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Ethics and Plagiarism Social science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Sara would be doing something very unethical and as ethics do not allow one to discredit from one’s work, I, for one would disallow her as well as the other group members from doing such a thing. I would tell the team members that this is something much uncalled for and we must not plagiarize or discredit the author’s work as our own.
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Intended Meaning in Words Social science Research Proposal
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Racism is a continuous mortification and obstacle to the development of society. It’s impossible to discredit it and unproductive to declare, however honestly, that a discriminatory word should never be used. Racial distinctions will always be made in some slight form or another, and even the more pronounced racist labeling or word is well-established in the social system and the subconscious.
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Indulgent Parenting Style and the Authoritative Style Social science Assignment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Life as we know it is a dynamic journey. Parents who were nurtured 40 years ago may suddenly find themselves in a different time zone. Thus, their style of parenting would certainly be different. Baumrind as cited in Darling (1999) defines parenting style as the manner in which parents strive to ‘control and socialize their children' (Darling 1999).
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The Importance of Language in Culture Social science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
By overlooking the importance of the educational wealth which can be harvested in foreign language acquisition, we simply limit our children’s future in education and communication. Many aspects of the American economy are rooted in foreign languages; international trade, diplomatic relations, and cultural identification and celebration.
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Marriage and the Economic Contract Social science Essay
1 pages (463 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Marriage is a universal phenomenon and the Economic Contract is found cross-culturally as well as amongst different groups around the world.  Womack describes marriage in the United States as the sole economic contract in which the terms of the contract are not specified but rather are implied (145).
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Distraction While Operating an Automobile Social science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Anything going against this code of conduct while operating an automobile is termed as “distractions.” The three types of distractions are – 1) visual – taking our eyes off the road. 2) Cognitive – taking our mind off driving on the road and 3) Manual – removing one’s hands from the steering wheel. 
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Money and Education Social science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
“Money often costs too much” (Ralph Waldo Emerson). In my case because of the dipping world economy and family financial problems, I thought it is better to make some money rather than wasting time on education. But wisdom finally led me to continue my studies. This decision actually changed my life a lot.
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Should the Affirmative Action Programs Be Abolished, Amended or Left Alone Social science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Looking at the current scenario though there is a need to protect the rights and welfare of those who have been suffering from discrimination but on the other hand, equilibrium has to be maintained for the welfare of the entire society. There is a high need to amend such affirmative action programs. The whole thing is based on the idea of class inequality.
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Successfully Manage Work, School, and Family Social science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Education is very important for getting a good job in the future. It’s a lot of work even to take classes online, and there is a lot of studying to do and planning very carefully so there is time for everything. I am willing to accept those drains for the good of my family. I often stay up late to study, and my son has started to do that as well.
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Sleep and Dreams Social science Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
For thousands of years now Dreams have tended to fascinate philosophers and others around the world, but since of late Dreams have come in for a lot of scrutinies and are now a subject that is under the microscope of great empirical research and scientific study. Freud theorizes dreams as that function of the mind which protects the sleeper from all external and internal stimuli.
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Corporations Govern Society Social science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Essay
According to the findings of the paper, it can be said that the ideology of corporations coming to the rescue of the society is a long-gone thing of the past and now what can be expected from these corporations is nothing else but wrath – a sense of authority that knows no other way than divide and rule.
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Social Ramifications of Lobbying Social science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
As far as regulatory policies are concerned, lobbying helps in shaping up the belief that is adopted by the major and more dominant player within the business industry. The small companies usually delve into the ploy that huge organizations have brought into the ball game – lobbying in essence.
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The Lessons Mother Can Taught Social science Essay
2 pages (525 words) , Download 3 , Essay
It seems almost universal that no teenager ever wants to listen to anything their mother has to say.  After all, things have changed so much since she was a teenager it is unlikely she’ll have any knowledge about what really works in the world of today’s teenagers. Just look at her sense of fashion for proof.
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Commitment, a Weapon which Gives Us the Fruit of Success Social science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Commitment sparks our energy and it helps a lot to reach our target. Commitment plays a major role in achieving success and it is an internal force that alerts us to look forward till reaching the goal. It rises out one's vision and makes him aware of his duties. A burning desire creates a commitment and the both of them make a man walk into his future with a passion to reach his achievements.
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Assistive and Supportive Technologies on Mental Retardation Social science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 1 , Essay
However, the pain that you are going through because your child is what the medicine has termed as “mentally retarded” is far less compared to what your child will feel if your love and guidance is not there to see him or her through the difficult times ahead.
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Why Continue Capital Punishment Social science Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Opponents of the death penalty argue that the penalty is unjust.  What is truly unjust is the deliberate act taking of another life, murder.  Another injustice society should not condone is allowing murderers to keep their lives after imposing the death sentence themselves on another and by that act, also sentencing the victim’s family to a life sentence of anguish. 
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Community Oriented Policing Social science Assignment
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Community-oriented policing has been a successful regime for a long time now. Communities feel that they need to have linkage with their police and hence the need for instituting such mechanisms in place. With regards to their multicultural and educational programs, one can see a lot of work happening within the relevant domains (Thacher, 2001).
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Factors Affecting Attachment Security Social science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
As the paper outlines, attachment Security helps children to acquire a sense of self-efficiency as they interact with the world. But some factors do threaten to weaken this attachment, leaving the child no choice but to acquire completely varied characteristics in order to counter his immediate environment.
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The Most Compelling Problem Facing Youth In The Twenty-First Century Social science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
As the saying states, ‘All that glitters is not gold’ similarly our youth are faced with numerous obstacles which make the bright future murky, including poverty, violence, child abuse, limited educational opportunity, and unhealthy behaviors. The present picture of the world is characterized by distressing economic, social, and human costs.
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Factors of the Prevalence of Teenage Pregnancies Social science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Though the school system is propagating awareness about sex to the children, the efforts are stymied by the religious right’s insistence on not using contraception, and being opposed to abortion has contributed to the increase in teenage pregnancies. Further, the reluctance of parents to discuss practicing safe sex has added to the problem.
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How to Annoy a Husband Social science Assignment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Although wives also indulge in certain acts that make the husband forget that he is being annoyed, such as intercourse, it has been scientifically proven that intercourse leads to a “feel good” aspect (Walsh, p. 210). It is important to follow the processes within this essay in order to annoy your husband to such an extent so that he becomes completely infuriated.
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Young Childrens Exposure to Electronic Media Social science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Recent studies show that the most influential is the television since it is the most accessible to children and the easiest to operate. In the US, 35% of American children are living in homes where televisions are always on most of the time daily ( Vandewater, Bickham, et al., 2005). Quite a number.
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What Is True Poverty Social science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The gap between the haves and have-nots has widened drastically. Well, what are we doing about it?  The Government’s noble goal is to try and halve the proportion of people living in extreme poverty between 1990 and 2015, (U.N, Millennium Development Goal) through their first ‘Millennium Development Goal.’ 
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Is Healthcare a Private or a Public Good Social science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 5 , Essay
They would like to see a smaller state that is not responsible for everything in everyone’s life. What could be more personal than health? Why should the government or a business be responsible for paying for an individual’s health? It’s your own choice, for example, whether you smoke or don’t exercise, and yet the business or government must pick up the tab.
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The Ideology of Victim Precipitation Social science Essay
1 pages (288 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author of the paper argues in a well-organized manner that not anything done by the victim can count as victim precipitation. This is a basic legal principle. That said if the victim physically instigates or causes the chain of events that leads to his or her death there is the possibility of the “killer” having recourse to a self-defense defense.
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Easing the Teasing Strategies Social science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
As the paper tells, for friends or family members who have children who feel bad about themselves, reading from the site observed is highly recommended. It contains the simplest and most comprehensive way of dealing with bullies and teasers. They too would find that the given information is easy to understand and apply.
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Security in the Post 9/11 Era Social science Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
What if we would have taken the Russian warning more seriously, what if we would have to take Osama bin Laden more seriously, what if we would have never gotten involved in the first Gulf War, what if we would have had stricter airport security? All of these doubts gnawed at the American public. 
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Adjusting and Adapting Other Culture Social science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
It is a fact the world over that adjusting to a new culture is always a difficult task, to begin with. The earliest days are the most strenuous ones since the person undergoes a great deal of stress and unfamiliarity. The same was the case with me when I moved in from Spain in 1959. I did not know anything about English and hence this was a huge problem for me.
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Importance of Clothes in Peoples Behaviour Social science Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
A police officer or a military officer may be more duty conscious when they wear their uniforms. In civil dress, they may not be as aggressive as in uniforms. Here the dress or the uniform made them aware of their duties and responsibilities.  In schools, uniforms are implemented for students in order to avoid any discrimination in feelings as far as dresses are concerned.
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The Decriminalization or Legalization of Marijuana Social science Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
There is a reasonable, but unfortunately not the widespread, belief that “drugs can never be stamped out… The demand for drugs is constant and inelastic; the criminalized status of illegal drugs makes them expensive, and therefore highly profitable to sell… it is criminalization that guarantees ‘business as usual” (Goode, 1997).
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Should Drug Use Be Decriminalized Social science Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The war on drugs is policy based on morals, not on public health, and is taking a grave toll on the economics and civil liberties of our society.  Decriminalization supporters theorize that if marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and other drugs were legalized, two additional positive aspects would follow.  Drug prices would fall enabling users to obtain their drugs at low, government-regulated prices. 
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Police Job Analysis Social science Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Dangers faced by police vary from death to mental and physical disorders and even risk of infectious diseases. These dangers are encountered mainly during law enforcement duties like arresting criminals, investigating crimes, conducting traffic regulations, and even while responding to public urgencies. There are instances where criminals taking down police officials in revenge. 
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Disadvantages of Smoking Social science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Tobacco or cigarette smoke has ingredients that are chemically active. These ingredients can start fatal and dramatic changes to the body. It contains more than 4,000 chemicals that harm the human body. Some of these include nitrogen oxides, tar, metals hydrogen cyanide, radioactive compounds, and ammonia.
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Bringing Bicing to the University of Arizona Social science Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Our plan is to bring and implement the Bicing Company into cities across America, using The University of Arizona as our starting point. Bicing uses a unique design that helps distinguish their bikes from the rest. The bikes are built with an anti-vandalism mechanism and parts that are not compatible with other bikes on the market.
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Concerted Cultivation and Natural Growth Social science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The present paper has identified Concerted Cultivation as the term used for a parenting style where the parents decide and plan the school and the extracurricular activities of their children with the aim of honing their talent and skills so that it can help them to direct their energies in a focused and planned way (Lareau 2).
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Equality and Justice Social science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Essay
From the paper, vacationing at my aunt’s place was both an enjoyable as well as a learning experience for me. We would sit around the fire, as each would tell stories or some experience they had heard of. My cousins and I enjoyed these sessions as each one would come up with one interesting tale after another.
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Poverty and Income Inequality in the United States Social science Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
For decades, researchers have stressed on the significance of the generation of educational policies as a tool for implicitly or explicitly increasing the productive value of labor, particularly in capitalist economies. Lack of education accounts for low human capital and lower cognitive abilities of individuals which further restricts proper and effective contribution towards a nation's economy.
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Essentials of Life Span Development Social science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
As the paper outlines, cognitive abilities are multidimensional and multidirectional for late adulthood due to the individual. Depending on health, genetics, and other factors, every individual experience different cognitive retraining or declining during late adulthood. It depends on an individual’s experiences. 
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Police Corruption Related to Drug Trafficking Social science Research Proposal
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper would be written with the objective of presenting the kinds of drug-related corruption on-duty police officers are involved in. In addition, the factors that led these police officers to commit such crimes would be delved into as well as the sanctions imposed and recommended actions to prevent such incidents.
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The Impact of Social Class on Ones Life Social science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The nationwide survey of The Times reveals the attitude of the Americans towards social class and it finds out more than 80% of people believe that they can bring social classes together by becoming rich. To conclude, one can infer that social class has a tremendous influence on one’s life and it keeps him away as a separate entity, different from other social classes.
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Basic Human Needs Social science Essay
1 pages (329 words) , Download 10 , Essay
During my formative years, I have had the opportunity to mingle with people from different cultural backgrounds and I have always wondered about their expectations and aspirations in life as I once believed that one’s cultural environment will definitely have a profound influence on their thought process. 
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Causality in Human Behavior Social science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In much of the literature today we are lead to believe that certain actions create certain behaviors. As an example, if someone is exposed to violent video games as an example, the individual will be more prone to commit a violent act in real life. Although this is an interesting idea it does not account for all the people who are exposed to violent games who do not commit the crime.
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What Is Love Social science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 8 , Essay
The dictionary defines love as ‘warm affection, attachment, likeness or fondness towards a person, for or a thing”. Over the centuries philosophers and psychologists have defined love as infatuation and lust. Love is not affection or attraction. Instead one can experience love only when the thing that is loved the most is missed.
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Which Informal Fallacies Use Sociocentrism Social science Assignment
1 pages (356 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The slippery slope is based on the misconception of the fear that one step in a direction will lead to the next and continue in the cyclic order (Ramage, Bean, & Johnson,  2009). The fallacies of appeals to false authority and bandwagon appeals is the fallacy that involves a famous person supporting a cause, whereas they have no authority in the particular field they are supporting.
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To Be Remembered as a Good Person Social science Essay
1 pages (264 words) , Download 33 , Essay
I always wanted to be remembered as a person who is loyal, truthful, and honest to everyone and everything. People’s aims make them selfish and self-centered. They try to achieve their particular goal and stop thinking about others. I always wanted to be a neutral person. Being a successful person does not always mean achieving your goals. I think a person must live for others sometimes.
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How to Solve the Problem of Illegal Immigration Social science Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
With our economy in such a dire situation, we can no longer afford to support undocumented workers; we must use our limited resources to support legal immigrants and the United States, citizens. Thank you for your time and consideration of my proposal. I look forward to participating in the changes we so desperately need.
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Ways to Combat the Abuse of Prescription Medication Social science Assignment
1 pages (463 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Prescription drugs are supposed to be used according to the doctor’s instructions. Failure to do this can lead to serious health problems or failure of the medication to succeed. Prescribed drugs are meant only for the person who has a medical condition that has been diagnosed by a medical doctor and not for any other person even if there are similarities in their illness.
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Socio-Economic Problems Facing Ethnic Groups in the United States Social science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Speaking about law and employment, these problems should not be seen as the difficulties of the definite group but the problems of the whole American society. All the people should try to help minorities feel equal in order to get more unity. The American law should provide ethnic groups with more support.
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Terrorism in the 21st Century Is Different from the One in the Past Social science Essay
1 pages (332 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The US has declared war against terror after 9/11, in Afghanistan and Iraq. India is constantly complaining about the involvement of Pak military groups in terrorist activities in Indian territories and the last one of this series was the Mumbai attack recently. While Sri Lanka is facing threats from Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam, Palestine accusing Israel of their massacres at Gaza.
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Emotional Intelligence Social science Essay
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The Emotional Intelligence test suggests that I can adjust my own perceptual capacities to enhance my performances, and I can learn to better understand other people's actions and responses. For instance, when one of my friends is upset, I try to understand her emotional state and do not pay attention to some mistakes she makes. 
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