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Understanding the Use of Conflict Resolution - Research Paper Example

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The goal of this research "Understanding the Use of Conflict Resolution" is to investigate the challenges of security management in regard to providing security to celebrities. Specifically, the current paper addresses the issue of conflict resolution…
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Understanding the Use of Conflict Resolution
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Understanding the Use of Conflict Resolution Celebrity protection is the services offered by the various agency guards to provide safety to very important persons. Celebrities face many risks I the course of administering their management, they often undergo celebrity stalking whereby they are harassed by some threats that might be death threats or even injury threats. The protection can be personal, family, property, organization or companies Celebrities need to be protected by the laws as they require same rights and freedoms just like any other human beings who need freedom against rebel. The celebrities are vulnerable human beings due to their vast positions in societies and so they need to be safe. Moreover, the important persons need to be protected as the sensitive nature of such like people (Kreider 1985, p. 81). Celebrity protection offers unavoidable intrusions of the obsessive fans, paparazzi and the unlawful gangs into the privacy matters of the important persons in different societies of the world. In regard to providing security to the celebrities or rather the important persons, these people are usually provided with either armed or unarmed security guards from a court of law mainly during times of conflicts and testimonies. In management skills, the securities celebrity protection and entertainment security management services are often formed to offer very important persons with the much needed effective safety services. Safety may be given to own, relatives, protected and unprotected, surveillance and home security and protection against any harmful situations the celebrities may be exposed to ( Lantieri 1998, p. 77). The key role of the security management is the earlier recognition of the possible threats before the could happen. This identification of the threats assists the management to have an effective choice of decisions to prevent the chances of causing harm. Identification helps them to come up with the possible prevention and control measures of the threats that are like y to be caused. The protection of the celebrities begins with the assessment before the actual plan is made. Any protection given to a client must be known or unknown to the civic; those with uniforms are the covert security guards while those in civilian clothes are overt. This is similar to those electronic machines that have trained to detect that is overt and those that cannot be detected hence covert. In crisis management, the assessment, planning and implementation of security property analysis related before. During or after a threat to the people, property or things, Crimes are extreme events that cause disturbances and expose property and celebrity lives at risk. All these risks have to be responded t o and this is done through urgent protection of life and property. This needs an urgent action and unified application of the resources, facilities, and the channeled efforts beyond the normal problems. The response towards the threats entail the actions undertaken prior the actual problem occur in response to the immediate effect of the emergency. The actions during the emergency are designed to raise the capability of the organization to deal with the situation. The pre-effect warning maybe stimulated and mobilizing resources, controlling the situation and reducing the impacts of the disruption ( Kreider 1997, p. 59). Crisis response involves logistics of accessing medical care, food, water, shelter and save the victims of the scene. In these cases, regional, state and federal resources can be issued to help those affected and minimizing further damages and instead reaction facilities can be established. Celebrity protection involve recovery that is encompassing the short-lived activity to bring back the important life-support system to operation and long- lasting actions designed to return infrastructure system to prior disaster situations Being an effective manger requires one to be a participant in the procedures implemented in other fields. In this case being involved in the practices therefore demands the manger to be entirely mindful of his or her personal attributes as well as those of his or her clients. For example the employees need to be curios; risk takers, goal oriented, and future oriented and fully committed just the same way the manager needs to be equipped with the very characteristics. Having rhyming attributes makes it easier for any organization to run smoothly with minimal conflicts among the principals and the clients (Munson 1999, p. 143). When the patron and the principal are one and the same is at times advantageous as the conflicting attributes tends to be as minimal as possible. However, when the client and the principal are different there tend to be differences in attributes which may be of good at times as one can make consultations in order to come up with sound decisions. In some other cases the two parties can easily disrupt the proper functions of the team as decisions are at times delayed decisions due to diverse opinions of the two parties. The protection of the celebrity will best fit the consultative style of management; this is due to the fact that the style is convenient to both the team leader and the team members too. A combination of the democratic and an authoritative style, the style is favorable because when the democratic style tend to allow members to take advantage of their leader then the leader can opt to employ the authoritative style in order to command them to realize they are under a leader. For instance when the democratic style seems to delay decisions due to the vast consultations of every member then the leader should apply the autocratic one in order to come up with immediate decisions that cannot delay the task to be performed by the end of the day (Lantieri 1998, p. 38). The roles and responsibilities of each team member should be based on his or her competence with the hierarchy of authority from the top to the lowest (Munson 1999, p. 80). The team member must selected by merit that is by considering the skills, knowledge and experience. Considering all the three categories of selection is beneficial since all the three entails the qualification of any team member as he or she would have specialized in that particular area The task choices should be allocated according to a person’s qualification, when members are left to chose for their own they easily consider their material benefits for the task tile and not their quality production according to experience, knowledge and skills of the task. The task preparations in the event of celebrity protection involve planning, planning and production. Just like any other form of management the process entails evaluation, description, achievement, distribution, direction, management and analysis of occasion, money, citizens , goods, services and some other resources to get the target achieved. The manager has to forecast and arrange everything of the event by researching, setting up, organizing, implementing, scheming and to weigh up the event and its production. In planning, the predetermined objectives of the task have to be stated in order to be accomplished by the ending of the event. When organizing, the team members are allocated to specific areas in a hierarchical manner from the highest authority to the lowest one. The manager has to control the team as in to supervise and monitor as the task is performed by the members. Finally in the task preparation the evaluation is done to determine the effectiveness of the team to perform the task before they could commence on the task assigned to it (Kreider 1997, p. 82). Training and education is one of the best and effective health policy that protects informs the workers and the employers of their health status. By training them they get to have a broader understanding of their health positions and how to prevent diseases by making them aware of the threats that certain diseases may pose to the entire organization. Health and safety measures are considered in that tolerance, diversity, dignity and respect being for the success of the team. Safety of the workers against harassment violence and crimes caused by the workers, the principals or the other outsiders. Safety is the guidelines and other actions undertaken in order to keep the celebrities from the daily harmful situations. Security overlaps safety as it can also mean to protect one from getting harmed though it refers to other threats like to the family, business, property or companies. Health is also a key issue in this case as it is not only offered during insurance but also because it does increase the work productivity of he workers. Safety includes a convenient workplace; foe instance the working environment should as least hazardous equipment as possible. The workers should be equipped with protective gears in cases of harmful materials, adequate ventilation. Security is applied to be involved in crisis management, theft prevention, violence prevention, electronic alarms and restrictions to certain sensitive areas of the physical facility and allow only authorized personnel. It includes being confidential and keeping the privacy of the company inclusive of the trademarks and copyrights (Kreider 1984, p.118). Risk evaluation is a cautious examination of what may bring harm to the people. This assists one to realize whether he or she has taken the preventive measures against harm caused by the inability to take reasonable control measures. In assessing the risk, vulnerability identification is the first step and is done by searching for anything that could cause harm within the working premises. The risks are usually caused by the disharmony created by the team involved. The methods, procedures, handling, storage, equipment, workspaces, organization and previous accidents and injuries are reviewed properly. The second step is the analysis of the risk to gauge which among the hazards cause the most serious risk compared to the already experienced injuries. The evaluation of the factors that lead to the risk like the environment, the employee skill. After the evaluation the risk is put on the priority y list. Finally the danger has to be controlled according to the priority list. The control may include elimination, substitution that is getting rid of the hazard from the workplace, engineering by amendment to plants and manage, administrative by changing the usual way of doing things like timing and procedures, or just personal protective equipment to reduce hazardous exposure. The employees need to know how the hazard should be controlled, who should control, and if it can be controlled immediately .The hazard can be controlled permanently or temporarily thought the permanent one is the best solution ( Kreider 1997, p.113). However, some hazards can be so complicated and permanent solutions may take too long to accomplish. Among the agencies involved in the terrorist attacks in United Kingdom is the north Atlantic treaty organization (NATO). This agency has been involved to fight against terrorism, in responding to attacks the agency invoked article 5 of the Washington treaty, the alliance defense clause. NATO has been involved in a number of initiatives such political operations, conceptual, military, technological and scientific initiates to address this issue. The agency created an emerging security challenges division within itself with an intention to deal with a growing range of a non-traditional risks and challenges including terrorism in a crosscutting manner. The NATO alliance contributes to the international community’s fight against terrorism in a number of ways, which include the agency being a permanent transatlantic consultation forum which is in a position to transform discussions into collective decisions and action. The alliance has its exceptional martial troop and capable civilian that can contribute to fighting terrorism. It can even cope with the outcomes of the attack, lastly the alliance works hand in hand with a large network of partnerships involving other countries and global organizations (Munson 1999, p. 54). Another agency in United Kingdom attacks is the UK Highways Agency, this agency has once sent a request of the police the massage that London should avoid to turn the radio as it can be displayed on the electronic motorway message signs and other main routes approaching London. At the same time the United States homeland security departments asked the power in major towns for heightened vigilance of major systems. Understanding the use of conflict resolution begins with the involved parties being made aware of the situation at hand. This provides them with insight as to how they can achieve their own aims without looking down upon others (Lantieri 1998, p.90). After the group understanding, the team members develop a stronger mutual respect as their ability to cooperate hence increased group cohesion. The next step is the improved self knowledge; at this point the conflict articulates each person to reexamine his or her own aims critically. This is crucial in assisting each person to have a better understanding of important things and sharpening their focus and enhancing their effectiveness. In the 1970s Thomas K and Ralph K came up and drew up five key styles to deal with disagreement in their degrees of cooperativeness and boldness. They challenged that people typically have a favorable conflict resolution style. Nonetheless they as well noted that different styles were most useful in a different situation. They prefer style of conflicts which include; competitive, this style operates from a point of position of power, expertise or persuasive ability. This style is so convenient in cases where decisions need to be taken faster. . However people can be left uncertified and resentful. Another style is the collaborative style of conflict and people involved tend to meet the needs of the victims. In this case people cooperate effectively and recognize each party as important. The style is favorable when trying to bring together various opinions so as to get the best solution. The third style is the compromising one which often try to get a solution that at least partially satisfy each party. The forth style is accommodating; the accommodator knows when to give in to others but can as well be persuaded to surrender a position even when not acceptable. The style is appropriate when the matter when peace is valuable than just winning but again the style can allow room for favors hence unlikely to produce the best genuine outcomes. The final conflict style is avoiding style. The style tries to evade conflict entirely. It tries to avoid as much as possible to hurt any of the participants of the conflict. It is best when winning is impossible and when the other party is in a better position to have the conflict resolved between the two parties. Understanding the styles of conflicts paves way for one to identify the best approach to resolve the conflicts. A conflict resolution is an approach towards solving a problem caused by a conflict. A mediator is a go between parties who often takes the conflicting party through a discussion in order to settle the dispute at hand. A good mediator should always ensure that the conflicting parties are willing to engage into a negotiating process without causing another dispute. In understanding the importance of conflict resolution n the approach of interest- based relation is employed to solve the differences. The approach houners personal differences at the same time assisting people to avoid being fixed an entrenched in positions. The approach ensures that harmonious relationships are given the first chance by building mutual respect for each other. The victims understanding that problem and the people are two different things in order to deal with matters at hand without ruining people’s relationships. Attention is given to the issues and interests being laid on the table, this helps to speculate and get the reasons for several positions of the conflicting parties. Listening is considered important before one could speak to defend the position as one needs to understand the source of everything. The facts are outlined set and agreed upon before the objectives are stated, then a decision to be final (Munson 1999, p. 56). The conflict resolution then follows after a certain approach has been identified by the team (Kreider 1984, p.67). Given a chosen preferred style depending on the situation, there are steps considered to solve the predicament. The first step is to set the scene; the parties agree and abide by laws of interest based approach that conflict may be solved through negotiation and discussions rather than aggression. The next step is to gather the information; one gets to collect the interests that have been shown by the conflicting parties. One should detached from personalities in the discussions, listen carefully with empathy, recognize issues vividly and concisely, use the e ‘I’ statements, be flexible throughout and clarify feelings. In a step three, the members comply with the problems being solved before they can start to resolve the problem. The third step is to brainstorm the possible solutions; the process becomes fair if the participants contribute towards solving the conflict without fear or favor. The final step towards conflict solving is to negotiate a solution; by this stage every party has a better understanding of each other’s position and can resolve the problem. However, the uncovered opinions that are real may have been brought to the surface; this can create a win-win negotiation which is useful to get a solution and at least satisfies each one (Kreider 1995, p. 89). Despite the fact there tend to be conflicts in almost every situation, the same conflicts can be prevented from occurring or rather can be avoided (Kreider 1997, P. 45). The best way to prevent conflict is to identify one conflict that has ever happened, allow one to recall every single word je or she uttered and rethink once more of how one could have instead used effective words or language. The preventive measure of the conflict is basically the usage of the effective communication techniques; this implies that one has to reduce the emotional charge from the conflicting situation to allow for the best way for the two parties to resolve the conflict. But when it happens that a conflict occurs the two party’s ability to successfully to resolve the conflict will determine the success of the process. The abilities include the management of the stress quickly to remain calm and alert throughout, this helps to read and interpret both verbal and non verbal communication. Another ability to resolve the conflict is to control the emotions and behavior to act without any threats that may cause conflicts. Attention must be given to the interests and feelings being expressed and avoid words that are not honoring to the opponent. References Kreider, W. (1997). Conflict Resolution in the Middle School. New York: Education for Social Responsibility. Kreidler, W. (1984). Creative Conflict Resolution. New York: Good Year Books. Kreidler, W. (1995). Adventures in Peacemaking: A Conflict Resolution Guide for School-Age Programs. New York: Educators for Social Responsibility. Lantieri, L. (1998). Conflict Resolution in the High School: 36 Lessons. New York: Educators for Social Responsibility. Munson, C. (1999). Celebrating Diversity: Coexisting in a Multicultural Society. 1st Ed. New York: Routledge. Read More
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