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How to Control and Prevent Delinquency - Research Paper Example

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The problem of how to control and prevent delinquency is analyzed into definite subordinate questions and issues. The introduction gives a clear notion of the general scope of the research. The problem is clearly delimited but big enough for making valid generalizations.  …
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How to Control and Prevent Delinquency
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Like in other countries, the problem of crimes involving the youth appear to be inevitable and difficult to prevent. The government, however, has been doing its best to solve the problems and evidently there is an improvement in the situation. Given the facts gathered throughout the research, it can be generalized that inter-agency approach and community participation are essential in dealing with youth offenders. However, there has been no successful relationship between agencies and the community in terms of implementation of programs that contributes in helping youth offenders. The United Nations define "child" as an "individual below twenty-one years of age." Juvenile delinquency then deals with children, minor or youth below twenty-one years of age who break laws or fail to do what law requires. The increasing number of youth offenders does not stem from a single cause nor a single set of causes. Sociologists agree that social disorganization is one of the most important factors that influence the rate of juvenile delinquency. Thus, in slum areas, where families come from different regions of the country or speak different dialects, where people are constantly on the move, and where diverse cultural standards flourish side by side with little interaction and community solidarity, delinquency is most often found. Some researchers suggest that more often delinquents have parents characterized by drunkenness or criminality, ineffective household management, economic difficulties and low self-respect. Delinquency often indicate that their families are not concerned about their welfare. Most delinquent children do not experience a real home life. They are left to themselves the whole day with any companion they choose to have. Marriage may be temporarily or permanently broken. Temporarily broken homes refer to separation of husband and wife caused by war, migration, hospitalization, imprisonment, or employment conditions. Permanently broken homes refer to separation caused by desertion, divorce or legal separation, life imprisonment, or death. Behavioral as well as social scientists express the view that broken homes can create far-reaching problems such as juvenile delinquency, unwed mothers, poverty, etc. Many of the juvenile delinquents here and abroad were found to come from broken homes. But it does not follow that broken homes will surely cause young children and adolescents to go wayward and develop into delinquents. Many separated parents have produced off springs that climbed into fame. Clear knowledge of the causes of the emergence of youth offenders can naturally lead to a better understanding of how to control and prevent delinquency. Such reasoning is based on the frequent experience of being able to solve a problem successfully after the causes have been determined. It is suggested that there should be wholesome family relationship to prevent delinquency. Gaerlan et. al. (1975) maintain that emphasis on the Christian and moral virtues in the education of both parents and the youth is important. Parents of children coming from good families should not think that their duty has ended when they have showered their children with luxury and free use of money. The delinquent must know the bad effects of being delinquent to himself and to his environment. He should be warned that he change his wrongdoings. He needs some interest, self-interest and the attention of others, particularly of the parents. Introduction and Analysis of the Problem The problem is analyzed into definite subordinate questions and issues. The logic of the analysis of the problem is sound. The introduction gives a clear notion of the general scope of the research. The problem is clearly delimited but big enough for making valid generalizations. The sub-problems are specific, clear and unequivocal. The important terms are employed in an unusual sense are defined. The discussion of the previous research on the problem is adequate. The basic assumption involved in the solution of the problem is clear. The introduction section of the research paper describes the gap in knowledge that is addressed by the research study. In this section of the report, the researcher explains why the research was needed, why the study was carried out in the manner that it was and what the researcher is specifically asking or predicting. Literature Review This is a focused summary of what has already been published regarding the question or problem for which there is a gap in knowledge. The literature of the research article gives the readers' a picture of what is already known or has already been studied in relation to the problem and identifies where the gaps in knowledge may be. The literature review does not necessarily only include published research studies for the literature review used in the article includes articles from the internet. The literature review reflects the current state of knowledge relevant to the study of youth justice system and identifies any gaps or conflicts. It also includes key or classic studies on the topic as well as up to date literature. There should be a balance of primary and secondary sources The research consists of the data relating to some phase of the life history of the unit or relating to the entire life process, whether the unit is an individual, a family, a social group, an institution, or a community. The complex situation and a combination of factors involved in the given behavior are examined to determine the existing status and to identity the causal factors operating. Research Design The research design of the article is both exploratory and descriptive. The research made use of quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative methods focus on the understanding and breaking down on the different parts of a phenomenon to see how they do or do not connect. Therefore, quantitative methods involve collecting information that is specific and limited to a particular parts or events of the research subject being studied. Methods sections of research reports include information about three aspects of the research method: sample, data collection procedure and the data analysis methods. Knowledge gaps that involve a concrete response or action lend themselves to a quantitative approach, in which each factor that might contribute to a problem is identified, defined, and measured. Methods of Research The focus of the quantitative study is on clearly defining and examining selected aspects that are believed to be potentially relevant to the problem being studied. Therefore, procedures involve carefully defined repeated observations as set time intervals. The researcher, using the quantitative approach, believes that knowledge can best be generated by breaking down a phenomenon into its different pieces and objectively measuring and examining each piece and its relationship to each other pieces. Since this is also a qualitative research, this research focus on understanding the complexity of humans within the context of their lives and on building a whole or complete picture of a phenomenon of interest. Therefore (, qualitative methods involve the collection of information as it is expressed naturally by people within the normal context of their lives. The researcher provided a description of the context of the study, how the study sites were determined and how the participants were selected. The context of the study was outlined in the methods part of the research. The method of solution is logically sound. The research methods chosen seem appropriate and adequate for the solution of the problem. The reasons for the choice are made clear and adequately explained. The research is free from specific weaknesses in research methodology. The documentations are adequate and properly done. Collection and Treatment of Data The sampling subsection in the methods section of the research report clearly describes how people were chosen for the study, what was done to find them, and what, if any, limits or restrictions were placed on who could participate in the study. Understanding samples and sampling is important part of making intelligent decisions about the use of research in practices therefore, samples and samplings should be discussed properly. The methods section of the research report also describes overall process of implementing the research study, including who was included in the study, how information was collected, and what interventions, if any, were tested. The methods section describes those systematic procedure used to collect information to the reader. In addition to information about samples, the methods section includes information about procedures used in the study. Research procedures are similar because they are the specific actions taken by researchers to gather information about the problem being studied. Because the methods use in a quantitative study involve identifying specific aspects of a problem, the procedures involve actions to isolate and examine those particular aspects of pieces. Data collection methods are described, and appropriate to the aims of the study. The researchers describe how they have assured that the method is auditable. The method of data collection was auditable. The tabulation of the interview results was a good presentation of the data collected from the participants for easier analysis. The method of data analysis was somewhat credible and confirmable. This was due to the experience of learning new knowledge and skills being relative and the magnitude may be varied from one participant to another. The data analysis strategy was identified; the processes were used to identify patterns and themes. The researcher identified how credibility and confirmability have been addressed. Almost all data-gathering devices are used in collecting data for a research study. The survey is very important. The participants who fit the description for the requirements for the sample population were interviewed to be able to gather data since they might be able to shed light on the problem. Long probing interview may be conducted especially with the patient himself. The kind of data chosen is adequate to the solution of the problem. The data is also reasonably quantitatively sufficient for the solution of the problem. There is evidence of accuracy in the collection of data. There are no peculiar samplings of persons or materials involved. There is an exclusion of irrelevant material. The data are adequate, valid and reliable and are analyzed carefully and correctly while some are treated statistically. The data are presented as an integral part of the logical solution of the problem rather than a mere encyclopedic enumeration. The statements of important alleged facts validated references to their proof. The statistical or speculative methods of organizing and treating the data are adequate. The methods are effective in leading toward the solution of the problem. Summary and Conclusions The inferences from the data and findings are appropriate. The conclusions are based essentially on data made known to the potential readers. The summary and conclusions include inferences relative to all significant data. The conclusions are free from mere opinion. The limitations or qualifications of the conclusions are clearly and concisely expressed. The applications and recommendations are judiciously made. The conclusions really serve to answer questions or issues raised in the introduction. The conclusions in the research report specifically describe or discuss the researcher's final decisions or determinations regarding the research problem. The research report includes the implications for practice. The conclusion state either new knowledge or confirmation of previous knowledge. Because of the power and importance attached the conclusions, the determinations and decisions described in the conclusions of the research report are carefully worded and list relevant limitations. Recommendations The recommendations are based upon the findings and conclusions. They are also feasible, practical and attainable as well as action-oriented. The recommendations are limited only to the subject of the study but recommend further research on the same project. Findings Almost any research report, even those that are mostly reporting results of interviews in the form of words, includes descriptive results. Descriptive results summarize information without comparing it to other information. The authors do not compare these findings to any other group; they simply describe what they found using language that summarizes the information such as percentages or averages. Statistical significance is important because of the need to be sure what was found in the small group of participants studied is not something that happened by chance rather than because of some factor that the research is studying. The recommendation section of a research report has fewer unique research terms than does the rest of the report. One term that appears in the recommendation section is the limitations. Limitations are the aspects of the study that create uncertainty concerning the meaning that can be derived from the study as well as the decisions that can be based on it. The description of the study's limitation addresses the beginning's section of the report such as the study's methods and samples. Aside from this, limitations do not mean that the results of the study are flawed or meaningless. They do indicate the boundaries or constraints to the knowledge generated by the research. Finally, the recommendation section of the research report contains recommendations for future research regarding the problem of interest. These recommendations directly address the limitations that have been described and suggest additional studies that are needed to further build on the new knowledge generated from the study described in the report. The implication for practitioners from this study, as well as from previous research, is that it may be naive to assume relative consistency in behavior within a culture. Ethical Issues Ethical issues pertinent to the study are discussed. The researcher identified how the rights of informants have been protected and informed consent obtained. The participants who took part in the study were informed regarding the purpose of the research and approval was sought from them prior to the interviews. Read More
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