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Managing Diversity and Equality - Coursework Example

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"Managing Diversity and Equality" paper explores the article entitled “Leaked list out Aussie Fascist Supporters” from a diversity study viewpoint. By utilizing theories of diversity, the article is assessed whether or not it implies racism in line with their anti-migration view…
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Managing Diversity and Equality
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I. Introduction This paper aims to explore the article en d “Leaked list out Aussie fascist supporters” from a diversity study viewpoint. By utilizing theories of diversity, the article is assessed whether or not it implies racism in line with their anti-migration view. By analyzing the comments and the quotes of the people, as well as their intents from points of view like economic and organizational differences, and historical and contextualized approach, we see that the comments that are given by the people do not imply racism. We see the reasons behind those comments as we analyze from where these people are standing in order for them to give comments. In the end, we determine that the comments have nothing to do with racism, as explained and supported by some theories of diversity, and that the anti-migration stand of the people who give comment are backed up by other reasons other than racism. II. Body A. Major point: anti-migration issue The article is entitled “Leaked list out Aussie fascists supporters” which is written by Asher Moses and downloaded from the on November 21, 2008. The article probes the reaction of some of the fifteen Australians that are seen to be included in a leaked database of names who are members or supporters of the British Nationalist Party. The British Nationalist Party, according to the article is “shunned by many of those outside Britains ultra-conservative sphere due to its hardline, racist views - including that foreigners should be sent home (Moses 1).” Some of the fifteen Australian members of BNP are asked regarding their comment on the list published on the internet that contains their names. Two of them, Arthur Grice and Benjamin Hugh have raised some points as regards their view regarding anti-migration. Both of them declare that they do not see white people as “inherently superior” but have given some views why they support curtailment of mass migration. B. Organizational/economic perspective of diversity This issue can first be analyzed by using the organizational or economic perspective of diversity, which Maddy Janssens and Chris Steyaert explored in their paper entitled “Theories of Diversity within Organisation Studies: Debates and Future Trajectories (2003).” According to them, diversity can be looked and analyzed from an economic and organizational perspective. This perspective analyzes diversity by the characteristics that impact the organization. In the article, Benjamin Hugh articulates his opinion as follows,"if youre a white person and youre not very skilled well I suggest youd better hurry up and get skilled because why the hell wold you want to hire a white person thats unskilled - if youre a businessman youd rather hire and Asian or an African because theyre a lot cheaper and they do the job for you.” As Hugh comments about the impact of ethnicity to job opportunities, Hugh wishes to shift the emphasis of diversity from a functional standpoint—which is based on differences in thinking, processing information and dealing with authority to a cultural standpoint which is based on religion, age, ethnicity, and language ability. This shift in emphasis as Hugh supports anti-migration is because, according to the article “he just feared white Britons would ‘be a minority in their own country’ if migration wasnt curtailed (Moses 2008, 2)” Arthur Grice comments in relation to anti-migration, “We see every year 10,000 or so acres of crown land chopped down to make way for houses that a country the size of the United Kingdom shouldnt really need (Moses 2008, 1).” He further adds, “you dont put 100 people in a boat built for 20 ... this isnt a question about race, its a question about culture (1).” Both Arthur Grice’s and Benjamin Hugh’s comments pertain to their “concern for their ancestry and the white Britons” and not related to bigotry and racism. What the two are trying to say, is that as competition for opportunities increase because of mass migration, the white Britons are faced with unequal opportunities that are more determined by “the functional differences” that put some of them in a disadvantage in their own lands. The shift of emphasis on cultural differences in order to deter diversity as the two seem to propose is for the white Britons to gain opportunities based on their ethnicity and nationality, as they are the long-time inhabitants of the land. This shift of emphasis on cultural differences is grounded on reasons that are related to social embeddedness, as will be discussed in the succeeding section. C. Historical and contextualized approach to diversity: reasons for the comments in the article Arthur Grice’s and Benjamin Hugh’s comments, as we can later see, do not intend to demean people of other ethnicities as they support anti-migration views of the BNP. As previously mentioned, this shift of emphasis from functional differences to cultural differences, as the two note in the article, is for the white Britons to not become minority in their own lands. The economic and organizational perspective of looking at the diversity poses individual and organizational effects. However, what has been neglected, as according to Janssens and Steyaert in their paper (2003, 23) is the concept of social embeddedness of diversity—where diversity is accepted in the social context of the organization. The notion of Grice and Hugh of Britons as the “people” of their country is determined by who they consider “Britons” and who they consider “others.” This, according to Janssens and Steyaert is “due to the central importance of group membership as the primary determinant of individual identity and consequently its fixed nature (2003, 24).” As group membership is the primary determinant of individual identity, the group of individuals tends to have a fixed concept of themselves and their environment. According to them,”the fixing of people’s identity takes place by attributing to them a relatively stable identity (24).” Thus, the reasons why Grice and Hugh give such comments in support of anti-migration are explored by historical and contextualized approach to diversity. As British people have a relatively stable identity for a long time, they tend to have a fixed concept of themselves, which lead the two to define those who do not “belong in the group” is considered others. By looking at diversity from the historical and contextualized approach, we can see that the two do not mean to imply racism in their comments. D. Diversity and legislation The article poses the issue on legislations and the conflict between diversity and equality. As according to the lecture notes, “the early legislation [on diversity] made it illegal to discriminate against people while the new equality duties require organisations to promote equality (Diversity and Human Resource Management, slide 16).” While the legislation makes it illegal to discriminate against people, the British Nationalist Party with its anti-immigration views and some streaks of racism in its white-only advocacies is a bit successful on curbing down the effects of such prejudices through the law. The hegemonic idea of a condemning discrimination against people by making it illegal has succeeded with the help of those who are in power and key institutions in the government who support diversity among the British society. On the other hand, the new equality duties that require promotion of equality among organizations seem to be in conflict with this notion of diversity as is apparent in the situation in the article. By ensuring diversity by curbing the effects of prejudices and making discrimination illegal, the issue on the British Nationalist Party does not mirror this promotion of equality. With the differing views of British Nationalist Party that are virtually related to discrimination, in line with supporting diversity and curbing the effects of prejudicial practices such as their advocacies, the system has violated the duties as regards promoting equality. E. Diversity and employment When many British Nationalist Party members, due to the leak that contains the members name have threatened the members of unsecured employment, we can see that in support of diversity and curbing down practices such as theirs in relation to discrimination and prejudices, the system then fails to promote equality in certain organizations. The involvement of people in the British Nationalist Party makes them vulnerable to employment difficulties. As the article has noted that members now face the threat of losing their jobs after the leak has been publicized, the failure to promote equality by choosing to support diversity is very apparent in this situation. As in the case of Redfearn vs. Serco Ltd CA 2006 (, the case is dismissed on the grounds that membership in racist groups might lead to violence in workplace, BNP members like Mr. Redfearn are terminated. Another case is where Kevin Scott has been dismissed by B&Q Warehouse, a DIY store after knowing that he is a member of the BNP. This ground on acts of violence that such racist groups could commit that result in termination of employment does not support the promotion of equality, which illustrates its conflict with the support for diversity. F. Diversity and management implications The ground which is used for the termination of employment of BNP members have been related to violence which the racist group could commit in support with their views. In line with it, the issue between diversity and equality is very important for managerial decision-making. Looking at the articles and the other cases where BNP members are dismissed from their employments, we could see that in order to support diversity those who are not in support of it and have a tendency to discriminate people should be kept away, when workplace is involved. When doing this, absolute promotion of equality, in the strictest sense where the word equality means treating all the people the same cannot be guaranteed. The other cases where employees are dismissed from their jobs argue that the bases for those are prevention of hostility and effect on the workplace morale due to the prejudices of a BNP member. In order to address those workplace issues, a manager has to choose between support of diversity and promotion of equality. Clearly, a manager may be prompted for some action to, either to support diversity or promote equality in this situation. But as in the lecture indicates that a person may not necessarily carry on a decision he or she agrees with, this is due to hegemony. In this case, the hegemonic idea is that racism and discrimination should not be allowed in the society, which may prompt a manager to act in such way. III. Conclusion The article talks about the Australian members of the British National Party and their comments and reaction about having found out to be included in the list that of members that is published in the internet. In one look, people may judge the comments and these members’ intentions as racist as they tend to support the anti-migration view of the party. However, by looking deeper at the article using the various theories of diversity, we can find out that there are legitimate rationales for these comments which do not include racism. The comments of Arthur Grice and Benjamin Hugh propose a shift in the functional emphasis of diversity in making equal opportunities available to the people to a cultural emphasis. Both argue that if migration is not curtailed, fewer opportunities will be available for white Britons. Also, the thought of being ‘minority to their own country’ is one of the arguments that the two layout in relation to their support for the anti-migration view. The shift of functional emphasis to cultural emphasis is backed by the economic and organizational theory of diversity, which talks about the differences which can impact the organization and the economic effects of these differences. However, in order to assess this article well, the historical and contextualized approach should be utilized. Grice and Hugh argue about anti-migration as a way to increase the opportunities for the white Britons in their own lands. This is due to Grice’s and Hugh’s concept of the British identity. As stated in the previous discussions, diversity is determined not only by organizational or personal differences, but its embeddedness given a social context—that is, it is determined also by institutional and societal context in order for the differences to be defined. For a long time, the British have a fixed concept of themselves because of a relatively stable identity. The belongingness to that group which shares the identity for a longer period tends to define itself a given identity, and tends to define those of other characteristics as ‘others’ or ‘minority.’ Due to this, the concept of the “British people” of the two Australian supporters is part of the institutional and societal context of the British identity to the British people and cannot be considered as racism. Their desire to deter diversity by supporting anti-migration is not based on racism per se, but by their definition of who the British people are and their concern for the survival of these people. As legislations have been developed in relation to diversity, there are acts that prohibit and make the act of discriminating against any person illegal in the country. While legislation is passed where the promotion of equality among organizations has been the focus, these two sets of legislation create a conflict between the support of diversity and promotion of equality as shown in the article. In order to support diversity, the unequal treatment of racist groups in order to deter their prejudices seems to be the hegemonic idea in the society. Therefore, while the argument of defining ‘equality’ is not as ‘treating the same’ holds as in the lecture notes, promoting equality can nevertheless be considered compatible with diversity, just by the difference in the definition, instead of it being in conflict with diversity. Bibliography Janssens, M. & Steyaert, C. (January 2003). “Theories of Diversity within Organisation Studies: Debates and Future Trajectories.” Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei. Date accessed: November 24, 2008 from BBC News (September 17, 2002). “Store settles with sacked BNP worker.” Date accessed: November 24, 2008 from (May 26, 2006). “Serco Ltd v Redfearn.” EWCA Civ 659 [2006] ICR 1367. Date accessed: November 24, 2008 from Moses A (November 21, 2008). “Leaked list outs Aussie fascists supporters.” Date accessed: November 24, 2008 from Schwabenland, Christina (November 2008). “Diversity and Human Resource Management.” Week 3 Class powerpoint presentation. Reflective paper I have listed the points that I have learned as I get to learn more and more about diversity. I think these points will summarize the effects of my experience with the course to my personal well-being. Diversity and learning to respect the differences between me and other people One benefit of interacting with people from different groups is that my mind has been opened up to how much differences we have as people. As I have learned in “Diversity and Identity,” every human being is unique through all these differences, although there are similarities which let us be included in certain groups. I learn that with these tremendous amounts of differences, it is very important to give a genuine respect on other people despite the group they belong. I learn that we are all people, human beings, individuals, and by no means does one of us is greater than the other when we are perceived as different due to these characteristics. This course on diversity has made me appreciate individuals more for being themselves, and focus more on our similarities while I continue to respect the differences between us. Diversity and discarding ethnocentricity, and a more expanded view of looking at situations and scenarios Because I am dealing with people with varied backgrounds, in order for us to communicate well we have to establish a certain context. As I have come to encounter is “Diversity and communication” module, this expanded view of looking at things is one of the learning points that I gain in this course. The varied background will definitely push me and the other person to look at things the way we are accustomed to doing, especially the way a thing is done in our culture. But in order to be more effective in communicating a point, both of us have to come up with an agreement through a similar context which could lay down the point, as it is pointed in the section where there are problems with meanings when it comes to diversity and multiculturalism. This enables me to look at the other people’s point of view, and let me share mine to him or her. By discarding the thought that how a situation is dealt with according to what I am accustomed to is superior to the other person’s, I gain this expanded view which also expands my wisdom. That to me is a wonderful experience because I get to put myself in other people’s shoes and learn more from them. Diversity and opening up to new sets of ideas Finally, diversity does offer many people benefits, to me one of the greatest is to know more people and learn from their backgrounds. This has taught me how abundant our life experiences can be and how much we need to learn as individuals, as it is shown to me in the module “Diversity and reflective practice.” Diversity offers a lot of opportunities to interact with people of certain differences that are determined by the theories that we learn throughout the course. As I get to know more people of varied backgrounds, I later found out that I have got so much to learn from them. Not only do we approach some situations and problems differently, we also see our similarities. Learning from other people’s experiences is one of the learning methods that I value; as discussed in the section about reflective learning and management. While I can learn from people of my own defined group according to characteristic, other groups can offer me varied experiences from which I can learn. And because the characteristics determine a number of differences which results into groups, I have a plethora of experiences from people, which I can say from all walks of life. Who would not treasure those tremendous amounts of learning? I tend to appreciate mankind more and look from a broader perspective. Read More
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