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Perspectives on Changes in Adulthood Social science Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Author’s philosophy in life involves both his relationship with others and his personal concerns. In terms of how he relates with the people around him, he adheres to the so-called “Golden Rule,”  which states that we should not do unto others what we do not want others do unto us. 
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Multivariate Techniques Social science Assignment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The author states that the three major types of multivariate techniques are provided as Multiple Regression Analysis. This technique actually examines the relationship between a single dependent variable and more than one independent variable. It is the most common type of method used.
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Balance Between Good for Society vs. Individual Freedom Social science Essay
2 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The author states that in contrast with traditional viruses such as smallpox and poliomyelitis, new viruses of fearful scope have now appeared. HIV/AIDS and avian influenza are the main threats to safety and existence of mankind. The threat can be explained by the fact that the alterations of mutation could have evolved their own genetic structure.
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Poverty Relief in the UK Social science Essay
8 pages (2226 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the UK, more recent “smart” transfers include stipends for poor children conditional on school attendance. The British Government has been trying to help the poor in many different ways. Traditional poverty alleviation programs include inter alia consumption subsidies and low-wage public works or other forms of relief for the unemployed.
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How UNICIEF Has Changed the Perception of Children Social science Coursework
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 4 , Coursework
UNICEF had a mission of advocating for the protection of the rights of children and help them to meet their basic needs. The body set out it mandate as to help the children to grow and realize their potential in life. to achieve this, the body had to ensure that all countries followed the provisions of the convention on the rights of the child.
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Moral Dilemma of the Death of a Young Boy in Panama City Social science Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
If I were to take the stance of the drill instructors, I would say that they just actually did the right thing. First, they were there to instruct and to accompany the offenders in their exercise drill which wad a 1.5-mile hike. Second, when they noticed that Anderson was collapsing, thinking that he was just faking it, they kicked him.
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The Curse of the Fashionista Social science Article
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
The author states that the fashion industry pumps millions of dollars into research and advertising with the goal of making the public feel just a little more insecure about their looks than they should be. The benefit to the industry comes at the expense of our health and mental well being.
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Sexual Assault of a Child Social science Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The clinical explanations of sexual abuse are linked to decrees, the directing the belief is whether the encounter has a shocking impact on the child. Not all sexual encounters suffered by children do. The impact is usually influenced by the significance of the act to the child, which may alter as the child progresses through developmental phases.
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An Instrument - Reliable and Validity Social science Assignment
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
Reliability is the consistency of measurement or the degree to which an instrument measures the same way each time it is made use of under the same conditions. In short, it is the recurring of the measurement. A measurement is said to be reliable if a person’s score on the same test given is similar on a number of occasions.
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Napoleon and his Revolutionary Predecessors Social science Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The author states that Napoleon was religious and believed that it was the integral part of society. He believed that a society without religion cannot have morality. Like his predecessors, he believed in God and Jesus Christ. He was also a believer of absolutism and openly claimed that God had chosen to be the ruler of France.
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Marxist Account of Class in Contemporary Society Social science Essay
8 pages (2344 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Specifically, it is argued that the more proletarianized fractions of the working class give rise to union organizational forms that enhance the capacity of the working class to transform capitalist social relations. Thesis The Marxist account of class is still relevant in contemporary society because it reflects and supports the main social, political and economic relations between the state and social classes, and between upper and low classes of modern society.
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A Hotel Fire Strategy Social science Assignment
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The author states that it is important to maintain adequate vigilance to spot fire and extinguish it before it causes harm. It is within the control of the hotel management to do everything necessary to prevent fire internally and externally. The best part is educating the occupants on measures necessary for fire fighting.
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Social Work with the Elderly Social science Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
“Community care policy…reflects contradictory aspirations promoting research efficiency and cost-effectiveness while advocating a process of needs-led assessment, which provides time for individuals to make their own decisions.” In no way and nowhere are these tensions more apparent than when “…older people are considered.”
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Jailed Mothers and their Children in School Social science Research Proposal
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The involvement of the legislators has to be of particular importance. It must be stressed and highlighted that the adversely affected students are becoming a risk in the population based on studies showing that children of incarcerated parents who are not well attended to go to the wrong paths themselves.  
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Ethics of Merci Killing Social science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Euthanasia is among one of the most controversial topics. In some cases, it is defined as a barbaric act while in others it is justified by setting free someone of his or her misery. In simple words, Euthanasia can be defined as “the act or practice of putting to death painlessly a person suffering from an incurable disease.” 
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The Benefits Of The Development Aid Social science Essay
9 pages (2736 words) , Download 2 , Essay
To get back the loan, the rich countries that provide the development aid impose several constraints on the third world countries which in turn hampers the growth of the country. No rules at present exist which can control the flow of development aid and thus there is a lot of wealth drain from the third world countries to the rich countries due to development aid. This will continue unless there are some laws laid down to control such drain.
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Community and Domestic Violence Social science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Proper parenting is vital to prevent a young individual from choosing guns over books. After parenting, the community: families, neighbors, service providers and funding organizations should involve itself into motivating the youth of the area and ensuring that they are well-informed enough to stop them from feeling the need to form a gang.  
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Globalization and Worldwide Poverty Social science Dissertation
34 pages (8500 words) , Download 4 , Dissertation
According to the report a few clusters regard it with great enmity and even trepidation. These groups strongly believe that huge disparities within and between nations are triggered by this economic phenomenon, that it threatens employment prospects and people’s living standards and eventually impedes social progress.
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Code of Silence: Good or Bad Social science Essay
2 pages (673 words) , Download 36 , Essay
The Code of Silence takes its roots from military law which states that “what you see, what you hear, when you leave, leave it here” phrase. This means that you are not allowed to divulge any matters and events that you have observed or noticed in a certain societal setting such as in the government or an organization.
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Police Subculture and Cops and Cop Critics Social science Essay
8 pages (2350 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Culture is a signifying system that represents a ‘whole way of life of a social group or whole society’. Speaking about uniforms, Fussell (2003) stays that they also set a certain structure and way of thinking – police uniforms were designed to stand straight up in, not to be worn sitting down; they were designed for carrying out punishment or demeaning tasks.
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Analysis of the Movie Minority Report Social science Movie Review
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
In conclusion, “Minority Report” presents the audience with a film that entails both a warning and a sense of hope. The corruption of power in society is balanced with the inner morality of individuals such as Cruise’s character. These individuals are far from powerless, being driven by a desire that is almost religious in its fervor.
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The Social and Political Thought of Martin Luther King Social science Essay
8 pages (2100 words) , Download 3 , Essay
After the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 had passed, however, his view of the situation changed. Between racial tensions in the Northern ghettos, and the escalation of the Vietnam War, King realized that America's problems were more than legal. He began to see social problems as rooted in economic offenses.
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War on Terrorism: What Is the Future of America and Will Terrorism ever Be Defeated Social science Term Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Dealing with terrorism is one of the main problems that are being faced by the world. As you all know that Islamic terrorism is the biggest threat that America faces. And since the training camps of these terrorists are all outside the US, therefore, counterstrikes are being used against then in combating terrorism. 
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Is Money the Factor That Can Improve Society Social science Assignment
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Money is the face of the understanding of the outside world communications and business and wages that go lower than the acceptable could affect how the money handler deals with the society and how they act with the fact that money is everything and that without it reaches the side of being 'unable to breathe without.'
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Social Care Policies in Global Society Social science Essay
14 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The author states that also the many changes taking place in family structures e.g., the increasing divorce rate, the growing number of children born out of marriage, the decreasing proportion of older people living together with their children, all generate new social assemblage where care has to be arranged in new ways.
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Social Policy in Central and Eastern Europe Social science Assignment
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The author states that after liquidation of the division of the world on two opposite systems, there was a cardinal re-arrangement of forces and revaluation of goods and material values in the world, in the result of which existed stereotypes concerning the problems of the world economy, world division of labor relations have become obsolete.
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A World without Television Social science Essay
3 pages (965 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Television not been born in our family, it would have been a different story altogether. After all, we grew up like siblings, each learning from the other. We gave the television its ‘technology’ for better transmission and picture quality and appreciated and celebrated every step it took forward, in its march towards progress. We also encouraged it by providing it with a mass audience.
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Political Socialization: Collective Memories of African American Culture Social science Essay
8 pages (2175 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The African culture took up the challenge to re-establish its own history as a way of political and social assertion through a varied explanation. This was done using a diversified network of avenues through which it expressed its own cultural vision and tell its own story. The process of political learning in African American culture opens a new insight into the past.  
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Is Nationalism a Rational Phenomenon Social science Coursework
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Coursework
Nationalism refers to two phenomena. Nationalism is the particular attitude that all the members of a country posses when they think about the national identity they have. It at the same time refers to the actions that are taken by the citizens of a particular country at the time when they seek to attain and have sustained self-determination. 
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The Role of Women in African Society Social science Term Paper
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Given the patriarchal nature, cultural values that border on barbarism, women in African society have been facing major challenges for their very survival, and the means for eking out a living with even the bare minimum modicum of decency has not been at all easy whereby they could effectively fulfill their roles as useful members of society. 
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Primary Data Social science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 7 , Essay
Primary Research is considered the heart of the research. It is sometimes called field research as it entails researchers to go out of the field and gather first-hand information and data. Field research is necessary because the information needed does not exist, in contrast to the secondary research in which the information.
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Qualitative versus Quantitative Research Social science Essay
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The author states that qualitative and quantitative methods’ versatility can be analysed from the fact that “in recent years specialisations such as medical anthropology and medical sociology have relied on qualitative methods to explore issues relating to health, from the micro-context of the hospital ward to the broader socio cultural context”.
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Strategy processes Social science Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author states that the strategy process addresses the following issues: understand the perceived strengths and weaknesses of the product; weigh the customer’s options on why they will buy, or won’t buy; assess the ability to produce and develop these products, keeping in mind the customer’s needs; factors that can hamper future sales.
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Assessment of Adolescent Girls Living in Local Government Area of Onkaparinga Social science Case Study
6 pages (1716 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The unstructured interview is rather like an informal discussion on issues related to needs and problems. The talk included the inquiry of information about practices and dietary habits.The talks lasted a half an hour to an hour to avoid the informants from getting disinterested. The study began with an explanation of the purpose of the visit;
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The Advantages of Homlessness Social science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Missing a paycheck could put most of these individuals in a serious financial bind. The reason for this is that most of these individuals are paying either high rent payments or mortgage payments, not to mention all of the bills that go along with the rent or mortgage, such as electric bills, gas bills, cable, phone and so on.
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Homeland Security: Community Threat Assessment Social science Assignment
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The civilians unit maintains the relationship between the CRT and civilian organizations, such as volunteer groups, or civilian watch groups. The media liaison counters the existing propaganda and promotes their own public relations. The legal unit prevents and defends against legal charges arising from the guerilla's forces. 
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Humane Society: No Kill Shelters Social science Essay
2 pages (740 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to the report local groups, however, handle the actual care of animals such as looking after their housing, adoption process, and euthanasia. Their course might also include education and outreach to the general public. Nowadays, shelters are provided for such animals, which include municipal and private shelters.
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Situation in Colonial India Social science Essay
1 pages (287 words) , Download 3 , Essay
It is essential to note that whatever the aim of the British empire in India, it could have never been as noble as the Indian people themselves. Violence became common, but as in any such situation, you cannot blame the victim for fighting back. In the end, India won its independence from the British crown.
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The Elements and the Faces of Oppression Social science Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Is oppression necessary for the survival of a group of people? Can an individual oppress another individual? Such are questions that must be addressed if only to realize and understand what oppression had done to many people in the past what it is doing to the present times and what it can do to the future society.
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Anti-Death Penalty Social science Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The conclusion states that while certainly we must always strive for justice and recognize the right of the victim to seek it from the person who has committed wrong and from society at large, there are more reasons to abolish the death penalty than to retain it. We must heed the call to balance justice with human rights, retribution with redemption.
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Comprehensive Immigration Reform: How Should We Address the Issue of Illegal Immigration Social science Coursework
4 pages (1276 words) , Download 3 , Coursework
The United States of America is the land of immigrants which is formed by the migration of people from Europe for political, religious or economic reasons. Over the period of time, the same phenomenon (immigration) that populated the country has now become a major debatable issue in the political, economic, and social domain of the land.
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Work-Life Balance Social science Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Is the value of work and material things overemphasized? How is family influenced by the long weekends? Of course, people need to and want to go home early enough to devote their time to the family members and they would prefer leaving all work-related issues at workplace.
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The Authenticity of Ones Identity Created by the Passport Social science Term Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The author claims that in order to comprehend the relationship between Diaspora and identity, it is fundamental to have a critical, reflective, and unambiguous application of the term ‘diaspora’ as against the uncritical, unreflective application of the term to any and all contexts of global displacement and movement.
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Overweight Passengers Should Not Be Charged For Two Seats When Flying Social science Coursework
9 pages (2334 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The public is bad enough on making heavy people feel humiliated, or at least like they ought to be in eternal shame that they even exist. Not like children, we are one human being. Therefore by considering all the aspects above it is well to stipulate that the overweight individuals should not be charged for two seats when flying.
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What are the Main Differences Between Liberal and Radical Feminism Social science Article
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Article
According to the report feminism has been one of the most important social movements that have emerged in the modern times. The study behind this phenomenon has been turned into a major field as scholars from many disciplines and in many countries have sought to explore the ways in which women’s oppression has been studied.
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Iranian nuclear developments Social science Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The questions that countries are worried about are whether or not any strategy can prevent Iran from going nuclear, what the proper goals of such a strategy might be (deterring use, keeping Tehran from deploying weapons, getting it to dismantle its nuclear program, etc.), and what other nonproliferation goals ought to be attempted.
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Judaism and Divorce Social science Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author considers divorce within a legal context.  In the United States that means a combination of federal and state law; in the case of divorce, state laws are fundamentally controlling. Judges, scholars and practitioners commonly assume that family law decisions are quintessentially matters of state law.
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Social Determinants of behaviour Social science Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
However, quite a bit of prejudice behavior still appears in society despite these social sanctions being put into place. There is a social psychological reason for this prejudice behavior continuing in society today. Among the things contributing to this fact are social cognitive processes such as stereotypes and categorization, as well as psychological theories, concepts, and research.
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Internet Marketing and an Impact on Buying Behaviour of Teenagers Social science Personal Statement
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Personal Statement
The author states that Internet marketing and e-commerce activities are growing rapidly in the current business world. The Internet is a place where most of the current teenagers assemble for different activities. Internet marketers know the interests of teenagers in Internet-related activities and they often put attractive marketing ads.
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The Value of the Internet for Terrorists - ALQAEDA Social science Dissertation
26 pages (6500 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
According to the report the unparalleled advantages that the advancement of technology, particularly Internet has brought along in terms of global linkage, speed, and convenience of communication, it is no wonder that the terrorist groups too are using Internet as an effective tool organising their entire range of activities.
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