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Personal and Professional Employee Coaching - Case Study Example

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In both personal and professional coaching, there exist numerous definitions of coaching, owing to the divergent contexts under which the term is used. ICF defines employee or professional coaching as an ongoing professional relationship that helps people produce extraordinary…
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Personal and Professional Employee Coaching
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Employee Coaching Employee Coaching Introduction In both personal and professional coaching, there exist numerous definitions of coaching, owing to the divergent contexts under which the term is used. ICF defines employee or professional coaching as an ongoing professional relationship that helps people produce extraordinary results in their lives, careers, businesses or organizations. From ICF’s definition, we can deduce that its the coaching procedure enables clients being coached to increase their learning, raise the efficiency of their performance and standards of living (Maynard, 2006, pp.24-63). Besides ICF, Kilburg defines coaching as an assisting relationship created to attain a mutually identified set of objective, showing that the coach and client relationship is an association founded more on reciprocity than for the primary intention of seeking or providing consultancy services. Both definitions lay emphasis on realizing individual and professional goals. This widens the contexts under which the definitions can be used. But Belf described the coaching procedure as structured and continuous, laying emphasis on action, performance improvements and individual learning and development (Maynard, 2006, pp.24-63). Becoming more specific, Frisch described coaching as a one-on-one intervention engineered to enhance professional development within the confines of an organization, and should be distinct from other general consultative responsibilities offered by internal consultants and human resource experts since it is focused at the personal level (Maynard, 2006, pp.24-63). The most famously cited definition is Kilberg’s, describing employee or executive coaching as a helping relationship formed between a client who has managerial authority and responsibility in an organization and a consultant who uses a wide variety of behavioral techniques and methods to help the client to achieve mutually identified set of goals to improve his or her professional performance and personal satisfaction, and consequently, to improve the effectiveness of the client’s organization within a formally defined coaching agreement (Maynard, 2006, pp.24-63). It is worth noting that Kilberg meant contract when he was talking about a formal agreement. When employee an organization outsources employee coaching services, privacy with regard to other employees can be assured. But if the coaching agreement is formed within the organization between an employee and an in-house coach, secrecy is at greater peril. When an in-house professional is overseeing the coaching process, the procedure is termed as internal coaching, described by Frisch as a one-on-one development intervention supported by the organization and provided by a colleague of those coached who is trusted to shape and deliver a program yielding individual professional growth (Maynard, 2006, pp.24-63). From Frisch’s conceptualization of internal coaching environment, achieving complete confidentiality is a tall order, given that most job related issues surrounding employee performance is not only talked about, but also examined, assessed and judged by workmates who may be biased, partisan and like gossiping with other colleagues (Maynard, 2006, pp.24-63). Most contemporary Human Resource scholars recommend Frisch’s arguments, stating that it is in the best interest of an organization and its employees that an outsider be sourced to offer the coaching services, since they are not directly linked to the operation of the organization. As such, they offer unbiased views on employee performance (Maynard, 2006, pp.24-63). The most divergent and distinct definitions of coaching come from Laske and Hargrove. Laske description of coaching uses a unique terminology associated solely to the model it defines. He defines it as the multidirectional ability to observe executive organization interaction in two related mental spaces called the Professional House and the Company House, for the purpose of bringing about not only adaptive but transformative change (Maynard, 2006, pp.24-63). Hargrove on the other hand while referring strictly to transformational coaching defines it as a process that enables clients to broaden their vision. Employee coaching models 1996 witnessed the surfacing of a variety of employee coaching models used by organizations up to this day. This era is also regarded as tremendously academic in nature. The employee coaching models developed during this timeframe differ in theoretical use, approach, angle and situation (Maynard, 2006, pp.24-63). Most of the researches at that time used the team approach, in which external professionals were invited to coordinate the client’s target setting while making sure that the requirements and expectations of the organization were realized. Thereafter, various significant themes began to be prioritized, as skill-based competencies vital to achieving convincing results continued to be emphasized. Team Based Approach Models Some of the first employee coaching methodologies brought forward was the systems-oriented, team-based approach, comprised of three unique stages. Outsourced consultants oversaw and designed the teamwork progression. In the first stage, factual individual and professional information is collected concerning the client’s past records and a psychological testing undertaken (Maynard, 2006, pp.24-63).Extra facts about the client and the client’s responsibility in the context of the system or organization is collected from comrades an important people in the client’s personal life. The second lasts for nearly 4 days and is in most cases known as insight session, whereby planning and consolidation of gathered facts are undertaken between the coach, the client, and a professional team. At this point in time, performance targets are set and personal action strategies defined so as to meet those targets .(Wageman and Hackman, 2001, pp.279-287). Once done, the third phase sets in, where implementation and development of the personal strategies of the stages are undertaken. This may last for two years and beyond. During this period of time, coaching, support, counseling and response go on as the coached employee put efforts towards meeting the defined goals (Maynard, 2006, pp.24-63). In the third phase, six-month status visits are often made by the team of consultants to evaluate the developments and support in redefinition of the targets if necessary (Wageman and Hackman, 2001, pp.279-287). Another team based modeling methodology makes use of outsourced consultants, conceptualized by Saporito. It is comprised of four phases. The first stage starts with laying the foundation. This involves describing the context of the whole procedure by pointing out organizational necessities, action stages the client must go through to satisfactorily meet the organization’s expectations, along with the behavioral requirements needed towards that end (Wageman and Hackman, 2001, pp.279-287). The second phase is concerned with examination of the client’s capabilities and weaknesses with the use of a 360-degree feedback instrument (Maynard, 2006, pp.24-63). The third stage always focuses on developmental planning, where leadership skills are inculcated through response provided by both the consultant and the client’s manager or boss. It is in this stage that the client acquires in-depth insight relating to the developmental themes requiring redress. Finally, the fourth stage concerns the actualization of the development objectives though constant coaching, assistance and feedback. In actuality, this is the stage of the procedure which gives rise to growth and development of the employee’s career and skills. Tobias developed another team based coaching approach made up of four steps. It uses managerial feedback and backing organized by an outsourced coach. This is a contextual and systems-based approach, whose first step begins with an initial appointment with the client, with the objective of identifying problems faced and engineer a preliminary plan of action to overcome the problems or impediments. Discussions are always done at length on the boundaries of privacy and confidentiality with respect to the company and the employee’s bosses (Wageman and Hackman, 2001, pp.279-287). The second stage is characterized by a series of psychological examinations and a 360-degree feedback to find out individual traits, behavioral capabilities, and emotional maturity. It is vital at this point in time to zero in on the clients capabilities, not weaknesses. This has the benefit of lowering client opposition, giving room for the client to openly discuss the real weaknesses non-defensively. In the third stage, follow-up arrangements with both the client and the organization’s administration are conducted for the objective of gathering feedback. Once complete, the fourth stage, which is often a continuous coaching support stressing on finding out extra resources and solutions that will aid the client’s progress (Wageman and Hackman, 2001, pp.279-287). Besides the already exhausted team-based coaching methodologies, Kilburg came up with a multi-dimensional systems approach that includes five major segments. The first is the designing of an intervention agreement, in which targets, confidentiality and the entire procedure are talked about at length and a consensus reached. Commitment is also assured in terms of time and resources. Thereafter, a firm client-consultant relationship is formed, where transferences are spotted out and dealt with. The third step is a continued process of establishing and managing expectations of the entire coaching process (Wageman and Hackman, 2001, pp.279-287). Then comes the fourth stage, in which the facilitation of cognitive and behavioral capabilities needed to gully understand the challenges that surface in the process of goal attainment, is undertaken. The ultimate step in this model is the constant analysis and examination of client progress (Maynard, 2006, pp.24-63). Leadership Development Models Employee coaching is usually concerned with development of leadership abilities. Katz and Miller came up with a skill-based external coaching model solely vital for in coaching leadership skills that will nurture a trend of transformation within an organization for the objective of inclusivity. The first segment of this model involves creating a strong foundation of relationship between the top administration and the external team of consultants (Maynard, 2006, pp.24-63). Creating a good rapport founded on mutual trust leads to the formation of a safe environment under which learning can take place. Consultants are afterwards allowed to design the skills required for changing from an exclusive to an all-inclusive multidimensional company, composed of a diversified workforce, capable of adopting a broad range of views. This process is undertaken with stress on co-operation, which guide, assist and inspire administrators to share power, authority and responsibilities. During this stage, administrators are always provided with the chance to actualize the new skills with a consultant prior to applying them in the work setting (Maynard, 2006, pp.24-63). Day suggests that leadership development models ought to differentiate leader development and leadership that arouses definition of a conceptual setting. If leadership development models are to bear fruits, they must include progression of human potentials while leaving a monumental social implication. Leader development primarily emphasizes bringing transformations within an organization. Apart from executive coaching, areas such as networking, mentoring and role assignments are utilized in leadership development approaches. A company’s top brass may also require development learning, guidance and therapies to realize leadership competence (Maynard, 2006, pp.24-63). Human Development Models A detailed coaching structure designed by Laske, which embraces many organizational and personal improvement standards. In it, Laske identifies and defines two categories of coaching-first and second order coaching. In the first category, the consultant adopts a political or structural viewpoint to enhance their client’s development in an executive duty. In the second category, the consultant must draft a more international angle for the objective of inculcating leadership skills that need distinguishing multiple perspectives on organizational matters. The methodology has a life span development technique which makes use of cognitive, psychodynamic and behavioral theories (Maynard, 2006, pp.24-63). Further, Quick and Macik-Frey provided a developmental coaching methodology, which utilizes an interpersonal approach premised on the stages of promoting self awareness and introspection of in-depth interpersonal communication. The model is tiered into two, with the external tier touching on issues surrounding organizational communication skills that are considered necessary for the executive role. The internal tier is on the other hand composed of generating interpersonal communication skills understood to be more intimate in form, and go a long way in improving emotional intelligence. Coaching clients using this model yields therapeutic outcomes for both the person and the company. The top brass of the organization also benefits by obtaining a broad understanding and sense of individual integrity, which, in the process, have positive effects on the organization (Maynard, 2006, pp.24-63). Integrative Model Orenstein demonstrated an integrative model for executive coaching, comprising of eight stages founded on the premise that the unconscious has a vital influence in both individual and group behaviors. This model incorporates the personal and organizational needs, together with the dynamics that dictate the linking of both, with specific emphasis put on the consultant facilitating the ‘use of self’ for executive performance in a company. The eight phases of the model is inclusive of the initial contact, the introductory meeting, common goal setting, approval of contract, formal evaluation, response, coaching and termination (Maynard, 2006, pp.24-63). Compliance Model One of the pressing issues affecting satisfactory coaching results is opposition. Kilberg, following the development of a systems approach to coaching centered his attention on ways of addressing resistance. His case study shows a compliance model of coaching that handles matters of protocol and compliance by highlighting eight fundamental segments of a successful intervention (Maynard, 2006, pp.24-63). The first and the second components are devotion to a course or progressive development by both the consultant and client, followed by an understanding of the client’s challenges and matters; an organized client-coach rapport; worth of the coaching solutions and the right use of the coaching instruments; adherence set of rules whereby long-run goals are strictly observed and analyzed and opposition to barriers are handled accordingly. The seventh and eighth components recommend that the organizational context of both the client and the coached ought to be carefully assessed for adequate time and resources so as to maximize the results (Maynard, 2006, pp.24-63). Conclusion and Implications Having reviewed the entire coaching process, it is vital to mention the benefits it has on an organization and its employees. First, coaching plays a vital role in improving the employees’ wellbeing. Indeed, positive psychology coaching has a monumental impact on hope, resilience, self-effectiveness and work commitment (Hall, 2014, pp. 11-12) . These impacts die out within the first three months, but remain more valuable than the workforce that has not undergone the coaching process (Hall, 2014, pp. 11-12) . Secondly, the expenditures incurred in the hiring and recruitment process are much higher than having employees undergo a coaching process. Like acquiring new customers, the costs associated with employing new workers are high. Employers pump and channel thousands, sometimes millions of dollars towards recruiting new laborers (Lauby, 2013, pp.5-6). They also spend time and resources in activities involving recruiting, interrogating and interviewing, hiring, orientation and training new workers. Thus in the event that a long-serving employee makes a mistake, it is always in the best interest of the organization to explore other means such as coaching and mentoring, rather than dismissal and termination (Lauby, 2013, pp.5-6). Finally, career in the present times is realized more broadly than in growth in position in companies. The picture of modern career is characterized by salary increments; change of working environment, character or in some cases, improvements in level of responsibilities, competence and qualification. For these ideal situations to be realized, coaching has to be considered. Coaching therefore plays an integral role in improving an organization’s operational efficiency and service delivery (Meiliene, Neverauskas and Ciutiene, 2010, pp. 444-452). References Hall, L., 2014. Studies offer “Compelling Evidence” of Benefits of Coaching Self Efficacy. Coaching at Work, [e-journal] 9 (2), pp.11-12. Available at < > [Accessed 23 April, 2014] Lauby, S., 2013. Coaching Costs Less than Hiring New Employees. Compensation & Benefits, [e-journal], pp.5-6. Available at < > [Accessed 23, 2014] Maynard, S., 2006.Personal and Professional Coaching: A Literature Review. Journal of Psychology, [e-journal], pp. 24-63. Available at < > [Accessed 23 April 24, 2014] Meiliene, E., Neverauskas, B., and Ciutiene, R., 2010. Coaching as a Tool to Develop Employees Career. Economics and Management, [e-journal] 15, pp. 444-452. Available at < > [Accessed 23, 2014] Wageman, R., and Hackman, R.J., 2001. A Theory of Team Coaching. Academy of Management Review, [e-journal] 30 (2), pp. 279-287. Available at < > [Accessed 23 April, 2014] Read More
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