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Karl Lagerfeld - Fashion Merchandising - Assignment Example

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The essay discovers Karl Lagerfeld. Karl Lagerfeld was born in Hamburg in 1938. He commenced working as a photographer in 1987, besides his career as a fashion designer and perfume inventor. Lagerfeld has worked hard and performed well in his performance…
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Karl Lagerfeld - Fashion Merchandising
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Karl Lagerfeld was born in Hamburg in 1938. He commenced working as a photographer in 1987, besides his career as a fashion designer and perfume inventor. Lagerfeld has worked hard and performed well and his performance has been recognized and awarded. For instance, the Raymond Loewy Foundation awarded him the Lucky Strike Design Award. Similarly, the German Photographic Society awarded him the cultural prize (Lagerfeld, Houdret & Sischy, 2005). Lagerfeld enhanced hi work by founding the Lagerfeld Gallery in Paris.

One of the most fascinating influences that made Lagerfeld attracted to the African culture is the request from his friend Eric Pfrunder from Chanel who wanted an African photograph for a press release. Lagerfeld developed immense intimacy with the African photography. The realization of his talent as a competent photographer, Lagerfeld conveyed diverse messages through photographs (Lagerfeld, 2002). For instance, the aspect of being sensuous and ironic revealed through the photographs and fashion that Lagerfeld was a master of seduction.

The phrase “One is never over-dressed or underdressed with a Little Black Dress” means that a woman should have at least two or three black dresses in her closet. This is because, the black Little Black Dress (LBD) can be worn for any occasion such as going out for a first date, attending a music party and even running errands. In essence, the quote implies that a woman cannot do wrong by wearing a LBD. The timing of this quote is most likely to be during unveiling of a new brand – The Little Black Dress.

The quote is intended to convince women that dressing in this brand have no mistake whatsoever. References Lagerfeld, K., Houdret, J.-C., & Sischy, I. (2005). The Karl Lagerfeld diet. New York, NY: PowerHouse Books. Lagerfeld, K. (2002). Karl Lagerfeld. Göttingen: Steidl.

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