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Attitudes about Smoking amongst College Students - Essay Example

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This paper "Attitudes about Smoking amongst College Students" focuses on tobacco that has played an important part in American life. Though we now know about the negative effects of smoking, for many years people were quite ignorant about the effects of smoking. …
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Attitudes about Smoking amongst College Students
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Attitudes about Smoking amongst College Students Introduction/Hypothesis Tobacco has played an important part in American life. Though we now know about the negative effects of smoking, for many years people were quite ignorant about the effects of smoking. Smoking can cause a myriad of health problems such as lung cancer and the vulnerability to transient ischemic attacks (TIA) and ischemic attacks (commonly known as having a stroke). TIA’s are also called mini-strokes. Smoking can cause skin to age more quickly and some smokers look older than their years. Despite the known health risks people continue to smoke and others easily become addicted to smoking at a young age. This paper focuses on attitudes about smoking amongst college students. This group of young people are often the target of advertising campaigns that are run by the tobacco industry. It is not uncommon to find marketers on campuses across the country giving away packs of cigarettes to college students. This paper posits that this target group (college students) are more vulnerable to peer pressure, advertising, and stress that leads them to smoke. Soon after this target group begins smoking they become addicted and feel that they ‘must’ smoke. This group also finds it hard to quit smoking. Many in this group will admit they are addicted and plan to quit once they finish college. Oftentimes they find it hard to quit and carry the habit into the working world. Some may be surprised when they find out that they might not get the job because they smoke. Others may be surprised when they are charged higher premiums for insurance through their employer or when they independently seek out insurance. Landing a great job might be important enough a reason for the post-college student to quit smoking. It makes sense that this target group ought to be the focus of anti-smoking campaigns. This target group needs to be educated at the beginning of their college experience to not take up smoking. Ethical and Legal Issues Involved Many ethical issues exist that involve decisions that have to be made by health care providers. Smokers put a twist into their eligibility for certain procedures and transplants. Those awaiting lung transplants include those who smoked for many years, acquired lung cancer, and basically destroyed their lungs. The question of who should receive a lung transplant when one becomes available is often presented to transplant teams across the country. Dr. Robert Wise, of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, points out that “there is nothing unique about clinical trials in pulmonary and critical care medicine that warrants special consideration regarding ethical standards” (Wise, p1). It is true that doctors deal with desperately ill individuals to include those who have caused the damage to their bodies. The real question is whether their smoking status should eliminate them from clinical trials or transplants. The jury is out on this one as arguments abound for both sides. There are those who feel that allowing transplants for chronic smokers should not be allowed because the smoker caused the damage to his/her lungs. And, there are those that believe that smokers can be rehabilitated (quit smoking) and should be allowed to receive a lung transplant. This same ethical dilemma occurs with transplants of other organs such as allowing the transplant of a liver into the body of an alcoholic. Legal issues about smoking are many. Imagine you are standing on a street corner and witness an automobile accident. It appears to you that one driver waved the other driver through the intersection and then attempted to drive through first anyway. The accident is a minor one but requires investigation none the less. Both drivers exit their vehicles and wait for law enforcement to arrive. The driver who waved at the other exited her vehicle with cigarette in hand. Law enforcement hears both drivers’ account of the accident. The first driver insists that the other waved him through while the second driver said that she was waving smoke away from her eyes so she could see. Does the fact that she smoked and waved the smoke away from her face change what happened? Who is responsible for the accident? Who should be cited? The answer is ‘both drivers’. The second driver’s smoking status is not a mitigating factor and she is responsible for the behavior that caused the accident. The first driver should have followed the rules of road for passing through that intersection and so is also responsible for the accident. Another legal issue arises when a smoker has a child with a chronic illness such as asthma. Is it legally okay for the smoker to smoke around that child? Should the child be removed from the home because his/her chronic illness is aggravated by the cigarette smoke? There is no law that forbids parents from smoking around their children. But, In this case, doctors may call child protective services to investigate. The family may end up in court with the judge mandating that no one be allowed to smoke around this child. Had the doctor not intervened the child would still be subject to cigarette smoke. Although sales of cigarettes to minors is illegal in the United States minors still get a hold of them and smoke. Those who do smoke quickly become addicted. Vendors who sell cigarettes (or any other tobacco product) are subject to prosecution under the law. Still, despite the barriers put into place to keep minors from getting tobacco products, they obtain them and smoke. Psychological and Theological Issues Involved Many who attempt to quit smoking find it very difficult. This is because smoking not only has physical implications but psychological ones as well. According to the American Cancer Society: “cigarette smoking and tobacco use are acquired behaviors – Activities that people choose to do” (American Cancer Society, p1). Deaths caused by smoking are preventable. Smoking quickly becomes an established habit. A person gets used to the feeling of having nicotine in their systems. Smoking can become a physical addition and a psychological addiction as well. If only the physical aspects of smoking are addressed in smoking cessation programs the chances of returning to smoking are high. Quitters need to address issues such as how smoking makes them feel and how to deal with stressful situations without reverting to smoking behaviors. Cognitive Behavior Therapy (individual and group counseling) that addresses both the physical and mental aspects of smoking can be a recipe for success. Not only do smokers need to conquer the physical dependence, they need to conquer the psychological dependence on smoking. Smokers say that smoking helps calm them down and relieves stress. These smokers need to learn new ways of calming themselves down and learn how to deal with stressful situations. Theological aspects of smoking include the belief that the body is a temple that should be taken care of (Catholic Catechism). Others believe that tobacco is a gift from God and that, used in moderation, can’t be harmful to the body. Science would argue with this position but some people truly believe this. In Hinduism smoking is unholy (unholy smokes!). It is immoral and sinful to smoke. In 1999 a conference was held at WHO (World Health Organization) Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. It is the WHO’s goal to help create a smoke-free world. They have worked toward that goal by communicating the need for collaboration between religious organizations and WHO’s Tobacco Free Initiative (Das, p2). What the scriptures say about smoking (Das, p1) "From purity of food follows the purity of the internal organ" ~ Chandogya Upanishad, vii.26.2 “Swami Amarananda of the Hindu Centre of Geneva, who represented Hinduism in this meeting urged Hindu religious leaders and associations to come forward to dissuade people from using tobacco. "Tobacco is traditionally seen as a vyasana or an unhealthy dependence.” (Das, p1) Scope and Limitations of Research According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “44.5 million U.S. adults were current smokers in 2006”. Their numbers are disturbing as they report that 1 out of every 5 people in this country smoke (that’s 20.8% of all adults!) (American Cancer Society, p1). Younger smokers made up a large percentage of smokers overall (24%). “Nationwide 22.3% of high school students and 8.1% of middle school students were smoking in 2004” (American Cancer Society, p1). The above numbers are important because it gives an idea of the magnitude of the smoking problem. The focus of the research for this paper is the college student population which typically includes the 18 to 22 age set. This study is limited to one campus and to the individuals who responded to the survey. The research method did not exclude any student because of race, apparent age, or ethnicity. The research focus was college students in general who willingly participated in the study (Survey) Methods Used to Gather Information Information for this study was gathered using the survey method. The surveys were handed out across campus during three consecutive lunch periods. Students who elected to participate in this study deposited their completed surveys in boxes located in the mail room and student cafeteria. 200 survey and small pencils were handed out face to face. Many more students wanted to participate in the survey but the decision was made to keep the study size at 200. Not all surveys were deposited in the pre-placed boxes. Attitudes About Tobacco Use Thank you for participating in this survey! With your help we will be able to get a good idea of the attitudes that college students have about smoking (or tobacco use). Please read each question carefully and circle the answer that represents your belief about smoking. DEMOGRAPHIC Age: Under 18 18-22 23 or older Race: White African-American Hispanic American-Indian Asian-American Smoking is hazardous to your health Agree Disagree Abstain Smoking advertisements influence non-smokers to start smoking Agree Disagree Abstain The law should forbid smoking in all public places Agree Disagree Abstain Children who observe adults smoking will smoke as an adult Agree Disagree Abstain Smoking is sociably acceptable Agree Disagree Abstain Smoking helps you lose weight Agree Disagree Abstain Nobody likes a smoker Agree Disagree Abstain Smoking is unattractive Agree Disagree Abstain I would not date a smoker Agree Disagree Abstain It is a bad idea to smoke around a pregnant woman Agree Disagree Abstain Please deposit this survey in one of the collection boxes at the student cafeteria or mailroom. Again, thank you for participating in this survey! Responses to the Survey Of the 200 surveys handed out 113 were returned to the collection boxes. The following is the raw data obtained from those surveys returned: DEMOGRAPHIC Age: Under 18 (2) 18-22 (96) 23 or older (15) Race: White (72) African-American (21) Hispanic American-Indian (0) Asian-American (20) Smoking is hazardous to your health Agree 106 Disagree 7 Abstain 0 Smoking advertisements influence non-smokers to start smoking Agree 36 Disagree 52 Abstain 25 The law should forbid smoking in all public places Agree 54 Disagree 19 Abstain 40 Children who observe adults smoking will smoke as an adult Agree 58 Disagree 24 Abstain 31 Smoking is sociably acceptable Agree 50 Disagree 24 Abstain 39 Smoking helps you lose weight Agree 27 Disagree 41 Abstain 45 Nobody likes a smoker Agree 19 Disagree 18 Abstain 76 Smoking is unattractive Agree 79 Disagree 11 Abstain 23 I would not date a smoker Agree 45 Disagree 22 Abstain 46 It is a bad idea to smoke around a pregnant woman Agree 101 Disagree 7 Abstain 5 Analysis of Raw Data 200 Surveys were handed out. 113 surveys were deposited in the collection boxes. This represents a 56.5% participation rate. The majority of those who returned the survey were in the 18-22 age group. They represented 84% of the respondents. The race of survey participants were 63% white, 18% African American, and 17% Asian American. No other racial groups participated in this survey. Agree Disagree Abstain 1. Smoking is hazardous to your health 93% 6% 0 2. Smoking advertisements influence non-smokers 31% 46% 22% to start smoking 3. The law should forbid smoking in all public places 47% 16% 35% 4. Children who observe adults smoking will smoke 51% 21% 27% as an adult 5. Smoking is sociably acceptable 44% 21% 35% 6. Smoking helps you lose weight 23% 36% 39% 7. Nobody likes a smoker 17% 16% 67% 8. Smoking is unattractive 70% 9 % 20% 9. I would not date a smoker 40% 19% 40% 10.It is a bad idea to smoke around a pregnant woman 89% 6% 4% In retrospect, it is obvious that there is one question that should have been asked on this survey. The survey should have asked respondents if they were smokers. Because this question was not asked the survey is just canvassing college students without regard to their smoking/non-smoking status. It would have been interesting to see the difference in attitudes between smokers and non-smokers. It is clear from this survey that the students knew that smoking was bad and unattractive. 40% wouldn’t date a smoker. 89% of respondents agreed that it was a bad idea to smoke around pregnant women. Clearly, somewhere along the line these students were educated about the negative aspects of smoking. But, despite the word getting out, there are non-smokers who choose to become smokers everyday. The following pie charts give a good picture of the results of this survey. Blue represents agreed, purple represents disagreed, yellow represents abstained. Discussion Essay Studies support that, despite efforts to curb smoking in the United States, new smokers take up the habit everyday. This study also supports previous studies by the American Cancer Society and the CDC. Studies support that half of all smokers who continue to smoke will die because of the adverse health effects (American Cancer Society, p1). According to the CDC 23.9% of men will start smoking in their lifetime. For women it is 18%. Much creative marketing schemes funded by the tobacco industry help keep smoking one of the United States’ big problems. This same level of energy needs to be funded to help eradicate smoking altogether. Eradication might be too lofty a goal. But, if more money went into marketing the negative aspects of smoking perhaps statistics will show a decrease in smokers across demographics. The survey supported that college students believe that children who observe smoking will become smokers as adults. A whopping 93% of college students in this study agreed that smoking is hazardous to your health. These numbers support the idea that some educational efforts to curb smoking are working. The CDC (according to American Cancer Society) “estimated that adult male smokers lost an average of 13.2 years of life and female smokers lost 14.5 years of life because of smoking” (CDC, p7). Quitting is no easy task. Smokers must deal with both the physical and psychological aspects of smoking. One type of counseling that seems to work is Cognitive Behavior Therapy. This type of counseling is done individually and in group sessions. The group sessions provide the opportunity for smokers to meet others in the same situation. Implications for the Future Despite all efforts by many organization smoking is going to continually attract new smokers. The tobacco industry will continue to market to college age students. How they can ethically do this and sleep at night is incredible. Studies have shown again, and again, the negative health implications of smoking. Some college students believe that once they graduate they will be able to quit smoking. These students need to be educated about the physical and psychological implications of smoking. Success can only be measured by the number of new smokers each year. If the numbers go down one can surmise that the anti-smoking message is getting through. One trend that may help is the move to smoke-free college campuses (Fortin, p1). Students who want to smoke will have to go off campus to do so. “Gainesville State College, an hour north of Atlanta, Georgia has a 4-year-old ban that prohibits anyone from using tobacco products on campus, including students, faculty and visitors” (Fortin, p1). Smokers on this campus must walk off campus to smoke. To many this is too much trouble. Works Cited: American Cancer Society. “Cigarette Smoking”. Retrieved November 13, 2007 From Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Annual smoking-attributable mortality, years of potential life lost, and economic costs - United States, 1995-1999. MMWR. 2002;51:300-303. Available at: Accessed November 14, 2007 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Annual smoking-attributable mortality, years of potential life lost, and productivity losses - United States, 1997-2001. MMWR. 2005;54:625-628. Available at: Accessed November 14, 2007. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Cigarette smoking among adults --- United States, 2006. MMWR. 2007;56(44):1157-1161. Available at: Accessed November 14, 2007. Emily Bazar. "More colleges banning smoking." USA Today (n.d.). Middle Search Plus. EBSCO. [Library name], [City], [State abbreviation]. 13 November 2007. Fortin, Judy. 2007. “Smoke-Free College Trend Growing”. CNN. Retrieved November 14, 2007 From Das, Subhamoy. “Unholy Smoke!”. Your Guide to Hinduism. Retrieved November 13, 2007 from Wise, Robert A. “Ethical Issues Confronted in Pulmonary Clinical Trials”. Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine. The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland. Read More
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