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Support and Opposition of Gay Marriage - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Support and Opposition of Gay Marriage" analyzes whether gay marriages should be legalized or abolished. Although gay marriage has not yet been legalized in Australia, its proponents argue on the basis of equality, civil rights, social, political, religious, and moral concern…
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SUPPORT AND OPPOSSITION OF GAY MARRIAGE By student’s Name: Code+ Course: Instructor’s Name: University Name: City, State: Date of submission: RESEARCH QUESTION AND SCOPE OF RESEARCH In the recent past the Australian government has not passed its official support or declaration of support the gay marriages neither have they enacted national laws that directly target these kinds of marriages (Jonathan, 2012). However, several states all over the world have continued legalize the marriage based on the same gender. Up to the year 2012, there had been several rulings in courts against and for the gay marriages until recently when the government federal court agreed to review some of these cases (Claire, 2012). Lately, cases about gay marriages have raised several debates as some courts have passed rulings in the favor of the gay marriage community’s while others have passed rulings against the same (Daniel, 2006). In 2012, the circuit court of appeal passed judgment that the referendum in California which banned gay rights was unconstitutional and therefore not in order. This came as a big victory for the supporters of gay marriages (Evan, 2004). In the year 2012 alone, for instance the United States biggest and most famous state (New York) passed a law legalizing the gay marriage among other states such as Maine, Maryland and Washington (Jonathan, 2004). Similarly the proponents of gay marriages have also had several victories such as the New Jersey’s governor vetoing a legislation passed to legalize gay marriages (Kathleen, 2009). Citizens of Carolina also voted to approve the amendment in their constitution which intended to ban gay rights (Louise, 2011). The purpose of conducting this research is to ascertain whether gay marriages have been adopted in Australia and the attitude various classes of people have towards it. A Survey will be conducted where similar simple structured questionnaires will be administered to the respondents .This method has been chosen due to its simplicity in terms of analyzing the data, the mode of data collection will not be costly as it consists a simple of way of getting answers from the respondents and comparing their views on the issues pertaining the gay marriage. SAMPLING FRAME, SAMPLING METHODS AND SAMPLING PROBLEMS The target population is both male and female aged between 18 years and over and will cover various group of people that will include; the students in institutions of higher learning, people in different professionals like the teachers, the doctors, musicians, politicians , business men and women ,etc. (Webcitation,2012). The appropriate design for this research will be non-probability as sampling frame does not exist for the selected sample of respondents. Snow ball sampling technique will mostly be relied where our respondents cannot be easily identified, purposive sampling will also be used (Gerstmann, 2004). However since it will be difficult to establish an appropriate sample size will emanate from estimation which will be done in an educated manner so as to minimize errors in order to come up with non-biased estimated sample which will respond to research questions and objectives in a manner that the research would be seen to make sense and can be relied on in future (Hull, 2006). Modified method of sampling will be used where most of our respondents are young people estimated to be above the age of 18 years and above where students in institutions of higher learning will be of great interest to this research (Michael, 2004). The respondents will be required to fill in a simple structured questionnaire which has been appropriately chosen in conducting the survey (Mark, 1997). The questions responded to will include location (Western Australia, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria/Tasmania, NSW/ACT), the capital city (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide /Perth or the rest of Australia) the gender of the respondent (female ,male or mixed),the marital status(married, single, never married or divorced)s ,the age bracket of the respondent (18-24,25-36,52 and above), the profession of the respondents both in white collar and blue collar jobs, religion (Roman Catholic, Anglican, Uniting Church in Australia, Orthodox, Presbyterian and Reformed ,Baptist, Lutheran, Pentecostal and other protestant). After collecting the information regarding the respondents the purposive technique will be used to provide relevant information that will be used in analyzing the data collected and making conclusions (Jerrold; Clint; Sarah, 2011). Examples of variables that may be of interest to this research will include; the age bracket, the gender, profession, religion, among other factors that will be considered relevant in the research). Snow ball sampling will be greatly relied from the already identified respondents in order to have a reliable sample that will be free of biasness and that contains minimal errors (John; Maggie 2012) .The main aim is to have each religion, gender profession and age bracket at least five respondents per region which will quite reliable in this research. The research have opted to mostly rely on non- probability sampling techniques over the probability methods of data collection in order to produce the required results by getting information from the targeted respondent (Thomas, 2004). The main reason as to why the research has opted to concentrate on purposive and snowball methods of data sampling is due to their simplicity and efficiency in identifying the respondents targeted by the researcher who will be of interest to his/research and helps to provide relevant information that will be useful for the researcher in analysing his/her data. However for the respondents who cannot be clearly identified the snow ball method is appropriate as the respondent can be reached through friend networks and gives the respondent a chance to express his/or her views regarding the topic under survey and responding to research questions which will be of interest to the researcher (Frank, 2006). Sampling method might also been appropriate in conducting this research as it contains less error since it targets a large group of respondents, however the method is costly since it involves a wide coverage of a bigger area using more detailed research procedures will may not be in line with the respondent’s confidentiality (Jens,2011). However this method may produce better results as there is less room for making errors since the confidence interval can be calculated as opposed to non-probability method of data sampling which is prone to errors as the confidence interval cannot be computed and therefore if the data is not well collected the method can produce biased results which is against the researcher’s interest as he/she would like to be as a accurate as possible for his/her research to respond better to already identified research questions (Gordon ; Gill; Jason 2009). ADMINISTRATION AND FIELD WORK DECISIONS The issue of gay marriage is quite sensitive and therefore several factors need to be put in place on deciding on the best method of carrying out the survey (Rita; Howard, 2003). The main survey method of data collection is as identified where questionnaires will be sent via email to institutions of higher learning ,places of work that will include; hospitals, banks and other established working institution where the respondent will be given ten hours to respond to the questions and send back the feedback (David ,2005). Five hours of response have been chosen since the issue of gay marriage need to be look at carefully where the respondent need to take his/her times to answer the stipulated questions in the questionnaire. However, where the gay people can clearly be identified telephone interviews will be conducted which is believed to produce better results, since gay marriage has been seen as an abnormal behaviour in the society. However the phone interview will be conducted at the respondent’s appropriate time. Several challenges however may arise while trying to determine the extent to which gay marriage has been adopted in Australia through the survey (Jon A. Krosnick). Shying away is common among the respondents as many people have the feeling that gay marriage is not acceptable in the society and its viewed as an abnormal behaviour where respondents may fail to give important details pertaining their marital status. The survey is a close ended questionnaire where the respondents are supposed to give definite answers to the question presented. QUESTIONNAIRE The questionnaire seeks to answer to various questions that have been structured to accommodate various social classes and groups of people across the country (John and Stanley Feldman). Their views will be of substantial help that will lead proper analysis of the extent to which gay marriage has been adopted and people’s perspective towards it. Proponents of gay marriage gay marriage argue that it helps to eliminate stigmatization: the lesbians or gay couples feel stigmatized when there are laws banning their unions and condemning their act (Andryszewski, 2012). They therefore propose that the only way to eliminate stigma is to allow the couples to marry in their orientation, i.e. those who feel gay oriented to be allowed to marry same sex couples (Frederick; Doskow, 2011). On the other hand those against it argue that; Most of the children who have gay parents are mostly exposed to hatred. Research has showed that children raised in homes by gays are subjected to punishment. This is because they are imperilled to homophobia by the community. Abhorrence focused at the child's paternities would extent to the child (George, 2009). Therefore the questionnaire is supposed to respond to pertinent issues relating to gay marriage and give the current stand on gay marriage in Australia. However the questions presented in the questionnaire are formal and straight forward. The respondent is free to skip questions he/she finds not relevant. However the problems of respondents’ failure to answer the questions can be prevented by brief explanation of the importance of this research. The format of the questions addressed by the questionnaire also helps to reduce no-response because they are simple and straight forward. DATA ANALYSIS Since the research is based on non-probability data sampling the data presented will therefore assume normal distribution (Paul and Lyberg, 2003).The data will be grouped according to gender, religion, profession, age bracket and any other variable included in the questionnaire. The Chi Square test will also be used to show the correlation between certain variables such as where there exist any relationship between age, religion, profession, gender and other variable directly related to adoption of gay marriage in Australia. Multiple regression models will also be used to show how the dependent variables relate with independent variables. MIXED MEHODS To provide detailed results face to face interview will be conducted to supplement the survey to avoid a situation where many errors will occur. According to research done on various countries that actually propose for the legalization of gay marriage argues that this issue of gayety is commonly in higher institutions of education like colleges among other places (Yuval, 2002). In many polls, there have been reveal that most countries do support the marriage between similar people. Although gay marriage has not yet been legalized in Australia, its proponents argue on the bases of equality, civil rights, social, political, religious and moral concern. APENDIX Questionnaire This questionnaire aims at gathering data that will be used to analyze as whether gay marriages should be legalized or abolished .This questionnaire will be used purposely for academic work and information that you give here will be treated with utmost confidentiality. Your contribution and cooperation will be of great help to me and is greatly appreciated. 1 .City or residence ………… 2. Gender…………………… 3. Age in years ( ) Respondent’s General Information (Tick as appropriate) 4. Marital status Married single divorced 5. What is your view on gay marriage? Should be abolished Legalized No comment 6. What’s your religion? Religion Yes No Roman Catholic Anglican Uniting Church In Australia Other protestant Orthodox Presbyterian and Reformed Baptist Lutheran Pentecostal References Andryszewski,(2012). Same-sex marriage: granting equal rights or damaging the status of marriage.Minneapolis: Twenty-First Century Books. Claire, S,( 2012). Gay Marriage And Democracy: Equality for All. USA: Rowman & Littlefield publishers, Inc. Craig A Rimmerman; Clyde Wilcox, (2007). The politics of same-sex marriage. Chicago : University of Chicago Press. Daniel, R, (2006). “America’s Struggle for same sex Marriage”, Cambridge: university press, Cambridge David Campos, (2005). Understanding gay and lesbian youth: lessons for straight school teachers, counselors, and administrators. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield Education. Evan, G, (2004). “Same Sex Marriage and The Constitution”. Chicago: Cambridge university Press. Frank D Cox, (2006). Human intimacy: marriage, the family, and its meaning. Belmont, CA : Thomson/Wadsworth. Frederick Hertz; Emily Doskow, (2011). Making it legal: a guide to same-sex marriage, domestic partnerships & civil unions. George Chauncey,(2009). Why Marriage: the History Shaping Today's Debate Over Gay Equality. New York: Basic Books. Gerstmann, E, (2004).Same-sex Marriage and the Constitution: [we all deserve the freedom to marry].Cambridge: University Press. Gordon Albert Babst; Emily R Gill; Jason Pierceson,(2009). Moral argument, religion, and same-sex marriage: advancing the public good. Lanham. Md : Lexington Books. Hull, K., (2006).Same-Sex Marriage: The Cultural Politics of Love and Law. Cambridge: University Press. Jens Rydström, (2011). Odd couples: a history of gay marriage in Scandinavia. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Aksant. Jerrold S Greenberg; Clint E Bruess; Sarah C Conklin,(2011). Exploring the dimensions of human sexuality. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett John Corvino; Maggie Gallagher.(2012). Debating same-sex marriage. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press John Zaller and Stanley Feldman .Reviewed. A Simple Theory of the Survey Response: Answering Questions versus Revealing Preferences. Midwest Political Science Association. Jon A. Krosnick. Survey Research. Department of Psychology. Ohio State University: Columbus, Ohio 43210. Jonathan, H, (2012).Gay Marriage: Why It Is Good for Gays, Good for Straights, and Good for America. New York: Pantheon. Jonathan, R, (2004).“Gay Marriage: Why is it good for gays, good for straights and god for America”. Washington: Henry Hole and company. Kate Burns, (2005). Gay marriage.Detroit :Greenhaven Press. Kathleen, A, (2009). “Same Sex Marriage”. United States of America: Insomniac Press. Louise, S, (2011). “Same sex Marriage”, New York: The Rosen Publishing Group. Mark Philip Strasser, (1997). Legally wed : same sex marriage and the constitution. Ithaca, NY : Cornell Univ. Press Michael Mello (2004).Legalizing Gay Marriage. Philadelphia : Temple University Press Robert M Baird,(2004). Same-sex marriage : the moral and legal debate. Amherst, N.Y : Prometheus Books. Paul P. Biemer & Lars E. Lyberg, (2003). Introduction to Survey Quality.John Wiley & Sons. Rita James Simon; Howard Altstein, (2003). Global perspectives on social issues : marriage and divorce. Lanham: Lexington Books. Thomas J Schuh, (2004).In support of same-sex marriage & gay rights in America. Victoria, B.C. : Trafford, (2012). "Emory researchers: Gay marriage bans increase HIV infections”, web citations website Yuval Merin, (2002). Equality for same-sex couples: the legal recognition of gay partnerships in Europe and the United StatesChicago : University of Chicago Press. Read More

Snow ball sampling technique will mostly be relied where our respondents cannot be easily identified, purposive sampling will also be used (Gerstmann, 2004). However since it will be difficult to establish an appropriate sample size will emanate from estimation which will be done in an educated manner so as to minimize errors in order to come up with non-biased estimated sample which will respond to research questions and objectives in a manner that the research would be seen to make sense and can be relied on in future (Hull, 2006).

Modified method of sampling will be used where most of our respondents are young people estimated to be above the age of 18 years and above where students in institutions of higher learning will be of great interest to this research (Michael, 2004). The respondents will be required to fill in a simple structured questionnaire which has been appropriately chosen in conducting the survey (Mark, 1997). The questions responded to will include location (Western Australia, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria/Tasmania, NSW/ACT), the capital city (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide /Perth or the rest of Australia) the gender of the respondent (female ,male or mixed),the marital status(married, single, never married or divorced)s ,the age bracket of the respondent (18-24,25-36,52 and above), the profession of the respondents both in white collar and blue collar jobs, religion (Roman Catholic, Anglican, Uniting Church in Australia, Orthodox, Presbyterian and Reformed ,Baptist, Lutheran, Pentecostal and other protestant).

After collecting the information regarding the respondents the purposive technique will be used to provide relevant information that will be used in analyzing the data collected and making conclusions (Jerrold; Clint; Sarah, 2011). Examples of variables that may be of interest to this research will include; the age bracket, the gender, profession, religion, among other factors that will be considered relevant in the research). Snow ball sampling will be greatly relied from the already identified respondents in order to have a reliable sample that will be free of biasness and that contains minimal errors (John; Maggie 2012) .

The main aim is to have each religion, gender profession and age bracket at least five respondents per region which will quite reliable in this research. The research have opted to mostly rely on non- probability sampling techniques over the probability methods of data collection in order to produce the required results by getting information from the targeted respondent (Thomas, 2004). The main reason as to why the research has opted to concentrate on purposive and snowball methods of data sampling is due to their simplicity and efficiency in identifying the respondents targeted by the researcher who will be of interest to his/research and helps to provide relevant information that will be useful for the researcher in analysing his/her data.

However for the respondents who cannot be clearly identified the snow ball method is appropriate as the respondent can be reached through friend networks and gives the respondent a chance to express his/or her views regarding the topic under survey and responding to research questions which will be of interest to the researcher (Frank, 2006). Sampling method might also been appropriate in conducting this research as it contains less error since it targets a large group of respondents, however the method is costly since it involves a wide coverage of a bigger area using more detailed research procedures will may not be in line with the respondent’s confidentiality (Jens,2011).

However this method may produce better results as there is less room for making errors since the confidence interval can be calculated as opposed to non-probability method of data sampling which is prone to errors as the confidence interval cannot be computed and therefore if the data is not well collected the method can produce biased results which is against the researcher’s interest as he/she would like to be as a accurate as possible for his/her research to respond better to already identified research questions (Gordon ; Gill; Jason 2009).

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Support and Opposition of Gay Marriage Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 Words.
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