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An Acute Disease: Dark Lesions on the Mammalian Derma - Research Paper Example

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This paper describes the Bacillus anthracis. The bacteria may enter the human body by inhalation, through fissures in cutaneous membranes, or through the gastrointestinal tract following ingestion. Attention has been given to the potential of anthrax as an agent for bioterrorism…
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An Acute Disease: Dark Lesions on the Mammalian Derma
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Based on the recommendations set forth by the CDC, suspicious mail should not be opened, particularly if evidence. If opened, the package should be opened facing away from the face, to prevent inhalation and vigorous activity, such as shredding or tearing should be avoided. In addition, if suspicious compounds are handled inadvertently, hands and other exposed skin surfaces should be immediately washed thoroughly with warm running water. Envelopes and packaging should be isolated and discarded after opening (CDC, 2009).

Foremost, if anthrax is suspected, caution should be taken to avoid both inhalation and contact with the skin. In the case of mail, the best route is to not open mail appearing suspicious to avoid risks of anthrax exposure. In many areas of the world, particularly in regions of South and Central America, Southern and Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and the Middle East, Anthrax remains a naturally occurring condition, only recently employed in bioterrorism. When inhaled, the most likely method employed by bioterrorists, the anthrax mortality rate is higher than 90% if left untreated.

During the incidents in 2001 wherein anthrax letters were actually delivered in the mail, the mortality rate was 45%, partially owing to the late response with antibiotics and other forms of patient care (Jernigan et al., 2002). Early diagnosis of anthrax infection is crucial to treatment, as anthrax toxin in high amounts is rarely able to be successfully treated. A virtual point-of-no-return exists, after which infection is not likely to respond to treatment.

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