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Making the Kitchen Floor at the Restaurant Less Hazardous - Research Proposal Example

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This report “Making the Kitchen Floor at the Restaurant Less Hazardous” provides information to the restaurant supervisors, managers and kitchen workers on the various sources of personal accidents while in the kitchen. The report identifies the loopholes on personal security…
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Making the Kitchen Floor at the Restaurant Less Hazardous
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Making the Kitchen Floor at the Restaurant Less Hazardous Abstract Environmental conditions at the places of work contribute significantly to the output and health of the workers. Most of the accidents experienced in many restaurants are in their kitchen settings because of the frequency of the floors getting wet. Poor floor conditions characterized by wet conditions are characteristically hazardous condition that can cause a worker to slip, stagger, or fall on the ground often suffering wounds. As a result. Even though the dangers relating to a wet floor seem apparent, the condition often goes unattended or ignored by the restaurant management and the kitchen supervisors. The laxity in correcting surface safety conditions subjects the users and the public to encounter the hazards. There are several types of injuries resulting from the accidents due to poor floor conditions. The injuries range from broken bones, severe cuts, burns, and sprains. The injuries further affect the overall workmanship of those affected. There are several causes of floor relating accident. The best way of ensuring safety against flooring hazards is by ensuring the floors are in good conditions. Introduction Workplace safety is an ethical concern for everybody at the place of work. A good number of workers at the restaurant get injuries while on duty every year. In the past five years, about 25 workers have got injuries due to the poor conditions of the restaurant floor. Extra partial of the employees who get injuries are forcefully taking day offs nursing their injuries or attending to hospital for treatments. Some staff has since got permanent disabilities from the wounds. The types of injuries resulting from the poor floor conditions range from broken bones, severe cuts, burns, and sprains. The last five cases of floor based accidents recorded austere injuries with one of the female workers Michele suffering permanent knee injury that have since paralyzed her movements and so she no longer get to work. The number of employees taking day offs is also on the rise posing challenges on the company’s performance because increase in the number of absentees reduces workforce and in turn affecting the quality of service. This report provides information to the restaurant supervisors, managers and kitchen workers on the various sources of personal accidents while in the kitchen. The immediate course of action and the various safety measures that are considered best to reduce the cases of kitchen accidents. The report identifies the loopholes on personal security and provides the most viable solution to the problem. Objective of the Proposal This work aims at identifying the various cases of worker injuries because of accidents relating to floor conditions. The report then identifies the different causes of individual accidents while at work and suggests the best solution to help tackle the identified cause of an accident. Types of Accidents Slips and Trips A fall occurs when there is slight friction or adhesion between the footwear and the kitchen floor surface. In most slip events recorded in the restaurant, kitchen is a scenario where a the a worker is walking (Rosdahl, Caroline and Mary 113-131). The worker’s heel on the front foot slides forward as an individual is relocating weight causing the worker to fall backward. Common contributing causes for floor slides include, wet or dry, but slippery floors, loose or unsecured rugs, and employees walking on frictionless shoes (stud-less). Figure 1illustration of a strip Trips A trip occurs when a worker's foot strikes an obstructing object resulting in a loss of body balance. In a trip fall, the victim’s momentum causes the body to continue forward. The Common causes for trips falls include uneven stairs, taking shortcuts instead of right pathways, uneven lighting for workers on night shifts and loose cables like electrical cables on the floor. Leg injuries like cuts or by hitting the legs on obstacle Poor housekeeping in the kitchen with equipment all over the place pose risk on the workers moving around. The equipment if sharp can cause cuts if the equipment is blocks then legs can get injuries like strain and staple. Causes of Accidents The common causes of accidents in the kitchen are mainly due to poor floor conditions or the workers moving hurriedly without taking care of the floor conditions. Improper cleaning or slippery floor finishes Improper cleaning leaves the floors wet or sloppy. Wet or slippery façades are an important cause of slips (Bust 143-152). The floors are with highly polish ceramic tile and terrazzo which are exceptionally slippery even when dry and increases the potential for a fall when water spills from rains or mud on shoes. Food preparation areas food stores in the kitchen are at a high risk of slippery surfaces. Figure 2 slippery floors and improperly dried floor The slippery floors provide less friction between the shoes and the floor increasing the ease of sliding. Wetting the levels also reduce the friction between the shoes and the floor. Obstructed exits and entries Improper placement of boxes or equipment at the exit or entry points pose risk to the workers who may not know that the boxes are such points. The obstructions can lead to workers tripping or lead to foot injuries. Housekeeping issues in the kitchen Proper housekeeping in the kitchen and walking areas can contribute to security and the prevention of falls. Not only is it essential to maintain a safe working environment and walking surface, these spaces must also be free of impediments that can cause slips and trips. Obstacles could include untidiness, obstructions across walkways and material piled or discarded in passageways. Loose cables Leaving cords or lines such as power cables and telephone lines across hallways or in any walkway can be dangerous to the workers (Bust 156-164). If it is necessary to leave a loose wire, it should be on a temporary basis and, then the item should be safe by tapping it down. Running it overhead, or a ramp should run over any cords and hoses. Insufficient or inadequate lighting Almost partial of all falls occur on the kitchen stairways. Maintaining stairs in good repair is essential to preventing kitchen accidents. The management should make sure that stairways have secure handrails and guardrails, the surfaces being even, even tread heights and are free of worsening coverings such as frayed carpet. Changes in elevation Alterations in height are the primary source of trip accidents in the kitchen. Even a change in walking surface of ¼ inch or greater will be enough to cause a trip. Curbs, cracks in the kitchen floors, ramps, and single steps are all examples of these dangers. Alternative type of changing elevation shortfall is working and walking surface fall is the. The fall arises when the front foot lands on a surface lower than anticipated, such as when unpredictably stepping off a stair in the dark. Table 1 Showing Recent Statistics on the Floor Related Accidents Date Time of the day Age Summary Injury September 22 0620 23 The lady slipped on the kitchen floor during cleaning Massive head injury October 13 2310 45 Kitchen supervisor knocks his legs on a crate mistakenly placed on the floor Slight cuts on the legs October 23 0730 53 One of the caterers slips on the washed floor being drying up Back born injury permanent disability November 12 2230 33 Trip at the kitchen door due to dim lighting he did not see the gate frame Chest injury The table shows the increasing number of cases of kitchen accidents resulting from poor flooring. The statistics show the various mysterious injuries that the victims suffer from due to sliding or tripping. Prevention Measures Preventing Sliding and Tripping On the Floors Sliding and tripping are the most common type of floor relating accidents. Poor conditions of the floor increase the extent of exposure to sliding and tripping. Clear Up Messy Floors Cluttered floors with random equipment can cause trips and falls quickly. Loose utensils, cleaning buckets and other kitchen wares can trigger a trip (Chaturvedi 92-102). In most safety-sensitive kitchens, walkways and lobbies are littering free. Provide Caution Gadgets for Wet or Slippery Floors At All Times After cleaning the floor before, it fully dries then cautions gadgets are essential to prevent sliding. Figure 3 warning device on wet floors The warning device is placed strategically on the wet floors during cleaning or after cleaning to warn the kitchen users to take caution for self-safety against sliding. Increase Lighting at the kitchen corridors and in the food store Moving blindly in the low-lit corridors can easily result in trips and slides if anybody is not careful. Walkways, stairways, the food store or inside the kitchen should have sufficient lighting. With adequate lighting, workers can clearly see where they are headed, minimizing accidents. Provide Mats on Slippery Sections of the Kitchen Floors Another instant solution to apply is a sign that the floor is wet or slippery and providing friction between the floor and shoes (Chaturvedi 101-111). The device might seem like common sense, but there are still workers who fail to realize the degree of caution on wet floors even after placing warning signs. The mats offer a reminder of the slippery floors. The restaurant manager and supervisors are accountable for guaranteeing that such warnings are given, and that kitchen, food store and link corridors undertake appropriate slip resistance trials to avert general mishaps from occurring. Figure 4 floor mats on wet kitchen floor The floor mat helps in providing caution against sliding because the mats provide stud like projections that provide friction between the shoe and the cloth. The mats also provide surfaces for drying the shoes in cases of wet floors. Repair or Fix Patchy Floors Uneven floor in the kitchen is another reason slip and trips occur. The levels need repairs to fill the cracks. Using carpets and rugs equipped with non-skid matting is best. Usually, the management is directed to use water spongy mat right at the entry to reduce the chances of water from trespassing in, especially if it rains (Chaturvedi 121-134). There’s no specification on matting length given, but it should be extensive enough to guarantee that the sole of the shoes are entirely dry once staffs or people step off the mat and onto the floor. Anti-Slip Floor Coating At the wet points in the kitchen where mats cannot be in place then the anti-slip coating is important to ensure safety of the users. The anti-slip surface helps in enhancing the friction between the slippery floor and the feet. Maintenance After correcting the floor conditions that brings about accidents and hazards to the kitchen workers. Necessary programs must be set in place to ensure frequent checking and correction on the floor conditions that are deemed causative of the accidents. Maintenance includes ensuring proper conditions of the freezers chemical storage, checking on the loose cable on the floors and always ensuring the workers put on shoes with adequate studs to shield from obvious sliding. Conclusion The restaurant kitchen management needs to come up with corrective measures to ensure that the floor conditions are safe for worker movements. Several floor aspects cause accidents to the workers. Statistics shows the number of individuals suffering from the level related accidents is increasing, and that calls for immediate action. Essential programs must be set in place to ensure frequent scrutiny and improvement on the floor conditions that are appearing to be hazardous and causal of the mishaps. Repairs include safeguarding proper conditions of the water storing vessels chemical storage, checking on the loose cable on the floors and always ensuring the workers put on safety shoes with satisfactory knobs for guard against palpable sliding. The kitchen management must also come up with measures that ensure that those who accidentally falls victims of floor slipping or tripping to secure medical care. Appendices The various causes of injuries in the kitchens by reported cases. Personal Floor condition carelessness Relating accidents Mechanical Faults Others Slide triangle representing the various causes of slide accidents Sliding Potential triangle Work cited Chaturvedi, Pradeep. Occupational Safety, Health & Environment and Sustainable Economic Development: Proceedings of the Safety Convention - 2006. New Delhi, India: Concept Publishing, 2007. Print. Rosdahl, Caroline B, and Mary T. Kowalski. Textbook of Basic Nursing. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008. Print Bust Philip. Contemporary Ergonomics 2009: Proceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Ergonomics. CRC Press, 2009. Print. Read More
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