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Using ICT as a Learning Aid for Primary ESL Learners in Saudi Arabia - Report Example

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This report "Using ICT as a Learning Aid for Primary ESL Learners in Saudi Arabia" discusses English language students in Saudi Arabia that are willing to accept ICT as a teaching medium to learn a foreign language, as they find such a use of ICT to be educative as well as entertaining…
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Using ICT as a learning aid for primary ESL learners in Saudi Arabia Introduction The essay focuses on the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) as a learning aid for primary ESL learners in Saudi Arabia. It examines various variables and factors that influence the use of technology in education, and particularly in teaching English as a second language. The paper would attempt to understand the psyche of ESL learners in Saudi Arabia and the current trend in teaching English as a second language in Saudi Arabia. Thereafter, the paper would focus on the use of ICT in ESL and find out about the various usage of ICT for teaching English. Further, it would highlight on the options available for implementing ICT for ESL learners in Saudi Arabia and the possible problems as well as advantages related to the implementation of ICT in the country. The essay would also provide various recommendations to the teachers to make ESL courses educative as well as entertaining through the use of ICT. ESL learners in Saudi Arabia All nations in the world have their own national language and with that they have set of native dialects or languages. Arabic is Saudi Arabia’s national language. Communication and all the medium of expression for natives are developed in Arabic. The focus of the case study is primarily on Saudi English as it is considered to the second language in the country. Also, the study will also highlight the problems encountered while learning the language. This can be including all the barriers or challenges that can deal with grammar, syntaxes, pronunciation, tenses, or prepositions. The case study will also showcase the problems faced by students in understanding the basics of the language Al-Jarf (2004). During the early years, English schools based in Saudi Arabia concentrated on catering to the kids of expatriates who worked in the oil-rich kingdom. With the new age technology and globalization students in Saudi students became keen to learn the language with the support from the government funding and support. This gave rise to proliferation institutions who offered courses in English. With this, there were many schools who hired teachers who could teach English in the urge to spread the knowledge in all the parts of the country (Al-Hazmi & Scholfield, 2007). In older times, the teachers who were working in Saudi Arabia were recruited from other countries. With the Ministry of Education instructing the schools to teach English as the second language, it has been seen that the country lacks the workforce to meet demand. With this, the increase in the expatriates living in the nation has also increased manifold, which has pushed the need to improve the skills for the natives to converse with them. One of the better way innovated in the recent past, is learning the language through Interactive classroom teaching. In this case, English becomes the official language. This has been done primarily because computer language and the referential such as books, literatures and manuals are all written in English. It’s the need of the hour for students in Saudi Arabia to learn the language in order to understand the technical terms or better understanding the subject. Also, it has been an initiative from the government to send close to 5,000 scholars in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and other nations to improve the skills. In this case, the demand for ESL has seen a steep rise (Al-Hazmi & Scholfield, 2007). ICT needs for ESL learners in Saudi Arabia ICT and ESL Information and communication technology or ICT is also considered to be a part of media or it can be method to impart knowledge. It is a methodology that enables the end users to learn the language in the most convenient way. Also, the technology used in the education should be focused on improving the basics and going beyond the convention. It should be seen as a platform wherein, technology should create learning experiences. While teaching, ICT should also focus on curriculum and the sessions planned. In order to do this, varied software can be to fulfill the need of the people and set the objectives. For example, student can develop certain skills with tutorial software. Further, exploratory and interactive software can assist teachers for executing reform-oriented sessions in a very constructive way. At present, ICT has become the tool for helping students in learning. The idea is to navigate the objective for reforms as well. For this, teachers should be given adequate training for using computers. Also understanding the needs of the students and looking at their training needs is also pre-requisite. (Niederhauser & Stoddart, 2001). Over years many study and research has been commissioned and conducted to understand how much contribution ICT has made or can make for hastening the process of teaching. In the modern day, information technology can be a boon for imparting knowledge to the people (Gong et al., 2004). While researching on educational practices, it has been seen that teachers could constantly use technology integration models to enhance the experience of the pupil. These practices may include project queries, curriculum integrations, observations or simulated experiments. Research reveal that that integrating information technology used for teaching has gained a lot of grounds for creating technology diffusion in K-12 schools (Wu et al, 2008). In a study conducted by Harris (2002) found that there were positive aspects present by using ICT as a part of the imparting knowledge in schools. With this study, Harris made a point that ICT could help boost the skill sets, confidence level, motivation level or even the sense of achievements in the students who take these sessions. Also, it can also influence pupils in choosing any particular subject for taking up higher education or even understanding the need for creating a career option. It was also proved that ICT was a tool by which students knowledge base saw an upward rise with confident teachers delivering lectures (Barron et al., 2003). Although, one should be aware that teachers may find some difficulty in using the new tool. Even if one person may be good at one skill it just may be a possibility of errors or faults. In-depth knowledge of the tool is considered to a basic necessity. Incase of a teacher, he/she should be able to use and teach students by using technology. It may be required that teachers can be asked to broadbase their skills before starting to teach in a classroom (Kotrlik & Redmann, 2005). With the aim to provide targeted knowledge by using technology, the teachers should have greater knowledge of the subject in order to facilitate an environment of learning. (Ertmer & Ottenbreit-Leftwich, 2009). In the era of overflowing information, by adapting to use ICT in order to enhance teaching experience and also learning is fast understood in the research domain. On the other hand, there are a lot of challenges faced in implementing ICT for teaching purpose (Matas & Birch, 2000). Further, a lot of students or even the instructors around the globe are using Online Management Systems now. This allows students to use the services and share their knowledge with each other. A few studies in the field found several conclusions. In the study done by Al-Jarf (2004), women in Saudi Arabia who were availing the services such as online writing course were found sharing their knowledge with the group in Russian and Ukrainian students who were also learning English. One of the aims of the student was to develop the writing skills in the students in EFL. With this, it was to also make awareness of the global and local events and cultural issues. Also, it was also found to develop the ability for communicating or interact with students who cam from other cultures. It was found that students were able to reciprocate to the topics, and made the initiative to check documents or website which was told by the instructors. The responses received by the student were encouraging and showed huge difference in the writing skills. It also helped in kindling positive attitude in the student in Saudi, Russian and Ukrainian students for taking up online experience. They were also seen interested in taking part in similar projects (Comber et al, 1997; Chen, 2004). Researchers in ESL and ICT opined that using technology generalized the environment and created equal opportunities (Warschaurer, 1996). Also, benefits and links of ICT for learning English can also help in effectively supporting the learners. With this, study focused with K-6 English and the literacy of ESL and the student responses. The discussion about eBooks and the multimodal nature of ICT in imparting knowledge has been identified. This has been found that this has been very beneficial for pupil as it gives them an opportunity to interact and share their experience with others. There are ESL resources that are available in the internet which provides aid with games, video and audio material. ICT options in Saudi Arabia In the last few years it has been seen that Saudi Arabia has made considerable improvement in the field of ICT. The country has made tremendous progress in the field of IT initiatives, solving connectivity and access issues and providing e-services. The Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia is also working towards to enhance the educational system in the country through the promotion of curriculum, training teachers, increasing the skills of students to help them deal with ICT in an easier manner. The country is also witnessing unprecedented growth in the use of computers and other technologies in not only secondary schools but also intermediate schools. Further, technology has also become the backbone for student development in the universities as well (Kotrlik & Redmann, 2005). Research indicates that using digital media would mean use of better cognitive aspects that are being related to sound and words. Such a method allows students to revise and re-elaborate the text in a far quicker manner than manual process. The students may use several features such as deleting, copying, pasting, changing colours and fonts to make their text attractive. Such use of tools not only increases the efficiency of the students but also motivates them and builds their confidence level. Further, using multimedia technology and ICT web-based tools such as emails, blogs and wikis also help students to communicate with each other and their teachers in a quicker and efficient manner. Such tools encourages discussions between the students, and people who might shy away from participating in the classroom can also come out openly and discuss in such online forums (Ruhe, 1998; Turner & Crews, 2005). This is especially beneficial for the ESL learners in Saudi Arabia as learning English as a second language means developing a lot of confidence to use that language in public. Most people are comfortable with their native tongue and might find it difficult to adjust to a new language. Often students hesitate to speak English due to the fear of mother tongue influence (MTI) over the foreign language. Such issues can be easily overcome through the use of technological tools such as online forums and blogs, wherein students can express their ideas easily. Further, using multimedia tools such as videos and sound recording, such students can improve their dialect as well (Schnackenberg, 1997). It is also been seen that most students find it much more stimulating to write a blog entry or participate in a forum discussion rather than undertaking a composition exercise in a traditional classroom set-up. The same is true for ESL students in Saudi Arabia as well. Such students may find it a boring exercise to write an essay and read it out in front of the classroom. Most would not even learn from the entire exercise. However, if the same exercise is conducted through a blog, wherein the student is asked to write or submit an audio about a certain topic he or she might be more interested (Chen, 2004). Further, the fellow students can also comment on the post at a click of a button, making it interactive and informative at the same time. Also, such tools can be used in the comfort of one’s home and give added benefits to the students, especially women students in Saudi Arabia (Al-Hazmi & Scholfield, 2007). The country being a patriarch society does not allow women to intermingle with the men folk freely and therefore, interaction between men and women students are very minimal. However, use of such technology tools may enhance such interactions and help both the gender to converse with each other in a second language confidently. In Saudi Arabia as well, ICT has seen unprecedented growth in the education sector. For instance, the Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University is using instructional technologies at its fullest to help students learn in a quicker manner. Although, the university offers various courses related to business, engineering and technology, it requires its students to enroll for an ESL course so that students are proficient in the language and are able to reap the same benefits as any international student. Such courses are being offered through the use of various ICT tools such as smart boards, computer labs and state-of-the art technologies and multi-media tools. The university offers four level of English competency course and every level uses different sets of technology, which also advances with the course level. Thus, the students receive the dual advantage of learning a language as well as technology through a similar platform and course. Students in Saudi Arabia have been found mostly pro-technology and therefore, it might be easier to implement technology for teaching a second language like English. As per a survey by Davis and Davis (2007), most respondents from an ESL course in Saudi Arabia stated that they preferred a course that uses technology than the one using conventional teaching methods. The respondents further stated that they like the use of smart boards in the classrooms as it increases interaction between the students and make learning entertaining. These students further stated that the collaboration between technology and education helped them in learning not only English but also using technology efficiently. Most said that as they learnt English, they were also able to use laptops. They also suggested that more such courses should be taught using ICT and computer labs should be built to provide more support to the students. The survey also focused on finding whether the students preferred other forms of technology or not, other than computers. It was found that the students even liked to use various multi-media technology such as video and CDs to learn English language. Therefore, the survey found that most of the students agreed to the fact that technology should be used to help students learn English effectively (Davis & Davis, 2007). Thus, students in Saudi Arabia learning English welcome the fact that ICT should be used in the classrooms to help students learn the foreign language easily. Therefore, the teachers should meanwhile focus on generating interest and curiosity among the students about technology; use ICT to create problem-solving and decision-making skills in the students, while teaching them language skills. Technology helps in empowering students to learn English as a second language and Saudi Arabia is leveraging ICT in a big way to help students learn English in an effective manner. Advantages of using ICT in ESL ICT in education therefore helps in teaching students in an enjoyable manner. It provides various learning styles and approaches to the teachers, which also help them to deliver the study material through different formats that are not only educative but are also entertaining. Researchers believe that in order to provide an effective learning environment, it is important to make the process of learning enjoyable. It has been found that if the teacher is able to captivate the interest of the learners, enhance the personality of the students, create enthusiasm in the classroom and a motivation to learn among the students, it is very important to establish an environment of fun and learning at the same time. Using ICT optimally can help in creating such an environment, wherein students can learn in a fun manner (Chen, 2004). If a learner is provided with variety, it is not only enjoyable for him or her but would also be beneficial as the student would receive the information in an entertaining manner. Further use of ICT, especially multi-media and graphics, helps in retaining the information for a longer period of time in comparison to dry lecture sessions. It has been found that most students find it boring to learn through the traditional approach of using classroom studies. This further declines their motivational level and the urge to learn a new language (Judson, 2006). However, use of variety of teaching methods with the use of ICT also proves Gardner’s (1991) multiple intelligence theory. As per the theory, it is important to try variety of learning styles to help students learn easily. In the contemporary setting, technology helps students to excel in various fields. Technology helps in creating various teaching methods and students an opportunity to develop their personality in a well-rounded manner. It especially helps students who otherwise would have been non-performers in the classrooms, but with the help of technology might achieve higher grades. Further, using technology in the learning environment may also aid students to defeat challenges, as advocated by Meyer-Land (2003) in the theory of threshold concepts. As per this theory, the students may overcome issues to step into the world of learning and information through the use of various day-to-day tools such as Internet, computers etc. Further, the feeling of a student at achieving something through the use of such daily tools would increase the motivation level and self-esteem in the student, which would eventually help in improving the performance as well (Bahr et al, 1996). Use of online tools has also been seen as best methods to enable students to take up more responsibility in terms of their learning. In order to develop the self-esteem of a student, it is important to create autonomous methods such as using ICT. With the coming of the computer age, ESL learning has become much more sophisticated as the students are able to learn, re-learn, undertake vocabulary training, and build their grammar and spoken English capabilities through the use of ICT and with minimal support from the teachers. Further, the students can access the expert advices of the teachers at the touch of a button due to the advances in ICT. Although, using ICT in ESL learning has many benefits, it has also needs to be seen how the students perceive of such technologies, as it has been found that the success of a technology is highly dependent on the perception of the students (Turner & Crews, 2005). Problems/Challenges using ICT in ESL Technology can especially help teachers who want to aid students to learn a new language that is not their native tongue. The teachers however should assure the students and encourage them to use technology whenever they detect some students are not comfortable using any technology. Further, the teachers should focus on providing collaboration between the peers to help the students work with each other on various technologies (Rollin-Harrap, 2005). It has been found that using ICT in education and especially in teaching second language, most believe require positive perception for electronic literacy. However, using technology in an efficient manner is also the responsibility of the teachers. They should be qualified enough to help the students use technology optimally to help them learn a new language. If they are not able to make the students comfortable or are not at ease using technology themselves, such an effort would be a complete failure. In case the course fails, the students might become hesitant to use technology again. Therefore, the success of such courses is often dependent on the competency of the teacher as well (Judson, 2006). Thus, if the students are prepared to use technology, it might become an easier job for the teacher to teach through the use of ICT. Thus, effective implementation of technology in the classroom is the key to the success of using ICT for teaching English to students in Saudi Arabia. As the students are learning a new language and that too through an unconventional method, it becomes the duty of the teacher to see that the course is a success with the students. The teacher should especially focus on the gender aspect and the perception of women students about technology. Research has found that most women students in Saudi Arabia find technology intimidating (Teasedale & Lupart, 2001) and therefore might not be comfortable with using technology in their daily learning modules. Further, the country being a male-dominated society, most of the women students might not be computer literate and therefore, might struggle all the more to learn the language. In such cases, the teacher might have to use a mixed approach and teach the students through conventional classroom exercises as well as using technology. Conclusion With new channels opened by ICT, Information distribution and communicative dialogue between people around different geographies has been possible. It has evolved a new culture in media and seen as a "cultural literacy" in understanding and knowing a subject line. Teachers who are trained in the subject are applying the newly adorned skills for their classroom teaching. They are in the favor of using tools such as blogs, wikis, powerpoint, or even international collaborative projects and enriching the WikiFables anthology. In the final questionnaire and informal interviews conducted, the workshop conducted saw positive response amongst the teachers. They were appreciative of the method for using traditional fables with regards to intercultural perspective. It also dwelled into assisting with electronic literacy where the native language is not English. It can bee seen as a flourishing method for bringing back and also preserving the learning experience through face-to-face interaction which has been diminishing in the digital future. Pupils from various backgrounds have differing perceptions for using technology. Teachers on the other hand, can redirect the focus for using instructional technology. On the basis of the finding, universities can then begin to project or become more organised to commence streamlining education fro students for learning English. It can also be developed for responding to English-level preferences that can help in using of Smartboards or any other type of technology. With this, the Smartboard can be used for students at the beginner or the Intermediate level. This can be upgraded to PowerPoint and any other instructional technology in the next levels. In relation, other technology can also be made handy with Intermediate or the next level for those who are interested in taking up English language as a part of the career. Another finding state that universities in Middle East and others can also evaluate the usage of instructional technology based on the level with which they will like the students to be proficient. In conclusion it can be said that English language students in Saudi Arabia are willing to accept ICT as a teaching medium to learn a foreign language, as they find such an use of ICT to be educative as well as entertaining. Therefore, the teachers are also required to put added emphasis on the use of technology to teach students English, as this would help them in learning much more efficiently and quickly. 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