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Leadership Skills in Ghee Huat Co. Pte Marketing Team - Assignment Example

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The author examines leadership concepts and models that can be applied in Ghee Huat Co. Pte Ltd Marketing Team, application of the models to enhance personal leadership skills, motivational factors of members of Ghee Huat Co. Pte Ltd Marketing Team, and components of an effective team…
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Leadership Skills in Ghee Huat Co. Pte Marketing Team
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Leadership Skills in Ghee Huat Co. Pte marketing team Leadership skills are significant for an effective marketing team in Ghee Huat Co. Pte Ltd which is an animal feeds company in Singapore. The marketing team leader possesses effective communication skills to acquire and distribute information among the team members successfully. This is because communication maintains a focused team that is flexible and able to react positively to changes in the marketing environment, hence the team can not loose direction. The leader is creative and understanding in regard to the desires and characteristics of the team, which allows him to be aware of the capabilities of the members. His Inter-personal skills are significant in promoting cohesion among group members. When the team members establish strong relationships, they are able to learn from each other, and also work to accomplish a shared vision (Lamb & McKee, 2004). The leader has the capacity to control the team, which makes it possible to give it direction and to ensure that the objectives are met. In other words, he sets the pace for the team and ensures that the members are facilitated to accomplish their tasks. This involves the ability to counsel when there appears to be difficulties, performance and reward management, correction of team members who are unable to meet the target, and to be accountable for the team’s actions (Mullins, 2007). These are competences that are significant for successful teams. The leader possesses organizational skills that are important in ensuring that the team’s activities are accomplished according to the organizational strategy. He also possesses mentorship skills that enhance performance especially for the new team members. Mentorship is important especially in the marketing activities whereby members of the team are likely to loose focus due to the many activities involved and the number of people that they interact with, who have different opinions regarding an organization’s products. Encouragement keeps the members hopeful even during difficult times (Rollinson, 2003). Leadership Concepts that can be applied in Ghee Huat Co. Pte Ltd Marketing Team The first concept is purpose, which is significant for team performance. The people need to have clear information regarding the marketing goals and targets as well as the challenges that they might encounter in their activities. Moreover, the members need to understand the value of their contribution to the team (Jeffrey, 2007). Empowerment is also a significant concept in teamwork that is focused on the capacity of individuals in the accomplishment of team goals. When group members do not feel confident to accomplish tasks, the desired results can not be achieved. Relationships need to be maintained in the team to ensure that members are able to exchange knowledge and work towards accomplishing a shared vision. Communication between members allows them to understand each other and exchange ideas thereby maintaining high performance. Flexibility in leadership is significant especially due to the fact that changes occur with in the process of implementing the team activities (Baumeister & Vohs, 2004). Whenever changes occur, flexibility allows team members to become accustomed easily thereby maintaining high performance. Optimal productivity is also significant as it generates satisfaction among the team members. The leader needs to offer feedback regarding the activities of the team to ensure that they are motivated by showing them that their contribution is meaningful. Team members need to be recognized and appreciated to maintain a high morale for work. Leadership Models that can be applied in Ghee Huat Co. Pte Ltd Marketing Team Bolman & Deal (1991) developed the four framework model. The structural framework in this model involves an analytical leader who designs a plan through experimentation and analysis thereby coming up with a working structure. The human resource framework on the other hand supports the team and is concerned with the manner in which the team accomplishes the organizational activities. He/she tries to empower the team members to improve their performance. The political framework describes a situation whereby the leader maintains close relationship among members of the team to ensure that they pursue shared goals. The symbolic framework is where the leader inspires the team members to maintain morale for work. The four approaches can be used to maintain high performance in the team. The other leadership model that can be applied in this situation is team leadership whereby the leader is focused on maintaining high performance in the group tasks while at the same time enhancing the relationship between team members to ensure that they work together to accomplish group activities. Each member values the other team members and ensures that activities are in line with the team objectives. It is important to avoid boss centred leadership whereby the power and authority are all in the leader, including all the decision making and planning. These may negatively affect the team’s performance since they do not have an opportunity to utilize their potential (Harold & Frank, 2009). Relevance of the Models Bolman and Deal’s four framework approach and team leadership models are relevant for leaders in marketing teams. For example, the structural framework in this model can be applied in marketing whereby the leader analyzes the market situation and designs and experiments the strategy according to the market situation. The marketing team follow the plan to accomplish the organizational goals. The human resources, symbolic and political frameworks together with team leadership are relevant in establishing strong marketing teams and ensuring that members of the team are empowered to accomplish the organizational goals (Bolman & Deal, 1991). Application of the Models to enhance Personal Leadership Skills The human resources framework can be applied to enhance personal leadership skills through offering unending support subordinates. Through this approach, leadership would be based on constructive critique of the progress in the execution of tasks and offering informed advice on the areas that need to be rectified. As a leader, such strategies enhance learning and they are useful for the accomplishment of the overall organizational goals. Maintaining strong relationships among subordinates through team building is important in enhancing leadership skills through sharing ideas with the team members (Weightman, 2008). The leader in such a situation learns from the various points of view from the team members, thereby upgrading leadership skills. In this leadership situation, the continuum leadership behaviour is subordinate centred, whereby their freedom is more than the authority that the boss commands. Assignment 2 of 3 Explore Motivational Factors of Members of Ghee Huat Co. Pte Ltd Marketing Team Motivation is a strategy that is applied by leaders to enhance the performance of subordinates. People are encouraged to utilize their maximum potential through creating an enabling environment to work, offering incentives and any other factor that can stimulate the subordinates to improve their output. Ghee Huat Co. Pte Ltd applies various motivation factors that can be explained through the need based motivation theories whereby members of the production team are motivated differently depending on their needs as in the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (Nahapiet & Ghoshal, 1998). Priority is given to the particular needs of each individual when trying to identify the needs that need to be satisfied. Rewards influence motivation team members especially when they match their individual needs. These are usually financial or non-financial, tangible or intangible rewards that make people feel appreciated for accomplishing organizational tasks. Monetary rewards are used in most cases as a stimulant for hard work. However, the level of motivation depends on the need that the gift or the monetary rewards satisfy. For individuals high in the Maslow’s hierarchy, monetary rewards may not motivate them the same way as those low in the hierarchy (Tjosvold, & Smith, 2003). Self actualization and esteem, which are non financial rewards, may be desirable in the higher end than the lower end of the hierarchy where financial needs may be more desirable. On the other hand, the goal theory is also applied. It is based on the fact that individuals derive satisfaction from executing tasks effectively and accomplishing their predetermined goals (Dessler et al. 1999). Achievement is usually the driving force towards effective performance. A person usually tends to maintain high standards of performance to assert his/her prowess to oneself and to others. People tend to base their abilities on the past performances as well as their capacity to perform better than their peers on the same tasks. For example, an older member of the team would be motivated to perform better than the new members. In other words, if members of a team comprise of experienced and newly employed individuals, the old members will be motivated to outperform the new ones. On the other hand, if members of a team attach great importance to the ultimate goal there is a possibility of them being motivated to work hard to be successful (Jeffrey, 2007). Explaining the purpose of undertaking a particular task has always been vital to in ensuring that team members understand why they have to make efforts for to complete the tasks. The purpose of the tasks is defined through a clear mission statement to ensure that everyone conceptualizes the goal and links it to personal needs. The goal theory applies in this case whereby individuals understand what they are supposed to expect after their contribution in accomplishing the tasks and they get the results of their efforts, they become motivated to work hard to reach the desired goals, which improves their output. People have also a tendency to be stimulated by a challenging task. They react to challenges by utilizing their potential to the maximum and eventually get satisfied with accomplishing a difficult task (Nahavandi, 2002). Teamwork is also a motivating factor especially when the members would like their relationship to last. Teams in the company are motivated by having particular responsibilities that are shared among the members. Responsibility helps to generate ownership of goals and organizational objectives. Individuals are given authority to determine the necessary changes in the process of accomplishing the tasks for which they are responsible. When individuals and teams command authority over particular tasks in the organization, they tend to be motivated to be satisfied in the same position longer. Personal growth and career development are major factors that can motivate individuals and teams (Sadler, 2003). If there are opportunities for expanding knowledge, people tend to be motivated to work hard. Opportunities for team growth motivate the members to remain in the particular team to expand their skills and individual worth. However, the leadership style applied in the team matters. Good leadership allows personal growth and career development. Individuals are motivated to work under leaders who allow them opportunities to expand their knowledge base. Actions to Increase or Maintain Motivation of Team Members Enhancing satisfaction among team members through allowing flexible work practices is important so as to allow them to plan their own tasks and also come up with creative ideas that generate enthusiasm in the team. It is important to assign the challenging tasks to the old members of the team to set the standards of performance. As a leader, establishing a strong relationship with the team members motivates them to accomplish the organizational objectives, especially assisting them to make strong decisions and establish solutions during difficult times. Moral support motivates them while accomplishing tiresome tasks (Johnson, 1998). This involves being present in the place of work while the employees are undertaking tasks. It is also to offer performance based rewards. The actions to motivate team members are appropriate in maintaining their interest to remain in the team. For example, satisfaction indicates that they would prefer to remain in the team, which can be achieved through accomplishing organizational goals. On the other hand, when the members are allowed to be creative in regard to setting goals and accomplishing tasks, they tend to discover and expand their knowledge, which is important for the organization due to increased effectiveness. Strong relationships with team members as well as moral support facilitate problem identification and establishment of solutions in the workplace. Rewards encourage the team members to work harder to meet the performance target (Katzenbach, 1998). The actions taken to motivate the marketing team in Ghee Huat Co. Pte Ltd involves performance based rewards whereby the employees are given an extra 10% commission on top of their salaries that is calculated from the sales they have made in a month. When the sales are low, they are still guaranteed their normal salary and therefore they are motivate to work hard to sell more for the commission, which may even go beyond their monthly salaries when the sales are highest. They are also motivated by the fact that they have the freedom to develop their own strategies for accomplishing the sales (Begin, 1997). This has been useful in maintaining job satisfaction and creativity thereby increasing sales and hence improved productivity. Assignment 3 of 3 Components of an Effective Team An effective team usually focuses on the accomplishment of shared goals that are developed from the common mission of the team. This is significant in decision making and planning and also in sharing of roles. Each individual in an effective team has a unique role that is assigned to him/her depending on his/her capabilities thereby enhancing the accomplishment of tasks and the avoidance of duplication of roles. The team’s meetings are well organized and are attended by all the members. Decision making is easier when all members attend meetings and contribute their views in regard to accomplishment of the organizational objectives (Collins, 2001). On the other hand, a team becomes successful when the members’ opinions in decision making are respected. Members have to communicate with each other effectively to ensure smooth accomplishment of tasks. Communication needs to become efficient over time as members of the team become used to each other after the formative stages. Trust is significant among the members of the team and should be the basis of its strength. Members should also demonstrate respect to each other’s opinion during meetings as well as while undertaking their tasks. They need to be willing to assist, which demonstrates team spirit in undertaking organizational tasks. Attributes of an Ineffective Team and causes of the Negative Factors An ineffective team is usually characterized by an environment that is unnecessarily formal and with minor cooperation among the members. There is little or no interaction between the members, which generates a tense atmosphere. There is usually no sharing of tasks and members usually seem intimidated by a higher power. Motivating challenges are absent and each member pursues a unique goal, which indicates the absence of a shared goal and commitment. Conflict resolution is usually difficult and problem solving is not communal. Communication among members is poor, which hampers the decision making process. On the other hand, all members do not participate effectively in discussions. Rather, it is only the ideas of a few people that are adopted in the formation of the group strategies. On the other hand, all members do not concentrate on the group discussions. They tend to withhold their opinions for fear of rejection while on the other hand they do not appreciate the opinions of the few who contribute to discussions (Rollinson, 2003). There are bureaucratic characteristics in the group whereby some members feel inferior for belonging at the bottom of the hierarchy while others top in the hierarchy demand attention and obedience, leading to dictatorship. The procedures of group operations tend to be misunderstood by some of the members, which lead to conflict. The bureaucratic leadership favours decisions that are supported by the majority. Some members oppose the opinions of others without justifiable reason. The leader tends to establish a following among few strong members in the group, which generates rivalry among members. He/she appraises members in a subjective manner and therefore may not be liked by all. Review of performance and analysis of the hindrances that the group faces are avoided and the leader is in charge of reporting to the stakeholders (Murphy, 2009). The members rarely discuss or meet with the stakeholders. Positive Influences Leading to Effectively Accomplishment of Tasks and Objectives The positive influences include an established team’s mission that the members are committed to accomplish. All members share particular organizational goals that enable them to visualize what they should be expecting. The mission needs to be developed at the developmental stage of the team to guide the members in the development of the team goals. Effectively performing members must have understood the team goals in the formative stage of the group. The structure of the team is also a major determinant of its success. The capabilities of individuals have to match their roles in the group for objectives to be accomplished. The correct matching of individuals to the right job is achieved through personality profiling, which enhances the team’s development and fast maturity. It is significant in talent management leading to job satisfaction and retention, efficient coaching, and maintenance of the morale of the team members among other benefits. On the other hand, a successful team follows a set of rules that govern its operations, which must be adhered to by the members. The standards of performance are set based on the team’s values and norms (Brooks, 2002). All the team members participate in setting the standards that have to be in line with the organizational standards. The dynamics of the team also influence effective accomplishment of objectives. The team undergoes the developmental stages to maturity whereby the members acquire confidence regarding their capacity to undertake difficult tasks. At this stage, the team is strong enough to review and achieve objectives with ease. Team controls enable the members to be efficient in their roles by understanding them as well as their contribution to the team’s accomplishments. A mature team consists of members who are able to approach problems with sophistication, which is a major reason for effectiveness in teams. The members are empowered to deal with any issues affecting the team rather than solving individual problems (Burke & Cooper, 2003). References Baumeister, R. F.; Vohs, K. D. (2004), Handbook of Self-regulation: Research, theory and applications, New York: Guilford Press. Begin, J. P.  1997. Dynamic human resource systems: cross-national comparisons. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. Bolman, L. G. and Deal, T. E. 1991. “Leadership and Management Effectiveness: a Multi- Burke, R. & Cooper, C. 2003. Leading in Turbulent Times, Blackwell Brooks I. 2002. Organisational Behaviour: Individuals, Groups and Organisation, Prentice Hall Collins, J. 2001. Good to Great, Random House Business Books Dessler, G., Griffiths, J., Lloyd-Walker, B.M., & Williams, A. (1999), Human Resource Management, Prentice-Hall, Melbourne Harold, E. & Frank P. S. (2009). Value-Driven Project Management, John Wiley & sons.  Jeffrey, P. K. (2007). Project Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage, Pearson Prentice Hall. Johnson, J. R. 1998. “Embracing change: a leadership model for the learning organization”. International Journal of Training and Development, Vol. 2, 2 pp 141-147 Katzenbach, J. 1998. Teams at the Top, Harvard Business School Press. Lamb, L. F., McKee, K. B. (2004). Applied Public Relations: Cases in Stakeholder Management, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Routledge Mullins, L. (2007). Management & Organisational Behaviour, 8th Edition, FT Pearson, Harlow.   Murphy, J. 2009). Inner Excellence. McGraw-Hill. Nahapiet, J., & Ghoshal, S. (1998), “Social capital, intellectual capital, and the organizational advantage”, Academy of Management Review, Vol. 23 No.2, pp.242-66. Nahavandi, A. 2002. The Art and Science of Leadership, Prentice Hall Rollinson, D. 2003. Organisational Behaviour and Analysis, Prentice Hall. Sadler, P. 2003. Leadership, Kogan Page, Tjosvold, W. & Smith, K. (2003). International Handbook of Organizational Teamwork and Cooperative Working, New York: John Wiley & Sons Weightman, J. 2008. The Employee Motivation Audit, Cambridge Strategy Publications Read More
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