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The Causes and the Ongoing Effects of the Arab Spring Social science Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The events in the Middle East were straightforward. Libya and Syria were drawn into a civil war by the Arab Spring. Egypt, Yemen, and Libya entered into an uncertain transition period while the Persian Gulf remained unshaken by the uprisings and protests (Zott, 2013). The aim of the protests was to put to an end the aging Arab dictatorship which had engulfed the region.
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Human Rights Terrorism and Counter Social science Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Terrorism has a very direct and real impact on human rights and also has a demoralizing effect on the right to liberty, life as well as victims’ physical integrity. Besides that, an act of terrorism can consequently weaken the governments, destabilize civil society, put security and peace at risk, as well as jeopardize economic and social development.
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SWOT Analysis for the United Nations Children's Education Fund Social science Report
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 0 , Report
UNICEF has weaknesses such as inadequate funding, slow and cumbersome bureaucracy and as a UN agency, lacks an enforcement mechanism. In its external environment, UNICEF can take advantage of opportunities such as increased awareness and diplomatic pressure for urgent action on Syria, new partnerships, and leverage on the growing popularity of social media to enhance its operations.
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The Dilemma Facing Developed Nations around the World Social science Literature review
7 pages (2269 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This report seeks to establish the deficiencies in the health care system in Australia that has contributed to inefficiency and low productivity in Australian hospitals. It also recommends the best practices that hospitals and health care providers should adopt to improve the situation of health care in hospitals.   
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Political Science Assessment on World Peace Social science Essay
6 pages (1629 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Issues of nationalism will continue emerging between these powers as china continue taking a stronger economic and political position. Many scholars believe that China and U.S.A may get into a clash if the former refuses to share power with the latter as a rising world power. The relationship between these nations has been shifting from conflicting to confrontation.
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Effect of Chinese Empire on the Modern Chinese State Social science Assignment
10 pages (2594 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The Chinese government has successfully limited the freedom of traditional as well as new media to circumvent potential sabotage of its authority. The Chinese government has often used tactics such as strict medical controls through monitoring news, legal restrictions on bloggers, journalists, and activists, and monetary incentives for self-censorship.
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Perspectives from John Taurek in Should the Numbers Count Social science Book Report/Review
6 pages (1631 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
Utilitarianism is an approach to normative ethics that holds that the best moral action is one that achieves maximum utility. It takes an impersonal standpoint whereby one is required to determine which of a variety of courses of action can yield the greatest happiness to the largest number of people, and take action accordingly. 
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Humanitarian Intervention Social science Case Study
11 pages (3141 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Human rights monitoring, human rights capacity-building combined with advocacy for human rights should be the central goal of humanitarian agencies if they are to gain public confidence in their capability in conflict resolution. International communities should permit humanitarian agencies' mandate allowing them to aggressively and publicly speak out against human right violation.
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Counter-Terrorism Aims and Approaches Social science Case Study
12 pages (3782 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Research has shown that drivers of terrorism are complex and multidimensional. Despite this, terrorism has been associated with social, religious, and ethnic divisions (Cronin & Ludes, 2004). This is especially for ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) which has been able to attract several Western countries’ citizens through radicalization.
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The Best Hope for the Worlds Poorest People Social science Assignment
8 pages (2322 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The positive implication of education is the most sustainable as it restores a sense of the lost dignity and self-worth by involving educated citizens in the development of the country. The beneficiaries can pass the values of the importance of education to their future generations as they continue serving their families.
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Globalization and International Terrorism Social science Case Study
12 pages (3395 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper begins by defining terrorism in order to provide common characteristics of terrorist groups. The paper then proceeds to analyze ISIS in reference to the common characteristics of terrorist groups discovered from the literature review. The paper concludes that ISIS is a terrorist group that has adopted new tactics to achieve its ambitious political goals.
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Theories of International Relations Social science Assignment
13 pages (3352 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Like developed nations, being a member of the WTO is beneficial to develop nations in many ways. The first main advantage of WTO to the developed nations is in the fact that the removal of trade barriers and tariffs makes it easier and cheaper for the developing nations to import products (Narlikar, 2005). 
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Active and Passive Euthanasia is a Sound Doctrine Social science Essay
6 pages (1634 words) , Download 0 , Essay
As the paper outlines, if a patient is suffering from an incurable disease, causing more pain, grief, and sorrow to the patient and his or her family, then it is ethical to administer active euthanasia in order to cut off the pain and relieve the family from much grief caused by seeing their loved one in pain and sorrow.
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Public Relations and School Administration: The Jena Six Story Social science Term Paper
11 pages (3114 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The state of Louisiana has a very colorful and mixed past, which was governed under 10 different flags since 1541. Louisiana became a part of the United States of America in 1803 because of its significant role in trade and security in the West of America (Mangold, 2007). Jena’s estimated population as of 2007 is 2,867, with a population growth of -3.5 percent.
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Voice for Animals Social science Report
7 pages (2011 words) , Download 1 , Report
Mistreatment of animals during transport can easily be prevented by following regulations of animal density and temperature control during transport.  They do not require much effort on the part of the companies involved in animal transport.  Not overloading the trucks can mean the difference between life and death for these animals.
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Bullying in Schools Social science Essay
8 pages (2621 words) , Download 1 , Essay
It causes immediate harm and distress to the victim and has negative long-term consequences for the victim’s mental health.  It also has negative consequences for the bully” (Farrington, 1993: 382).  There are a number of studies that indicate bullying behavior exhibited in school might provide some indication of the likelihood of criminal behavior in adulthood. 
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Analysis of the Methods of 3 Research Papers about Child Abuse Social science Literature review
6 pages (9297 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Telephone surveys have been used in a wide variety of research studies in the past, and have demonstrated a fairly successful rate.  Individuals that participated in this survey gave their consent to answer questions and to have their information disclosed, although their identities remained a secret.
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Activism: Teachers, Therapists and Self-Esteem Social science Essay
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 1 , Essay
What they may not realize is that everything they do will affect other people. In some respects, they are making a political statement. In other ways, they are expressing their own ideas. To be an activist today, may mean that someone is talking about a particular aspect of the war in Iraq or something that is going on in their community. 
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The Post-Modern Society Social science Essay
7 pages (2017 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Modernity has been defined as the Enlightenment, which was the period whereby many discoveries were made, and science was understood as the basis of progression. Many industries were developed during this period. Human interventions during modernity were aimed at transforming the world into a favorable place to benefit them. Economic and political institutions were developed during modernity.
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Terrorism Morally Distinctive from War Social science Essay
7 pages (2123 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Terrorism entails the affliction of some sort of pain so as to get something or to have something is done which is similar to war. They both require their perpetrators to believe in their cause and thus execute the form of persecution that their masterminds choose. These acts result in sadness, turmoil, and more often than not death.
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Universal Validity of Human Rights Social science Essay
6 pages (2004 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The essay will identify two competing schools of thought on human rights, universalism which argues that human rights are universal concepts, and relativism which argues that that different societies have different conceptions of human rights which should also be upheld and respected as truth is relative.
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The Difference between Realism and Philosophical Realism Social science Assignment
18 pages (4727 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Realism applies in diverse subject matters such as semantics, modality, mathematics, science, causation, aesthetics, and ethics. Realism per se is impractical since there is no clear-cut choice between being a realist and being a non-realist. Non-realism and realism can take different forms. Furthermore, some philosophers are selectively realist or non-realist depending on the subject topic.
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What Moral Obligations Do We Have to Be Tolerant Social science Assignment
6 pages (1788 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Times have changed and so have people.  Some of the greatest changes in life have taken place in the areas of mannerisms that we have towards marriage and sex and changing roles of men and women in society and generally, men have a tendency to alter their behaviors and mannerisms in accordance with changes in their needs
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Romantic Love and Morality' Virtuous Liaisons Social science Essay
5 pages (1580 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Love is an act of affection towards each other. There are various kinds of love; friendship love, romantic love, parent to child, and vice versa amongst other kinds of love. In this paper, the love understudy is romantic love; which is love between lovers. Love is a powerful feeling; which leads people to do unimaginable things.
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What Virtues Should Lovers Display towards Each Other Social science Essay
7 pages (1524 words) , Download 0 , Essay
A person with certain characteristics can be relied upon to have consistent behavior over a long time. In keeping with Boudart (1996), people are born with numerous natural tendencies, some of which are positive like friendly and placid nature while others are negative like jealous and irascible nature. 
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World Trade Organisation - Strengths and Weaknesses Social science Case Study
9 pages (2623 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
There were huge hopes related to the prospects of the WTO and its functions in the supremacy of the global economy in 1995. Each country has one vote in WTO whether it's poor or rich but the voting process is not in common if a decision is taken. Developed countries become a group and make decisions without bringing developing countries to consensus
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Protection of International Relations Social science Assignment
6 pages (1846 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
An international criminal court is required to prosecute perpetrators of very serious crimes committed in their territories or by their nationals. It does not substitute the national justice system but rather it complements it by intervening when a state is either unable or unwilling to genuinely carry out investigations and prosecute the perpetrators (ICC, n.d).
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Is Democracy Necessary for Capitalism Social science Assignment
9 pages (2320 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
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Death Penalty: Does it Serve as a Deterrent to Future Crime Social science Case Study
9 pages (2447 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Descriptions of execution by the electric chair are horrifying as the person undergoing such punishment is subjected to great agony and is almost cooked alive as has been reported by some observers. Failures of these modes to induce instant death have been many and there are numerous instances of botched executions.
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Are Disabled People Going To Be Winners Or Losers Social science Dissertation
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
It will be necessary to compare the proposals with academic literature which might give an indication of its results. At first glance, the paper looks like a positive step and certainly, there is a strong argument that work is good for you. It’s the best way out of poverty, and it has positive health and social consequences.
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Maintaining Credibility in a Diversity Classroom Social science Article
6 pages (1724 words) , Download 1 , Article
The article uses a lot of data and review of existing literature on the challenges faced by instructors of color in teaching diversity-related courses. A lot of qualitative methods are used to determine the relevance and applicability of non-white instructors in what the authors call PWCU (Predominantly White College or University).
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The Hard Work of UNHCR Social science Case Study
9 pages (2597 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Is the case of the scheme ‘UNRRA’, a series of activities that ‘went beyond their stated goal of civilian 'rehabilitation'’ (Cohen, 2008, 437). Today, the existence of the United Nations – and many other international organizations – can guarantee the promotion of human rights with no dependency on political interests – as possible.
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Decision Making in Health and Social Care Social science Case Study
8 pages (2223 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
The horizontal equity principle in prioritizing CEA in health care intervention environments has acquired a new dimension recently. The ability of the patient to pay the medical bill or affordability maters in every health care establishment whether it’s run by the private sector or the government sector.
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The National Drug Intelligence Center Social science Essay
8 pages (2084 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The number of employees can be increased by a great number so as to they can deliver according to the standards required by the institution. The institution can further seek help in compiling intelligence reports from other institutes and can use these reports to be given to states in a perfect form so they can be used by the relevant agencies in completing their tasks.
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Comparative Family Analysis Social science Coursework
6 pages (1669 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The entry of women into the paid labor force in the United States represents the most important change to the composition of the American family over the past hundred years. Comparatively speaking, in the Egyptian context, the traditional model reigns supreme and there is a fine demarcation of labor roles for men and for women.
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The Issue of Childhood Obesity Social science Coursework
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Children should have some type of physical activity every day so that they keep active as they get older. Without good nutrition and physical activity, many children will become obese and acquire certain physical ailments that come with obesity. The best idea for child obesity is to prevent it from the start. 
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Conflict in Close Quarters Social science Case Study
9 pages (2304 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The entire process of conflict and the various stages it undergoes has been finely studied keeping the point of view of the case in perspective. This report also brings forth the various conflict management styles and interventions which have been evident in the course of resolution of conflict in the case.
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Pornography and Its Bad Side Social science Essay
6 pages (1664 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Sex slaves particularly children have nothing positive to say about pornography. There some desire to explore one's imagination that can lead to a point of no return and after a person for a lifetime. Pornography addiction is a habit that can change the situation in a relationship and cause irreversible damage. 
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Should Governments Continue to Forbid Same-Sex Marriage Social science Essay
6 pages (1778 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Same-sex marriages on the other side are seen as a waste of time and resources as they are not seen to be fruitful in any way (Eskridge and Darren 103). There are many arguments in opposition to same-sex marriages and are all highlighted below. Pornography is also very much discouraged for views as it has many side effects. 
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The Religious Approach to Death Social science Essay
6 pages (1770 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Ideally, no one wants to die; and if immortality was an option in life, the majority would have gone for it. Because of the anonymity of death, various communities have specific attitudes towards death. Equally so are various religions that try to give meaning to death; a sign of why everyone should pass this terrifying stage.
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Smacking Kids Issues Social science Essay
6 pages (1643 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In the natural development environment, it is normal for children to test or challenge adult and parental authority and expectation. At times, children decide to misbehave with an aim of gaining things such as peer approval, object, power, or attention. The aforementioned is an important aspect of children’s growth process. 
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Infection amongst American Adolescents Social science Essay
7 pages (2228 words) , Download 0 , Essay
According to the recent statistics (2013) an “estimated 8,294 young persons were diagnosed with HIV infection in 2009”, which suggests the prevalence of HIV/AIDS amongst adolescents would become a social problem and an economic burden to society if it is not given a national priority and addressed urgently through the appropriate measures.
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Difference between Active and Passive Euthanasia Social science Assignment
6 pages (1825 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Sickness may be tormenting especially when it drains a lot of money from the family of the sick person. In addition, when the sick are in irreversible coma conditions, it causes too much emotional pain to the people watching over the sick patients. Under such situations, doctors may give the family members of the sick an alternative of relieving the sick from suffering by performing euthanasia.
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The Ethical Issues Raised in New England Journal of Medicine by Henry Beecher Social science Assignment
8 pages (2207 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The concerns raised here include participant’s safety, privacy and confidentiality, and the handling of adverse events in case they occur in the course of the study. Similarly, there are three basic principles that the investigator must consider when conducting clinical research that involves the use of a human subject. 
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Marriage and Infidelity Issues Social science Assignment
8 pages (2045 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The rise of factors such as birth control has altered the dominant perspectives on the issues of sex. Traditionally, sex was a factor of creation and used to take place within marriage. However, sex has been disassociated from the original societal forms and normative functions. It is a consequence of social fiber decay.
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Disability in Terms of Normal Human Functioning Social science Essay
9 pages (2617 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The definition of disability is greatly contentious for many reasons. First, the term has historically been used to negatively depict a distinct category of people. Second, it has widely been deployed to depict a state of inability or to refer to legally imposed restrictions on powers and rights (Boorse, 1977).
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Do Names Have Sense and a Reference Social science Assignment
8 pages (1993 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Issues of names appear to be occupying a center stage in the contemporary debates of analytical philosophy. Gottlob Frege is considered an intellectual giant in the philosophy of language. This is large because he raised the issue of meaning through the formulation of the theory of meaning which forms an essential part of natural language.
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Ideal Speech Situation Issues Social science Essay
7 pages (2043 words) , Download 0 , Essay
According to Jurgen Habermas, an ideal speech situation occurs only when individuals engage in a communication that is directed by implied and basic rules. In this situation, the motivation is the urge of getting some rational agreement because every participant communicates in an atmosphere that is free from any kind of intimidation, which is psychological or physical bullying.
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Ethics and Genetically Modified Foods by Comstock Social science Article
6 pages (1544 words) , Download 0 , Article
The foods are made from foreign genes that are inserted into other plants to boost their yields. Nonetheless, some of the consumer advocates have taken ethical grounds and stood firm in their opposition to such foods. Comstock states that in delving deeper into the ideologies of the consumer advocates, applied ethics come into play to determine the soundness of their arguments.
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International Public Institutions and International Non-governmental Organizations Social science Literature review
10 pages (2995 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The focus of the paper is to conduct a comparative analysis of international public organizations and international Non-Governmental Organizations' involvement with human and economic development in transforming the global economy. The paper intends to explore the issue of human and economic development.
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