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Women in Fashion and Photography - Essay Example

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The researcher of this essay analyzes How Gender Issues Affect the Ways By Which Media Uses Women in Fashion and Photography. It could not be denied that through the years of human history, the roles of men and women in the society are continuously changing. …
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Women in Fashion and Photography
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MEN ACT WOMEN APPEAR: How Gender Issues Affect the Ways By Which Media Uses Women in Fashion and Photography I. Introduction It could not be denied that through the years of human history, the roles of men and women in the society are continuously changing. With the different developments that the human society takes, it is essential to know how the role of men and women tend to evolve. More than that, it is primarily important to consider understanding how modern media naturally affects the view of men towards women and vice versa. The words of John Berger :"Men Act Women Appear" does so much on the process by which the roles of men and women in the society are being well defined. IT could be noticed that men and women have taken the different paths through time. Through this discussion, it is planned by the researcher to find better resources which could actually make a great impact on how the understanding of men and women status in the society becomes likely controlled through media works. II. The Original Role of Men and Women in the Society Men were particularly known as the supreme gender in the human society. As the population belonging to the supreme gender, men are expected to have special responsibilities as well as advantages with regards the activities that they are able to do. Men were expected to have responsibilities of providing for those that belong to them. This includes their families and other people that are living around them. On the other hand, they benefit form the authority that is given to them. The power to control others, especially women has naturally given them pride when it comes to the thought of being able to rule over several sectors of the human society. Through the pages of the human history, men of different races and different ages have primarily been able to change the ways by which humans perceive their purpose in living. Indeed, men have naturally drawn the different demarcation lines of limitations and possibilities that identify each human individual's capability of living. Most likely, the powerful sense of being of the appearance of man has naturally affected the characteristic and the attitude that he perceives upon others. Within the paragraphs that follow, the different roles of men within the American society shall be outlined in clarity to be able to assist in the understanding of what actually is the important part that men plays in the advancement of the human civilization towards progress. II.A. Men as Key Agents of Family Strength The family is one of the basic units of social relationship within the human generations. It could be observed that men are appointed as head of the family. As head of the family, a man has the responsibility of providing the guidance that the members of the family need to be able to get through with the challenges of life. Aside from this, men also stand as the basic source of spiritual and intellectual aspects of life when it comes to taking care of the younger generations of the family. Not to mention, men are also viewed as the major providers of the needs of the family in terms of finances, shelter, food and clothing. From this particular point of view, it could be observed that men are indeed given high regards by the human society especially in terms of the role that they play in the family. At some point, they work as complimentary personnel to the fulfillment of the dream of their wives and their children. They are the primary source of strength for their family members and from them comes the most valuable advices of life that would naturally help the members of the family get along with the ups and downs of living in a more eased and controlled procedure. Certainly, men are given the chance to handle the most complicated responsibilities within the family arrangements. The challenges are really not that easy to face. However, with the strong conviction and determination of men to succeed in this particular responsibility shall give them the reputation that they need to be able to earn for themselves the respect that they are due. Their identification of themselves and as the major source of guidance for others shall help them understand the truth that they are made and are appointed to perform certain complicated yet important roles in the human society. II.B. Men as Agents of Social Progress The mental ability of men in becoming strongly convicted in whatever they believe in particularly sets the line by which they are able to continuously proceed in attaining what they want to attain. This is primarily the reason why there are larger number of men who were able to produce worthwhile inventions that are now of good use in the society. The different technological innovations that were pursued through the history of the human civilization have been particularly assisted by men who were brave enough to risk their time and efforts, as well as their finances in creating something new and innovative for the sake of social progress. Men have also assisted women in realizing their potentials in creating change in the human society. The motivation that they imply upon those who are living around them is indeed infectious and results to more productive aspects of human living. Truly, men have been a source of inspiration and the main idea of social progress within the human community. This has resulted to a more positive response to the male gender of the population. However, meeting the roles that the men play in the society is not that easy to take and face especially when there are different challenges to the said roles. Particularly, the challenges make it harder for them to attain the best possible results from the acts that and decisions that they make everyday. II.C. Liberalization of Women and the Role of Men as Social Equalizers Sadly, not all men are able to meet the challenges of their roles. Instead, when they fail, they are implying much chaos within the human relationship and the ways by which women and children view life as a whole. The impact that they make in the lives of the said sector of the human population indeed makes a great difference on how they particularly deal with the challenges that they themselves deal with everyday. As a result, there came the different movements that were established by women to help men remember their roles in the society. The liberalization of women has actually created difference in the role that men particularly play within the progress of the human civilization. As for now, women are already able to take the place of men in terms of authority over people within certain human organizations, and they are also capable of taking care of their family members alone as individual parents especially when men fail to do their responsibilities to the family. Hence, the changes in the role of men certainly are heightened in terms of power and the stiffness of the decisions that they make in creating possibilities to motivate others as they are expected. Most likely, the pressure on men who are aiming to reach the best possible ways of attaining and completing their roles in the society is heightened as well. Men are indeed an epitome of humans who are able to stick to whatever they decide upon. They are known to have a strong conviction when they totally believe on a certain idea. These characteristics of men have led them to becoming the primary foundations of human developments through the history of humankind. Their determination to make a change certainly helped them in assisting the entire human community in aiming for further progress in living. However, because of the pressures given upon them, their capabilities of meeting their roles have been challenged particularly because of their own shortcomings. As a result the liberalization of women has naturally challenged the ways by which men try to achieve the roles that they are supposed to meet for the sake of social equality. This particularly means that the gender differences have been set in a more distanced situation, whereas the men are being strongly questioned with the way they complete their responsibilities to the human community. III. HOW Media Changes Gender Roles in the Society WHEN Victorian archaeologists began systematically excavating the ancient ruins of Pompeii, they were shocked at what they uncovered. Scattered freely among the beautiful frescoes and artwork were many sexually explicit paintings and sculptures. Appalled by their lurid nature, the authorities stashed them in secret museums. They coined the term "pornography"-from the Greek porn' and graphos, meaning "writing about prostitutes"-to classify these explicit artifacts. Today pornography is defined as "the representation of erotic behaviour in books, pictures, statues, motion pictures, etc., that is intended to cause sexual excitement." These days, pornography is all-pervasive and appears to be accepted in most of modern society. Where once it was the province of disreputable cinemas and red-light districts, it is now eminently mainstream in many communities. In the United States alone, pornography generates more than ten billion dollars annually! Some defenders promote pornography as a way to spice up a dull marriage. Says one writer: "It stimulates an active fantasy life. It offers instruction for sexual pleasure." Others claim that it encourages frankness and openness about sexual matters. "Pornography benefits women," claims writer Wendy McElroy. But not everyone agrees. Pornography has often been linked to a wide range of harmful outcomes and attitudes. Some suggest a connection between pornography and rape as well as other forms of violence against women and children. Infamous serial killer Ted Bundy admits that he had a "strong appetite for violent pornography." He says: "This condition is not immediately seen by the individual or identified as a serious problem. .'.'. But this interest .'.'. becomes geared towards matters of a sexual nature that involve violence. I cannot emphasize enough the gradual development of this. It is not short-term." Rather than portraying sexual relations as a beautiful and intimate expression of love between a man and a woman in honorable marriage, pornography demeans and distorts the sexual act. Casual and perverted sex are portrayed as exciting and desirable. Personal gratification with little or no regard for the other person is highlighted. Women, men, and children are portrayed as objects that exist only for sexual gratification. "Beauty is measured by proportion of body parts, shaping unrealistic expectations," says one report. "Depicting women as anonymous, ever-wanting/waiting, empty sex toys for men, stripping and exposing their bodies for monetary gain and entertainment cannot possibly translate into a message that can exist in harmony with equality, dignity and humanity," concludes another report. Recent testimony at hearings of the U.S. Federal Commission on Pornography revealed that rape is a more common experience for American women than most realize. Researchers also testified that violent pornography has had a part in encouraging rape. Evelina Kane, a board member of the National Coalition on Television Violence, who represents "Women Against Pornography," stated: "A large number of battered and sexually assaulted women have come to us where pornography has played a role in the abuse." Studies by Professor Edward Donnerstein of the University of Wisconsin have shown increases in the willingness of students to rape women after viewing violent pornography, popular violent horror movies, and movies of nonsexual violence against women. Conclusion Antipornography activists point to stories like this as proof of the degrading effects of pornography. It destroys relationships, they claim, demeans women, abuses children, and engenders a perverted and harmful view of sex. On the other hand, supporters defend pornography as free expression and view the detractors as prudish. "People should not be ashamed of their sexual orientation or desires," writes one proponent. "Pornography can be used to start and stimulate open discussions about sex." A few even suggest that the proliferation of pornography is the hallmark of an open, healthy society. "A society mature enough to cope with the explicit depiction of sex between consenting adults is likely to be one comfortable with sexual diversity and women's equality," says writer Brian McNair. In a 1981 survey conducted among several hundred women regarding the effects of pornography on their rapport with the men in their lives who read it, nearly one half reported that it caused serious problems. It actually destroyed some marriages or engagements. The comments of one wife were typical of many: "I can only assume by [my husband's] need and desire for sexual release with pornography that I am inadequate .'.'. I wish to God I were a woman who could satisfy him, but he prefers plastic and paper and his need has destroyed a part of me. .'.'. Pornography is .'.'. anti-love .'.'. It is ugly, cruel and destructive." Yes, raw sexual appetite, fueled by pornography, is no more a sign of love than brutality is a sign of strength. A young husband admitted: "Pornography encouraged selfishness; I was very intent on satisfying just myself." However, with some young people there is an even more important consideration. PORNOGRAPHY is no longer confined to smut shops and sex shows. It has gone public. In country after country, it is pushed before the eyes of the average citizen in magazines, newspapers, books, TV programs, movies, and videos. Can anything so widespread really be all that dangerous' What, though, is pornography' Pornography is defined as "the depiction of erotic behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement." That definition is clear. But arguments arise when it comes to determining what arouses sexual excitement and what does not. True, to a degree, what constitutes pornography is in the eye of the beholder. In other words, what is sexually stimulating to one person may not be to another. Nevertheless, a recent survey of 5,000 persons in Germany revealed that at some level, erotic material affects almost everyone, both men and women. Yes, as years pass, pornography is seen to be something that would later on be directly and widely distributed around the world. Understandably, it is then called out to everyone that each individual be responsible enough in considering media presentations on the beauty of women and the ways by which men try to appreciate the said presentations. Certainly, avoidance of the dangers of the matter is essential. References: ' Susie Bright. "Susie Sexpert's Lesbian Sex World and Susie Bright's Sexual Reality: A Virtual Sex World Reader", San Francisco, CA: Cleis Press, 1990 and 1992. Challenges any easy equation between feminism and anti-pornography positions. ' Betty Dodson. "Feminism and Free speech: Pornography." Feminists for Free Expression 1993. May 8, 2002[1] ' Kate Ellis. Caught Looking: Feminism, Pornography, and Censorship. New York: Caught Looking Incorporated, 1986. ' Susan Griffin. Pornography and Silence: Culture's Revenge Against Nature. New York: Harper, 1981. ' Matthew Gever. "Pornography Helps Women, Society"[2], UCLA Bruin, 1998-12-03. ' Jason Russell. "The Canadian Past-Time" "Stand Like A Rock" ' Michele Gregory. "Pro-Sex Feminism: Redefining Pornography (or, a study in alliteration: the pro pornography position paper)[3] ' Andrea Juno and V. Vale. Angry Women, Re/Search # 12. San Francisco, CA: Re/Search Publications, 1991. Performance artists and literary theorists who challenge Dworkin and MacKinnon's claim to speak on behalf of all women. ' Michael Kimmel. "Men Confront Pornography". New York: Meridian--Random House, 1990. A variety of essays that try to assess ways that pornography may take advantage of men. ' Wendy McElroy defends the availability of pornography, and condemns feminist anti-pornography campaigns.[4] Read More
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