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My Professional Development Towards Becoming a Businessman - Essay Example

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The paper "My Professional Development Towards Becoming a Businessman" states that lifelong learning does not only include my own initiative but others as well. I likewise learn from them as I vicariously experience their own learning when they share it with me…
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My Professional Development Towards Becoming a Businessman
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?My Professional Development Towards Becoming a Businessman Section A: My Three Focus Skills On my final year in Business Management studies, I look towards my future as a professional businessman. How do I get there aside from being armed with a degree? What special skills should I hone so I could succeed in my career? I believe self-awareness, good communication and creativity are the essential skills I need to improve on and develop further. Knowing myself, my strengths and weaknesses will help me pursue goals that I know I could meet. I will be able to use my strengths in gaining the respect and trust of people and build my own credibility. On the other hand, knowing my weaknesses would push me to work hard to turn them into strengths. Being able to communicate well with others in both verbal and written forms will help me establish a network of people who can support me and help me towards achieving my goals. Good communication is key to harmonious and fulfilling relationships. Creativity is one skill which will make me stand out from the rest because I will be able to come up with fresh ideas and strategies that would work out for my future clients. Being creative is one quality that is becoming increasingly in demand these days. 1. Self-Awareness Knowing oneself – one’s own personality, traits, attitudes, views, strengths and weaknesses based on one’s family and cultural background and previous life experiences is a very important skill to master in business. In order for me to get a good self-analysis, I turned to self-assessment tests so I can see myself from an objective point of view. Self-Assessments Self-assessments are effective ways for individuals to evaluate themselves to see how far they have come in terms of progress in one area or another and to know their strengths and weaknesses. Self-assessments can come in various forms. Some are simple reflective practices while others entail taking some tests. For this Professional Development Plan (PDP), I took 3 self-assessment tests namely the Myer-Briggs (MBTI), the DISC and the Learning Styles Inventory (see appendix for results). From the test results of my self-assessments, there were a lot of surprising revelations, agreements and disagreements as well in relation to how I know my self. The following are the interpretations of the results of the tests. MBTI (Myers-Briggs test) This theory measures psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. The preferences indicate the differences in people based on the following: How they focus their attention or get their energy (Extraversion or Introversion) How they perceive or take in information (Sensing or Intuition) How they prefer to make decisions (Thinking or Feeling) How they orient themselves to the external world (Judgment or Perception) The Myer-Briggs Test Results say I have strong tendencies toward the ESFJ and ENFJ personality types. Both types share the dominant functions of the letters E and F or Extraverted Feeling. This means my dominant function is feeling oriented towards the outer world. I focus on building harmony in the world around me, creating positive atmosphere and good rapport with people. I look after their welfare and go out of my way in overcoming differences of opinion and finding ways for people to agree. I invest much on building positive relationships, motivating others to be happy in each situation. . The ESFJ and ENFJ differ in Sensing/ Intuition. This means I can respond differently to information I receive depending on my preference. If it is clear facts I want to know or accuracy in description of details, then my preference is for Sensing. However, if I prefer to deal with ideas, and venture into unknown territories so I can generate new possibilities, then my preference is for Intuition. My profile also prefers dealing equally with ideas/information and people/things. I prefer dealing equally with facts/tangible things and possibilities/intuitions. I prefer to base my decisions on values rather than logic. My preference is to be organized and structured, more so than being flexible and going with the flow. ESFJs direct their energy towards the outer world of actions and spoken words. They seek to build harmony in personal relationships, engendering team spirit and being an encouragement to others. They like dealing with people, and organize life on a personal basis. Similarly, ENFJs direct their energy towards the outer world of actions and spoken words. They try to build harmony in important personal relationships. Their lives are organized on a personal basis, seeking to develop and promote personal growth in people they value. DISC The DISC Classic test is based on a four-quadrant model that reliably describes four styles of human behavior namely Dominance (D), Influence (I), Steadiness (S) and Conscientiousness (C). Dominance – relating to control, power and assertiveness Influence – relating to social situations and communication Steadiness – relating to patience, persistence, and thoughtfulness Conscientiousness – relating to structure and organization My DISC Results: Highest DISC dimension is Steadiness (S) relating to patience, persistence, and thoughtfulness People with high "S" styles scores want a steady pace, security, and do not like sudden change. High "S" individuals are calm, relaxed, patient, possessive, predictable, deliberate, stable, consistent, and tend to be unemotional and poker faced. My Classical Profile Pattern: Agent Steadiness being my strong suit in the DISC profile, I am consistent, predictable and am not one to rock the boat. I just focus on maintaining stability and making decisions deliberately within my comfort zone. I am tolerant of different ideas and opinions and make people comfortable in their differences. I am accepting of people from backgrounds other than my own and display a heightened awareness of human nature and personal relations. Since I am very patient and good at listening to others, I show empathy and people trust me with confidential matters which I keep to myself. I value such trust and show loyalty and support to my friends and associates. Learning Style Inventory The results truly surprised me, viewed from a macro perspective and just focusing on the general intelligence categories. I know like music, and my thoughts can run deep on philosophical issues, and can dwell on introspection, but I did not expect I would get perfect scores in those areas of intelligence. What I expected was to score perfectly in verbal, interpersonal and kinesthetic intelligences as I know myself to be gregarious and people-loving and in a constant state of motion, however, I got less than perfect scores in those areas. I also expected to score moderately in naturalist, visual and logical intelligence since I do not excel in the items listed under them. If I focus more on the items in each section, I would understand that the profile that resulted from the inventory made sense. For my own learning style, the learning style inventory suggests that I learn best thinking musically rather than verbally since I have a heightened listening ability. I also am proficient in identifying patterns not just in sound. I also have a strong tendency to see how something relates to the bigger picture, so it is important to summarize details into a larger understanding. Since introspection is one of my dominant intelligence, I know how to sense other’s feelings, attitudes and outlook and am highly conscious of my own emotional states and thought processes. This information is culled from my strengths in the musical, existential and intrapersonal dimensions only (Multiple Intelligence Profiles, 2010). Being proficient in rhythm and music, seeing the bigger picture and being sensitive to my own feelings and thoughts as well as of others, as reflected in my learning style inventory, makes up for my supposed lack in logical intelligence. Implications of the Self-Assessment Tests: Apart from how I know myself, the tests revealed several things about me. I learn best through experience and being active rather than just being passive and receiving information. When I listen well, I am ably guided on what to do and willingly implement my plans accordingly. I am very exuberant, but can be quiet at times when I want to ponder on things. I do love people who are like me – loyal and committed to the values we keep. I am truly peace loving, so I do not get into a lot of arguments with others. Usually, I relent when there are disagreements just to keep the harmony. I thrive best in a social environment. I cannot imagine working on my own. If I do, I know I will be able to survive, but I do need the stimulation I get from other people. In saying that I can relate with all types of people, it means that put in any social environment, I will be bound to work my best because I would know how to deal with all kinds of problems dealing with different personalities. I am a better follower than a leader, since I can give the ultimate support to any leader. I am a very good listener, and as a sounding board, I can give back very good ideas. I know any team that would have me would be fortunate because I am indeed a great team player. On the other hand, I can buckle under pressure. To avert this, I can use my good organizational skills I have learned from my student life and plan ahead wisely so I do not get into any cramming or blame shifting when results are unexpectedly bad. Being a people-person, there is a tendency to put others’ needs before mine. I am happiest when I make others feel good about themselves, and get disappointed when I feel I am not liked back as much or experience unkindness or indifference from them. My desire to be liked by others is a human need all people share and does not to mean that my sense of security relies heavily on their approval because I am a very secure person. I believe people are basically good and expect that kindness comes naturally from them too. I am very adaptable and have the ability to adjust to whoever I’m with in order to maintain harmony. I know I have a good sense of judging people and can be influential to them but I do not control them to acquiesce to my way of thinking and relating 2. Communication I am aware that much of the conflicts arising from interpersonal relationships is rooted in communication problems. Unresolved issues are mostly caused by miscommunication not cleared up. It is pathetic when people go through life without making the effort to fill in the gaps by understanding the reasons behind the issues. This results in hurt feelings and even broken relationships. I included communication as one of my three focus skills because I know just how important it is not only in personal relationships but also in business. I learned from my research that professionals are traditionally considered to exhibit masculine communication behavior such as rationality, power, decisiveness, and objectivity rather than so called feminine communication behavior (Bradley, 1981). I do agree with this, although that is not to say that I am a chauvinist. Professional women are seen as less powerful in terms of communication. When they exhibit assertive language in the workplace, their image is transformed to one who is more aggressive or “out-of-role” and if this may jeopardize their effectiveness especially when they manifest their assertiveness above accepted levels (Kennedy & Camden, 1983). I know that the way one communicates and receives information matters much in the quality of relationships he or she has with others. Effective communication takes practice and hard work especially for those who are not skilled in interpersonal relations. Several factors need to be considered when communicating: age, gender, relationship to the person, nature of the communication exchange, temperament and personality and even culture. The adage “Actions speak louder than words” rings true in a variety of situations. In the workplace, people manifest explicit verbal communication and implicit, non-verbal communication (Lee, 2008). Explicit verbal communication takes the form of direct reprimands or written memos to delinquent workers. Implicit, non-verbal communication is more action-oriented. An example is a boss deliberately showing a delinquent worker that he is taking over the tasks formerly assigned to the worker. The boss may not say anything, but the message comes across very clear to the worker that his inefficiency is noted by the boss. In times of conflict, the impact of implicit, nonverbal communication and explicit, verbal communication (that is, the written norm) is never equal. The more visible and stark the image, the more effective the message is delivered and received. Lee (2008) gives the example of a Fortune 500 chief executive choosing to lunch spontaneously in the cafeteria with employees he has never met. He approaches them and asks for their perspective on street-level obstacles to strategic execution. A little while later, he begins to take notes on the back of an old envelope. His action of lunching with ground-level employees communicates the message that he values ideas of his people no matter what position they have in the company. His non-verbal language goes way beyond body language, facial expression and vocal intonation. To sum up, verbal and nonverbal interactions play a part in the effective exchange of ideas. LeFebvre (2008) advises that when speaking, one must also be aware of body language and tone and inflection of voice. She notes that different ideas may be conveyed by simply emphasizing different parts of the statement. Being an active listener helps one understand the message being relayed to him. As the listener, one should hold his response until the speaker is done, and keenly observe nonverbal cues expressed. It must always be remembered that communication is a give and take process. One must learn to wait his turn to be the speaker and the listener. 3. Creativity Creative thinking refers to how people come up with solutions to existing problems (Amabile, 1996, 1998). It is the result of an individual’s effort to mix and match existing, conventional ideas together to create new approaches to solving problems. Such thinking does not produce creativity merely from an individual’s intellectual efforts, but creativity is an outcome of his accumulated creative thinking skills and expertise based on his past experiences (Amabile, 1998). However, even if an individual has enough appropriate creative thinking skills and expertise, a high level of creativity will not be reached if he or she lacks the motivation to mobilize efforts to use such capabilities (Jung, 2001). A common phrase used referring to creativity is ‘thinking outside the box”. Notar & Padgett (2010) commented that very successful people never appear to have a “box” from which they operate. However, a box is something associated with something that confines one to a finite space. “Thinking outside the box” then means not thinking in a finite space but opening the minds out to infinite space with endless possibilities. Bernacki (2002) enumerates some attributes related to “thinking outside the box as the following: Willingness to take new perspectives to day-to-day work. Openness to do different things and to do things differently. Focusing on the value of finding new ideas and acting on them. Striving to create value in new ways. Listening to others. Accepted measures of creativity are a person’s flexibility, originality, elaboration, fluency of ideas. Simple defined, Fluency is the ability to produce a large number of ideas. Flexibility is the ability to shift easily from one type of thinking to another. Originality is the ability to come up with unusual or remote ideas and Elaboration is the ability of seeing ways to improve or change a situation or an object. The foregoing discussion emphasizes how the skills of self-awareness, communication and creativity are essential in my personal and professional development. Aspiring to be in business someday, whether as part of a medium to large-scale multinational business empire, and building my own business in the distant future, I know possessing these skills will lead me to success. Being able to maximize my potentials in skills I am aware I am good at and minimizing the use of skills I am not very adept at, I know I can accomplish much. Having good communication skills will bridge me to people who may be able to help me with skills that I am not so good at, and that will create effective business partnerships and team effort. I will be able to use my creativity in coming up with innovative strategies to bring the company forward. Section B: My Professional Development in Action What follows is a simple chart outlining some of my insights on developing the skills I need that would not only benefit my personal development, but my professional development as well. It gives examples of my current skills/ abilities and how these would translate in my future as a professional as well as some of the things I need to do in order to develop the skills further. Since I envision myself to be successful in business someday, this professional development plan must be carried out until I achieve my goals. Professional Development Plan Competency Current Ability Potential Applications Action Self-management Self-Awareness The recent self-assessment tests I took make me look deeper within my self. From my youth, I have come to value self-introspection. I always analyze the things I have done, have said and have felt and thought to be lessons for me to learn from. This greatly helps me in my next moves. Most of the time when I do reflect on my actions, I come up with the right outcomes. In my future as a businessman, I need to work on my weaknesses. I should keep reflecting on my performance to know where I need improvement on. My self-evaluation will help me identify these weaknesses and turn them into strengths. I know I am continuously evolving, and self-actualization is my goal. As a future business leader, I need to be able to encourage my team members to likewise be more reflective in their tasks as this leads to good planning and foresight necessary in accomplishing goals successfully. Learn more about my own natural reactions to events and manage my emotions better so I can behave more appropriately especially in challenging situations. Read and watch helpful self-help books and shows. Study how other people behave and think so I can adjust to them better. Widen my perspective on various things. Interpersonal Interaction Skills Developing Good Communication and Skills in Managing Conflicts I come from a very peace-loving family. We get to resolve our personal issues quickly. However, stepping into the real world entails knowing how to adapt to various personalities and being able to manage the conflicts that may inevitably crop up. I am inconsistent in my competence in handling conflicts, and that depends on the gravity of the issue and the strength of the personalities and the positions of the people involved. A successful business manager needs know how to establish and maintain harmonious relationships with diverse people and groups. He possesses high emotional intelligence, maturity and understanding of people coming from various backgrounds and temperaments. Read more material on effective communication strategies and managing conflicts. If possible, attend seminars and workshops on the topic. Write articles or letters to friends to sharpen writing skills and practicing good grammar, spelling and the composition of a coherent piece Engage more in conversations with new acquaintances Conceptual Skills Creativity I have been known to possess a sense of humour based on creative thinking. I can make up jokes and play games that encourage creativity. I know I can come up with creative ideas, however, my constraint is executing such ideas to more concrete terms. In business, it is important to be creative. The four components of flexibility, originality, elaboration, fluency of ideas will be powerful tools for any business manager. These facilitate the creation of innovative strategies that become part of an organization’s competitive advantage. Be interested in a variety of things and try new experiences. This will help widen my perspective and help me collect new and creative ideas. Meet new people. Their various personalities and points of view will also help expand my horizons. Play! Engage in interesting and thoughtful conversations with people of all ages. Research on things that interest me or to deepen my knowledge in things I already know. Try new things Recently, I have done several things for my own self-improvement. I have tried to go on a personal knowledge management journey so I know that I consciously do things to facilitate my journey toward becoming a successful businessman someday. With regards to the three focus skills, I have been more conscious of how I behave and the insights that come to mind in various situations. When I react to certain people, I now stop and think to myself why this person elicits in me a positive or negative reaction and deal with such person in an appropriate way based on the personal skills I know I have. Being more self-aware has dramatically helped me in dealing with different personalities. I am able to communicate better to them, thinking of what to say before I blurt it out, careful not to be hurtful and offensive. I have been practicing my English language better in terms of grammar, diction, and in writing, spelling. I know that English has become the universal language for business, so I need to strive to be better at it. In terms of creativity, I have been more open to new ideas and experiences. I have read much about developing creativity and there are some exercises and games I have played to develop flexibility and originality in thinking as well as being able to expand my own ideas to connect to other concepts, coming up with whole new concept altogether. Thinking “out of the box” is one thing I have developed in terms of flexibility of thinking. I could not always insist on my way of thinking in others, but need to be flexible just so I can live and learn harmoniously with them. I have learned to accept that people may have different interpretations of concepts, some valid, and some not, but it is interesting to probe why they came up to such interpretations nonetheless. Somehow, the idea speaks to them in a way that makes sense to their own contexts. I am now open and flexible to various thinking styles. I have accepted this as part of creativity, which is a quality I am proud to possess. I constantly seek knowledge through work activities, workshops, lectures, various experiences, mentoring and training. Making sense of problems and searching for patterns to figure out solutions are completed by reviewing feedback I gather not only from research but from people around me. When I am deep in thought, I reflect on the tools I have – my ideas, opinions, experiences – everything from my own perspective, and try to identify the thinking processes I engaged in. If I allow myself to be analytical, I would put my personal perspectives on an objective frame of mind and critique it, rotate the ideas in my head inside-out to see if there are strong possibilities for solutions. I might even find new information there, when some old ideas are merged. I try to also become an instrument of learning for others when I share my experiences with them. I cannot see myself teaching them, as I know I have still a lot to learn, however when I share my experiences, I know they learn from me too. Now that I had to live independently away from the accessible guidance and support of my parents, I learned to care for my needs and to overcome challenges along the way. My analytical skills have been basic and straightforward. Usually when I encounter a problem, I ask the simplest and most predictable questions - When and where did the problem happen? What are the reasons for the problem? Who are involved in this problem? I attempt to solve the problem right away before it becomes more complicated. However, when it does and I still have not solved it, then I turn to solutions from other people or from research. When I encounter a problem, I write down the scenario using keywords. This helps me create an image of the problem to work on. Then, it serves as a guide in my search and collection of information regarding the problem at hand. When I have gathered enough possible solutions, then I create an action plan to solve the problem. Initially, I do not see the big picture. I have a tendency to focus on providing solutions right away and need to spend more time seeing how it affects everything else. However, on hindsight, I get to see all the details. Indeed, it is usually clearer when everything is over and done with. I know that I get along well with people. My self-assessment results validate that. I have positive experiences with people of diverse backgrounds and personalities. I am able to engage in conversations with others ranging from the simplest and most basic information to more complicated topics. I am sensitive to various personalities and get intimidated by those with very strong ones, and the loud voices that go with it. I get nervous around people like those. Sometimes, since I am so into learning more about them, I become too easy to manipulate. It is difficult for me to say ‘no’. I guess that makes me likeable but at the same time, I end up doing more favors to others than I can handle. When working with others, I try my best to be a good team player. I try to do my assigned tasks well and on time, and welcome criticism in case some adjustments are necessary. I extend help to others as well as request help from them, if needed. In order for me to build and maintain smooth interpersonal relationships with others, I am humble enough to admit my mistakes and in turn, forgiving of others’. I am honest with each person I encounter. I learned that lifelong learning does not only include my own initiative but others’ as well. I likewise learn from them as I vicariously experience their own learning when they share it with me. My co-learners are not only my colleagues and customers in the industry, but everyone around me- my family, friends, etc. I know that people are valuable resources in my journey in lifelong learning. My dealings with people help me strengthen my decision-making skills and help me learn to balance my relational skills with my rational skills. All in all, this whole exercise of designing my professional development plan/ portfolio has benefitted me so much. Although I realize I still have a long way to go in improving my weaknesses, I have become more focused on my personal and professional success as my goals are clearer to me. It has added a seriousness and depth in appreciating my studies and efforts in becoming a true professional. References Amabile, T. M. (1996). Creativity in context: Update to the social psychology of creativity. Boulder, CO: Westview. Amabile, T. M. (1998). How to kill creativity. Harvard Business Review,76(5), 77–87 Bernacki, E. (2002). Exactly What Is 'Thinking Outside The Box'? Retrieved May 3, 2011 from Http://Www.Canadaone.Com/Ezine/April02/Out Bradley, P.H. (1981). “The folk-linguistics of women's speech: An empirical Examination”, Communication Monographs, 48, 73-90. Jung, D.I. (2001) Transformational and Transactional Leadership and Their Effects on Creativity in Groups, Creativity Research Journal Vol. 13, No. 2, 185–195 Kennedy, C.W., & Camden, C.T. (1983) “Interruptions and Nonverbal Gender Differences”, Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 8, 91-108. Lee , T.J. (2008) Actions speak loudly, Communication World , July-August 2008 LeFebvre, K.B. (2008) Strengthen Your Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Oncology Nursing Society CONNECT September 2008 Notar, C. & Padgett, S. (2010) Of The Box Thinking…Is Thinking Outside The Box 21st Century Code For Imagination, Innovation, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Intuition?, College Student Journal, Jun2010 Part A, Vol. 44, Issue 2 McKenzie, W. (1999) Multiple Intelligence Inventory. Retrieved on April 29, 2011from Multiple Intelligence Profiles (2010) Retrieved on April 29, 2011 from Appendix 1. Self-Assessment Test Results: A. Myer-Briggs Test: Myer-Briggs Test Result: ESFJ & ENFJ B. DISC test: C. Learning Style Inventory Multiple Intelligences Inventory Copyright 1999 Walter McKenzie, The One and Only Surfaquarium Note: This is not a test - it is a snapshot in time of an individual's perceived MI preferences. Looking for a picture based inventory for non-readers? Or an Excel-based inventory that automatically completes your MI profile for you? Multiple Intelligences and Instructional Technology offers both on CD ROM! Click here to learn more! Part I   Complete each section by placing a “1” next to each statement you feel accurately describes you. If you do not identify with a statement, leave the space provided blank. Then total the column in each section.    Section 1 1_____  I enjoy categorizing things by common traits 1____  Ecological issues are important to me 1_____  Classification helps me make sense of new data _____  I enjoy working in a garden 1_____  I believe preserving our National Parks is important 1_____  Putting things in hierarchies makes sense to me 1_____  Animals are important in my life _____  My home has a recycling system in place _____  I enjoy studying biology, botany and/or zoology 1_____  I pick up on subtle differences in meaning   7_____  TOTAL for Section 1       Section 2   1_____  I easily pick up on patterns 1_____  I focus in on noise and sounds 1_____  Moving to a beat is easy for me 1_____  I enjoy making music 1_____  I respond to the cadence of poetry 1_____  I remember things by putting them in a rhyme 1_____  Concentration is difficult for me if there is background noise 1_____  Listening to sounds in nature can be very relaxing 1_____  Musicals are more engagingto me than dramatic plays 1_____  Remembering song lyrics is easy for me   10_____  TOTAL for Section 2       Section 3   _____  I am known for being neat and orderly 1_____  Step-by-step directions are a big help 1_____  Problem solving comes easily to me 1_____  I get easily frustrated with disorganized people _____  I can complete calculations quickly in my head _____  Logic puzzles are fun _____  I can't begin an assignment until I have all my "ducks in a row" 1_____  Structure is a good thing 1_____  I enjoy troubleshooting something that isn't working properly 1_____  Things have to make sense to me or I am dissatisfied   6_____  TOTAL for Section 3       Section 4     1_____  It is important to see my role in the “big picture” of things 1_____  I enjoy discussing questions about life 1_____  Religion is important to me 1_____  I enjoy viewing art work 1_____  Relaxation and meditation exercises are rewarding to me 1_____  I like traveling to visit inspiring places 1_____  I enjoy reading philosophers 1_____  Learning new things is easier when I see their real world application 1_____  I wonder if there are other forms of intelligent life in the universe 1_____  It is important for me to feel connected to people, ideas and beliefs   10_____ TOTAL for Section 4       Section 5   1_____  I learn best interacting with others 1_____  I enjoy informal chat and serious discussion _____  The more the merrier 1_____  I often serve as a leader among peers and colleagues 1_____  I value relationships more than ideas or accomplishments 1_____  Study groups are very productive for me 1_____  I am a “team player” 1_____  Friends are important to me _____  I belong to more than three clubs or organizations _____  I dislike working alone   7_____ TOTAL for Section 5       Section 6   1_____  I learn by doing 1_____  I enjoy making things with my hands _____  Sports are a part of my life 1_____  I use gestures and non-verbal cues when I communicate 1_____  Demonstrating is better than explaining 1_____  I love to dance 1_____  I like working with tools 1_____  Inactivity can make me more tired than being very busy 1_____  Hands-on activities are fun 1_____  I live an active lifestyle   9_____ TOTAL for Section 6       Section 7   1_____  Foreign languages interest me 1_____  I enjoy reading books, magazines and web sites _____  I keep a journal 1_____  Word puzzles like crosswords or jumbles are enjoyable 1_____  Taking notes helps me remember and understand 1_____  I faithfully contact friends through letters and/or e-mail 1_____  It is easy for me to explain my ideas to others 1_____  I write for pleasure 1_____  Puns, anagrams and spoonerisms are fun 1_____  I enjoy public speaking and participating in debates   9_____ TOTAL for Section 7     Section 8   1_____  My attitude effects how I learn 1_____  I like to be involved in causes that help others 1_____  I am keenly aware of my moral beliefs 1_____  I learn best when I have an emotional attachment to the subject 1_____  Fairness is important to me 1_____  Social justice issues interest me 1_____  Working alone can be just as productive as working in a group 1_____  I need to know why I should do something before I agree to do it 1_____  When I believe in something I give more effort towards it 1_____  I am willing to protest or sign a petition to right a wrong   10_____ TOTAL for Section 8     Section 9   1_____  Rearranging a room and redecorating are fun for me 1_____  I enjoy creating my own works of art 1_____  I remember better using graphic organizers 1_____  I enjoy all kinds of entertainment media _____  Charts, graphs and tables help me interpret data 1_____  A music video can make me more interested in a song 1_____  I can recall things as mental pictures _____  I am good at reading maps and blueprints _____  Three dimensional puzzles are fun 1_____  I can visualize ideas in my mind   7_____ TOTAL for Section 9   Part II   Now carry forward your total from each section and multiply by 10 below:   Section Total Forward Multiply Score 1 7 X10   70 2 10 X10   100 3 6 X10   60 4 10 X10   100 5 7 X10   70 6 9 X10   90 7 9 X10   90 8 10 X10   100 9 7 X10 70     Part III   Now plot your scores on the bar graph provided:     100   x x x 90   x x 80             70   x x x 60   x 50   40   30   20   10   0   Sec 1 Naturalist strength   Sec 2 Musical strength   Sec 3 Logical strength   Sec 4 Existential strength   Sec 5 inter-personal strength   Sec 6 kinesthetic strength   Sec 7 verbal strength   Sec 8 intra- personal strength   Sec 9 visual strength        Part IV Key:   Section 1 – This reflects your Naturalist strength Section 2 – This suggests your Musical strength Section 3 – This indicates your Logical strength Section 4 – This illustrates your Existential strength Section 5 – This shows your Interpersonal strength Section 6 – This tells your Kinesthetic strength Section 7 – This indicates your Verbal strength Section 8 – This reflects your Intrapersonal strength Section 9 – This suggests your Visual strength Special Topics of Interest To Write/ Speak About (for developing Verbal and Written Communication Skills) Leadership Self-improvement in the Workplace Global Calamities and How To Deal With Them Women’s Issues Effects of Media on Value Formation Famous and Not so Famous Tourist Destination Spots Entertainment Then and Now Overcoming Discrimination The Benefits of Going Green Encouraging Team Work in Culturally Diverse Groups Websites for Creativity Development Read More
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Self Evaluation Learning and Action Plan

Nonetheless, it is the initiation point for me as a businessman, but as soon as I succeed in capturing considerable market share and investors, I will diversify my business to other sectors as well.... After becoming a successful businessman I want to help the poor people and also want to work for the betterment of society.... I have always wanted to be a successful businessman and earn lots of money.... Hence in the near future, I aim to become a successful businessman in Indonesia....
5 Pages (1250 words) Personal Statement

Professional Skills Development Plan

The author of this work does not aim to be just another employee in a firm, but rather he wishes to be a businessman, one who risks his own capital and creates goods and services that are helpful and desirable to the community and society.... The author of the paper "Professional Skills development Plan" affirms that the foregoing personal development plan is a serious attempt to put into perspective his future as he begins the professional life....
9 Pages (2250 words) Personal Statement

The social responsibility of engineers

f a businessman were to spend the stockholders' or the customers' money in a different way from that of his customers, he would be in effect imposing taxes on them.... Let us take inflation for example, what if a businessman was told that he has to contribute in fighting inflation, what actions would he take?... businessman is said to be socially responsible if he/she were to act in a way that does not necessarily interest his/her employers....
5 Pages (1250 words) Essay

Professional Development Resource Assignment

The article asserts that leadership development is an essential in career development and gives valuable information that guides individuals on becoming good leaders.... Also, they help in meeting the company's vision, missions, and obligations towards the community and customers.... Many entrepreneurs and managers view leadership development as a crucial stepping stone to establishing a successful and.... Consequently, some of these ambitious businessmen and managers have developed numerous detailed and purposeful training on efficient and appropriate leadership development plans....
2 Pages (500 words) Essay

Self-Evaluation of Learning

In the first segment, I have tried to enhance my communication skills, skills required for successful teamwork and also the expertise required for solving various problems.... have developed the skills mainly by following my teachers and the persons whom I admire.... Apart from those, specialized training also facilitated learning for me and enhanced my skills.... I also feel that my communication skills, problem-solving skills and teamwork skills have indeed developed....
6 Pages (1500 words) Personal Statement
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