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Key Perspective of Millennial Generations - Research Paper Example

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Еhe objective of the present research paper is to clearly understand the various perspectives of the Millennials and to determine the competencies of first-line supervisors, middle-level managers, and corporate leaders, as needed to ensure employee engagement, commitment, and satisfaction within the organizations…
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Key Perspective of Millennial Generations
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Research Paper Based on Millennial Generation Introduction Millennials, often de d as Generation Y, are generally the most studied pool of employees. Millennials have begun to shape their self-expressive way of judging events taking place around their community, building on their self-confidence, becoming enthusiastically open to changes and challenges. They have diversified themselves from the older adults, deciphering a strong shift. Researches reveal that this particular generation has managed to set their footsteps in becoming the most knowledgeable and cultured generation in the history of the United States (Madland & Teixeira, 2009). Correspondingly, the objective of this research paper is to clearly understand the various perspectives of the Millennials and to determine the competencies of first-line supervisors, middle-level managers and corporate leaders, as needed to ensure employee engagement, commitment, and satisfaction within the organizations. Key Perspective of Millennial Generations When studying the key perspectives of the Millennials, it can be observed that during their relatively short time period till date, they have observed, experienced and came across the major boom and downfall scenarios in the world. Being young, they have witnessed the terrorist attacks, downfall in the global economy, wars and many other aspects, which has affected the geo-political and communal weather of the modern world, largely. Such scenarios have helped the young generation to learn about the various developmental needs and the changes taking place in the United State as well as across the world (Norcott & Emerson, n.d.). However, all these perspectives have shaped the ideologies of Millenials, as quite apparently different from those of the earlier generation such as the Baby Boomers, creating awareness regarding various inequalities currently persisting in the global dimension. These perspectives have further assisted them to understand their social responsibilities and strive harder to change the world in a more uniform way. Values of the Millennials The Millennials commonly believe that technological innovations have greatly transformed their life and have relatively revolutionized the global community. It is worth mentioning that many Millennials inherit the same values and cultures, as their forefathers, but new technology and tools have apparently increased their awareness as compared to Baby Boomers. They believe that they are not primarily focused on the issues affecting the stability and welfare of the United States, but are also concerned about the issues become affective globally. Contextually, it can be observed that technology as well as the unbounded amount of information available through the internet has greatly affected the thinking process and perspectives of this particular generation. Such rapid increase in the technology savvy nature of mankind has often been alleged to detach the new generation from their physical and biological surrounding, rather connecting them to the virtual community. To be precise, the values within the Y-generation have drastically changed the overall perception of the world, as these people are observed to consider issues and daily life variables, on wider prospects (Mabry, 2013). Needs of the Millennials It has often been argued that Millennials are better-educated than the generations preceding them, but it should be understood that they need vivid guidance and direction to reach their ultimate goal. Today, the use of technology has transformed the modern business environment to reach the goal of the organization. Technology has greatly helped the professionals to set their benchmark and obtain almost accurate feedbacks provided by the subordinates and superiors, which has helped the Millennials largely, to reach the targeted goal of the organization. Millennials, as the new managers, within the modern business environment, have managed to understand the needs of the upcoming generations, driving innovations and development at a wider paradigm (Spiegel, 2010). Behavior of Millennials With the behavioral distinctiveness of the Millennnials, it is often accredited that this generation will reshape the world of opportunity and work for the centuries to come grounded on ethical norms and possible innovative measures. It has been observed that attracting new generation worker will be difficult for organizations following the traditional mechanism, as Millennials have successfully upgraded their behavioral traits with new technology and more knowledge. The behavior-traits of the new generation have greatly changed over the past, which becomes apparent when comparing the same with that of the Baby Boomers. Comparatively, Millennials are more aware about the structure and the way the organization works in reaching the determined goal. Certainly, it has been with the virtues of these traits that the new generation is widely deemed to possess the right skills and knowledge, making them highly demanded in modern organizations that strive for long-run sustainability (Chau, 2012; Taylor, 2012). Determining the Competence of the Management Personnel’s in Dealing with the Millennials The competencies that first-line supervisors need to exhibit are to build and preserve an accord amid the baby boomers and the Millennials, who possess different skills, knowledge and perceptions that may often become contradictory. As observed, in its current operations, the manufacturing industry acquires a large proportion of workforce belonging to the group of Baby Boomers. However, to pace up in the modern business environment, companies are required to boost confidence amid the new generation, so as to trigger innovation, change and development necessary for long-run stability (Kim & Yang, 2013). It is worth mentioning that the first line–supervisors should understand Millennials require proper guidance and knowledge so as maintain a flow within the organization as it was being carried during the presence of Baby Boomers, but certainly with certain changes in the leadership and operational procedures, making both comparatively more flexible. This can only be done when the first line supervisor understands their roles and responsibilities to guide the Millennials in a proper direction. The middle level managers also play a vital role within the organization, when ensuring efficient employee management, along with commitment as well as satisfaction amid the Millennials. Middle-level managers thus require the competencies to get involved with the employees to promote their learning skills, pace of improvement and managerial underpinnings. Undoubtedly, the middle level manager have to think from a broader prospective and they have to indulge the concepts of the Millennials through flexible training procedures. The middle level managers, at the foremost needs to adapt change, which will make them more competent to go hand-in-hand with the Millennials. Nowadays the middle level managers have to understand that they have to consider the views and the decisions of the Millennials, which are quite distinct from what they perceive, so as to observe the smooth running of the organization in the long-run (Haeberle, 2014). The corporate leaders, in the similar context, can be observed as comprising Baby Boomers at a large proportion. Contextually, their leadership quality can be identified as a major competency that corporate leaders need when dealing with Millennials, ensuring their complete engagement in the organizational decision making process, commitment as well as satisfaction. Corporate leaders can thus design effective growth measures to ensure that the Millennials are able to achieve higher position in the organization, fostering diversity within the business environment. The corporate leaders must also encourage Millennials to take active participation within the business development, by respecting their view points and appreciating them for their contributions. The corporate leaders, having competencies of knowledge regarding generation gaps between Baby Boomers and the Millennials can also execute changes in the flow of work with greater priority towards technology to augment satisfaction and engagement of Millennials (Chalofsky & Krishna, 2009). Conclusion From the above research, it can be concluded that Millennials are sharper and are more dedicated towards their work based on their rational perceptions, as compared to the preceding generation of Baby Boomers. In context to this they have been commonly witnessed as career driven and work effectively to accomplish the needs of the organization. Over the decade, various attempts have been made to understand the behavioral traits of this particular generation, which revealed that their behavior is very different from the preceding workforce, when considering the modern business environment. Arguments have thus been centered to the connotation that rapid changes in the culture and the economy have substantially transformed the attitudes and the behavioral traits of the Millennials. It is in this regard that Millennials require more attention, care and flexibility to prosper in the current business environment, demanding greater contribution from the first-line managers, middle-level managers and corporate leaders. References Chau, J. (2012). Millennials Are More Generation Me Than Generation We, Study Finds. Retrieved from Chalofsky, N. & Krishna, V. (2009). Meaningfulness, Commitment, and Engagement: The Intersection of a Deeper Level of Intrinsic Motivation. Advances in Developing Human Resources. 11(2), 189-302. Haeberle, K. (2014). Trying to recruit & motivate generation Y? It might be time for skill-based pay. Retrieved from Kim, J. & Yang, Y. (2013). What can we do to attract and retain young people to our company as we find it difficult to attract employees at all levels? Retrieved from Madland, D. & Teixeira, R. (2009). New Progressive America: The Millennial Generation. Retrieved from Mabry, J. R. (2013). Faithful generations: effective ministry across generational lines. United Kingdom: Church Publishing. Norcott, L. & Emerson, J. (n.d.). The Millennial Perspective: Understanding Preferences of the New Assets Owners. Retrieved from Spiegel, D. (2010). Training: Why the Millennial Generation’s Needs Differ. Retrieved from Taylor, A. (2012). A Study of the Information Search Behavior of the Millennial Generation. Information Research. 17(1), 1-20. Read More
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