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Cover letters memo - Essay Example

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As a follow up to my applications for the PWC and Citizen bank jobs, I wish to highlight the strategies I have employed so as to adapt my applications to the skills required. I made sure to understand the specific requirements and present my curriculum resume and applications in…
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Cover letters memo
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Running Head: Cover Memo for Application letter and Resume. Department To of Proffesor) From s).Dear Sir/Madam,SUBJECT: COVER LETTERS AND RESUME FOR EMPLOYMENT. As a follow up to my applications for the PWC and Citizen bank jobs, I wish to highlight the strategies I have employed so as to adapt my applications to the skills required. I made sure to understand the specific requirements and present my curriculum resume and applications in a way that answers just the problem of the recruiters. My deliberate effort is to ensure that my applications stand out and attract the attention of the prospective employers as the ideal candidate for the advertised positions.

This is because a very important tool in any job seeker’s toolbox is the curriculum resume. First of all I have studied the specific skills sought for by the employers and understood the qualities that will be crucial in the selection process. Then with the important skills in mind I have outlined my specific strengths and experience in a way that answers the recruiters’ needs. I have presented myself as the most suitable candidate for the job by explicitly unpacking my academic qualifications and offering answers to the specific needs required by the advertisements.

I have also systematically presented my previous work experience, accomplishments, working history, training, skills and competencies in a manner to provide a solution to the employers’ particular needs. My curriculum resume is also written professionally utilizing standard fonts with enough spaces between points to ease the work of recruiters when reading through. This is because I realize and appreciate the professional standards when it comes to font size, color, type and style when writing any official document.

In all my cover letters I have made it my culture to always show the potential employer that I really need the job not for the salary but to offer my contribution. My cover letters outline to the employer how I am an incredible performer on the job, how my personality is a very likable and how easily I am capable of fitting into the team. I thoroughly research before getting down to craft a cover letter to any job and hence my letters are addressed to the right persons, they tell the specific reasons for my interest in the particular organization and make the recruiters understand the much I can go in order to deliver results.

I want any potential employer and any recruiter reading my cover letters and resume to see how I am a handy on candidate. I therefore have outlined a summary of my personal strengths such as problem solving skills, ability to work in winning teams, flexibility and desire to always learn new competencies. The letters I write to prospective employers tell why I should be hired, what I know about the organization, what I intent to add as a new employee and why I am interested in the particular job on offer as well as the organization.

According to Forbes Magazine, a wining cover letter should clearly tell the recruiters why you desire to join the company and I find out all available information about the job, understand what recruiters are looking for in candidates and present just this in a manner that makes me stand out. I outline reasons that not every other job seeker would outline to the recruiters. Yours sincerely, (Signature and Name).References.1. Caree Perfet. (2014). How to Write a Job-Winning Resume. Available at http://www. 2. Forbes. (2014). The Cover Letters That Make Hiring Managers Smile (Then Call You). Available at that-make-hiring-managers-smile-then-call-you/

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