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Risk Assessment Methods Health Sciences & Medicine Case Study
14 pages (4253 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Risk assessment is a critical element of health and safety management and a legal requirement for all businesses (Hughes & Ferrett 2016). The goal of risk assessment is to establish a plan for controlling risks once hazards have been identified and associated risks assessed (Hughes & Ferrett 2016). There are numerous methods of conducting a risk assessment.
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The Health and Safety Codes Governing Construction Work in Britain Health Sciences & Medicine Case Study
9 pages (2482 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
It is the responsibility of every party involved in the construction including the employees to ensure their safety within the working environments. However, it is important to note that the effects might occur due to poor machinery and equipment used or ignorance and inadequate knowledge among the operators of the machines. 
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The Ways to Minimize Ionizing Radiation Exposure of the Radiographers to Patients Health Sciences & Medicine Term Paper
8 pages (2702 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The gonadal exposure dose is very drastic in that in the case of overexposure, the effects might be silent in the exposed individual, but the offsprings will suffer the consequences and the generations to come. Radiographers should, therefore, beware of the dosages to avoid adverse deterministic or stochastic effects of irradiation. 
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Potential Acute Coronary Syndrome Diagnosis Health Sciences & Medicine Case Study
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Although the administration of nitrates to the patients is considered as one of the best ways of reducing chest pains in patients with acute anterior ST-segment myocardial infarction, other methods still can be applied in ensuring patient resuscitation. One such method is the administration of oxygen to the patients. 
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Potential Acute Coronary Syndrome Health Sciences & Medicine Case Study
6 pages (2313 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Carrying out an initial evaluation of health and family history will indicate the likelihood of ACS symptoms. Making the right diagnosis quickly determines patient outcomes. Although there are different management practices, to determine the most suitable intervention, it is important to consider patient factors, time of response, and availability of resources.
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The Diagnosis of the Medical Situation: Acute Coronary Syndrome Diagnosis Health Sciences & Medicine Term Paper
6 pages (1960 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The doctors can also give antiplatelet agents to help with the prevention of clots, blood-thinning medicine to reduce the stickiness of the blood, pain relievers to ease the pain, and ACE inhibitors to reduce stress and lower blood pressure. If the damage had been big already, coronary stenting and angioplasty could be used. 
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The Poor Country Cant Afford the Essential Medicine Health Sciences & Medicine Research Proposal
4 pages (1356 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Several lives are lost in Syria while the health situation is excellent in the developed countries such as the United Kingdom. However, there are three groups of institutions that are blamed for this situation. One of the most significant is the government since they are supposed to prioritize health and related strategies.
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Cystic Fibrosis and Its Treatment Health Sciences & Medicine Essay
6 pages (1620 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Cystic Fibrosis is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. This could be due to the mutation of genes, which are changes in genetic composition in the gene interfering with the normal functioning of the gene. The mutations bring about abnormalities in the gene structure. The final results of these gene make-up variations are genetic disorders. 
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Alcohol-Related Harm in Australia Health Sciences & Medicine Literature review
10 pages (2843 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The current society has attached more value to alcohol compared to the previous generation. According to Roche et al. (2009), alcohol is not just a commodity that causes intoxication; society has turned it into something with cultural and symbolic meaning. In most advertisements, it is on the same level as milk, bread, or orange juice without any consideration of its harmful effects.
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Clinical Testing for Diabetes Health Sciences & Medicine Essay
5 pages (1315 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Clinical tests for diabetes consist of eye examinations, foot examination, and blood pressure examination. The eye examination is done to manage, monitor, and tell the possibility of the presence or progression of eye disease as a result of diabetes. There is a foot examination that tests for the onset or progression of peripheral arterial disease or nerve disease.
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The Rates of UK Citizens with Dementia Health Sciences & Medicine Case Study
8 pages (2099 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This is mostly a malady of the 65-plus age group and the symptoms include loss of memory, confusion, and problems with speech and understanding. There is no cure for any of the forms of the disease. The government’s main adviser on its dementia strategy for England has said the condition must not be regarded "as an inevitable part of growing old".
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Managed Care of Chronically Ill Older People Health Sciences & Medicine Case Study
10 pages (2839 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Many of the researches done have proved that most of the people in the old age have relatively little hope of living up to the old age successfully. Moreover, this has been revealed to be based on the fact that the people in this age bracket did not believe in seeking good health care (Sarkisian, 2002). 
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Study of Children with Down Syndrome Health Sciences & Medicine Literature review
8 pages (2279 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This article is a research report involving a sample group of ten children with Down syndrome who were subjected to early intervention (EI) program. The children, composed of seven girls and three boys, were compared to a similar number of children of about the same age (six girls and four boys) who were not subjected to an EI program.
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Clinical Governance: The Monitoring of Ambulance Services Health Sciences & Medicine Term Paper
10 pages (2815 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
A big concern among paramedics is the unique legal situation prevailing in NSW that is not implemented in other states or jurisdictions. The legal experts opine that political reality often intrudes on patient safety considerations and the state of NSW moved away from autonomous peer review, one of the critical elements for a professional body.
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Therapeutic Effects of Thalidomide Health Sciences & Medicine Case Study
7 pages (2111 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Thalidomide was introduced as a sleep-inducing drug as well as a drug meant for relieving anxiety.  It was also a very famous drug because it was considered not to have any toxic effects on the body and though for the purpose of cure the dosage amount of the drug was 100 mg even if suicidal cases with reports of dosage ten times higher than this amount could be saved.
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Genetic Engineering of Bacterias Health Sciences & Medicine Term Paper
10 pages (2882 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Genetically modified crops in the first generation are created to resist infections and attacks by insects and diseases and are resistant to herbicides. These crops are also modified to resist fungal and viral attacks. This has been beneficial in increasing crop production due to easily managing weeds and insects.
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Obesity Policy Coalition and Disclosure of Calorie Content in Fast Foods Health Sciences & Medicine Literature review
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The Obesity Policy Coalition is concerned with policies and laws that can help eliminate the problem of obesity. They, therefore, concentrate on providing the policymakers with as much relevant information as possible so that they reach the decision that will enable the population to live healthier lives free of obesity and undesired results of obesity.
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Range of Movement in Sports-Related Injuries Health Sciences & Medicine Assignment
15 pages (5625 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
To identify whether there is an overall improvement in the range of movement over time, a One Way ANOVA test was conducted. This was the most appropriate analytical test since the dependent variable (range of movement) is a categorical variable hence ANOVA would enable easy comparison of means for the three ranges of movement and the fact that ANOVA is a parametric test.
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Periodontal Disease and Its Prevalence in Australian versus European Population Health Sciences & Medicine Case Study
9 pages (2933 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Fundamental sustaining constructions of the teeth do not affect by gingivitis and are not contagious. Loss of connective tissue and bone support are the reasons for periodontitis which causes tooth loss in adults. Moreover, inherent and ecological aspects, pathogenic microorganisms in the biofilm, above all smoking, give to the root of these infections.
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Alcohol, Drugs, and Nursing Diagnosis Health Sciences & Medicine Assignment
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
According to Samantha’s culture, the dead have control over the living’s lives such that if his father is not given a decent burial, it might affect her mother, or make her Fourteen-year-old son lose respect in the community. These differences might affect the interviewing context and relationship in that it is very easy to lose Samantha’s friendship and trust. 
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Family Systems Nursing Health Sciences & Medicine Case Study
11 pages (3980 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The structural, functional, and developmental aspects of the assessment will be presented on the basis of the Calgary family assessment model. The particular paper will address the strengths, strategies as well as support system that the family uses in order to overcome the health issues that they are facing.
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Legal and Ethical Issues Regarding the Clean Needle Exchange Program Health Sciences & Medicine Coursework
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The primary users of the syringe and the clean needle in a non-hospital setting become drug users who need to use the needles in order to inject themselves with illegal drugs. This brings some very interesting ethical questions into play and depending on the ethical approach being taken with regard to the program; it can be shown that the program is debatable. 
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Importance of Health and Nutrition Health Sciences & Medicine Essay
15 pages (3926 words) , Download 2 , Essay
I don't eat pork or drink a lot of fruit juices, soda or alcohol. And, I only eat sweets occasionally. My fitness regime really took off when I joined the military. I just wanted to challenge myself to be better than the competition. 
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An Effective Cure for Sickle Cell Disease Health Sciences & Medicine Term Paper
10 pages (2909 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
This change of shape results in blocking of the blood vessels by the sickle red blood cells and inadequate blood supply to the tissues and organs. The consequence of this vaso-occlusion results in a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease that include crisis events associated with multi-system inadequacies.
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Bipolar Disorder and Children Health Sciences & Medicine Coursework
8 pages (2221 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
It is quite essential to state that there are different therapies that families can choose from, yet what is key to the successful and effective treatment is emotional and moral support, as well as proper diagnosis.  Before the proper treatment is put in motion, a correct diagnosis must first be made.
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Diabetes Leading to an Extension of the Inflammatory Stage of Repair Health Sciences & Medicine Coursework
7 pages (2261 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
In general, given that several factors influence the pathobiology of ulcers, it is extremely important that the podiatrist responsible for treating diabetic foot ulcers be fully aware of the biological processes of both normal and non-healing ulcers in order to be able to devise the best treatment protocols. 
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Autoimmune Diseases : Biological Basis and Methods of Detection Health Sciences & Medicine Coursework
9 pages (2476 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Autoimmune diseases are not transmitted from one person to another. The process of autoimmunity is related to genes or a combination of genes, hormones, and environmental stimuli. Individuals with specific genes or gene combinations are at a higher risk for developing autoimmune disorders which may be triggered by outside stimuli such as “sun exposure, infection, drugs or pregnancy” (Harold, 2008: 437).
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What Are the Different Types of Lung Cancer and How Do They Differ Health Sciences & Medicine Term Paper
9 pages (2413 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Growth of cells in the human body by division and reproduction is normally controlled by a natural mechanism of the human body. Sometimes this natural mechanism becomes defective in a cell so that there is continuous and indefinite multiplication of cells. The new cells produced in this way also tend to be defective.
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Why Smoking Cigars Is Bad Health Sciences & Medicine Case Study
7 pages (2074 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This situation is maybe because of the lack of awareness as a number of cigar smokers believe in cigars as less harmful for not being inhaled. While the above discussion has proved that there are certain potential health risks for them. Though a number of cessation techniques have been presented by various experts the primary role is played by self-determination.
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Positive Drug Effects in Medical Use Health Sciences & Medicine Coursework
7 pages (2054 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
As to Dupont (2007), inhaling TCH, either vaporized or smoked, introduces large quantities of THC into the body. Although vaporizing marijuana can reduce potentially harmful substances, it cannot eliminate all toxins. This process is conducted through heating in order to produce pyrolytic products.
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Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in Clinical Practice Health Sciences & Medicine Term Paper
8 pages (2154 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Through the use of open communication, probing questions, empathic, reflective, and analytical reasoning the researcher was able to gather information from the patient about his belief system and his lifestyle. It has been found that record-keeping is an essential part of understanding the medical needs of the patient.
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The Mother-to-Child Transmission of Hepatitis C Infections Health Sciences & Medicine Literature review
16 pages (4781 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Infection is a health concern among public health authorities worldwide. The disease has been indicated as a significant cause of chronic and acute hepatitis, hepatocellular carcinoma, and liver cirrhosis. The primary mode of transmission among adults is through intravenous drug injection in cases where needs are shared. 
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Survey on Skin Cancer in Queensland Health Sciences & Medicine Research Proposal
6 pages (1850 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
It is evidently clear from the discussion that there are three main types of skin, cancer namely basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Each type of skin cancer depicts its own unique appearance. Incidentally, there are other skin cancers that restrict themselves to specific bodily areas.  
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Treatment of Colorectal Cancer Health Sciences & Medicine Case Study
15 pages (4592 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The author of the following paper states that ss with many other cancers, the development of colorectal cancer results from the interaction between genetic and environmental influences. As many as 25% of patients with colorectal cancer have a family history of the disease, which suggests the involvement of a genetic factor.
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Organ Donation Health Sciences & Medicine Literature review
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The attitudes that influence behavior and commitment towards organ donation are also studied and the role of the profession in health care in shaping attitudes and commitment towards organ donation is highlighted. Donor commitment, considering the wishes of family members and differences between health care and nonhealth care students are also identified.
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Implications of Socio-Cultural, Environmental and Biological Factors upon Eating Disorders Health Sciences & Medicine Case Study
10 pages (3437 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Biological, socio-cultural and environmental dynamics have deep significance in the causation of eating disorders. These are all complex factors, which interact and are inter-related. It is important to consider individual differences in the assessment of an individual with a possible eating disorder.
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Health Insurance System in the US Health Sciences & Medicine Term Paper
6 pages (1747 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The national health insurance systems were developed in order to lessen the economic burden on sick people who do not belong to health insurance plans. Most countries have a system in which subscribers pay in accordance with income received from their jobs and these amounts are supplemented by money from the national and local governments.
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Special Features of Ultrasound in Medical Physics Health Sciences & Medicine Coursework
9 pages (2438 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
In the entire field of health care, a paradigm shift from population-based solutions to individual specific care is taking place. These trends are reshaping the practice of medical physics. Medical physics is the application of physics to medicine. It generally concerns physics as applied to medical imaging and radiotherapy, although a medical physicist may also work in many other areas of healthcare.
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Health and Safety Management at the University of Lancashire Health Sciences & Medicine Case Study
8 pages (2058 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
With about 2.2 million individuals work in Britain’s construction industry, Health and Safety Executive (HSE), Britain’s government agency for workplace health and safety, is apt to implement strict rules, regulations, and other legal boundaries that construction companies must conform to in order to operate within England’s political domain (HSE 2009).
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Acute Care Nursing: Osteoarthritis Health Sciences & Medicine Case Study
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Cartilage is a firm and flexible connective tissue, which plays a key role in articulating the surface of bone joints. The healthy cartilage enables easier bone articulation and thus helps shock absorption. The rubbing together of the bones causes pain swelling and loss of motion in the joints (Arthritis Foundation, 2008).
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Age Estimation by Forensic Odontology Health Sciences & Medicine Term Paper
13 pages (3553 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
This paper will highlight the X-ray factor, age estimation in bite mark area, and then use of Aspartic acid racemization such as L-amino and D amino acid in age estimation. Ultimately, this paper will give recommendations of what odontologists need to do with the findings in the pre and postmortem stages in reference to their dental records (Noble, 1976).
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Epidemiological Analysis of Influenza Health Sciences & Medicine Literature review
10 pages (2852 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
According to reports from WHO, to curb and reduce the viral influence and mitigate the pandemic on the world’s people's health as well as on the global economy, there is an urgent need to organize and facilitate influenza vaccinations for the mass especially the youth and the children globally (Hood, 2006).
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Hormonal Secretion Peculiarities Health Sciences & Medicine Essay
7 pages (2108 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Synthesis, secretion, transport, binding to specific receptors and elimination are the steps involved in hormonal regulation. Hormones are derived from other molecules used by the body. Hormones, therefore, can be amino acid derivatives (Thyroxine), modified amino acids (Epinephrine), peptides (ACTH), glycoproteins (Growth and Luteinizing Hormone).  
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Regenerative Medicine in Treatment of a Patient with a Traumatic Physical Injury Health Sciences & Medicine Research Paper
11 pages (3269 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Physical trauma can be life-threatening and can cause secondary complications such as respiratory failure and death. Physical trauma can be classified into three categories. The first category is blunt force trauma. This kind of trauma occurs when the body is struck by an object by force.  The impact of this collision causes concussions, lacerations, or fractures to the victim.
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Relief of Asthma with Chiropractic Care Health Sciences & Medicine Case Study
5 pages (1844 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The patient received spinal adjustments based on the full spine technique protocol with subluxation found at T5 and C2. After six weeks of chiropractic care, the patient was able to exercise without the use of an albuterol inhaler, with nearly no chest tightness or shortness of breath, and no interruptions of sleep at night due to asthma symptoms.
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Cancer Biology: Can Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Prevent Cancer Health Sciences & Medicine Essay
7 pages (2440 words) , Download 2 , Essay
NSAIDs may be a hurdle to a major mechanism of cancer progression that is inflammation. In the following literature, we will be reviewing how far this theory has been proven through research-based evidence. Aspirin, naproxen, and ibuprofen are the most popular members of this group and are used all over the world for several.
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Effect of Diet on Early Onset of Chronic Diseases - a Focus on Obesity Health Sciences & Medicine Assignment
6 pages (1737 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The concerns about personal health have become so common in the current era; most people would love to surpass life expectancy. In this regard, the world population has resorted to adopting practices that promote health. Conspicuous among the practices has been the urge for people to take a balanced diet. Indeed, it has been widely agreeable that diet is particularly crucial.
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Respiratory: Human Physiology and Anatomy Health Sciences & Medicine Essay
10 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The respiratory system is the system that primarily supports the exchange of the gases oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body. The respiratory system includes processes that eventually allow the delivery of much-needed oxygen into the cells of the body, distinguish between restrictive respiratory diseases and outline how they are diagnosed.
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Reducing Emergency Department Crowding Memorial Hermann Hospital Health Sciences & Medicine Essay
9 pages (2329 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It offers numerous services including; fast assessment of patients’ conditions, stabilizing patients who portray life-threatening medical conditions, and in-depth management of patients, Emergency department doctors, nurses often face many problems. Patients are usually brought into the department at odd hours, sometimes late in the night.
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Cases in Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine Health Sciences & Medicine Case Study
8 pages (2083 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper “Cases in Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine ” is an exciting example of the case study on health sciences & medicine. With the increase in health care services complications, there has been an increased need for the transfer of ill patients from one hospital to the other, to transport critically ill patients accompanied by specialists with appropriate and adequate equipment.
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