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The Industrial Revolution and Female Aspiration - Essay Example

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The paper "The Industrial Revolution and Female Aspiration" tells how the industrial revolution affected women's social status and career prospects. On the one hand, they still had to fulfill the role of the mothers and wives, on the other hand, they had to fully work on an equal basis with men…
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The Industrial Revolution and Female Aspiration
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Feminism brought about a change in women’s occupational choices as they faced a conflict between earning wages, salaries as well as accomplishing their domestic chores (McBride 2014). This was crucial for women and led to the evolution of women’s work structure and the improvement of womanlike attitudes with respect to work that happened.
Important changes that occurred included the elevation of women's positions and the set up of more demanding jobs. Industrialization shifted the American economy from agricultural to an economy characterized by a workforce enabling many women to enter paid jobs. This was possible as women worked in textile industries, mining, and agriculture.

A change in industrial configuration lessened the number of women laborers. Opportunities like being employed as a miner were then outlawed by the regime as being illegitimate for women to toil as a drawer in coal excavating. Another impediment to the employment of women came from the gender partition of labor. Gender defined the role of women and women discretely (Hillstrom et al., 205). The cultural devaluing of women's household jobs camouflaged its continuation leading to a decrease in economic importance.

The working place was another cause to limit the opportunities. That was possible when the working places were far away from women's homes. Therefore, women were unable to comfortably work and at the same time take care of their children (Sylvia 2008). Women who got married would rather stay home and look after children due to undue influence from their husbands and core cultural values that need to adhere to. Read More
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In What Ways Did Industrialization Create New Opportunities for Women Essay.
“In What Ways Did Industrialization Create New Opportunities for Women Essay”, n.d.
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