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Essays on marriage as a social institution

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Marriage as a Social Institution
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4
The author of the essay explores the meaning of the marriage, describes the interview with his/her grandmother on marriage as a social institution, and compares transformation between the past generations and the current one... According to author's grandmother marriage was known to be the most important social event that would be practiced by members of the society. From this statement makes a conclusion that the past generations have different perceptions on marriage to the current generation...
Marriage as a Social Institution
8 pages (2226 words) , Download 2
The paper " marriage as a social institution" highlights that marriage happened to be an institution that accorded maximum safety and security to the children. Children born of marital relationships enjoyed automatic access to sustenance, emotional security and proper nurturing.... One big issue with cohabitation is that it has been found that marriages that are preceded by cohabitation have been found to be more likely to end up in a divorce. A lot of reasons could be attributed to this phenomenon....
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Dorothea Brooke of Middlemarch
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2
Through her, Eliot tries to convey to the reader the perils of marriage as a social institution and the dangers of excessive religiosity.... Her expectations of tenderness are met with coldness and through her character, Eliot seeks to portray a failed marriage and the complexity of marriage as a social institution.... Her disappointment at the way in which her marriage pans out is an evidence of this.... This portrayal stems partly from Eliot's own bitter experiences with her marriage that was not successful....
The evolving nature of masculine and feminine roles in relationships
1 pages (250 words) , Download 6
he authors discussed how marriage as a social institution has undergone the various changes in light of changed or altered gender roles.... Further, the author also challenges Darwinian theory in light of insights from social scientists.... “Now out of Senate, Snowe supports same-sex marriage.... “Now out of Senate, Snowe supports same-sex marriage.... his news article typifies the current contentious debate on same-sex marriages, and in particular, the arguments on this issue regarding the Defense of marriage Act....
The interent and global activism
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2
My mainstay is satire in literature, highlighting the importance of moral values, how a happy family is the important unit of the society, and the need to do serious rethinking on marriage as a social institution and the need take steps to curb the divorce rates.... social media, the important by-product of the internet revolution, continues to challenge the print and electronic Topic: The internet and global activism of the University Topic: The internet and global activism 1....
Gay Marriage Issue
4 pages (1293 words) , Download 4
While admitting the significance of marriage as a social institution, several critics in the recent history argue, along with Charlene Gomes, that “the time has come to expand marriage to include same-sex couples.... The paper "Gay Marriage Issue" describes that the legitimacy of the same sex marriage as well as the rights of the people who opt for this practice has been central topics of debate and there are numerous points of view and varied conclusions on the topic....
Advocating Same-Sex Marriage
4 pages (1271 words) , Download 3
The deep traditions and values transferred from generation to generation include marriage as a social institution that needs to be preserved in its basic function of procreation, among others.... Marriage is an institution that solemnizes the union between man and woman for the purpose of procreation.... Extending marriage to include same-sex couples (or de-legislating marriage) would seriously harm all of these societal level functions of the institution of marriage” (5)....
Same-Sex Marriage in the USA
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0
While admitting the significance of marriage as a social institution, several critics in the recent history argue, along with Charlene Gomes, that “the time has come to expand marriage to include same-sex couples.... The legitimacy of the same sex marriage as well as the rights of the people who opt for this practice has been central topics of debate and there are numerous points of view and varied conclusions on the topic.... ?? (Cantor, 149) Several world nations including Canada have recognized same-sex marriage as there is immense societal value in this action which is in consistence with the principle of equal justice under law....
Value on Marriage
5 pages (1349 words) , Download 0
he development of marriage as a social institution attains various levels within the existing communities of the world.... The various types of marriage are significant for a social institution that relate to a community setting.... Inheritance defined marriage as the off springs of a family had the right to own property in cases of death.... The family bond develops rapidly through a mutual understanding between the two spouses who are adults as described in the marriage institution....
The relation of marriage to the novel as a genre
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4
This essay intends to delve deep into the much implicit themes of marriage as a social institution manifested at length through symbolism in the plot of the novel.... This essay intends to delve deep into the much implicit themes of marriage as a social institution manifested at length through symbolism in the plot of the novel.... marriage as a curious thematic element was incorporated in the novel with a vision to delineate the social conventions....
Transformation of Social Institutions
6 pages (1608 words) , Download 2
In past decades, marriage as a social institution denoted a great value in a society.... ) Cultural: The main cause of change in a social institution can be related to cultural factor.... As the social institution advances the social expectation and beliefs of people change.... The nature of social institution has been ever changing since time recorded.... The behavior of the people in each area depends upon the nature of this social institution....
The Subject of Love in Literature
7 pages (1745 words) , Download 2
All the three stories discuss marriage as a social institution with its set of rules and expectations of male, female roles.... Calixta and Alicee revel in the momentary pleasure that is socially approved only for the pure and ‘monumental bed'; they both do not heed the torrential rain outside, which is significant as they forget the fidelity and purity expected in the social institution of marriage: “the rain was coming down in sheets obscuring the view of far-off cabins and enveloping the distant wood in a gray mist” and their view of the expectations also was veiled by the passion they had for each other....
Importance and Values of Marriage
5 pages (1428 words) , Download 1
n regard to the definitions given above, marriage as a social institution has some aspects change over the course of a specified period.... Marriage is a social institution in which two persons, whether the opposite or same sex, make the decision of a supposed lifetime commitment.... There have been other definitions of the term marriage as there are those who increasingly feel that the already existing definitions do not cover everything a marriage apparently entails....
Gender roles and Marriage
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4
The satirical eye therefore views marriage as a social institution that curbs independence, especially in a woman's life.... The institution of marriage can be repressive owing to the influence of gender roles.... The author repeatedly uses symbols, both within the room and outside, to make the readers gain an insight into the social hypocrisy that needs to be maintained within the institution of marriage that suppresses ones true desires and despite the share and care, the hidden desires come out only when one is single again....
The Psychology of Gay Marriage
8 pages (2298 words) , Download 1
Heterosexual marriages, according to those who oppose same-sex marriages, weaken the foundations of marriage as a social institution.... They cite the high divorce rates and the general lack of belief that the youth of today demonstrates in marriage as reasons for it to be preserved as a bastion of heterosexual normativity (Overview of Same-Sex Marriage in the United States).... While looking at children as only part of the reason for marriage, one removes the focus from marriage as an institution meant for procreation....
The Legalization of Same-sex Marriages
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3
Heterosexual marriages, according to those who oppose same-sex marriages, weaken the foundations of marriage as a social institution.... They cite the high divorce rates and the general lack of belief that the youth of today demonstrates in marriage as reasons for it to be preserved as a bastion of heterosexual normativity (Overview of Same-Sex Marriage in the United States).... While looking at children as only part of the reason for marriage, one removes the focus from marriage as an institution meant for procreation....
Gender roles and Marriage
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2
The satirical eye therefore views marriage as a social institution that curbs independence, especially in a woman's life.... The institution of marriage can be repressive owing to the influence of gender roles.... The author repeatedly uses symbols, both within the room and outside, to make the readers gain an insight into the social hypocrisy that needs to be maintained within the institution of marriage that suppresses ones true desires and despite the share and care, the hidden desires come out only when one is single again....
The investigation of contemporary art in London
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2
Further, the marriage as a social institution and the challenges facing different marriages is also another important aspect artists discuss in these galleries and exhibitions.... Such social elements make art appealing to all ages because all people can associate with the art (Newman, Goulding & Whitehead 2012, p.... The advent of the internet and subsequently the launch of the social media in the last decade has been the center of discussion of most artists in the London contemporary art....
The Effects of Divorce on Children
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2
marriage as a social institution has existed from the beginning of human civilization.... In the long run marriage as a society-acknowledged contract between a husband and a wife results in the concept of family that is a child's first effective learning center in which he or she learns the morals, rules, laws and regulations of the existing society (Kreppner & Lerner 36).... Although the realization of individual's sexual appetite lies in the heart of the institution of marriage, the accessorial requirements and expectations from marriage essentially takes the form of a social contract in the complex background of modern society in which a family is entwined with other social institutions directly or indirectly (Parsons & Bales 97-100)....
Why Public Reason Is Incapable of Satisfactorily Resolving the Issue of Same-Sex Marriage
13 pages (3416 words) , Download 2
This is mainly due to the fact that all the available debates for supporting same-sex marriage as civil marriage should originate from contentious widespread doctrines about the good, and this infringes the notion of public reasons of Rawls as yet, there remains a publicly reasonable argument for customary marriage8.... government should not accord legal recognition to the same-sex marriage as it is lacking the ability to attain the telos of the marriage.... Obama government is fully supporting same-sex marriage as it thinks that it is wrong to stop gay couples to get married who are in deep love, having committed relationships and wish to marry....
Gay Marriage Is Against the Heteronormative Culture
14 pages (4056 words) , Download 2
But when a social institution is challenged as marriage is in the contemporary world, its criticality shifts and instead requires more attention as well as publicly speaking of its natural meanings.... Furthermore, marriage between opposites can be termed as inherently normative where it holds a certain relationship as a social ideal and receives much significance in cases where children are present and or involved.... ay Marriage is against the Heteronormative Culture The heteronormative culture views marriage as a unification of two individuals (man and woman) who love each other and are in the boat of bearing children....
Marriage and divorce
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2
It is a social institution, forming a binding contract between spouses in regards to their obligations between them and their relatives.... Owing to the fact that it is a social institution, marriages form a broad setup, differing from one culture to the next.... Most developed nations have reviewed the marriage institution on legal basis so as to protect wives from abuse under legal terms.... Tough economic times may also prevent men from committing to the marriage institution so as to prevent dowry payment as well as expensive wedding ceremonies....
The Ratio of World Religions to the Same-Sex Marriage
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3
“Many people who oppose the idea of expanding marriage to include these couples regard same-sex marriage as a profound threat to the institution of marriage and the stability and well being of society in general.... The concept of Same Sex Marriage is a violation of the concept of ‘Family' in itself, the fundamental social institution, simply defined as the civil union of a man and a woman, which is greatly supported and recognized by other members of the society....
Sacrament of Marriage
5 pages (1287 words) , Download 2
In theological perceptive, marriage as a union is more than natural institution, it is supernatural, in which Christ himself participates as explained in the wedding at Cana.... Marriage form the religious perceptive presents the subject of the sacrament of marriage as understood in practice1.... The Vatican and Cannon Law explains the definition of marriage as an intimate, exclusive, indissoluble communion of love and life shared by man and woman as a fulfillment to the design established by the Creator of their own good and procreation....
The Gay Marriage Debate
8 pages (2327 words) , Download 1
These arguments come from the background of same sex marriage opponents who claim that legalizing gay marriage transcends above the traditional view of marriage as a union between man and woman.... At this time, some individuals in the gay community considered marriage as ‘heterosexist' and were thus concerned only with the achievement of equity and freedom.... This issue garnered national attention prompting over 40 states to pass the Defense of Marriage Acts (DOMA) in 1996 (Wolfson Para 3), where the act defined marriage as the union between a woman and man....
Same-Sex Marriage and the Constitution
10 pages (2603 words) , Download 1
This literature review "Same-Sex Marriage and the Constitution" discusses same-sex marriage as one of the major constitutional issues across different nations although the epicenter of gay rights activism in America where several states have already legalized marriage between both sexes.... It is still unfortunate for gay and lesbian couples not to get the right to marriage as people in authority love to think that granting this independence is intended to challenge the morality of judgments that are implemented for challenging the marriage laws as applicable to gay couples (Siedman 141). ...
Voidable Marriage
4 pages (1209 words) , Download 0
The writer of the paper 'Voidable Marriage' states that within the present-day context, where social equations have changed considerably from the canon law of the 1800s when the concept was devised, voidability of marriages appears to be a redundant aspect that can well be dispensed with.... social attitudes towards the necessity for marriage are changing and cohabitation relationships are becoming increasingly acceptable, although the question of whether increasing cohabitation is acceptable or just tolerated is at dispute....
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2
? This motivation continued in pre-modern societies, as primitive groups, such as Hebrew tribes, used marriage as a way to strengthen their house.... If, as the argument goes, there has not been a fundamental alteration of what it means for two people to be married, then the institution of marriage is one that is, indeed, sacrosanct, and should not be re-examined.... However, as this essay shows, marriage, as an institution, has evolved, and is continuing to evolve, which means that the institution can evolve in the direction of equality, without too much concern....
Marriage and Functionalism in Sociology
4 pages (1261 words) , Download 2
Religion describes marriage as a divinely derived institution.... One of such researches was published by Dr Mark Heather, a social psychologist from Harvard.... The institution of marriage is viewed by many as not only a legitimate but also an essential unit in the society.... Within a legal framework, marriage is considered as an institution meant to secure sexual relations, reproduction and childrearing (Laura & Scott, 2012, p....
Legalization of Same Sex Marriage
8 pages (2116 words) , Download 3
As most people would think and consider marriage, most of the early people viewed marriage as means which was set to for particular goal.... This is because most of them focused on the materials based on the biblical issues without the considerations of the surrounding factors of the family institution as better start point for healthy and prosperous communities of the nation.... The aim of the following essay is to investigate the social impact of legalization of the gay and lesbian marriages....
The Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage
7 pages (2178 words) , Download 2
Marriage is an institution which is fundamentally based on love, trust, caring and understanding between two mature people.... The Christians claim that God created Adam and Eve and ordered them to reproduce and fill the world and therefore, marriage should remain a holy institution between a man and a woman (Healy 39).... The effect of this is that this section of the society will continue to experience unequal treatment in both social and official circles whereby they are denied access to employment, healthcare or social amenities (Corvino 50)....
Is Marriage a Public Relationship, a Private One, or Some Other
8 pages (2160 words) , Download 1
This aspect shifts the view of marriage as a public relation to an affair that has impact on the general public life.... In fact, one can dare refer to marriage as a semi-private semi-public relationship.... Nonetheless, the government has in the years recognized marriage as a very important institution because its benefits to the society are massive.... Legal, cultural and social factors have a greater bearing on what marriage as a private relationship becomes....
Marriage: For Or Against Traditional Marriage Models
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3
Thus marriage was perceived as a social institution perpetuating “patriarchy structures social practices” and represented those structures as “natural and universal”.... Marriage was thus perceived as a social method of institutionalizing patriarchal values.... Legislators however are slowly beginning to accept same-sex relationships, although the move toward redefining marriage as a union between man and woman has yet to be achieved....
Marriage and Employment Are Two Aspects of a Woman's Life
6 pages (1688 words) , Download 0
(In 1930s and 40s high fertility and motherhood were considered as patriotic duty of women to the nation or to the Japanese empire) According to Rindfuss et al children became the most important and integral part of Japanese marriage as it was based on Confucianism.... Marriage was made an institution with equal rights for man and woman. ... It is an institution that carries the paternal line and maintains the family line and inheritance of properties....
Gay Marriage Concept
8 pages (2191 words) , Download 0
Starting then, many similar cases have been presented to the courts in the USA and in different other parts of the world, as the subject that was once considered a social taboo and a deviance from the social norm increasingly gained attention.... he major consequence of the reclassification of gay marriage as non-deviant would raise a major social conflict that is not anticipated.... The institution of religion and that of family are the two institutions that formally opposed the concept of gay marriage starting from the very beginning, and the position for this institutions has remained the same; gay marriage is unacceptable and a taboo in the society (Neill, 2009)....
Gay Marriage in the United States of America
9 pages (2392 words) , Download 0
Some activists of same sex marriage sought the right of marrying in 1970s; others completely rejected marriage as they considered it an outdated institution.... istorically, marriage institution was defined as the union of a woman and man to give love to one another.... This society perceives marriage institution as having plastic contours that aim to give emotional satisfaction to concerned partners.... Moreover, the society sees marriage institution as having revocable and negotiable terms....
American Marriage
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2
Nonetheless, there has been great revolution in the marriage institution as indicated in this piece of writing.... However, the fact that modern religion appreciates and upholds the role of the marriage institution is actually a bonus to American marriages.... The American Marriage The undisputed economic and social changes in the world have not left the matter of marriage.... There exist a number of disruptions associated with marriage such as the environmental and social interaction....
Prohibit Gay Couples from Obtaining a Marriage License
9 pages (2409 words) , Download 2
Accordingly, the Act conclusively defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman and does not mention the possibility of any gay unions.... Accordingly, Vermont State had granted the right to gay civil unions and entitlement to the common benefits though the General Assembly maintained the definition marriage as the union between a man and woman.... The jurist activists permit the gay marriage license on the basis that the US is a secular society and marriage is a secular institution thus not governed by any religious moral values (Pierceson 78)....
The Marriage Institution in Choosing Mates the American Way
3 pages (851 words) , Download 1
This article "The Marriage institution in Choosing Mates the American Way" sets out to investigate the American way of mate choice by using research findings to discount the widely held supposition that dating provides a valuable experience among couples.... good way to generalize the points made by the author is to synthesize the most fundamental points that may lead to success in the marriage institution.... Through undertaking an ethnographic study in Oklahoma in 2004, it is clear that the author's salient points include (1) marriage promotion initiatives are guided by an assumption that heterosexual pairings define social institutions like marriage and family, (2) U....
Marriage in Reformed China
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2
Personally I feel that this phenomenon was not coincidental and can be attributed to the emergence of new classes which cause greater complexity and arbitration in the institution of marriage.... social classes social class refers to grouping of people based on their economic status.... In China social class was one of determining factors in 1950's .... Moreover, it was expectation of the society that the two marrying parties came from the same class in terms of social status....
Support and Opposition of Gay Marriage
7 pages (2440 words) , Download 0
Although gay marriage has not yet been legalized in Australia, its proponents argue on the basis of equality, civil rights, social, political, religious, and moral concern.... The paper "Support and Opposition of Gay marriage" analyzes whether gay marriages should be legalized or abolished.... However, several states all over the world have continued to legalize marriage based on the same gender.... SUPPORT AND OPPOSSITION OF GAY marriage ...
Irish Constitution: Family Law
9 pages (2571 words) , Download 3
The traditional stronghold of marriage gives it a social context based on natural law, and this is further sanctified by the discouragement of divorce, and also, the social disapproval of cohabitation.... The preservation and development of the institution of marriage is also intrinsic to the growth and development of the Irish State and nation.... he Church in Ireland continues to be the bulwark of moral values and the institution which could inculcate morality, uprightness and rectitude in family behaviour....
Same-Sex Marriages
6 pages (1778 words) , Download 3
Therefore, the definition of the family has changed and is amorphous, comprising of any group of people living together, protecting each other and supporting one another in life (Wilson 29) From time immemorial, a family, involving the marriage of woman and a man has been an institution that preserves social and cultural values associated with procreation (Wald 383).... However, changes in social dynamics such as death, divorce, different sexual preferences and remarriage has created different combinations of families, such as single parent, same sex and blended families....
Analysis of the Gay Marriage Conflict
5 pages (1401 words) , Download 2
Gay marriage recognition is a social, political, civil rights and human rights issue, as well as a religious issue in a lot of countries and all over the world, the debate persist in raising whether gay couples should be permitted marriage, or instead accepted to have a different status (a civil union), or such rights to be denied to them (Snyder, et al.... The American Anthropological Association asserts that research of social science does not approve the opinion that either social orders that are viable or civilization depend upon failing to recognize gay marriage....
Gay Marriages, Society and Homosexuality
7 pages (2078 words) , Download 1
ay marriage is very different with Gay Kinship, but nevertheless the two have become so much confounded in the US citizens opinions and whenever they are heard of, people keep on arguing that marriage should remain a heterosexual institution.... It can be described as same-sex marriage which is legally or socially recognized between people of the same biological sex.... There are conflicts already in society about whether same-sex couples should be allowed to enter into marriages or use a different status name such as civil unions can grant them equal rights as a traditional man and woman marriage with limited or no rights at all....
Marriage & Family System
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2
he US government respects the marriage institution by instituting laws aimed at benefiting married couples.... he Sharia law outlines strict laws that govern the marriage institution.... In order to understand families, scholars analyze the family structure, which analyzes the number of family members and the specific social roles assigned to each family member.... The fast paced economy transformed traditional gender based social roles....
Reasons of the Dramatic Marriage Decline in the United States
8 pages (2397 words) , Download 1
The growing number of scholars in social studies expresses their fear that marriage as an institution and as a social phenomenon is in danger.... Ultimately, people no longer value marriage as a form of existence and do not consider marriage as the ultimate point of social and personal achievement.... At that time, marriage was in essence a union of two parents, who chose marriage as a formal way to strengthen and formalize their relationships and to participate in the process of reproduction....
Gay Marriage Has Diversified by Judgments
5 pages (1599 words) , Download 0
Guy Barnet bases his argument on gay marriage as a great mystery to children who grow up without the affection of both their mothers and fathers.... Federals of the Marriage institutions to an enormous extent think or rather argue that the only possibility for gay marriage to gain power in the country would only be through limitation of power to the heterosexual unions that would not consider gay marriage as being a right to those interested in it.... nsert institution ...
In Defense of Traditional Marriage
6 pages (1642 words) , Download 1
owever, the constitutional do not mandate for the elevation or the creation of same sex partnership as this redefines the concept of traditional marriage as they lay in the constitution (Girgis, Anderson & George, 2012).... The institution of marriage, fundamentally, connects a man and a woman as well as to their children.... The institution of marriage, fundamentally, connects a man and a woman to one another as well as to their children (Anderson, 2013)....
Same-Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized
6 pages (1717 words) , Download 3
Opinions Those in the favor of this form of marriage hold the opinion that it is a discriminatory act to treat same sex couples and different sex couples differently by law, they even believe that this form of marriage is ethical as it has more benefits to offer than costs, these marriages have gained social acceptance, a few of the states have even legalized this marriage, legalization of same sex marriage will allow same sex couples to enjoy the same rights as different sex couples....
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