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Safety of Pedestrians and Bicycles - Term Paper Example

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The paper "Safety of Pedestrians and Bicycles" highlights that emotional trauma is nowhere reflected in the statistics reports published every year. Those reports are published for one reason and one reason alone, to learn from our mistakes and rectify the issues which are causing fatal accidents…
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Safety of Pedestrians and Bicycles
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? and Section # of Sr. No Page no Safety of Pedestrians & Bicycles: Introduction 2 2 Trends in walking and Styling 3 3 Trends in Traffic society 4 4 Infrastructure 5 5 Improving pedestrian and bicyclist safety 6 6 Improved Facilities for Walking and Bicycling 8 7 Traffic Management 9 8 Traffic Calamity in Residential Neighborhoods 9 9 Traffic Education 10 10 Traffic Regulations and Enforcement 11 11 People Oriented Urban Design 12 12 Harmony of the system 12 13 Conclusion 13 Table of Contents Safety of Pedestrians and Bicycles The pedestrian and bicycle in the U.S has been hugely overlooked. This means it is a dangerous mode of travel. Pedestrian and bicycle related fatal accidents are 36 percent and 11 percent more than car related fatalities per km traveled respectively. The rate decreases drastically in the statistics of countries like Germany and Netherlands as they recognize the importance of road safety for pedestrians and cyclists. Over the period of last 20 years, these countries have taken some major steps to ensure safety like better facilities, better urban planning and traffic education for all those who use the road, be it pedestrian, cyclist or motor driven. The implementation of road safety laws has played a key role in this statistic. Other countries may imply the very same rules and models applied in Europe to have a better safety record for the coming future where more highways and road networks will be established for all kinds of commuters (Pucher, 2000). Introduction In the modern era; where fast cars, busses and sub-ways swell our urban and sub-urban lifestyle, people still prefer simple means to travel which includes the earliest mode of travel which is “walking” and a the use of two-wheel un-powered vehicle known as the bicycle. This trend has recently increased, especially in the metro-cities due to the limitation of traveling in powered vehicles. Some of the problems include parking space, fuel cost and taxes. The increase in technology has made sure that a network of roads and highway is established due to the nature and speed requirements of the motorists. This very fact has made modern urban planners to think about the safety of pedestrians and cyclists traveling on the road; especially the ones which they share with high speed cars, busses and other engine driven vehicles. This report helps in understanding the very danger faced by pedestrians and the people saving fuel on bicycles. The safety precautions taken by states and other agencies involved in the welfare of people on the road, be it any mode of travel. The report gives an insight of the future of pedestrian and bicycle riders with respect to change in historical terms or accident avoidance and self education of the people using highways and roads. Trends in Walking and Cycling The 2009 National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) shows us that the trips taken on foot were around 11 percent of all the trips reported where as trips on bicycle were recorded to a bare 1 percent. This accounts for a total of 12 percent. Although these stats do not show a healthy sign, but in comparison to the stats in 2001, show n increase of 25 percent overall. The total number for commuters on foot has almost doubled from 18 billion in 1990 to 24.5 billion in 2009. A similar trend was noticed in the area of bikes, where the numbers rose from 1.7 billion to 4 billion in the same time frame. Still, the required numbers in ratio with the current population are not being met to reduce engine driven vehicle related issues on a daily basis (Clifton, 2004). The method of data collection for reaching these trends has also turned into an efficient system by replacing the old system. The use of telephone to carry out the survey was later replaced by recovering data from travel logs. The National Household Travel Survey included another key assessment for calculating the number of people walking or riding a bicycle in a prescribed time frame. The survey asked people about the number of times they had commuted by foot or a bike in the past week. This question brought into light a statistic according to which 63 percent of the people under study had used the walking mode at least once in the previous week, whereas this number reduced to 12 percent when asked about riding a bicycle in the previous week (Clifton, 2004). Trends in Traffic Safety By the year 1993, 5,638 pedestrians and 814 bicyclists had been killed in motor vehicle related accidents. The National Bicycling and Walking Study was released in 1993. In light with the facts and figures of the latest report of NHTSA, the number of fatal accidents has gone down over the last one and a half decade. The total decrease was about 23.3 percent in pedestrians accounting for 4378 pedestrians and 12 percent of that related to bikes amounting to 716 persons, in 2008 (TSF, 2008). On a bigger picture, the total fatal accidents in ratio with over all accidents have decreased from 15.3 percent to 13.6 percent, in the time frame of 15 years (1993 to 2008). The overall fatal accident number has also decreased from 41798 (TSF, 1995) to 37261 in 2008. The safety trend does show an improvement over the years but the worrying factor that has to be kept in mind is that still, about 700-800 persons have died annually while riding their bikes, which is a safety alarm all on itself. The estimate of pedestrian injuries has gone down from 84000 to 69000 in the same time period, i.e. from 1993 to 2008, showing a decrease of 17.8 percent. Similarly, the percentage of injuries caused to cyclists also decreased by 14.7 percent. The graph shows an increase between 2007 and 2008, which may be due to more people using cheap means of travel in the time of national financial crisis. Fig 1: injury estimates (1995 -2008) from (NBWS, 2010) Infrastructure The most important factor for improvement of safety standards for commuters on foot or those on bikes is the presence of strong infra-structure and futuristic planning. Some of the steps that are being taken by European courtiers, which in large have curbed the number of fatalities caused to people walking or cycling is reflected in this section. Furthermore, same model steps can be taken in any country to decrease their accident rate and make a safe and healthy environment which in turn will increase the number of people willing to use cycle or walk as their primary mode of transport. Pedestrian Infrastructure Some of the factors which increase pedestrian safety are zebra crossing, some of them with elevation for better visibility of both the pedestrians and the cars stopping behind them. Other measures include active signal systems, pedestrian refuge islands and proper lighting system of roads with resting places and fluid vendors at appropriate distance intervals (Pucher, 2000). Bicycling Infrastructure Similarly, the case is with the infrastructure that has to be developed for the welfare of people riding bikes, especially on longer routes. Special streets for bicycles specially in residential areas with limited access to cars, reserved lanes that allowed bikes to travel on it but not cars and a strong network of road with exits for bicycles only especially when a short cut is implied. This may also include special lanes for bicycles that joins the small roads with inter-state roads so the cyclists can cross the waiting cue of cars without any hindrance or hazard to their safety. User activated signals just as in the case of pedestrians. A special formulation of signals with a lead up time to cyclists so they can move on green light before cars start moving and causing a hazard to the moving bikers. All these setups have proved to be a success is the European region for a better cycling and pedestrian experience, hence it is highly recommend for urban planners to formulate such infrastructure, not only keeping in view the cars but also pedestrians and cyclists (Pucher, 2000). Improving Pedestrian and Bicycling Safety The basic aim of any safety operation is to enhance the efficiency of the program or plan. In his case the program or the plan to enhance the atmosphere so that more and more people leave wasting fuel and use the best clean and green option available. The only way this is ever possible is by introducing short term and long term steps to ensure the safety of pedestrians and cyclists. Some of the steps taken by the Michigan state will be discussed in this report as a model for all safety operations that can be initiated in any part of the world to ensure a favorable environment for encouraging cyclists and pedestrians. Short Term Programs The immediate steps that can and should be taken are named for the purpose of understanding the report in a better manner. Some of those steps are initiating a local training program which provides training to local agencies throughout the year. The encouragement of safety infrastructure like separate roads and refuge islands. Schools and colleges should be targeted at the foremost as the viable part of the community using cycles or walking is that studying in these places. The awareness of safety and precautionary measures taught in school will be very important in helping the young generation understand the dangers and threats of the road, if not properly used while walking or while on the bike. Long Term Programs Extensive school college and office programs all round the year have to be made a regular feature of the agencies involved in ensuring safety of pedestrians and cyclist on the roads and highways. The funding of such projects is equally important. Although these projects seem to cost a lot but there is no price on the head of any one person who dies in a road related accident. Therefore it is must that the safety boards recommend different safety projects. Not only recommend but ensure the initiation and completion of such projects. The last and most important long term strategy is the involvement of law-enforcement agencies. Due to the nature of their job, it is their responsibly to ensure safety on the road, hence they should be adequately trained with the right perspective ,so they can help the community and in turn reduce the number of incidents related to cyclists and pedestrians (GTSAC, 2009). Improved Facilities for Walking and Bicycling The facilities provided to any kind of commute system is the most important part for both; generating revenue and ensuring safety. The facility of a waiting area on an air port or train station is as important as the comfort in the airplane or the train. Similarly when considering pedestrians or cyclists, impeccable facilities are essential matters as the fatigue level in these two modes is more than any other mode of travel as there is not mechanical engine carrying your weight to the destination. Pedestrians Some recommendations are world-wide, which can make walking an enjoyable experience making people want to walk to their work or school rather than drive or walk a bus. Some of the methods to enhance the experience are increasing the width of the walk-ways and reducing waiting times on cross signals. The surface of the walking pavement is also a huge factor in pedestrian comfort, which if done correctly makes walking an enjoyable experience. Clear route marking and improved walking routes around public places like bus stations will definitely help increase the flux of walkers in any area, where the facilities are planned (BMT, 2003). Cyclists There are 5 main points which can address the whole issue of facilitation of cyclists in any community and in turn encourage more and more people to use this mode of commuting. The core points in this are coherence, in which all the routes should make a coherent entry and exit. The planned routes should be as short and straight as possible. The routes should be made attractive by making them well lit, safe and beautiful. The two most important factors in facilitation of cyclists are comfort and safety. This whole package when combined will bring about a huge amount of change in the community (BMT, 2003). Traffic Management Traffic is the most fatal reason for any accident in the world of pedestrians and cyclists. Improper management of roads or traffic signals can cause traffic chokes, making people hurry behind the wheel and in turn causing hazardous situation for the people on two wheels or those enjoying newspaper while on the move. Planning and design of the area is as important as making the right kind of road to match the kind of traffic expected. The flow of traffic pattern is also a very important factor to be considered. Traffic chocking system, like the one employed in London is a smart system which operates on the input of traffic flow. Smart planning of the traffic, crossing signals and re-routing will ensure a less hazardous environment for the people commuting by foot or on their bikes. Traffic Calamity in Residential Neighborhoods Traffic calamity is basically defined as the limitation of engine-driven traffic speed; which according to the law should be less than 31 km/h. This also implies the traffic going through various hurdles is an effort to cross the area. The hurdles include curves, speed bumps and narrow roads. This as a whole gives pedestrians and cyclists a fair chance of using the residential streets just as it is given to the motor-vehicles. Some European countries do not imply this rule in isolated streets making a re-route for faster traffic. This in turn reduces the speed of the motor-vehicle therefore reducing the chance of a fatal collision between motor-vehicles and non-motor-vehicles. The British department of transport assesses that the percentage of a fatal crash for a pedestrian/cyclist is 5% at 20mph to 45% at 30mph and 85% at 40mph (Durkin, 1997). Various European studies show the same facts as a result, which indicates that the lower the speed of the vehicle, lower the probability of a fatal crash. Therefore; there is no doubt, in believing the fact that traffic calming reduces the probability of death in a crash between a motor-vehicle and a pedestrian/cyclist in a residential neighborhood. Traffic calming, hence has reduced the number of fatal accidents in a residential area, and in turn increased the security of commuters which do not employ motor-vehicles for travelling (Hass, 1990). Traffic Education The facilities for training in European countries like Netherlands and Germany are rigorous and thorough in nature when compared to the facilities in the U.S.A. Minimum numbers of driving hours are necessary in these European countries to be eligible for a license. The minimum driving license age is 18 as compared to 16 in the U.S in most of its states. Pedestrians and cyclists are a constant threat to traffic safety as their maneuverability is more, therefore causing sudden movements which convert into accidents. The countries have special training and testing system for reflex action movements, in order to save careless pedestrians/cyclists on the road among motor-vehicle traffic. This as a whole brings more safety on the road for non-engine powered vehicles as well as those on foot (Pucher, 2000). The educating of pupils in school and colleges is an important factor in these countries, whose rod safety setup can be studied as a model for future improvement of one’s own setup. Children are and should be taught the ways to use the roads, zebra crossings and anticipation of any uncalled for situation while they are walking or cycling. Law enforcement agencies should be responsible for creating awareness among young children and teens. Germany has a school program in which children are taught how to use their bicycles while riding and also keeping in mind the safety issues. Simulated scenarios are used for better training and a sense of competition has been developed, which in turns makes a child concentrate and learn more, making safety a second nature to his walking or cycling experience (Pucher, 2000). This sort of safety education in any developed or under developed country will make sure that their future generation is safe on the road. Traffic Regulations and Enforcement Since this report is highly based on the recommended modular approach of the infrastructure and system being used in countries like Europe and Germany, this part of the report is also laced with facts and criteria followed in full working safe system. The German law has rules which on an accident between a motor-vehicle with any one on a non-vehicle hold the driver of the motor-vehicle responsible for the accident. Having the right of way; by law, does not in any case exclude motorists from being punished when they hit pedestrians and cyclists (Ellinghaus, 1997). Countries like Belgium and Netherlands go a step further, by making sure that insurance companies pay damages to the non-motorists whosoever’s mistake it is declared. Similarly these countries have strict laws enforced against cyclists who break the law like running a red light or using excessive maneuvering in traffic. All these steps are simple in nature and ensure effective safety of non-motorists on the road. The safety law and its practice, is an organizational level effort by the government, without its involvement, the plans made on paper will never suffice and the rate of accidents will never come down. People Oriented Urban Design The plan of any community, city or road network is never complete without the essence of safety in it. While planning safety some factors have to be prioritized over others like the road width over road elevation. Similarly the essence of the safety plan in an urban design should be the safety of the people and not cars. This does not only cover pedestrians and people on bicycles but also the ones traveling in cars. Just as making a system is important for running an organization, likewise a system working for the welfare of the people using the roads has to be designed so that minimum accidents occur to non-motorists. Simple steps can be taken to make the design a one favoring people and specially those using the road to commute by foot or by bikes. The essential that can be taken are extensively described in the report earlier. Also plan approval by safety board dedicated for the safety of pedestrians is very important. Any organization for the welfare of pedestrians and cyclists is a welcome measure in any society which in turn helps urban planners while they are engineering plans for road and highway networks in a city. Harmony of the system Any system, which works according to some standard, can be compared with an engine. If all the parts are working correctly, the engine will work in a beautiful manner but if any part of the engine malfunctions, the engine is unable to work properly. The threat to the engine is in comparison with the importance of the part in its work, but at a specific time or later the engine will break down due to the malfunction part. Similarly is the case with the system of traffic in any country or city. If one part of the plan fails, the whole plan inevitably fails. This is known as the harmony of the system, how one gear fits into the other and on a bigger picture helps the wheel to run round safely and without trouble. The whole point which has been emphasized in this write-up time and again is the safety precaution, means and implementation of it in the urban plan which is majorly affected by the presence of cars in it. The whole experience for the pedestrians or cyclists will only be enjoyable if the system is fair to all the people using the network of roads that now is an essential part of any country with a reasonable infrastructure of traffic. The models shown by countries like Germany and Netherlands prove the fact that road safety for non-motorists is very much possible, only if the right kind of planning is done. The right kind of planning can only be done when all the parts of the organization work as a single unit bringing all the involved agencies on the same frequency, in turn increasing road safety and decreasing accident rate. Conclusion To understand the whole object of this study, we have to see the facts that show the number of people that have died in accidents related to motor-vehicles with pedestrians and cyclists. Those people are not mere stats on a piece of paper but were sons, daughters, brothers, sisters and fathers of some people. The emotional trauma is no where reflected in the statistics reports published every year. Those reports are published for on reason and one reason alone, to learn from our mistakes and rectify the issues which are causing fatal accidents on our roads. These numbers will only decrease once a solid national plan with the aim of implementing it is enforced in the country. Otherwise, as the population increases, so does the number of people commuting every day, therefore a large number of accidents will occur resulting in further undue human loss. This report can be concluded by some recommendations that are essential for a safety perspective while keeping pedestrians and cyclists in mind. First of all a collective study of all the effective safety systems of the world and then making a fool-proof plan according to your situation by modifying the original model. Secondly, the institutions of training and law enforcement have to be centralized so that the whole country is taken towards a safety culture which in turn will reduce the number of loss human lives which is the main objective of any safety study. The report should be closed by one again emphasizing on the fact that human life is very important and cannot be replaced just because of lack of efforts on the part of the agencies responsible for the safety of roads and its users on a national level. Works Cited Belfast Metropolitan Transport Plan chapter 4 Walking and Cycling Ireland Bicyclists and Other Cyclists. Traffic Safety Facts – 2008 Data. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. NJ (2008) Clifton, J. and Krizek, J.The Utility of the NHTS in Understanding Bicycle and Pedestrian. (2004) Durkin, M. and Pheby, T. Surface Transportation Policy Project, Mean Streets: Pedestrian Safety and Reform of the Nation.s Transportation Law, Washington, D.C., (1997) Ellinghaus, D. Seidenstecher, K. and Steinbrecher, J. Vergleich des Verkehrsordnungsrechts in Europa. Bergisch-Gladbach, Germany (1997) Hass-Klau, C. An Illustrated Guide to Traffic Calming. London: Friends of the Earth (1990) Michigan Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Action Plan – January 2009 GTSAC governers traffic safety advisory commission. Michigan (2009) Pedestrians Traffic Safety Facts – 2008 Data. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. NJ (2008) Pedestrians. Traffic Safety Facts – 1995 Data. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. NJ (1995) Pucher, J. and Dijkstra, L. Making Walking and Cycling Safer: Lessons from Europe. NJ: Rutgers University (February 2000) The National Bicycling and Walking Study: 15–Year Status Report May 2010 US department of transport, (2010) Read More
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