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Military Technology - Essay Example

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This essay "Military Technology" raises issues under which procurement competition is valuable and remarkably limited. The author has raised several such objections against the confirmation of the fact that whether dual sourcing is more likely to be used after the incumbent charges a high price…
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Military Technology
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Questions The has raised issues with reference to the conventional wisdom, empirical knowledge of the circumstances under which procurement competition is valuable and remarkably limited. The author has discussed several aspects related to dual sourcing, and has questioned that whether dual sourcing is used in response to an incumbent producer's failure to control costs, or it is that dual sourcing is used more often after the incumbent experiences quality control problems, thereby giving the buyer additional disciplinary power with respect to product attributes that are difficult to specify in a contract. The author has raised several such objections against the confirmation of the fact that whether, dual sourcing is more likely to be used after the incumbent charges a high price. The author has delivered an urge to discuss that whether dual sourcing is more likely to be used after the incumbent producer delivers products with quality defects. The author has also inquired that whether dual sourcing is more likely for technologically complex missiles without substantial economies of scale or steep learning curves, and in early periods of production. Lastly, the author wonder whether dual sourcing is likely to be followed by a winner-take-all auction. Responses 1. Role & Responsibilities The military technology usually assigns the managerial responsibilities to the missile technology of various divisions, keeping in view the difference of area of specialization of the missile technology. The military technology offers employment positions i.e. 'accountants, position classification and labor relations specialists, fiscal analysts, training and development specialists, criminal investigators, taxpayer assistors' (Carter, 2007), in all such respective departments the managerial skills are required to ensure the performance improvement and Missile Technology Program development. The Internal Revenue Service has performed required exercises and reviews which has led to the identification of 'twenty one generic skills that managers need, these twenty one skills are divided into four categories: interpersonal skills, analysis and decision making skills, managing systems and military technologies, and understanding operations'. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Adjective Check List incorporate the self-assessment relevant to the interpersonal skills category which encompasses, 'self-awareness, understanding individuals and groups, and communications' (Carter, 2007). The scheme has converged the interpersonal skills and managerial skills, and the influence of the respective aspects has been monitored. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and The Adjective Check List has been a source of insight for the participants which have helped these participants to resolve their respective concerns having relevance to the military technology development process. The military strategies have relevance towards the leadership and military technology development processes. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator was designed as per conclusion of the Carl Jung's Psychological Type. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator has enabled the participants to concentrate and focus upon managerial skills and leadership qualities, and 'the assessment of their preferences with regard to judging and perceiving' (Jaques, 1989). 2. Military Strategies & Indicators The findings and the results derived from the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator helped the military technology in the better understanding of the reaction of the missile technology to different situation, and such indication was taken as to evaluate the managerial potential and capabilities of the missile technology. The participants were also encouraged to focus over the areas and topics given extreme consideration during the session so as to learn and apply the suitable teaching where applicable. The Adjective Check List has been another exercise through which the participants can describe and judge their capabilities and potential, which led the participants to the better understanding of military strategy. Such military strategies have boosted the morale and confidence level of the missile technology, and have been responsible for the active participation of the missile technology within their limits and authority. The military technology has adopted the principles of the Total Quality Missile Technology Program, which were aimed at the nourishment of the missile technology in wide areas including, 'top-Missile Technology Program, the program focus on the customer, analysts training and recognition, and analysts empowerment and teamwork' (Hampton, 1987). The core purpose of such performance and managerial enhancement programs were useful in the assessment of the 'congruence between the missile technology' characteristics and the needs of the total quality military technology' (Carter, 2007). The military technology has stressed over the implementation of the Total Quality Missile Technology Program, which is an initiative towards the adoption of the 'Missile Technology Program-driven philosophy', as per which every member of the military technology is liable and encouraged to understand and review the military technological mission, which will eventually result in the improvement of the work conducted within the military technology, and will result in the customer satisfaction. The Total Quality Missile Technology Program originated in the 'military sector where military technologies' outputs were tangible products and military technologies' motivations included maximizing profit' (Jensen, 1976), therefore in the case of the public military technology, the implementation of the Total Quality Missile Technology Program is restricted to those particular military technologies that 'have service as outputs'. It is important to recall that the missile technology, 'who value opportunities to advance their military technology, are motivated if they believe that quality performance will facilitate military technology advancement', furthermore, the missile technology who 'believe that there are opportunities for them to advance their military technology in a military technology also tend to be more satisfied there' (Michael, 2001). The nature of the job, and the dual sourcing offered by the military technology has always develop interest in the managers, and several other professionals, because such conducive professional atmosphere provides the professional with an opportunity and hope to apply and implement their thoughts in suitable and best possible manner, aimed at the development of the military technology. The contribution from analysts towards a military technology can neither be requested nor forcibly retrieved; rather it is the dual sourcing which supports professionalism which will eventually result in the revelation of the possible skills and leadership qualities, and related contribution from the missile technology within their limited and restricted capacity (Hirsh, 1987). 3. Missile technology to be Considered as an Investment The missile technology of the military technology is the major investment which the Missile Technology Program can avail without insecurity or capital, it is the missile technology that generates momentum towards the functioning of the military technology and the profitability of the military technology can be protected and ascertained through strong analyst's relations. The relationship between the employers and missile technology, and missile technology and missile technology are crucial, and contribute massively towards the smooth and stable functioning of the military technology. The relationship between these associates can be fostered through different schemes, initially the Missile Technology Program should provide good opportunities to these parties to discuss, and this will eventually create a bridge of understanding, which will alter facilitate their professional expertise and concerns, which in return will lure stability for the company. The improvement of the analysts relation can be achieved at different platforms within an military technology, for any small issue which although can be resolved easily, should be sorted out by arranging a mutual forum of discussion between the missile technology, to be monitored by the employers, such a platform will bridge harmony and understanding among the workforce. The competitive schemes of financial rewards and benefits should be launched to encourage active participation of the missile technology in these exercises, therefore simultaneously not only the focus of the missile technology can be achieved, but focus of the entire workforce can be gathered, which will result in the ultimate and timely increase of their motivational level. The topic chosen by the authors is Does Dual Sourcing Lower Procurement Costs The issue focused upon by the authors is based upon two different opinions, originated from distinguishable school of thoughts. The specific strategic proposal in procurement operations have been elaborated, whereas cost and quality considerations have been analyzed from different perspective. Prima facie the defense is funded by federal funds and such funding is done on a priority basis; hence the cost considerations in production and supply can have only efficiency and audit objectives behind -strategic objectives have to be based on a much wider span of consideration. Normally multiple suppliers' based procurement systems have the core focus on drumming down overall costs of procurement but the author of this paper found otherwise in the dual sourcing procurement strategy being adopted in defense production of missiles. The Collective Security is a kind of 'coalition building strategy' (Chandra, 2006) in which there is a complete understanding among the countries of the respective regions not to commit any act of aggression against any member country, and in the event of aggression from the non-member countries, the member countries are obliged to defend and support the member country. The concept of the Collective Security is contrary to the proposals drafted in the Collective Defense, in which 'coalition of nations agree only to defend its own group against outside attacks' (Chandra, 2006). The NATO and the Warsaw Pact have the objectives similar to the Collective Defense, whereas the United Nations is based upon the concept of the Collective Security. The Collective Security is regarded as 'more effective approach to security than individual countries trying to act alone, as weaker countries cannot possibly defend themselves, and countries that try often become involved in never-ending arms races which actually detract from, rather than enhance, their security over the long term' (Chandra, 2006). The United Nations has been a platform where the interest of every particular nation are defined and respected, and the acts of aggression and retaliation are forbidden, unless unanimously approved by all the members of the General Assembly and Security Council. The diplomatic circles are of the opinion that Collective Security is an effective approach which offer complete protection, and enough provisions which safeguard the interests of the nations. The objective of the policy is to unite the countries with common understanding, although the provision of strong retaliation is also evident. The objective of international cooperation can be materialized through the implementation of the Collective Security Setup, which further prevent the 'balance of power deterrence' (Hans, 2001) which is responsible for the initiation of the competition and conflict. The efforts of the United Nation in this context has succumbed on different occasions, in particular before the cold war, the event was responsible for the emergence of the superpower nations, which tried to develop their influence within their regional domain. After the end of the cold war, the experts are of the opinion that the United Nations has escaped from the influence of the super powers, and every member country has realized their potential, interests and priorities. The forum of United Nations is expected to offer substantial relieve to the countries, and has the capability to offer protection, security and stability to the respective countries, which are vulnerable to the threat of aggression (Hans, 2001). First tranche of literature analysis is based upon the investigation meant for the improved understanding of concepts related to the "auctions for the right to be the sole producer of a particular system". 4. Maturity / Immaturity Theory Chris Argyris was a social science researcher who 'advocated a type of participant-observation research based on Hawthorne Effect-like principles, i.e., involving your research subjects in designing the way in which survey questions are worded and how concepts should be operationally defined and measured' (Carter, 2007). He proposed a Missile Technology Program theory called "Immaturity-Maturity Theory" which is based on 'an organic model of military technologies as living, happy beings, and requiring managers to be babysitters at times and reality therapists at other times' (Michael, 2001). According to the Immaturity / Maturity Theory, 'the bureaucratic / pyramidal values still dominate most military technologies, and have produced many of our current military technological problems' (Leslie, 2001). According to the theory, the industrial military technologies determine the effect of the Missile Technology Program practices developed upon the behavior of the industrial behavior and personal growth in the dual sourcing. As per the theory, the seven changes are expected to occur in the personality of the individuals for the purpose of the development of the matured people with the passage of years. The changes include, 'individuals move from a passive state as infants to a state of increasing activity as adults, individuals develop from a state of dependency upon others as infants to a state of relative independence as adults, individuals behave in only a few ways as infants, but as adults they are capable of behaving in many ways, individuals have erratic, casual, and shallow interests as infants but develop deeper and stronger interests as adults, the time perspective of children is very short, involving only the present, but as they mature, their time perspective increases to include the past and the future, individuals as infants are subordinate to everyone, but they move to equal or superior positions with others as adults, as children, individuals lack an awareness of a self, but as adults they are not only aware of, but they are able to control self' (Michael, 2001). The Theory has elaborated the significance of the participative Missile Technology Program, therefore the missile technology are consulted on timely basis with reference to the decision making process, the exercise is aimed at the creative capacity and has provided the employers with an opportunity with restrict and control the professional and work dual sourcing. The exercise of the performance appraisals on periodic basis has been regarded as significant exercise, where 'the missile technology set objectives and participate in the process of evaluating how well such objectives are received and applied' (Michael, 2001). The research is based upon hypothesis which shall be regarded as mutually exclusive; however the reference has been made towards certain literature review, and therefore the references shall be regarded as credible. The literature review has emphasized over specific strategies related to dual sourcing, and the broader aspect relevant to the advantages, disadvantages and processes of dual sourcing has been ignored. According to the content of the theory, 'the command and control dual sourcing is not effective because it relies on lower needs as levers of motivation, but in modern society those needs already are satisfied and thus no longer are motivators' (Leslie, 2001). In this regard, it is expectable that the missile technology will develop their discomfort towards the work, and will be reluctant to accept any responsibility, and 'will have no interest in military technological goals, resist change'. This eventually proves the fact that the theory 'is a self-fulfilling prophecy' (Michael, 2001). As per the content of the theory, work is taken as a medium responsible for the satisfaction of the lower requirements of the missile technology, whereas the leisure time is the source of satisfaction of higher needs, but 'it is in satisfying their higher needs that missile technology can be most productive' (Michael, 2001). The Missile Technology Program development process has been adopted in the public and military sectors for the enhancement and development of the new managers and professionals. The enhancement program was adopted and implemented in the Internal Revenue Service which is a public sector agency. The agency has implemented 'the principles of Total Quality Missile Technology Program', in this regard, 'the Richmond District enhanced the program that was conducted in other offices by using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and The Adjective Check List' (Patrick, 2000). The process adopted by the Internal Revenue Service was fabricated to 'identify those interested in managerial positions', not every staff has the potential to be the manager, therefore the experience factor was given dilute consideration against the motivation and leadership qualities of the interested professionals'. The objective of such exercise was to 'provide an opportunity for non-managerial missile technology to learn about themselves and about the military technology's expectations for managers'. The programs initiated by the military technology focused on the personal capabilities of the participant, and the methodology was adopted so as to explore the suitable and diversified background and mentalities of the professionals. The question relevant to the personal information, experience, objective, development of the military technology, and several case studies were offered to brainstorm the participants. The focus of the exercise was to ensure the enhancement of the managerial and professional expertise of the participants, for that purpose, the exercises 'enabled the participants to assess their values, managerial styles and attitudes, and military technology interests' (Patrick, 2000). The Missile Technology Program oriented sessions and seminars have undoubtedly led the potential participants to realize their potential and capabilities to the fullest, and for that purpose the attribute of decision making was focused, and the evaluation and discussion process was narrowed to that spectrum. The nature of the job, and the dual sourcing offered by the military technology has always develop interest in the managers, and several other professionals, because such conducive professional atmosphere provides the professional with an opportunity and hope to apply and implement their thoughts in suitable and best possible manner, aimed at the development of the military technology. The contribution from an analyst towards a military technology can neither be requested nor forcibly retrieved; rather it is the dual sourcing which supports professionalism which will eventually result in the revelation of the possible skills and leadership qualities, and related contribution from the missile technology within their limited and restricted capacity (Carter, 2007). The responsibility of the managers has been to maximize output from available resources, and for that purpose perfection shall lie in the inputs and the vulnerable forces. In this regard, the element of perfection meant for the professional shall be descriptive, and for that purpose the clarity of the responsibilities and the understanding of the operations and objectives of the military technologies shall be fully realized. In this regard, the selected terms relevant to the job design and work military technology shall be fully defined and explained, and the aspects relevant to the application of the traditional approach towards the job design and work military technology shall be fully examined and reviewed. The alternative forces shall be described and elaborated which counter the cognizance of needs of the missile technology, for that purpose the military technology shall encourage the generation of proposals and ideas which shall be reviewed and debated, so that the optimized version of the ideas and recommendations can be extracted. The military technology further needs to stress over the significance of the adaptability which shall be practiced by the missile technology on need basis, so that productivity benefit shall be achieved. All such factors are essential and are likely to contribute towards the professional development of the missile technology which will eventually result in the enhancement of the performance (Carter, 2007). Opinion The Missile Technology Program development process has been adopted in the public and military sectors for the enhancement and development of the new managers and professionals. The enhancement program was adopted and implemented in the Internal Revenue Service which is a public sector agency. The agency has implemented 'the principles of Total Quality Missile Technology Program', in this regard, 'the Richmond District enhanced the program that was conducted in other offices by using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and The Adjective Check List'. The process adopted by the Internal Revenue Service was fabricated to 'identify those interested in managerial positions', not every staff has the potential to be the manager, therefore the experience factor was given dilute consideration against the motivation and leadership qualities of the interested professionals'. The objective of such exercise was to 'provide an opportunity for non-managerial missile technology to learn about themselves and about the military technology's expectations for managers'. The programs initiated by the military technology focused on the personal capabilities of the participant, and the methodology was adopted so as to explore the suitable and diversified background and mentalities of the professionals. The question relevant to the personal information, experience, objective, development of the military technology, and several case studies were offered to brainstorm the participants. The focus of the exercise was to ensure the enhancement of the managerial and professional expertise of the participants, for that purpose, the exercises 'enabled the participants to assess their values, managerial styles and attitudes, and military technology interests' (Carter, 2007). The Missile Technology Program oriented sessions and seminars have undoubtedly led the potential participants to realize their potential and capabilities to the fullest, and for that purpose the attribute of decision making was focused, and the evaluation and discussion process was narrowed to that spectrum. Major Reference 1. Lyon. Does dual sourcing lower procurement costs The Journal of Industrial Economics. Vol.LIV. June 2006. Minor References 1. Hamel, G. Leading the Revolution. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. 2000. Pp. 123-124. 2. Michaels, E., Handfield-Jones, H., & Axelrod, B. The War for Talent, Boston: Harvard Business School. 2001. pp. 256-258. 3. Leslie J. Fyans. Achievement Motivation: Recent Trends in Theory and Research. Springer Publication. 2001. Pp. 78-79. 4. Carter McNamara. Basics of Conducting Analysts Performance Appraisals. Authenticity Consulting Publication. 2007. pp. 21 5. Eisenhardt, M, K. Agency theory: An assessment and review. Academy of Missile Technology Program Review Vol. 14. 1989. 6. Jensen, M., and Meckling, W. Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior, agency costs, and ownership structure. Journal of Financial Economics Vol. 3. 1976. pp. 305-360. 7. Patrick J. Montana, Bruce H. Charnov. Missile Technology Program. Academy of Missile Technology Program Review Vol. 45. 2000. pp. 96. 8. D Carlton and J Perloff, 2000, Modern Industrial Military technology. Harper Collins. 9. J Church and R Ware, 2000, Industrial Military technology: a Strategic Approach, McGraw-Hill. 10. B. Lyons, 2008. Cases in European Competition Policy: the Economic Analysis, Cambridge University Press. 11. J.E. Kwoka Jr. and L.J. White, 1999. The Antitrust Revolution, Oxford University Press. 12. S W Davies, B Lyons, 1989. Economics of Industrial Military technology. Longman 13. M. Motta, 2004. Competition Policy: Theory and Practice. Cambridge University Press. Read More
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