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Key Aspects of the Jet Engines Technology Coursework
8 pages (2222 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Internal combustion engines have less power to weight ratio. However, newer models of internal combustion engines have comparatively more power to weight ratio. Jet engines are efficient and have more power to weight ratio as compared to any other type of engine. A jet engine is a gas turbine engine that is a type of internal combustion engine.
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Main Drivers of Innovation and Their Influence Technology Term Paper
9 pages (2464 words) , Download 6 , Term Paper
‘Innovation’ the buzzword word of the contemporary generation has captured the imagination and action of politicians, media personals, businessmen and academicians alike. ‘Innovation’ combined with ‘entrepreneurship’ has opened the flood gate to a host of new activities which includes opening new markets, enhancing economic growth and creating efficient firms.
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Video Conferencing: Threatening Business Travel Technology Coursework
7 pages (2028 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
It is quite essential to note that several scholars indicate that there is a considerable possibility for use of video conferencing to replace business travel as (1) the kinds of interaction where video technology may actually replace a physical episode; (2) information on presently progressing meetings.
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Reliance on Computer Technology Technology Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Currently, a large percentage of people around the world have got access to a personal computer either at home, workplace, libraries or at internet cafes. Every single day, most people spend a significant amount of time in front of a computer screen sending e-mails, shopping, banking online, talking to friends on social media platforms or doing academic research.
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How the Use of the Quick Lock Can Help Improve Life Technology Assignment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The paper tells that people can now pass and receive information to people in different geographical areas by smartphones. Besides communication, smartphones have made it possible for people to control their personal things such as the use of smart lock as padlocks. The smart lock is much secure, unlike the use of key padlocks, and it is also very easy to install.
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Causes and effects of using mobile phones Technology Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 16 , Essay
The mobile phones or smart phones are the product of this technology that has paved its way into the lives of every individual. Not only adults but many youngsters own this device and cherish the moments without realizing that they are wasting most of their time. No doubt this device has many uses.
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Fire Protection Hydraulics and Water Supply Technology Essay
1 pages (287 words) , Download 2 , Essay
When the elevation pressure is applied downwards, the forward pressure would tend to elevate the nose, while the backward pressure tends to lower it relative to the pressure source. The elevation pressure could be used to control the backpressure and forward pressure. The elevation pressure must be increased.
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Risky Technology of the Challenger Launch Decision Technology Assignment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
The accident happened due to highly contested and debatable sealing technology, that allowed hot gas to vent through the SRBs to deform the O-rings, and pierced one of the primary fuel tanks. The investigators cleared all doubts for a technical reason for the crash, demonstrating how the O-rings became brittle under the cold temperatures.
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Development of Wi-Fi Technologies Technology Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Things that were difficult previously have been made easier by these technologies. To make things easier, computers and information technology had been developed. Now with more modern and complex inventions computers and information technology are further developing. One such development has been the introduction of wireless fidelity.
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Next Generation Is for the Cloud Technology Case Study
8 pages (2092 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
From the above analysis of Cloud Computing as a technology and its impact on business processes or organizational functioning, it is clear that it can have quite a positive and optimal impact. From doing away the need to install IT infrastructures and reducing costs to providing wide range of software, extensive storage options. 
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Patients Face Rebuilding with 3D Printed Parts Technology Book Report/Review
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The economic case for the Internet and all related technologies can be depicted in the collection of huge data made possible by the advanced computing and networked capabilities. This information published in the OECD website is just one of the materials that report the increased attention on the subject.
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Innovative Mobile Payment System in Nairobi, Kenya Technology Essay
1 pages (460 words) , Download 4 , Essay
A critical analysis of the system shows that this is an innovation of its kind in a sub-Saharan country. This system has improved the economy of this country. It has also offered financial solutions to a country with almost 80% of the population lacking or having limited access to the traditional banking system.
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Procurement of a Suitable Scanning Electron Microscope Technology Assignment
7 pages (2003 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
A brief introduction of electron microscopy with special emphasis on SEM has been presented. A typical configuration of a basic but modern SEM has also been briefly outlined and it has been suggested that an SEM with FEG electron source, 200x200x50 mm CNC stage, and EDS attachment should be procured.
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Personalized Web Searching Technology Case Study
8 pages (2571 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
Personalized web searching is an emerging concept and was first introduced by Eurekster in 2004. At that time, it was the biggest surprise that Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft (MSN now Windows Live Search) had not introduced this concept initially and a smaller company as compared to Google, Yahoo and Microsoft had introduced this concept of personalized search.
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Can A Machine Know Technology Report
7 pages (1945 words) , Download 2 , Report
A human brain assimilates and processes in much the same way as a computer. However, because the mind of man possesses consciousness, it perceives beauty, generates moral judgments, and formulates rationalizations which the machine cannot execute. The computer on early development stages was thought of as the mechanical equivalent of the human brain.
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UK Airline Industry Technology Report
6 pages (1705 words) , Download 3 , Report
PESTEL analysis describes a series of macro-environmental factors, which are used in environmental planning. It is very important of external analysis when doing market research since it gives an overview of the different macroeconomic factors, which the industry has to take into consideration. Words: 44 Characters: 298
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Usability and Human Factor Studies of Technology Technology Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
Two potential problems which may arise due to poor include; frequent pop-up notifications not relevant to the user’s search and constant coded error messages which the user may not understand. Nielsen’s principles have made it easier to make a user-friendly website, as such once the heuristics are followed, most problems will be eliminated.
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The Era of Wearable Technology Technology Research Paper
23 pages (5750 words) , Download 6 , Research Paper
Common varieties of wearable technology include smartphone bracelets, sunglasses with camera-taking capabilities, programmable T-shirts, heart-monitoring jewelry, GPS watches, electro-illuminating clothing, fitness-related bracelets that record vital body functions and even wearables that can assist professionals in the medical field.
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The Optimization of the DNA Testing Technology Research Paper
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
DNA technology has found a niche market in criminal justice. This market has depicted infinite demand for the technology which is expected to trigger rapid development of the technology. The high number of cases of rape, homicide and most of the other court cases has adopted the kind of evidence offered by the DNA technology.
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Technology in Eurasia According to Jared Diamond's Theory Technology Assignment
1 pages (324 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
One reason for advanced technologies lies in the geographical factor. Eurasia has enjoyed great environmental advantages. The temperate latitude allowed for farming and animal keeping. The other advantage is that Eurasia’s east-west orientation and great innovations in farming lead to technological advance and also exchange.
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Computing platforms Technology Dissertation
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Dissertation
Prospective buyers and users have their own unique needs and priority. Business people prefer stability and reliability. Gamers need speed, good graphics, and high frame rates.
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Value Proposition Technology Essay
1 pages (287 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This set of benefits, called the Value Proposition, is the reason why a customer chooses one brand over another. This essay will discuss the value proposition of the computer manufacturer, Dell. Dell has revolutionized the way customers purchase computer systems. From the very beginning of the company, the company offered the custom-built approach.
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Mobile Telephony in The Agricultural Sector Technology Case Study
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Some of the technologies and farming information that rural farmers are unable to access include: planting information, weather forecasts and market prices among others. This important agricultural information remains a critical issue in this sector mainly in the developing countries.
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Global Inequality Technology Essay
6 pages (1861 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Conclusively, it is observed that developing countries acquire an excellent opportunity to grow economically through globalization. Moreover, sovereignty can be enhanced by such growth, which allows the countries to take their own decisions. While globalization has a number of advantages, some countries are often exploited by multinationals.
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Urban Transportation Problems Technology Assignment
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Trip generation method appears logical because productions (where the trip originates) and attractions (where the trip is destined for) appear matched for each trip purpose and aim, so most analysts and engineers easily accept that the degree of internalization can be determined from these relationships. 
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The Influence of Radio Frequency Identification on the Environment Technology Research Paper
6 pages (1858 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
RFID is an acronym that stands for the technology which incorporates identification based on frequencies of the same wavelength as radio waves. In the system of identification, it allows identification of objects which is dependent on a tagging system whose identification is automatic and based on the radiation emitted by the tagged object.
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Recent Innovation on Android Technology Essay
4 pages (1121 words) , Download 3 , Essay
With the increase in popularity, android has been used in wristwatches, cars, televisions. It is famous for the small budget companies which require high tech devices for its operation. It was founded in the year 2003 in California by Andy Rubin. The source code of Android was released by Google.
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The Mobile Communication Principles and Cellular System Technology Research Proposal
7 pages (2156 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The emergence of modern and up-to-date technology has entirely changed the overall structure of the world. The appearance of mobile technology has provided a great communication facility to the people. At present, billions of people around the world are using cellular phones. This new cellular telephony has offered great gadgets technology.
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Reflection of Technological Changes on Market Performance Technology Case Study
6 pages (1609 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
All of these events in totality would promote massive structural changes in the industry. Thus it is proved that technical change and growth are proportional and part of the same process. In this context, growth refers to the conduct and performance of individual industrial firms and in the industry in totality.
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Computer Systems Manager Technology Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
It has been noted that slot machines may be our most accessible avenue to approach this problem. These will become limits of our new CRM application coding process. Compelling complementary incentives, known as COMPS, are offered to guests who use the free Membership Cards for transactions in the resort.
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Medical Data Protection and Electronic Medical Records Technology Literature review
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Literature review
Many hospitals have started replacing printed and other hard copy data records with electronic ones. According to the medical studies that have been carried out in various hospitals, EMR has several advantages over the paper records. However, the implementation of EMR in some countries including the US has been claimed to be slow.
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Technologically Innovating the Process of the Custom-Made Thobe Technology Term Paper
7 pages (1845 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The word thobe is the standard Arabic word for “garment.' It is an ankle-length tunic with long sleeves and is normally made of white cotton, but other materials and colors can also be used. Thobe is the official apparel for every Saudi male citizen. They have to wear a thobe in throughout their everyday lives, whether going to school or even work.
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Description of Bioterrorism Response System Technology Research Paper
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Information from the system should help officials make accurate decisions. For the system to function accordingly, it has to have a measure of accuracy. Sensitivity is required in order to detect the smallest hints of attack. It should have the data that will enable it to detect toxins and non-toxic materials. The system ought to have the aptitude to run a number of samples of data.
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Uncovering Rivlins View on Gambling in Bet on It Technology Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Although Rivlin is amazed at what a major share the gambling industry has, I believe that Rivlin personally despises gambling. His essay is didactic but not overbearing; it informs and instructs by presenting all his arguments flat down, but I would say that he did not impose his opinion on the reader.
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Encouraging Innovation of Intel Corporation Technology Essay
1 pages (290 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Innovation is a vital tool that a corporation can use to raise the productivity of its workers. Productive places of work are innovative in the ways they utilize technology to encourage innovation. Such companies hire highly-skilled and competent employees and through innovation, they dominate the market.
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Flying Dry - Air Tahoma Fuel Starvation Technology Case Study
6 pages (1759 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
In aviation, the turbine has become a staple. Modern jet engines take advantage of the turbine’s ability to convert fluid movements to mechanical energy, and many use complex electronic fuel balancing systems to ensure these turbine engines function optimally—systems that may become prone to mechanical or electronic failure and operator error.
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Who Are the Hackers and What Do They Do Technology Case Study
8 pages (2247 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
People look to secure internet and personal information updation on their computers and even the internet. This leads to the need to forming the concept of secure websites, password sharing/non-sharing, and password saving. All around, a new term has also sprung up, that of a certain class of programmers called hackers.
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Telephone Wonders Technology Essay
1 pages (320 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The invention of the telephone made correspondences a lot easier because people from far distances are able to speak with each other. They can connect in a matter of seconds. Moreover, since telephone conversations are paid, they can last for a short period of time which is an advantage to busy people.
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Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency system Technology Term Paper
8 pages (2341 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
In this report, I have tried to access all the aspects of the system development of the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency. I have discussed the user experience analysis, human factors analysis such as HTA, usability evaluation, and design issues. In this discussion, I have tried to streamline the main aspects of better system design. 
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Physical & Network Fault Tolerance Technology Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Fault tolerance is the ability of a system in response to an unexpected hardware or software failure. Most of the current systems have the backup facilities which help the users to restore their important data even if the system crashes. The external and internal parameters of the system often cause problems to the system.
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The Importance of Glasses According to the Famous Theorist of Rhetoric Technology Research Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 6 , Research Paper
According to the famous theorist of rhetoric, Professor Lunsford, objects such as glasses have become a part of our lives and as such, many people rarely sit back and think about them. As we walk down the lane or carrying out our daily activities, we cannot miss seeing three, four or even more people wearing glasses.
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The Bretton Woods System Technology Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
After the chaotic situation that led to the Great Depression, employment, stability and growth needed to be the primary components of public policy. The makers of the Bretton Woods Agreement were convinced that governments should take over public management of the economy as this would create a feeling of well being among citizens, reassuring them that a responsible body was in charge of their economic future.
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Technology in the Next 50 Years Technology Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
There has been the controversial issue of the probability to come up with designer babies who are genetically altered DNA to produce smarter an intelligent person. Will parents accept this to be done to their children? Which futuristic inventions would you see people choosing when presented with the option to decide for themselves?
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Pros and Cons of Computer Technology Technology Essay
1 pages (328 words) , Download 15 , Essay
The immense innovation in the field of computer technology leads to the constant development of this technology so as to combat disadvantages and bring better effectiveness. Computer technology has both pros as well as cons, however, in the modern world, its use is nearly seen in every sector as well as even in households, schools, and colleges.
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The Challenges Facing the Policy Makers in a Rapidly Industrializing Nation Technology Essay
9 pages (2757 words) , Download 2 , Essay
For a developing nation, it is essential that scientists do not produce non-salient information or that policymakers end up with non-credible information. This implies that there have to be open channels of communication between the experts and the policymakers. Both sides should also be in a position to understand each other.
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Integrated Technology Systems Technology Assignment
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
The aim of the essay is to gain substantial knowledge regarding the proper and advanced way of cultivating mushroom for better and increased productivity. The proper integration of technology system in the cultivation of mushroom facilitates in acquiring benefits of increased production which can be quantified in terms of considerable financial benefits.
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Humanities-issues in Science and Societies Proposal Technology Assignment
1 pages (435 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Wind farms have been suggested as a solution to this problem but there are some who doubt whether they are a realistic alternative. This paper argues that wind farms are a useful element in energy planning but that their contribution is likely to remain small because of their ecological impact and the cost of their construction and management.
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Local Departure Control System Technology Case Study
1 pages (411 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
There are various control measures that are implemented by organizations to ensure high-quality delivery of products and services to customers. The aviation industry also implements these control measures and is keen to ensure they are followed due to the sensitivity and risk involved in air travel.
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Modern Television Technology Technology Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
A television set is an entertainment device that shows high-definition motion pictures and high-fidelity sound that could play either TV shows or movies.  Its various is composed of the screen in front, a control panel either at its side or bottom, ports at its back, and remote control.  The screen serves as the output where the audience can watch TV shows or movies. 
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Competency Training in Fire Service Technology Coursework
10 pages (2762 words) , Download 3 , Coursework
Today's fire fighters respond to all types of crises from fires to medical emergencies and terrorist attacks. The fire service is also a first line of response called on to deal with matters such as road accidents, incidents involving dangerous chemicals, pollution and flooding. As they answer these calls, it is imperative that no gaps in knowledge compromise their effectiveness or their safety in protecting the public.
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