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Adolescent Student Attitudes Towards Mathematics - Essay Example

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Mathematics is a wide subject which is all about using techniques, formulas and skills. This subject is not only the basis of all the new technologies found but can also be said as the founder of different subjects such as physics…
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Adolescent Student Attitudes Towards Mathematics
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"Adolescent Attitudes towards Mathematics" Mathematics is a wide which is all about using techniques, formulas and skills. Thissubject is not only the basis of all the new technologies found but can also be said as the founder of different subjects such as physics. This subject is widely acknowledged for its ability to make others learn rather than memorizing. Mathematics not only helps one individual in building his skills but also teaches one individual how to use them in his practical life. Keeping the importance of mathematics in mind this subject is compulsory in almost all sorts of education systems. As this subject is compulsory for everyone some students face difficulties while studying it while some do not. However the subject of Mathematics is considered the most difficult one by the students too. The pace of learning of a student depends on many factors. A student's attention should be focused on the topic he is learning. The attitude of learner and the environment in which he is studying are the major factors of his learning process. In this article, I would further discuss the attitude of students and their environment and background in detail to find out the reasons of changing attitudes of students towards mathematics. Students' background means the situations and conditions of their daily routine and their relation to their home. In contrast, the attitude of the students talks about their awareness, approach and feelings about mathematics. It is observed that the situations in the home make the base of the students' future formal learning either strong or weak. A student always needs his mother, who is known to be the first teacher of a child, to help and guide him in solving complex mathematics topics and questions. The understanding, feeling and concerns of students' also play a magnificent role in their progress of learning a particular subject. The pace of learning and level of understanding of a particular subject can be determined and assessed properly if these factors are kept in mind. Many researches have evaluated the result that students' personal and family background contribute to a great extent in the accomplishment of their goals including their success in mathematics. The changing attitudes of students towards mathematics and other studies also depend on their social life. Certain questions must be answered to understand why their attitude changes. Q1: Are their any resources available for the students at their home If so what are they and if not what would be the effect How does it affect their attitudes Home has been verified to be the greatest support for the students to carry good marks along with the willingness to study further and more efficiently. The environment provided to the student greatly influences the student to focus on his studies. Mathematics, being a complex subject for the students, requires attention and time. A student having an educational environment at home is observed to be more competent in his studies than the student having a less-educated environment around him. The learning opportunities, physical and mental relaxation and the peaceful environment of home play a great role in the success of a learner. A number of researches have already shown the positive relationship of learning accomplishments and home issues. The availability of books makes the first impression and acts as the first motivation for the student to work hard in his studies. The students follow the path of their parents and elders. Although books are believed to be the fundamental learning resources, other support stuff are thought as supplements which provide ease in the learning particularly that of mathematics. Such materials are calculators, computers, laptops, dictionaries, guidebooks and study tables. The educational qualification of parents also affects the students' academic life. If the parents are well educated and know the importance of education they would always emphasize on the students' learning. Mathematics needs a lot of attention and concentration. If the parents are well educated and well aware of the basic mathematical rules, they would prove to be very helpful for their children in solving their basic problems. Due to lack of concentration they start hating mathematics. It becomes difficult for students to grasp the concept in the very moment it has been explained. Mathematics requires revision and proper practice. Unlike other subjects mathematics can not be crammed; this fact sometimes irritates the student. They need to understand the basic theme of the topic and practice it as much as they can. Q2. What does the student, his family and his friends expect about his result The parents of children must always expect higher marks. The students always admire and follow their parents and elders. As the students of Higher-Grade find mathematics difficult to understand and solve, the teachers of such grades must encourage the students. The teachers are the advisers as well as the electrifiers for their students. English and Mathematics are considered to be very important and marks gaining subjects, therefore, these subjects need extra attention. The teacher must encourage the environment of competition among the students. Teachers must develop a sense of responsibility in the students. He must encourage them for every little achievement. A teacher always expects some good results from the students. He must convey those expectations to them. This helps them make a goal for the subsequent subject's result and they put their utmost efforts in accomplishment of that goal. Students at this age, mostly idealize their elders and other family members, hence, in attaining good marks in any subject they try to compete them and try to achieve more appropriate results attained by their parents and siblings. Q3: Is he really interested in mathematics or is he compelled to learn it Mathematics cannot be learnt without interest. If the student is learning mathematics because he want to promote to the next grade the chances of a good performance are less. Whereas, the students who are willing to gain marks in this subject, in order to please their parents, teachers and themselves, are expected to obtain a really good performance in mathematics. The willingness to do well leads the student towards new techniques of problem-solving. Q4: What are the activities of the students other than school A student's activities also affect his studies. A student must not always show a non-serious attitude towards his studies. On the other hand he must not act like a bookworm, as it affects his health. Proper time allocation is also necessary to maintain his social and academic life. Good reading habits, in addition to a balance among time for learning and relaxation are essential factors for improved mathematics performance. Leisure actions that are educational in character place a value-added to knowledge. Nowadays the availability of computers and other technological devices attract the students towards itself. The advantage and disadvantage of these innovations depend on the way students use them. There are a number of sites on internet where complex mathematical questions, lectures and solutions are provided for the ease of students. Games are also designed to facilitate the students in solving the basic arithmetic functions of mathematics with speed and accuracy. Hence the activities of students may influence their performance in mathematics. They must be provided with knowledge about these technologies and their proper usage. If middle school students would be provided with both competition and guidance they will be motivated to take interest in the subject. They will be capable to use their rising potentials of discovering and imposing structure, speculating and proving, reviewing theoretically, realizing cause and effect, and engaging in concept and generalization. Q5: How do students observe the aspects necessary for excellent performance in mathematics For the renowned reasons, there is a consent that natural talents, good fortune, uphill struggle and remembering textbooks help to show a first-class presentation in mathematics. On the other hand, according to a research 90% of students' rate for hard work and studying at home as the features to be good at mathematics. Whereas, 67.8% students think that talent and ability are the key aspects to excellent performance in mathematics. A quiet considerable amount of 40% students think that good performance in mathematics depends on luck and 60% students believe otherwise. Mathematics is a complex but interesting subject, if taught by a qualified and experienced teacher. Not every student is perfect in mathematics but the ones which are perfect in mathematics are sharp and intelligent than others. They have the skills to understand the topic and follow steps in every question. They have the talent to memorize things and use it up when needed. Among all grade groups, middle school students require a well organized mathematics syllabus that covers all ten standards. Their syllabus needs to have a reasonable amount of geography and algebra. Algebra and geometry are vital to accomplishment in the future learning of mathematics. Algebra and geometry are also essential to deal with many situations other than the mathematics class. Students should notice that these subjects are interrelated with each other and other areas in the set of courses. For example, students might be requested to calculate the amount of tiles that will be required to create three equal walls of same length and width, as in figure 1.1. Students may build up simple formulas to solve such mathematical problems easily. They may count the blocks required to build one wall and multiply it by the number of walls mentioned in the question. It means the students must be able to answer quickly that we need 6 x a (i.e.6*a) tiles to construct three walls, where 'a' is the number of walls. On the whole, three years in the middle grades must be utilized properly in guiding the students to comprehend and exercise such crucial concepts. This idea focuses on the importance of Algebraic and geometric presentations for the students and development of their interest in new way of calculating and finding new solutions for the mathematical problems. The students must be provided with proper training in this content and other mathematical contents. At the end of 8th grade students must be entirely prepared to enter the high school courses. Their future success in this content depends on the basic understanding of mathematics; therefore, the basics must be well understood and fully grasped by the students. Many times due to the fear of the teacher's reaction, students keep their questions in their mind. They do not ask the questions which arise in their mind while solving the questions. These fears of the teacher's response lead the students' negative attitude towards the subject. They start avoiding that subject. If we talk about mathematics, one can not ignore its importance, not merely in academics but also in daily life. So, the mathematics teachers must keep this prospect in their minds. They must not pretend too strict and harsh. Students must always be given the chance to speak, give their views, and ask questions and opportunity to use their skills. Mathematics is a subject which requires a lot of attention and consciousness. If the student is having a bad attitude towards mathematics, one possible reason could be the space in the home. For instance, if the student is living in a joint family system and the home is jam-packed, he would find it difficult and quiet impossible to pay full heed to the content he is learning. This may carry an adverse effect on his results and class performance. He would not be able to carry good marks either in class presentation or exams. He would be discouraged by the teacher's remarks and inability to help himself. On the other hand, joint family system may also aid the student if his relatives have the expertise in his subject and are ready to help him in the learning process. This would not only be helpful for the children in doing his homework but also would be supportive to gain good remarks and appreciation during the class presentations and assessments. The middle-grade and high-school students have a positive attitude towards mathematics if they are forward looking. Most of the students find it difficult to solve the mathematical sums accurately, even though they want to be good at mathematics. They do not wish to quit struggling in this content. What would be the possible reason for that They try to perform well in mathematics because they know the importance of mathematics in their upcoming future. Every job nowadays, requires the candidate to be good at using latest technology and maintaining accounts and mathematical calculations. This requirement in every field is making them anxious about their performance in mathematics. They need to be perfect in mathematics to achieve a bright and successful future. This anxiousness enables them to work harder and harder in this content. Some other students, who are in favor of good performance in mathematics and know its importance, have the concept that if they need to take admission in their desired college or university they have to perform marvelously in mathematics. Nowadays to get into a reputable institution an individual should get good grades. These good grades are almost limited to some major subjects in an individuals field i.e. if someone is applying for engineering he should get good grades in Physics, English and Mathematics. Similarly mathematics is a compulsory subject in almost all fields and this fact acts as a boost feature for the individuals. The students are aware of the fact that Mathematics is a really important subject which would help them to get into a better institute, thus they try to concentrate and be more responsible while tackling the subject of Mathematics. Another reason for the changing attitude of students towards mathematics is their will to fulfill the expectations of their parents, relatives and teachers. In order to get their appreciation, they work hard in mathematics. They also try to achieve their own predetermined goals. The NCTM in 1898 in the syllabus and assessment Standards for School Mathematics set up two goals associated to touching matters: education to value mathematics and rising confidence in one's own mathematical skill. Further documents from the same period, for example Everybody Counts, also paid attention on the necessity to alter the public's approaches and thinking concerning mathematics, identifying that a great number of people do not think they can do well at mathematics (National Research Council, 1989). In the amended Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (2000), National Council of Teachers of Mathematics also known as NCTM, once more chatted about mathematical temperament, promoting the value of students' confidence, concern, determination, and inquisitiveness in learning mathematics. The suggestions persuade teachers to substitute classrooms stressing low-level computation with active classrooms spotting on higher-level thinking. Without a doubt, the attitude of students towards mathematics and the way they view it have an effect on their achievements. A number of researchers in the preceding two decades have examined that optimistic attitudes can raise the trend of individuals to choose mathematics courses and think about careers in mathematics linked fields (Haladyna, Shaughnessy, and Shaughnessy, 1983; Maple and Stage, 1991; Trusty, 2002). By examining the data carried out by TIMSS, it is observed that the students of Canada, Norway and United States of America are the greatest predictable devotees to participate in advanced mathematics courses (Ercikan, McCreith, and Lapointe, 2005). Therefore, mathematics professors require mulling over these outcomes as they try to support more students to think about more study in mathematics linked fields. Another research collected a number of beliefs of many students. The list contains beliefs such as in Mathematics, there is only one method to solve a particular question, and if the question is not solved easily and on the first try, there is no possible way to solve it without the help of mathematical professor or guidebook (Arcavi & Schoenfeld, 1992). Due to these firm concepts in their minds students try to memorize mathematics rather than understanding and practicing it again and again. NCTM is struggling to discourage these concepts among students. Yet, Schoenfeld's study is observed t be consistent by the researches carried out recently. The interview of 100 high-school students declared that the students who show average or low performance in their mathematics studies belief that they have a fixed skill level and they cannot perform better than this. For this concept they do not participate in any competition related to mathematics. They have restricted themselves to solve complex mathematical problems and believe that they cannot help themselves. They strongly agree that their skill level is the reason of their failure in mathematics (Signer, Beasley, and Bauer, 1996). Higgins study examined that middle school students are facing difficulties in problem solving instructions. Even the students who have completed a one year course of problem-solving techniques and guidelines are not able to completely manage these skills or rules (Higgins, 1997). Olson's research showed that one-third of the students find mathematics rough and dry. They do not enjoy geometry and thus their attention diverts from the class learning. His study also observed that 40% of mathematics learners get irritated and exhausted while solving word problems. This is not an unexpected result as word problems require much time and interest of the students (Olson, 1998). A recent study of 2005 about the views of middle school students towards mathematical problem solving techniques observed that they try to learn everything fast and they believe that if they have learned the method they can do it quickly otherwise there is no way to solve it. The study also declared that they measure their performance by the time they take in solving a particular question (Schommer-Aikens, Duell, and Hutter, 2005). The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) has observed the students' attitude after examining the assessment result. The students, of Grade 12, with the view that they like mathematics have been reduced. In 1992, 51% students had the view that they like mathematics and in 2000, this rate has been reduced to 47%. Whereas the percent showing that the students are good at mathematics has been increased slightly. In 1992 50% students indicated a good performance in mathematics and in 2000, this value increased up to 53% (NAEP, 2000). The basic need is to motivate students in practicing mathematics rather than memorizing it. In order to motivate students to understand rather than memorizing, the teachers must conduct regular discussion in which every student must be given the chance to speak and ask questions if any. The teachers must be well-qualified and well-known about the topic to answer every question. Students must be provided with logical answers and mathematical arguments to prove the result. The students must be given examples to facilitate their learning process. If a student is weak in every subject, he must not be treated as a pitiable person but given extra attention. There is a need of planning their regular assessments and appreciation on the good results. The students who are not performing up to the mark must be tested properly. The problem of dyscalculia may influence the students in learning mathematics. In order to find out whether or not the student is having dyscalculia different techniques have been established. However, the most effective technique is considered to be 'The dyscalculia Screener', which is developed by Butterworth, 2003. This screener is designed to diagnose dyscalculia among the students. If a child is found to have dyscalculia, proper changes in the teaching style must be implemented. A student having dyscalculia needs more attention than others. He must be provided with the colored books, highlighted important paragraphs and phrases so that he could be able to read and memorize the highlighted phrase or sentence, step by step solution of complex mathematical problems and provision of different tables containing useful and essential mathematical rules or laws. Such students must be provided with extra attention, regular tests and a full revision before the examination. Knowing the importance of mathematics in the future studies and daily life of a student, a student must always be motivated to carry excellent marks in mathematics. There is a need to change the environment of home if the student is feeling uncomfortable with it. Regular assessments at schools and proper learning schedule at homes are the only way to check the student's performance. The students normally have an opinion that they like mathematics but find it very difficult. It does not mean that they do no know the importance of mathematics or they do not want to progress in it, it merely points at their need of guidance and attention. There is a need of new techniques to improve the students' performance. Proper lectures must be given to the students indicating the importance of mathematics in their lives, so that; they would be motivated to work hard rather than quitting their efforts. The middle grades signify a major turning spot in students' life. Throughout the middle grades, students set ideas about themselves as students of mathematics. They reach their conclusions about their proficiency in mathematics, their feelings, their concern, and their incentive. These ideas will control how they move toward the study of mathematics in future years, which consecutively will have an effect on their later occupation and individual opportunities. Government must take interest in this area. There is a need of proper teachers' training programs to help students having difficulties in mathematics. Bibliography: Haladyna, T. (1983). A Causal Analysis of Attitude toward Mathematics. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. 14 (1), 19-29. Phillips, E. D., Butts, T., & Shaughnessy, M. (1983). Intermediate algebra: applications and problem solving. New York: Harper & Row. National Research Council. (1989). National Research Council collection. Archives of American Mathematics. Fennell, F. M. (2000). Connect to NCTM standards 2000. Chicago, IL: Creative Publications. Maple, S. A., & Stage, F. K. (1991). Influences on the Choice of Math/Science Major by Gender and Ethnicity. American Educational Research Journal. 28 (1), 37-60. Trusty, J. (2002). Effects of High School Course-Taking and Other Variables on Choice of Science and Mathematics College Majors. JOURNAL OF COUNSELING AND DEVELOPMENT. 80, 464-474. Ercikan, K., McCreith, T., & Lapointe, V. (2005). Factors Associated With Mathematics Achievement and Participation in Advanced Mathematics Courses: An Examination of Gender Differences From an International Perspective. School Science and Mathematics. 105 (1), 5. Arcavi, A., & Schoenfeld, A. H. (1992). Mathematics Tutoring through a Constructivist Lens: The Challenges of Sense-Making. Journal of Mathematical Behavior. 11 (4), 321-35. Signer, B. (1996). A Study of the Interaction of Ethnicity, Math Achievement, Socioeconomic Status, and Gender on Math Attitudes of High School Students. Higgins, K. M. (1997). The Effect of Year-Long Instruction in Mathematical Problem Solving on Middle-School Students' Attitudes, Beliefs, and Abilities. Journal of Experimental Education. 66 (1), 5-28. Olson, K. A. (1998). Improving Student Attitudes and Performance in Mathematics. Schommer-Aikins, M., Duell, O. K., & Hutter, R. (2005). Epistemological Beliefs, Mathematical Problem-Solving Beliefs, and Academic Performance of Middle School Students. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JOURNAL. 105, 289-304. National Assessment of Educational Progress (Project), National Center for Education Statistics, & Institute of Education Sciences (U.S.). (2000). Mathematics. The nation's report card. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, National Center for Education Statistics. Read More
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