report about the daily production of the metals. This report is prepared in order to be more organized and to be informed about the improvement and how to reduce high inventory. He uses Microsoft Excel to do such calculation about the metals exported and remaining in the inventory. Therefore, Jassim the supervisor asked me if I could fix the margins because everything was disorganized. I helped him by fixing the margins and instead of using a calculator to sum up each number of productions, excel could do the calculation. This made it much easier to complete the report on time instead of doing the math-using calculator. Jassim was unaware of the tools that were provided in Microsoft Excel since he is un-updated about the new technologies and improvements of the technology. Technology I am aware of NEW technology available in the market place that could assist me in doing my job/studies more effectively I am aware of new technology available in the Alba that could assist me in doing my job effectively. For example, every morning, my supervisor must visit the yard where the metals are being stored, in order to check the metals are in good condition before delivery. He asked me to go with him to have a clear background about their inventory. He gave me a small chip to keep it in my pocket; this chip is a sensor in which the lifting trucks can read that there are people in the yard in order the driver is aware. This new technology ensures your safety in the yard and will help the truck driver to avoid passing next to you, therefore this will help you complete your work more efficiently and effectively since you can walk in the yard easily because your safety is insured. Before, without this technology, the process of checking the metals in the inventory takes around 3 to 4 hours to complete their work. Now, after this technology, it takes one hour to check the whole inventory. Communication I am always understood when talking to colleagues/staff I am always understood when talking to staff. When attending a meeting, a person should always communicate with the other person and be very detailed because sharing ideas makes things much more clear. For example, I have attended meetings in Alba with my team. One of the meeting’s topic was how to optimize number of trucks. This meeting was planned because the number of metals was increasing and one truck cannot carry it in one delivery, therefore, we should book for another additional truck to carry the leftovers. This leads the company to pay extra money for the additional truck. Therefore, in this meeting I was understood what I was talking about and I shared my information with them in order to optimize number of trucks by giving solutions since I have a wide background from polytechnic. I gave them a solution in which they could add all the metals that can’t be carried till the end of the month and then deliver it in one batch instead of wasting money and delivering it per order. Communication I am able to use different methods for communication I am able to use different methods for communication, for example I have worked in Saleh Abdulla Kameshki Construction and Trading Company. It was my first experience in which it helped me in improving my skills. Working in this company helped me in improving my communication skills since I have learnt to use different methods of communications. I have learnt to answer phone calls in a professional and polite way since I was a coordinator and I arrange meetings for the manager with different clients in different companies. This helped me to gain confidence to communicate with different clients and employees. Also, when my head is on leave or in his break times, he allowed me to call Qatar to place orders since that is where their stone factory was located. This helped me to have self- confidence to communicate with different people of different age, gender, and nationalities. Also, sending an email in a professional way is one of the skills that I have gained in this company. Communication I am able to write a email/document with ease and don’t need to explain what I meant afterwards to the receiver Emails now days make everything much simpler and easier to reach the person desired. I am able to write an email with ease and don’t need to explain what I meant afterwards to the receiver. In Alba Company I have gained this skill, when writing an email by using professional short cuts in words. For example, I was asked from my supervisor to send FYI for the financial department I was curious and asked him its meaning, he told me FYA stands for, For Your Action. Also, instead of typing OK they type noted. As well as, writing a memo was one of the skills I have gained in Kameshki Trading and Construction Company. My supervisor taught me how to write memo for my manager in order to arrange meeting and the timing that the manager should free himself for the meeting. This type of communication makes things much more effective and takes less time to write. Learning I often look to other resources for information to solve work/study related problems I often look to other resources for information to solve work related problems. For example, in alba, in my first week of training, I was in-charge of doing some research about the global market conditions. Therefore, due to bad market global market conditions executive requirement, my supervisor asked me to conduct a clear forecast about premiums charged on aluminium products. I have done research about the actual premium charges of all customers in all regions in order to prepare a forecast of future premiums for Alba with relevance to today’s market conditions and likely to last till 2016. The report conducted will benefit Alba as a whole in being prepared to face the difficult arising in the future. This will emphasize Alba’s effort on focusing on aspects such as minimization of cost and preventing lost time injury. However, after completing this report, I have showed it my supervisor and he was amazed that the conduction of this report was relevant and excellent since the resources information have solved the problem. Learning I take criticism and feedback and use it to improve my efforts I have learnt to take criticism and feedback and use it to improve my efforts. For example, when I attend my weekly meetings in Bahrain Polytechnic with my supervisor in order to show him my work before submitting it to get my feedback. At first, I used to get mad since he did not like my work and always gives me comments in each part of my essay. I always argue with him that I have completed my work and now you want me to change the whole assignment. However, I thought of it that my supervisor wants the best for me in which he wants me to get high grades. Now, when I attend my meetings, whatever he tells me, I accept what he says and I don’t argue since these comments are for my own benefit. Therefore, I have learnt to take criticism and feedback since it will improve my efforts. Learning I have taken it upon myself to learn and improve my understanding of the working environment I have taken it upon myself to learn and improve my understanding of the working environment. Therefore, it is often said that study life is completely different than the work atmosphere, and I defiantly agree with that. For example, after working with Alba and Kameshki Trading and Construction Company, I have discovered many tasks and objectives that were brought up during my classes and courses of logistics that I have studied in Bahrain Polytechnic. For example, being punctual was one of the rules that we should follow in polytechnic. At first, I thought that it was just a rule, but when I have done my training I discovered that I must be punctual because one delay can cause a big problem to the production of the products in which this can easily damage the reputation of a well known and established company. This has helped me to improve my understanding of the working environment rules. Self-Management I do not need manager/tutor/colleagues to tell me what to do all of the time I do not need manager or a colleague to tell me what to do all of the time. But it is known when a new person is unfamiliar with a new place they wouldn’t know where to go or which direction to proceed to. For example, my first days in Alba, I felt that I was lost but with the help of the employees I found out where to go, which direction to proceed, and my duties. At first, my manager gave me a tour in the marketing department and introduced me to the staff that I will be working with. In the second week of my training, I sat with my supervisor and he taught me how to use Alba’s system, which is called SAP. At first, I found this SAP system a bit complicated since it was something new to me. However, day-by-day I began to become familiar in which I started to work on it without my supervisor to tell me what to do since it was a routine job and I got used to it. Self-Management I am able to multitask effectively and efficiently I am able to multitask effectively and efficiently in which it is a very useful for efficient time management that I have gained during my training. Engaging in multiple daily tasks has improved my multitasking skills tremendously. For example, working in Alba helped me to improve this skill since I was completing my job for the company as well as completing my work for Bahrain Polytechnic. In the very beginning, I was wondering how I will be able to complete my industry project since I must wake up everyday at 4am and stay at Alba till 3pm, and when I will get back home I will be tired and don’t have time to work on my project. However, day-by-day I managed myself in which I started to complete my Alba’s work in order to work on my project. Self-Management I meet all my deadlines as required I meet all my deadlines as required since I was taught to do that in polytechnic. If not, I will detect grades, which will due to failing my assignment. For example, once I have submitted my assignment half an hour late. This half an hour has deducted five percentage of my grade in which I got a failing grade. This was my first and last time to submit my assignment late. I have learnt from my mistake, in which I am looking forward to get a high grade in my industry project. I am submitting all of my work on time, and before submitting I send my draft to my supervisor in order to check if I am on the right track. Therefore, I am managing myself in which it helped me to meet all my deadlines as required. Initiative & Enterprise I can identify where problems exist and am able to recommend practical solutions We all face some problems and difficulties in life. When a problem arises a person should not shut down and stop thinking. However, due to the training I have done and the courses I have completed in polytechnic, I can identify where problems exist and am able to recommend practical solutions. For example, one of the problems that we face in our department and I’m proud to say that I am the one who solved it; was when me and my co-workers were trying to send an email. However an error would always show up saying the email was un-able to be delivered. At first we thought something was wrong with the software of our email. Therefore, when we asked around about the problem, we discovered that we were the only ones facing it. We tried to play around with the setting however nothing worked. After a while, when we “all of my workers” gave up except me, I asked them if the cable of our computer was connected to the Internet. Turns out we weren’t connected to the Internet. We all laughed because we didn’t think of that in the first place. Initiative & Enterprise I come up with the recommendations that my colleagues have not thought of Being an outsider to the company I had the ability to provide an external perspective. I come up with the recommendations that my colleagues had not thought of. Alba has a major focus on occupational safety, which allowed me to further, develop my mind in new horizons. Giving safety and healthy environment suggestions and thoughts raised awareness of other employees who were more complacent to their daily activities and routines. For example, once my manager asked me to talk and give a suggestion in what we can develop and enhance in their health and safety regulation. In my first days, I did not eat breakfast with the girls. Because they use a toaster to toast their breads, and this toaster is rusty in which they never changed it since years. I asked them to buy a new one since I was taught from my father that using rusty metals for cooking might cause cancer. Therefore, I came up with this recommendation since no one has paid his or her attention to it. Initiative & Enterprise I am always looking for a way to improve the current way of doing things I am always looking for a way to improve the current way of doing things. For example, when I submitted my proposal, I did not get approved. I got mad since I have done the whole proposal, and on completion, I did not get approved since the problem that I have chosen was a bit complicated and not related to transport and communication. Therefore, I decided to show my supervisor my work before submitting any assessment in which can change the parts that needs to be changed in order to get a distinction. I am looking forward to improve the current way of doing my assignments by showing my work. Before submitting any tasks, I need to show my work to my tutor or supervisor to give me comments and feedback to guide me. Planning & Organizing I use techniques to assist me in managing my time and priorities I use techniques to assist me in managing my time and priorities. I use two techniques to help me, and those are colour note pads and reminder application in my mobile phone. When I am at work, I use colour note pads to write the work that I need to complete today. For example, in Alba I record the orders that are ready to be delivered since there is more than one customer. This note pads are kept as my reminder in my office since I have a plenty of work to do. On the other hand, I use reminder application in my phone to remind me about the products that have been produced in a certain date. These techniques assist me to manage my time and also help me to complete my work on time. Planning & Organizing I have collected and coordinated information on a problem/task and provided structured feedback to team members/colleagues/management Throughout my training I was able to comprehend many business processes and information. I have collected and coordinated all information on a problem/task and provided structured feedback to team management. For example, when I started my training in Alba, I collected all the information that I was looking for. When I met my manager in Alba, I prepared questions about my topic that covered all the parts that I needed to mention in my project. My manager also suggested me to make an interview with the manager of logistics team since he could answer my entire questions clearly due to his wide background. These interviews assisted and facilitate me in my project in which I can complete easily. Planning & Organizing I have had to be adaptable to deal with an unexpected task/situation/emergency I am adaptable to deal with an unexpected situation or emergency. For example, when an employee gets employed in Alba, first thing they train you about safety, who to contact, where to go in emergency situation and all these things. One day, a spider bit one of my colleagues foot. When I saw the bit I told her to spray a perfume on it so it will reduce the itching. The day after, she came it was swollen and she couldn’t walk easily. So my friend and I took her to the medical centre in Alba. When we met the doctor, he told us what we did was right, because if we were late the swollenness may increase and may cause side effects in which they might make an operation to suction the poison. The doctor gave her an injection to reduce the pain and after two days the swollenness vanished. Therefore, in this situation, I am adaptable to deal with such emergency situation. Teamwork I have faced no problems working with the people even if they are a different age, race, religion or gender I was always taught in school and out to never discriminate people no matter what their race, religion, gender, and even age. I was raised and taught that we are all humans no matter what we believe in, skin colour, and age difference I was taught that we are all the same. For example, working in Saleh Abdulla Kameshki Company encouraged me to strengthening the relationship, in which I have work with different nationalities, ages, and genders. My supervisor in this company, her nationality was Pilipino. She was older than me, but I was interested to work with her since she has a very wide background about the company. She was so friendly, in which she introduced me to her colleagues and trained me very well. This lady also gave me permission to attend the company’s private meetings. I really enjoyed working with her since I felt comfortable and did not face any problem. Teamwork I am happy to share my ideas within the team even if this means the credit is shared I am happy to share my ideas within the team even if this means the credit is shared. For example, in Alba I have attended meetings with my logistics team. However, the meeting was about how to reduce the high inventory in order to store new production of the metal. Looking at this problem from the big picture, I have suggested storing the metal in a vertical way instead of storing it vertically, this will help them to reduce the storage and have empty places for new production. This shows that even if I am just doing my training it does not mean that I don’t have to share my ideas. Teamwork I am able to handle conflict within the team and achieve a positive outcome I am able to handle conflict with the team as long as I will achieve a positive outcome. In polytechnic we are used to work in groups as one hand. For example, in my beginning years in polytechnic, I did not like to work in groups because not everyone works with conscience. But now I really don’t care who does most of the work, I just ask them when they complete their parts of they assessment; they send me their work and I check it if everything is clear and right. I got used to share my ideas within the team even if this means the credit is shared. As long as I will get a distinction, I don’t mind to share my ideas. This proves that I’m not selfish, I need everyone to get high grades even if they did not effort in their work. Problem Solving I am able to understand all aspects of a problem and know there is not always a clear answer I am able to understand all aspects of a problem and know there is not always a clear answer. I believe that there is no single path or solution to all problems. Also, a problem can be perceived in several ways. For example, in my workplace (Alba), I noticed that different problems arise and that there are different opinions. In the case of truck optimization the problem was not clear. Since the problem was vague a big effort and investigation was required in which the company are paying extra money for extra trucks. Compiled data of past shipments made it clearer and the problem was understood. But in the other hand, we are still not sure how to solve the problem clearly. But from my point of view, I guess that the planning team should put a limit for each customer’s order. However, this is not the solution. My logistics team are aware and trying to find the best solution since they don’t want to spend extra money. Problem Solving I am able through the process of elimination to determine the most suitable solution to the problem I am able through the process of elimination to determine the most suitable solution to the problem. Finding the best solution to a problem is a challenging task. It is always easier to have suggestions and estimations. For example, one of the problems that my team and I faced in Kameshki Company is that we didn’t have enough of stones for our customer, and the delivery takes around 3-5 days to receive. However, it took more than 3-5 days since the driver had an accident while driving to Bahrain. At first we though that he ran away with the stone because we couldn’t reach him, after 24 hours we got a phone call from the hospital that he made an accident and got injured. This caused the delivery to be delayed. Meanwhile, we had to look for another driver to get the stocks from Qatar. When he did not answer the phone call, I suggested we look for an alternative driver as soon as possible in order to not delay the goods. This was the most suitable solution to the problem. Problem Solving I understand the solutions to problems need to be realistic based on the available resources I understand the solutions to problems need to be realistic based on the available resources. For example, to complete my industry project and score a high grade, I have to find a problem in my organization and then do some research about it in order to find a suitable solution. My problem is that how to export the metal from Bahrain to KSA through the causeway efficiently. After completing my research, I found the the best solution which was to expand King Fahad’s Causeway and have a special road lane for trucks. This solution is realistic since after my research I found out that there is a space to build an extra road in King Fahad’s Causeway. Read More
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