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Domestic Violence - Research Paper Example

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The present paper looks for exploring the causes that pave the way towards domestic violence. Since domestic violence has become an essential part of every society, discovering the root cause of the social evil maintains great sociological significance in its scope…
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Domestic Violence
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DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ABSTRACT The present paper looks for exploring the causes that paves the way towards domestic violence and their consequences on the members of family at large. Since domestic violence has become an essential part of every society, discovering the root-cause of the social evil maintains great sociological significance in its scope. The researcher aims to apply the following two hypotheses for the study: The weaker the moral values in a society, the higher the chances of domestic violence against women and children The poorer the financial position of the family, the more the probabilities of domestic violence in the set up Since the researcher is the student of New York University, the research will also be conducted in the same city. The researcher will apply mailed questionnaire for the present study. Twenty males and females each will be taken as the units of analysis in order to accept or reject the hypothesis. The researcher will select the respondents from different socioeconomic classes in order to give representation to all social strata. After the completion of the research process, the data will be tabulated and results would be interpreted, in the light of which conclusion and suggestions would be made. INTRODUCTION Domestic violence refers to the antagonism, aggression and anger practiced by the family members against their own family in one way or the other. The contemporary has witnessed tremendous changes within the social establishment, where rapid technological advancements have given birth to the people’s involvement in earning more and more money to lead a comfortable and luxurious life. Globalization has made traveling easy and fast, where the multinational corporations adopt the outsourcing and other similar strategic schemes, which has deprived the local community of the jobs and has thus increased unemployment scale. Uncertain political, economic and strategic state of affairs has also enhanced joblessness and irritation level among the people is touching its climax eventually. Thus, on not finding way to express the anger and worries, the individuals find one and the only possibility of expressing feelings of their grief and agony, i.e. at domestic level, which creates serious problems within this basic and most important social institution. Domestic violence not only creates differences and hatred among the family members, but also turns the most secure place i.e. home as the most unsafe and dangerous zone on the very face of the earth. The report presented by the UNICEF describes the same by stating that the domestic violence inflicted by the males aptly put women and children in great danger in the place where they should be safest: within their families. For many, ‘home’ is where they face a regime of terror and violence at the hands of somebody close to them – somebody they should be able to trust. Those victimized suffer physically and psychologically. ( The researches reveal the very fact that domestic violence is the outcome of belligerence and haughtiness observed by the males at home. Ingkintja Congress of Male Health suggests that over 95% of reported violent offences are committed by males. This is a male problem—it's up to men to take the lead in fixing it. ( The dominant role played by male stratum is actually the main reason behind their being responsible in domestic violence. Another reason behind men’s displaying violence at home is partly due to the strong desire for maintaining their supremacy and authority over women and children at large against the financial support they are rendering for the family. The researches also view poverty and financial problems also cause domestic instability and invite hostility and aggression in family. Though it is not only pecuniary problems that bring violence in family, yet people’s inability to keep the wolf from the door certainly aggravate the uneven situation and cause in the increase the mental agony of the individuals. Since the demands made by the wives and children are there, but family head finds him at a perplexed state for not being able to comply with the same, he adopts the policy of displaying aggression in order to discourage the demands of the family members, and thus leads his family on the way of mental and emotional collapse subsequently. Physical health condition and psychological problems also produce domestic violence, where the person observing aggression and anger is often suffering from mental sickness and abnormality. Somehow, whatever the reason is behind the violence, it adversely tells upon the nerves of the women on the one hand, and ruins the personality of the children on the other. Consequently, there appears to be constant fear and panic every moment and the family-ties experience severe blow in the wake of violence at home. Osofsky (1995) submits that exposure to violence can result in ‘regressive’ symptoms such as increased bedwetting, delayed language development and more anxiety over separation from parents (cited in Margolin & Gordis, 2000). In addition, it may turn the children revengeful, violent and even criminals and offenders in the aftermath of aggression being exercised upon them by the father, mother or any older family member. Statement of the Problem: Family serves as the fundamental social institution, which is responsible for the nutrition, protection, shelter and financial and emotional support for its members. Man is born and dies in family, and obtains food, clothing, love and affection from this very institution. Since it is the most primary social establishment, man maintains sentimental association with it and remains in constant contact and communication with family. However, the same institution appears to be in constant decline due to the moral collapse of the society at large. Te concept of couple’s living together and reproducing children without entering into marital knot has also destroyed the traditional family unity. Moreover, single parenthood and unwed mothers’ marriage to the person other than the father of their children has also paved the way towards the weakening of family ties in contemporary era. Since stepfathers are unable to shower their love upon the stepchildren, they have violent attacks on them out of the sheer jealousy for having association with their spouses. Furthermore, since they make hard efforts in professional life in order to make both ends meet, they are reluctant to provide financial support to the children, particularly the stepchildren, and take them as undue burden on their back. Consequently, they make the stepchildren as target of their sexual lust and hatred by raping and battering them for nothing. Thus, the innocent and helpless children either seek relief in chemical dependency and drugs, or run away from the house and choose the path of destruction and crime. Hence, domestic violence is the root-cause of constant increase in crime rate. Objectives of the Study: The main objectives of the present study include: 1 To discover the impact of domestic violence on the financial condition of the family, and how financial adversity invites violence at domestic level. 2 To identify the variation, if any, in respect of socioeconomic status violent acts observed by the family 3 To find out the causes and consequences of sexual violence on family 4 To discover the causes behind the assaults and battering exercised at domestic level Sociological Significance of the Study: Domestic violence has experienced unabated growth in modern world. It is partly due to the fall of traditional familial affection and co-operation, which finds very negative and destructive impact upon the society at large. Though it is not confined to one society of the world; rather, the same can be witnessed at a global scenario. Somehow, the multicultural and multiracial societies, like the USA and UK, are the worst victim of the same, where the women enter into matrimonial or sexual relationship with the person belonging to some divergent racial, ethnic, regional or religious communities. It not only creates the life-long conflict between the couple, but also the sense of superiority complex turns their life horrible. Another major cause behind domestic violence is the society’s permission to the couples to live together and develop extra marital relationship. It is not only strictly against the religious beliefs, but also is contrary to the traditions, norms and values of all societies. Consequently, the feelings of alienation remain intact throughout the relationship, and the couples depart at last even on trivial matters because of the absence of the relationship regularity authority to bind the couple. Hence, the illegitimate children go along with their mothers in the supervision of stepfathers, who refuse to give them the status of their own children and exercise violence on them. Since it has become the order of the day in all advanced societies, it maintains great sociological significance in it. REVIEW OF RELEVANT LITERATURE The present chapter discusses the studies already conducted on the topic relevant or similar to domestic violence, which throw light on the causes and consequences of the social evil under analysis on the society at large. Renowned US human activist Anne Menard (2007) has conducted her research on the domestic violence under the title “Understanding Domestic Violence Definitions, Scope, Impact & Response”, where the author looks for elaborating the nature, scope and reasons behind domestic violence. She declares domestic violence as a pattern of abusive behaviors – including physical, sexual, and psychological attacks as well as economic coercion – that adults and adolescents use against an intimate partner. This intimate partner may be father, mother, grandparents, siblings, spouse, uncles, aunts, stepparents and family friends. Since violence at domestic level is directly against a very close relation, there are least probabilities for the involvement of police or other law enforcing agencies due to the very fact that people seldom seek the help from outside just for the maintenance of relationship on the one hand, and for protecting the family from collapse and ruination or the other. Somehow, it does not mean that law and ethics do not allow action against such offenders. On the contrary, such violent individuals require severe punishment, so that the helpless women and children could be saved from becoming prey to the aggression within the premises of the safest place i.e. home. May, et al (2002) have conducted their study on domestic violence and physical, mental and sexual torture committed by the adult males on innocent children. The research under the title “The impact of parental attachment and supervision on fear of crime among adolescent males”, concentrates upon the nature of torture and its grave consequences upon the personality of male children for the future years to come. The study shows that any violent attack made by family friend, relation, neighbor or outsider urges the children to seek the moral and physical support of the family. Somehow, if family itself turns violent and cruel against the children, how could they find a peaceful corner in the entire world in general? It is therefore domestic torture crushes the personalities under the chariot wheels of fear, anxiety and terror. Research Methodology HYPOTHESIS AND OPERATIONALISATION OF THE CONCEPTS HYPOTHESIS: The hypotheses formulated for the present study include: The weaker the moral values in a society, the higher the chances of domestic violence against women and children The poorer the financial position of the family, the more the probabilities of domestic violence in the set up Research Procedure The researcher has posted mailed questionnaire to twenty males and fifty females on the basis of quota sampling. Since statistics show that 70% victims of domestic violence are women, so the study has selected over 70% respondents from females. 1 Universe: As the researcher is the student of a university of London, the respondents of the present research were selected from the children belonging to the city and suburbs of London. 2 Sampling: Quota/non-probability sampling was implied to represent different socioeconomic classes, age groups and genders for the present study. 3 Tool for Data Collection: The researcher selected mailed questionnaire for the present study, which consisted of twenty one questions and had been divided into two parts. First part was about the general enquiry including the questions related to age, sex, family background and other basic information. The final section represented the type and nature of aggression and violence prevailing in their surroundings and the situation under which they scared and consequently got victimised. Research Findings Table 1 Distribution of the respondents according to Age Age in Years Frequency Percentage 12-17 7 10.00 18-27 21 30.00 28-37 17 24.29 38-47 14 20.00 48-57 8 11.43 58-67 3 4.28 Total 70 100.00 The above table shows that nearly half of the respondents belonged to the age group from 28 to 47 years, while two fifth of them were taken from the age group from 12 to 27 years. While about one seventh of them were taken from the age group from 48 to 67 years. Hence, the mean of the age group is 39.5, while the median is age 37 years. Since age group 18-27 years maintains highest frequency, i.e. 21, it is the mode of age group fro the above table, which can also be found in the following figure: Figure 1 Distribution of the respondents according to Age TABLE 2 Distribution of the Respondents According to Gender Gender Frequency Percentage Males 20 28.57 Females 50 71.43 Total 70 100.00 The above table reveals that over two third of the respondents were taken from female stratum. It was due to the very fact that UK Statistical Bureau views that 70% victims of domestic violence belonged to the delicate sex. The same could be observed in Figure 2. FIGURE 2 Distribution of the Respondents According to Gender TABLE 3 Distribution of the Respondents According to Education Education Level Frequency Percentage Primary education or below 10 14.29 High School Under graduate 14 19 20.00 27.14 Graduates 15 21.43 Post graduation or above 12 17.14 Total 70 100.00 Table 3 shows that nearly half of the respondents were graduate or undergraduate; while over one third have received school education at different levels. FIGURE 3 Distribution of the Respondents According to Education TABLE 4 Nature of Physical Violence Observed by the Respondents Nature Frequency Percentage Slapping 63 90.00 Kicking 45 64.29 Stabbing Throwing Beating with stick or club Beating with a hard object Severe torture causing wounds and injuries 7 21 28 39 41 10.00 30.00 40.00 55.71 58.57 The above table reveals that the respondents undergo different types of physical torture at the hands of family members. Slapping is most popular one, which is observed by an overwhelming majority of respondents. However, severe torture, kicking, beating with stick, club and even hard object are also faced by the respondents at domestic level. FIGURE 4 Nature of Physical Violence Observed by the Respondents Table 5 Nature of Mental Torture observed by the Respondents Nature Frequency Percentage Insult through words Insult through action/gestures Jeering/pinching/taunting Preferring one’s real kids over spouse and step kids Ignoring them and their tastes in dining/tours etc Ignoring the guests of spouse and step children Refusing to provide financial support Looking and staring with displeasure Other (please mention) 35 48 45 60 52 61 37 49 23 50.00 68.57 64.29 85.71 74.29 87.14 52.86 70.00 32.86 Table 5 shows that the women experienced and witnessed different types of mental tortures on them mostly through male members. Ignoring the stepchildren particularly in the presence of their guests and insulting them through gestures and words are most troublesome mental tortures FIGURE 5 Nature of Mental Torture observed by the Respondents TABLE 6 Nature of Sexual Assaults undergone by the Respondents Nature Frequency Percentage Forced sexual intercourse with spouse Forced sexual intercourse out of wedlock Forced rape of stepchild Forced anal rape of male/female child Forced oral sex with children/stepchildren Forced display of voyeurism Forced display of exhibitionism Forcefully stripping family members Lustful kissing, massaging, fondling etc out of wedlock Other (please mention) 19 38 21 10 17 21 27 22 51 17 27.14 54.29 30.00 14.29 24.29 30.00 38.57 31.43 72.86 24.29 The above table shows that forcefully fondling the family members (mostly children and minors) is most popular sexual assaults at domestic level, followed by forced sexual intercourse voyeurism and stripping respectively. It shows the perversion in children is actually the outcome of domestic violence inflicted upon them. FIGURE 6 Nature of Sexual Assaults undergone by the Respondents TABLE 7 Reasons behind Practicing Domestic Violence Nature Frequency Percentage Due to negligence of spouse/children/stepchildren Because of mistake made by any family member Out of sheer fit of anger Due to low wages/salary and financial problems Scarcity of resources/income Out of jealousy and grudge for spouse Out of jealousy and grudge for stepchildren Mental illness Other (please mention) 35 47 31 62 58 29 49 12 23 50.00 67.14 44.29 88.57 82.86 41.43 70.00 17.14 32.86 The above Table ratifies the hypotheses that pecuniary embarrassments and financial problems are the most important reasons behind the inflicting of torture on family members. Somehow, hatred against stepchildren and spouses also pave the way towards the display of brutality against family members, as the following figure reveals: FIGURE 7 Reasons behind Practicing Domestic Violence STATISTICAL ANALYSES Since the main hypothesis aimed to explore the relationship of financial problems with the displaying of violence at family, the present chapter will analyze the same by applying Chi Square Test on it. While applying the same on the population under analysis, which consists of 70 respondents, it is found that an overwhelming majority of the respondents declares growing expenditures and financial problems as one of the most significant causes of domestic violence. Table 1 Do Financial Problems lead towards Domestic Violence? Category Frequency Percentage Certainly the major reason To a great extent To some extent Not very much Not at all 16 25 17 9 3 22.86 35.71 24.29 12.86 4.86 Table 2 Do Gruge against spouse/step children lead towards Domestic Violence? Category Frequency Percentage Certainly the major reason To a great extent To some extent Not very much Not at all 12 21 19 12 6 17.14 30.00 27.14 17.14 85.71 By critically analyzing the Table1 and comparing it with Table 2, it looks crystal clear that though financial problem is not the only reason behind domestic violence; however, it is one of the most important problems that push the family into the state of uncertainty and aggression. Because nearly three fifth of the respondents declared financial problem as greatest reason behind domestic violence, though less than fifty percent of them described the same regarding men’s grudges against stepchildren for doing the same. Summary and Conclusion To conclude, it becomes evident that the present study had been conducted to find the relationship between financial problems and domestic violence. The researcher has selected men and women from London city though significant representation was given to females. The researcher had selected seventy respondents as the units of analysis for the research process. As soon as the research procedure was completed, the data was tabulated and statistical tests were applied in order to interpret the results. The analyses and interpretation of results accepted the hypotheses established for the present research. Some of the important findings of the present study have been discussed as following: According to the research findings, an overwhelming majority of the respondents replied in favor of the presence of domestic violence, where women and children were the target of male aggression at home. The respondents declared it as strictly destructive one for the mental and physical health of family. The respondents viewed financial worries, second marriage, presence of stepchildren, lustful desires of men, and mental condition of the males as vital reasons behind domestic violence. The senior respondents threw light on the pathetic and miserable condition of the children who were victim of sexual assaults at the hands of family members. The personality of these children shattered in such a horrible way that they appeared to be determined to take revenge of the crime and cruelty exercised upon them by other members of society. Such obnoxious and heinous crimes that are not only unpardonable, but also the culprits must be tried at the court of law for displaying brutality against their own family members. REFERENCES Casey, Annie E. (2008) Understanding Domestic Violence Definitions, Scope, Impact & Response National Healthy Marriage Resource Center Retrieved from May, D. C., Vartanian, L.R. & Virgo, K. (2002) The impact of parental attachment and supervision on fear of crime among adolescent males. Adolescence Summer; 37(146):267-87 Family Violence Prevention Fund (1998) Identifying and Response to Domestic Violence Retrieved from Appendix QUESTIONNAIRE DEPARTMENT OF ---------------- UNIVERSITY OF THE ---------------------------- Serial No. --------------- Date of Interview--------------- Name: (Researcher) Roll No. ------------------- TOPIC: Affects of Domestic Violence on Socialisation Process PART A 1. Name of the Respondent: ----------------------------------------- 2. Age: ----------------------------------------- 3. Gender: ------------------------------------------- 4. Address/Area/Place of work: ----------------------------------------- 5. Qualification: a. Pre-school ----------------------------------------- b. Lower grades (1-6) c. O levels ---------------------------------------------- 6. Parental Status: a) Real parents: ----------------------------------------- b) Real father and step mother: ----------------------------------------- c) Real mother and step father: ----------------------------------------- d) Single mother: ----------------------------------------- e) Other (please specify ----------------------------------------- 7. No. of Siblings: a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) More than 3 e) None f) Not applicable 8. Father’s occupational status: a) Employer ---------------------------------------------- b) Self-employed: ----------------------------------------- c) Employed: ----------------------------------------- d) Partnership: ----------------------------------------- e) Labour/ toil: ----------------------------------------- f) Technical job ----------------------------------------------- g) Daily wages ----------------------------------------- h) Other: (please describe) ----------------------------------------- 9. Mother’s occupational status: i) Employer ---------------------------------------------- j) Self-employed: ----------------------------------------- k) Employed: ----------------------------------------- l) Partnership: ----------------------------------------- m) Labour/ toil: ----------------------------------------- n) Technical job ----------------------------------------------- o) Daily wages ----------------------------------------- p) Other: (please describe) ----------------------------------------- 10. Financial Position: a) Upper middle ----------------------------- b) Middle class --------------------------- c) Lower middle --------------------------- d) Lower lower --------------------------- PART B Nature of Torture 12. Nature of Physical Torture Observed by the Respondents? a) Slapping --------------- b) Kicking c) Stabbing d) Throwing e) Beating with stick or club f) Battering with hard object g) Attending guests and visitors at office h) Finance i) Marketing & sales j) Labour and toil k) Others (please mention) --------------------- 13. Nature of Mental Torture observed by the Respondents? a) Insult through words b) Insult through action/gestures c) Jeering/pinching/taunting d) Preferring one’s real children over the spouse and his/her kids e) Ignoring them and their tastes in dining/tours etc f) Ignoring the guests of spouse and step children g) Refusing to provide financial support h) Looking and staring with displeasure i) Other (please mention) --------------------- 14. Nature of sexual assaults a) Forced sexual intercourse with spouse b) Forced sexual intercourse out of wedlock c) Forced rape of stepchild d) Forced anal rape of male/female child e) Forced oral sex with children/stepchildren f) Forced display of voyeurism g) Forced display of exhibitionism h) Forcing the family member to get naked i) Lustful kissing, massaging, fondling etc j) Other (please mention) 15. Reason behind Practicing torture at home a) Due to negligence of spouse/children/stepchildren b) Because of mistake made by any family member c) Out of sheer fit of anger d) Due to low wages/pay/salary package e) Scarcity of resources/income f) Out of jealousy and grudge for spouse g) Out of jealousy and grudge for stepchildren h) Other (please mention) 16. Mental, psychological and physical Disease the respondents suffering from: a) Schizophrenia Homophobia b) Blood pressure c) Asthma d) Cardiovascular e) Stomach/ Lever Problems f) Other (please specify) g) None of the above 33. Would you recommend your siblings/children/grand-children to obtain higher education? a) Yes b) No c) To some extent d) Not at all 34. What suggestions do you recommend to make life successful? Read More
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