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Recommendations for Effective Use of the Millennial Generation at Smith Telecommunications Inc - Research Paper Example

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"Recommendations for Effective Use of the Millennial Generation at Smith Telecommunications Inc" paper states that since the millennial generation is internet and technology savvy they must primarily be recruited through online job portals and electronic media. …
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Recommendations for Effective Use of the Millennial Generation at Smith Telecommunications Inc
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? Human Resources Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 Overview 4 Discussion of factors 7 Analysis following from primary research 7 Analysis following from secondary research 18 Summary & Conclusions 20 Recommendations 21 Reference 24 Bibliography 25 Executive Summary The project brings forth recommendations as to the effective use of the millennial generation at Smith Telecommunications Incorporated (STI). The company possesses a multigenerational diverse workforce of which majority are baby boomers followed by a relatively less number of generation x employees and even fewer millennials. First it identifies the various problems encountered in the organization out of its diverse work culture. It is seen that different generations desire different treatment from the part of the management. This is in context of their career advancement programs, compensation structures, training and development programs or even retention plans. Both primary and secondary research is conducted for the purpose. Primary research is done on the subject on a sample of 131 respondents whose responses are collected and compiled using suitable statistical techniques. Secondary research focuses on prior research and organizational experiences of managing multigenerational workforce. The analysis are broadly complied and provided in the form of a summary in the conclusion. Based on this analysis suitable recommendations have been provided for the company on desired HR strategies for the management of millennials in the organization. Overview Smith Telecommunications Incorporated (STI) is constituted by people who for belonging to different age groups happen to reflect different cultural settings in regards to rendering their operations for the company. The multi-generation workforce of the company is constituted by people belonging to the group of Baby Boomers, Generation X and Millennial. Here, the human resources management team is required to manage effectively the workplace groups through the enhanced understanding of the qualities and level of aspirations of each generation group. The management is thereby required to synergize the activities of the different groups such that it would help in enhancing the productivity of the enterprise. Further the human resource management in linked to the above objectives is required to not only recruit but sustain the productivity and skill sets of the people pertaining to the different age groups. In that the management is required to enhance its focus on understanding of the needs of the Baby Boomers population group of the company. The management should endeavour to harness the knowledge and experience potential of this group to rightly enhance the skills and productivity of the new team members. Similarly the management is required to help devise effective strategies to both effectively recruit and retain productive workforce in regards to the different age groups in the concern like Baby Boomers. The Human Resources Management body of Smith Telecommunications Limited faces the problem in rightly managing the potential of the employees pertaining to different generational workforce and thereby to effectively recruit and sustain the labour pool so as to maximise the potential gained from them. The main scope of the project would be to bring about effective human resource management strategies aimed at enhancing the potential of the diverse work group in the concern divided along different age groups. In that the project should aim to understand the needs of the different groups and thereby to blend the activities of such so as to gain an all round productivity. Moreover the management is also required to focus on understanding the gender differences of the people at the time of recruiting and thereby to sustain the established productivity and skill sets in the concern. The project however suffers from some distinct set of limitations in that it focuses on management of diverse organisational culture based on generation gaps. However the other diverse parameters like race or ethnicity are not taken into consideration which also accounts for the cultural change in the concern. Similarly the project would have been further enhanced if the multigenerational cultural setting of the employees was studied in different geographic settings pertaining to local and international borders. Such a study would have reflected a different blend of cultural ideologies pertaining to both regional and age parameters. It would have reflected how companies pertaining to different regions tend to have different type of ideologies in managing and retaining generation diversity based workforce to gain on productivity and skill sets. The main secondary sources that had been sought for gathering information for the project constitute of books. The books especially the ones related to management of a diverse population based on aged differences is studied for the paper to understand the process in which productivity would be gained from the people in groups belonging to varied age profiles. Further another set of books are also studied that focus on the effective recruitment, selection and retaining strategies in regards to a diverse workforce population pertaining to difference in age. The sources mainly books are used for gaining information required for meeting the project objective for they help in rendering authentic information rendered by renowned authors. Books gained for the project are through virtual library generated by Google and Amazon that help in retrieving texts based on various topics and issues. Use of virtual library helps in gaining access to large number of books pertaining to the subject in a much quicker fashion than had been retrieved from physical library sources. Moreover the use of books also helps in gaining a large amount of information pertaining to a topic and thereby helps in weaving the same to produce the literary inputs required for enhancing the project quality. The method use for data collection is seemingly qualitative in nature for it focuses on understanding the different attributes and qualities of the different generation of workforces in the organisation so as to effectively blend them for meeting of stated objectives. Books or texts also serve as key data sources for harnessing of qualitative data required for meeting the project objective. The use of books or texts helps the researcher to gain a large amount of information that can be analysed, synthesized and interpreted for meeting the objective and scope for undertaking the research. The information gained from the books can be effectively tailor made to fulfil the research objective. Furthermore the use of books as authentic data sources also help the researcher to gain potential information required in undertaking a primary survey. The authentic information gained from books serve as a backbone for further research activities (Mason, 2002, p.51-54). The report based on management of diversity pertaining to generation gap in Smith Telecommunications Incorporated would incorporate the following sections for the effective formulation of the total project. The ‘Overview’ section would be directly followed by the ‘Discussion of Factors’ section that would incorporate analysis of data obtained both from secondary and primary sources. Secondary sources would mainly incorporate books, articles and other website sources from where authentic and factual data would be obtained. Primary sources would entail preparation of questionnaires that would be used for taking of interviews of a sample population to obtain their views. The ‘Discussion of Factors’ would be followed by ‘Summary and Conclusions’ summarising and interpreting the data obtained followed by ‘Recommendations’ section suggesting useful suggestions on the situation studied. Finally the ‘Referencing’ section would follow listing the various sources from which effective information is sought for the project. Discussion of factors Analysis following from primary research The primary research analysis throws insight into the characteristics of the diverse workforce at Smith Telecommunications Incorporated (STI). The answers provided by the respondents reveal their respective characteristics in the organization and consequently they desire to be treated. Human resource management strategies are largely dependent on these outcomes. Respondents’ responses show that while looking for a job, the three main primary sources they would use before using other sources are company or organizational websites, which is followed by family and friends referrals which are subsequently followed by career fairs. This is shown in the figure below. The trend reveals that Baby Boomers have gained acceptance of the internet technology which used to be primarily popular among generation x and millennial of the population. Company and organization websites continue to be the most popular medium for employees looking for jobs. This is followed by referrals from friends and family members and career fairs. Employees have less reliance on social networking sites, newspapers or industry specific job boards. The following analysis reveals that employees, while considering a job offer regard good benefits as the most important factor such as health and dental insurances, health club memberships. This not only implies that the organization’s majority of employees are belonging to the generation of Baby boomers, but also the fact that these people consider health benefits as the most crucial determinant of choosing a job. Healthy pay packages and security of jobs are also regarded high in the order. While some of the less important determinants are mentoring programs, frequent and annual bonuses, flexibility of work schedules etc. While considering a job offer, employees’ major preference are career advancement opportunities in the organization, clearly defined roles and responsibilities and finally limited overtime and travelling so that they are able to spend majority of their time with their families or leisure activities. Such preferences are mainly characteristic of the baby boomers. While some of the comparatively less preferred factors are diversity of responsibilities and tasks, travelling opportunities and challenging work assignments. Such aspects are found to be generally preferred by the generation x employees. The least preferred aspects at the workplace are international experiences, access to the latest technologies can be said to be attributes of the millennials. The following analysis reveals some of the unique preferences of the baby boomers at the workplace. Major preference for such factors as a fun and laid back atmosphere coupled with the existence of good and social environment with people belonging to the same age group are mainly preferred by the baby boomers. They are also supportive of the idea of their employer being environment friendly and supporting charitable works. A comparatively less preference towards casual dress codes, recreational and workout facilities depicts the less existence of generation x employees at the workplace. This is because people belonging to generation x are generally found to be conscious about their looks and dresses which is the reason why they look for such aspects as dress codes and recreation facilities in the organization. Lastly minimum preference for a work environment where there are daycares facilities and cafeteria facilities reveals that the percentage of millennials in the organization is very small because these are preferences for people born after 1980 (millennial generation) who happen to be young parents at the present day. Some of major motivating factors for employees are identified as personal satisfaction, pay increases, appreciation from others and recognition from superiors or bosses. It is also seen that these preferences are mainly characteristics of the baby boomers who regard recognition at the workplace because of their position and superiority, appreciation and respect from colleagues as important motivators at the workplace. Factors like fast promotions, acquiring new skills and expertise and bonuses do not generally motivate them but motivates the generation x and generation y employees. The low preference for such factors show that generation x and generation y employees are fewer in number in the organization. The emphasis on hard work and ambition are said to drive the baby boomers in the organization towards success and career advancement. They also prefer the need for formal education to advance fast in the career ladder. Aspects such as good interpersonal skills, networking and social connections and favourable oral and written communication skills and sound professional knowledge are regarded high by the generation x employees and these are less preferred by the baby boomers. Lastly, such aspects as technological skills and continuous professional development to keep with the latest technology and expertise are some of the basic requirements for the millennial generation for making fast career progression. Some of the major reasons for the baby boomers to seek employment elsewhere are poor management of the organization, better pay packages and benefits in other organizations, lack of recognition or even lack of opportunities for making advancement in career. This depicts the preference of baby boomers for efficient management, work recognition and appreciation and career prospects within the organization. On the other hand factors like extensive hours of work, inadequacy of training and developmental activities, lack of new challenges and heavy workload are some factors which could tempt the generation x and generation y employees at the workplace to seek career opportunities elsewhere. This is because of their affinity to spend time on activities other than working such as recreational activities, entertainment activities etc. The following analysis reveals about the strengths of the millennial generation. Some of the main features characterising this generation are technological competence, problem solving abilities and skills and even team working skills. Competence in technology has been regarded as the main strength of this generation. They are also rate high with regards to abilities to make decisions independently. Some of the traits which are also importance by this generation are ethics at work, written and verbal communication while traits like creativity, people friendliness, social networking and keeping confidence are least reflected through this generation. Some of the biggest weaknesses of the millennial generation are work ethics and written communication. Its greatest strength which is competency also serves as its weakness as it has been criticised of relying too much on the internet technology. Less important weaknesses are skills of problem solving, abilities to work in teams and also abilities to make decisions independently. On surveying about employees’ preference regarding their management and communication at the workplace it is seen that poor management and management style are the strongest preference employees have shown in Smith Telecommunications Incorporated (STI). A reasonably high preference is also shown towards face to face communication in the organization while the least preference is shown for regular feedback system and need for clear and defined instruction at the workplace. Feedback from employees reveals that Smith Telecommunications Incorporated (STI) holds favourable position and influence of the older employees in the organization which is the baby boomers. Employees have generally shown their preference to learn from older employees and constantly communicate and work with them. Very few employees have revealed that they are not enough recognised, accepted or valued by the older generation employees. Finally employee feedback reveals that they are confident to find a new job on completion of their formal education. They also expect to have long work days and to be shifted between departments and other skills and expertise once they become permanent employees. However, the expectation to attain frequent promotions is low and employees have moderately supportive of the fact that the depiction of millennials in magazines and articles are accurate. Analysis following from secondary research Management of a multi-generational workforce in an organisation requires understanding of the differences in culture sets between the different age groups in the concern. The management can use the experience and knowledge of the senior and old age workers for the sake of coaching or mentoring the young people in the concern (Mujtaba and Preziosi, 2006, p.222). The people belonging to age groups of ‘baby boomers’ and millennial’ for example reflect several cultural differences in regards to their working style where the ‘baby boomers’ population would focus on meeting of deadlines by working night and day the ‘millennial’ population would mainly focus on working in schedules. Further the elder members also desire to communicate based on a formal communication structure where the new generation people mainly like communicating on an informal or collaborative note in the concern. The elderly people prioritise work before their family and do not frequently switch over to other concerns in need of pay hike and other benefits unlike the younger generation. The younger generation people tend to focus in achieving balance between life and work and thus prioritise on comfort. However in terms of working in a higher technology or innovative sphere the elderly team members seem to feel uncomfortable to that of the younger members. The younger members feel encouraged in working in an innovative atmosphere to accomplish operations in lesser time. The manager in such surroundings is required to harness the skills and competencies in each age group to help the organisation grow in a productive manner (Holtsnider and Jaffe, 2012, p.59-62; Harvard Business School Press, 2010, p.55-60). The ‘baby boomer’ population can both act as effective trainers and as well as reflect efficiency in maintaining relationship with the potential consumer base of the concern. In regards to innovation the ‘baby boomer’ population should not be considered less effective than the younger generation where by dearth of expertise and efficiency they can also help in generating effective and innovative ideas. The manager should also try to locate the people who reflect competencies irrespective of age groups in effectively optimising the utilization of resources available for achieving productivity. Elderly group members by dearth of their experience and knowledge can also help in rendering potential solutions to organisational problems like their younger counterparts. Thereby the organisational manager needs to synchronize the competency and skill sets of the people between different age groups through encouraging them to work in groups or teams (Delcampo, et al., 2011, p.34-36; Coates, Y., and The American University, 2009, p.22-24). The managers in direct relation to the diverse organisational workforce should work in bring out effective strategies pertaining to training and development of the people to embrace diverse cultural factors effectively. Moreover the managers can focus on retaining the members pertaining to the millennia population through the introduction of flexibility in the workforce such that helping them to also maintain their homes. With a flexible work atmosphere where people can work from home the management should also focus in sustaining the workforce through issue of bonus schemes and other financial and insurance packages. This helps in enhancing loyalty of the employee base. In terms of recruitment the organisational management should focus on bringing out advertisements reflecting the absorption of people belonging to different generations. Similarly the recruitment advertisements can also let the people understand about the benefits and advantages they would obtain while working in a multi-generational work atmosphere (IDEA Health and Fitness, 2003, p.72-75). Career and opportunity path in the organisation for the employees pertaining to different age groups chalked out also help in sustaining the diverse work groups (Bovbjerg, 2009, p.32). Summary & Conclusions The primary and secondary research reveals much about the millennials and their characteristics. Firstly they are multi-tuskers strongly adept in the technological front and changes in the technology. While looking for a job they would primarily use company websites and online job portals. Their immense flexibility gets reflected through their willingness to stretch extra hours at the workplace and undertake additional and diverse tasks at the workplace. However, they desire adequate compensation structures coupled with frequent bonus structures. Prospective career advancement opportunities along the organizational hierarchy are chief characteristics of this generation. Organizations face difficulties retaining the as they are impulsive, impatient and fast moving. Keen to face challenges at the workplace, the millennials prefer to work smartly rather than work hard and keep looking to update their skills and personality within the organization. Thus organizations providing greater career success and advancement, training opportunities are preferred by the millennials. Some of the other important traits which must be considered by the organization while developing HR strategies is their capabilities of working in teams, fast decision making skills, good communication skills and quick problem solving skills. Organizations effectively making use of these traits to their benefits would be successful in attaining best contributions of this generation at the workplace (Espinoza, Ukleja & Rusch, 2010, p.5-10). Recommendations Since the millennial generation are internet and technology savvy they must primarily be recruited through online job portals and the electronic medium. Additionally they can be also recruited through campus recruitment activities as being freshers they can be easily be moulded and trained to fit into the company’s cultures and structure. Willingness to learn new techniques, skills and expertise millennial can be trained in diverse skills for them to gain competence according to the demands of the organization. Thus it is recommended that training programs are not restricted to few specialised skills, rather must focus on developing an all-round technical competence of the generation. However, since in Smith Telecommunications Incorporated (STI), majority of the workforce are baby boomers it is thus recommended that training programs are developed and implemented separately for the freshers in the organization or the millennials. A technology driven training program covering diversity of skills and expertise must be incorporated. Induction training would also be effective as millennials are fast in adapting themselves with new cultures and environments. Training must also focus on the personal development of the employees which also acts as a prime motivating factor for them. Also the programs must be delivered on a continuous basis so as to keep them updated about the latest technologies and functions in the global front. Compensation and perks can be strategically devised for attracting and retaining millennial in the organization. For example, a handsome pay package is a prerequisite of all generations. Along with this millennials prefer frequent and yearly bonus schemes. It is recommended that the management remains upfront, transparent and straight about their pay packages and perks that the organization provides while recruiting them. Such instances like reimbursement in cases of training and certifications in information and technology must be mentioned to them. Also management must ensure to discuss the ways employees can avail additional responsibilities in the organization and transition into innovative opportunities and roles over time. A growth structure must be developed in the organization as millennials look for quick growth across the hierarchical ladder. Surveys reveal that millennial do not prefer to spend more than two years at an entry level position. Potential international exposure given to the millennials would also be effective in availing their commitment and loyalty towards the organization. Since millennials are rated low in terms of work ethics, it recommended that the organization strict rules and policies that actually matters. They must be communicated about the same clearly and administrated with consistency and fairness. For example, entry time, number of working hours, departure time, and desired behaviours at the workplace must be laid down strictly by the management to be followed by all. Consequences to be faced in case of failure to abide by the standards must also be mentioned (Ethics Resource Center, 2009, p.2). Reference Bovbgerg, B. (2009). Older Workers: Enhanced Communication Among Federal Agencies Could Improve Strategies for Hiring and Retaining Experienced Workers. DIANE Publishing. Coates, Y., and The American University. (2009). A focused analysis of incentives affecting teacher retention: What might work and why. ProQuest. Delcampo, R., et al. (2011). Managing the Multi-Generational Workforce: From the GI Generation to the Millennials. Gower Publishing, Ltd. Espinoza, C., Ukleja, M. & Rusch, C. (2010). Managing the Millennials: Discover the Core Competencies for Managing Today's Workforce. John Wiley & Sons. Ethics Resource Center. (2009). Millennials, Gen X and Baby Boomers: Who’s Working at Your Company and What Do They Think About Ethics?. [Pdf]. Available at: [Accessed on April 03, 2012]. Harvard Business School Press. (2010). Retaining Employees. Harvard Business Press. Holtsnider, B., and Jaffe, B. (2012). It Manager's Handbook: Getting Your New Job Done. Elsevier. IDEA Health and Fitness. (2003). Insider's Guide to Recruiting and Retaining Phenomenal Staff. IDEA Health & Fitness Association. Mason, J. (2002). Qualitative researching. SAGE. Mujtaba, B., and Preziosi, R. (2006). Adult education in academia: recruiting and retaining extraordinary facilitators of learning. IAP. Bibliography Bourne, B. B. (2009). Phenomenological study of response to organizational change: Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y. ProQuest. Bratton, J. & Gold, J. (2001). Human resource management: theory and practice. Routledge. Carlsen, J. & Charters, S. (2007). Global wine tourism: research, management and marketing. CABI. Malhotra, N.K. 2010. Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation. Pearson Education. Thomas, D. R. and Hodges, I. D. (2010). Designing and Managing Your Research Project: Core Skills for Social and Health Research. SAGE Publications Ltd. Read More
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