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Benefits and Drawbacks to Using Medications in Treating Psychological Disorders
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
the literature.... The author states that minimal use of drugs should be made in psychological disorders which are subject to treatment by plain old psychotherapy; counseling and tested methods of expert psychotherapists.... Counseling can work wonders in cases where guidance can propel a patient in the right direction....
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Increasing the Responsibilities and Challenges for the Patients in the Health Care Industry
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
In this regard, the literature review aims to highlight the contribution of IT sector in the various management activities of the nursing professionals.... This paper aims to highlight the contribution of the IT sector in the various management activities of the nursing professionals....
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Piagetian and Vygotskian Theories with Practice
6 pages (2007 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
eview of literature ... "Piagetian and Vygotskian Theories with Practice" paper focuses on Piaget's hypothesis of cognitive development, an exhaustive hypothesis about the nature and advancement of human knowledge.... Piaget trusted that one's youth plays an imperative and dynamic part in their adulthood advancement....
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Legal Issues and Evidence Reporting
8 pages (2225 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Legal Issues and Evidence Reporting" is a great example of a finance and accounting literature review.... The paper "Legal Issues and Evidence Reporting" is a great example of a finance and accounting literature review.... International literature Review....
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Religions and Fundamentalism
7 pages (1917 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
This literature review "Religions and Fundamentalism" seeks to identify conflicting beliefs and practices among some Christians.... Christianity & literature 61.... It will also analyze the Muslim religion on differing issues among its believers.... Religion refers to the attempt or representing beliefs, imagination, and feelings....
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Methods of Risk Assessment and Leadership and Team Work in Projects
8 pages (2112 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This literature review discusses approaches pertaining to risk assessments in projects.... Therefore, this literature review discusses approaches pertaining to risks assessments in projects.... Numerous scholars have examined various methods of assessing risks in projects....
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Problems of Employing Expatriates and Their Solutions
9 pages (2267 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper 'Problems of Employing Expatriates and Their Solutions' is a persuasive example of human resources literature review.... The paper 'Problems of Employing Expatriates and Their Solutions' is a persuasive example of human resources literature review.... Currently, becoming successful in the national market is not enough for companies....
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Inclusive Education for Learners with Down Syndrome
8 pages (2357 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The literature review below explores previous research issues tacked on literacy development in Down syndrome.... The author of the present paper "Inclusive Education for Learners with Down Syndrome" will begin with the statement that intellectual disability or physical disability describes any disability that notably affects a person's learning ability and development....
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Disintegrating Tablets
7 pages (2373 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
literature review ... The writer of the paper 'Disintegrating Tablets' states that over the recent past advances in drug development are aimed at achieving better patient compliance.... One of the advances in medicine development is the development of ODTs.... Mahrous formulate ODTs of clopidogrel by the method of direct compression....
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Obesity as an Epidemic Proportions Around the World
9 pages (2498 words) , Download 5 , Literature review
This literature review "Obesity as an Epidemic Proportions Around the World" focuses on the issues that impact the safety of obese patients during the perioperative phase.... The following databases were searched for literature for this review: Pubmed, Cochrane library, Wiley, Cinhal Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT), Ovid, NHS Evidence, World Health Organisation Website and Medline....
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NGOs and Corporations - Conflict and Collaboration
8 pages (2068 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
However, having set themselves the important task of filling the current gap in the literature, something more than a survey of the field would have been appropriate.... The paper "NGOs and Corporations - Conflict and Collaboration" views that there was, as yet, no work on the relationships between NGOs and commercial corporations, an issue of growing importance given the increasing complexity of these bonds, and the collaborations and conflicts they engender....
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Human Behavior in Organizations
8 pages (2333 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Human Behavior in Organizations" is a wonderful example of a literature review on management.... The paper "Human Behavior in Organizations" is a wonderful example of a literature review on management.... "Effectiveness correlates of transformational and transactional leadership: A meta-analytic review of the MLQ literature....
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Single Currency on German Economy
8 pages (2480 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This literature review "Single Currency on German Economy" examines the economic implications of using the EU's single currency on the German economy.... As part of conducting a literature review with regards to the potential economic impact of centralizing the currency, this report will focus on discussing the advantages and disadvantages.... As part of conducting a literature review with regards to the potential economic impact of centralizing the currency, this report will focus on discussing the advantages and disadvantages of using the Euro (€) currency in the economic performance of Germany....
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The Definition of Community and the Qualities of any Community
6 pages (1788 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The Crucial Role of Leadership in Organizations: A Review of literature.... The purpose of "The Definition of Community and the Qualities of any Community" paper is to provide the definition of community and to examine the qualities of any community that will impact the success of community work in that particular community....
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Everyday Use by Alice Walker
6 pages (1558 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
Language and literature provide ways for interaction among people and platforms for the society to judge them.... literature language is thus heterogeneous and stratified.... and Willingham John Handbook of Critical Approaches to literature.... The paper "Everyday Use by Alice Walker" proves a person's behavior is influenced by the environment they live in....
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The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
"The Paradox of Necessity in Tim O'Brien's "The Things They Carried" literature Seminar.... Tim O'Brien and the Art of the True War Story: "Night March" and "Speaking of Courage", Twentieth Century literature 46 (2000): 100-113.... College literature....
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Herman Melvilles Bartleby the Scrivener
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 5 , Book Report/Review
This essay explores the ways in which Bartleby the Scrivener can be examined using the critical perspectives of formalism, transcendentalism, existentialism and absurdist in literature. ... Bartleby the Scrivener was written by Herman Melville in 1853.... ... he formalist perspective uses critical analysis to examine the structure for meanings in Bartleby the Scrivener....
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The Trials of Brother Jero
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Akinwande Oluwole "Wole" Soyinka (born 1934), the Nigerian writer, poet and playwright who won the Nobel Prize in literature in 1986, has been highly recognized for his ability to incorporate satirical elements in his works.... Soyinka's The Trials of Brother Jero (1963), which is the first of his three "Jero" plays, is a perfect example for his satirical abilities, and this play presents one day in the action-packed life of con-man, and beach preacher, Brother Jeroboam....
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Comparing and Contrasting The Gilded Six-Bits by Zora Neale and Long Black Song by Richard Wright
6 pages (1551 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
ompare and Contrasting Two Short Stories Introduction literature is often perceived to be the reflection of life as it evolves and narrates the course of life.... Since ages, the images of Negro women in the history of American literature have been either of a working class or of a seductive slave.... The Norton Anthology of African American literature....
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Communication Theories and Printing Technology
6 pages (1734 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
This literature review "Communication Theories and Printing Technology" presents the revolution of printing technology.... Through the use of printing technology, people were able to record oral literature and its modern evolution.... In addition, the printing technology provided an opportunity for communicating oral literature in a more open manner.... It offered a unique and in duplicable knowledge relating to the historical growth of oral literature....
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Neulinger's Paradigm of Leisure
6 pages (1657 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "Neulinger's Paradigm of Leisure" discusses the term leisure that poses a lot of challenges in determining what really constitutes leisure, which can be attributed to the fact that leisure is defined differently by dictionaries and literature.... This is to say that the meaning provided by dictionaries in some ways is quite different from the definition derived from literature.... The term leisure poses a lot challenges in determining what really constitutes leisure, which can be attributed to the fact that leisure is defined differently by dictionaries and literature....
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The Confessions of Augustine of Hippo
5 pages (1328 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
It is a form of literature that depicts a fiction narrative thataffects the reader's interpretation.... His work,though rarely read, opened up the world of literature into applying literary orartistic forms, particularly in readership.... The paper "The Confessions of Augustine of Hippo" describes the autobiographical work comprising of 13 books that were initially written in Latin between 397 and 401 AD....
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Beowulf and Christianity vs. Paganism
5 pages (1377 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Paganism'' tells thatCreated by an anonymous poet, the remarkable epic poem under the title Beowulf is thought to be one of the very first long poems in the history of English literature, which belongs to the Anglo-Saxon era, the time when Christianity was in its budding in Britain.... PAGANISM Created by an anonymous poet, the remarkable epic poem under the Beowulf is thought to be one of the very first long poems in the history of English literature, which belongs to the Anglo-Saxon era, the time when Christianity was in its budding in Britain....
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NGOs and Corporations: Conflict and Collaboration
8 pages (2054 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
However, having set themselves the important task of filling the current gap in the literature, something more than a survey of the field would have been appropriate.... This paper 'NGOs and Corporations: Conflict and Collaboration' fills an important gap in the current scholarship....
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Rethinking Islam in the Contemporary World
8 pages (2114 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
Ernst is a highly regarded scholar of Islamic studies with a focus on researching the Arabic, Persian, and Urdu literature on the topic.... The paper "Rethinking Islam in the Contemporary World" observes both books challenge not only the perceptions of Non-Muslims but also of the Muslim groups who may be unaware of the dichotomies in their religion....
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Creating a Safe and Healthy Work place
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Workplace safety in the supply chain: a review of the literature and call for research.... This paper 'Creating a Safe and Healthy Workplace' discusses the basis of creating a safe and healthy workplace environment which inculcates harmony and success across the board.... Creating a safe and healthy workplace is any organization's dream....
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Males and females exercise behaviour regulation
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
This literature review examines the various research findings and the BREQ tool in connection to the Self Determination theory.... It is clear that exercise is an essential part of daily existence for both females and males, young and old.... An author of this paper intends to investigate the differences in exercise behaviour regulation among males and females using the self-determination theory....
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Background of Role of Body in Sports
8 pages (2456 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
t the end of this critical literature review we can summarize all the important points discussed in this paper.... This paper 'Background of Role of Body in Sports' aims at critically reviewing how embodying a 'different' sporting body can be restrictive and oppressive.... It comes up with no surprise that there are many assumed set of believes that prevail in all parts of the world....
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Relationship Between the Distribution of Income in the Population and the Health of the People
7 pages (2115 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
HEALTH SCIENCES AND MEDICINE Introduction There is a lot of literature in support of the idea that there is always a strong relationship between the income distribution in the country and health.... The paper "Relationship Between the Distribution of Income in the Population and the Health of the People" states that the evidence presented is clear, real and applicable ideas that trace the root cause of the problem and shade light towards the realisation of a permanent solution to the problem....
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Motivation in the Perspective of Equity Theory
7 pages (2041 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This literature review "Motivation in the Perspective of Equity Theory" focuses on motivation that is still challenged to most governments, including the state of the United Kingdom.... Getting the solutions to motivating individuals has been a complete thing.... .... ... ... The complexity has been brought about by the ever-changing and shifting nature of the environment....
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Donald Trump's Anti-Immigration Campaign
7 pages (2177 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
"Donald Trump's Anti-Immigration Campaign" paper provides an analysis of Trump's anti-immigration stance during his presidential campaign; therefore, acts as an informative piece on how propaganda influences public opinion in an authoritarian society.... .... ... ... First world and second world countries around the world have recently experienced an influx in the number of people seeking either economic or political asylum....
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Rights and Duties in Education
6 pages (1951 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Following a critical review of various relevant literature, it is established in this paper that, although the right to education is recognised in numerous regional agreements and national constitution, some of the duties and justifications of this right have remained obscure.... The author of this paper "Rights and Duties in Education" will explain why everyone deserves the right to education....
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The Contribution of the New Sociology of Childhood
7 pages (2142 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Early childhood education: literature review report to Ministry of Education.... The author of the paper titled "The Contribution of the New Sociology of Childhood" evaluates the contribution of the New Sociology of childhood and the UNCRC to the improvement of a selected aspect of children's lives in the international contexts....
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Design of Steel Lattice Telecommunication Tower
9 pages (2472 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This literature review "Design of Steel Lattice Telecommunication Tower" examines things of pure efficiency, designed purely for cost-saving.... Transmission lines require numerous standardized elements, so the steel lattice towers were often used as a line to run cable.... ... ... ...
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Analysis of Holocaust Films
9 pages (2317 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The Holocaust is a bleak and horrifying event in the 20th history that has been portrayed seriously and horrifyingly by films and literature.... "Analysis of Holocaust Films" paper examines how Hollywood and other international production studios portrayed the Holocaust, the massive killing of Jews by Germany's National Socialist regime, which was led by Germany's notorious leader, Adolf Hitler....
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Information Management for the Development of Society
8 pages (2590 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "Information Management for the Development of Society" focuses on the investigation of the competencies in both the LIS professional and academic libraries which take various forms that represent the research design of the author.... The relation between 21st-century skills and digital skills: A systematic literature review....
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How Care Management Is Practised in Older Persons
7 pages (2285 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Factors that promote and hinder joint and integrated working between health and social care services: a review of research literature.... The paper "How Care Management Is Practised in Older Persons" states that the difference in values and objectives of the participating organization such as the government acts as barriers to the proper work integration between the caregiver, recipient and the health and social functions....
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Impact of performance evaluation on employees motivation and productivity
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 4 , Literature review
Performance evaluation is an aspect of organizational progress that facilitates productivity and innovation.... Performance evaluation looks at the issues that lead to progress in the daily activities of employees.... ... ... ... Performance evaluation links the goals and objectives of an organization with the individual actions and behavior....
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The Most Effective Solution to Illegal Immigration
8 pages (2678 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
An author of the following literature review "The Most Effective Solution to Illegal Immigration" aims to examine its causes in order to formulate some measures to deal with this challenge.... "The economics of immigration", Journal of Economic literature, v 32, 1994, pp....
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Role of Carnival, Tradition and Ritual in Festivals
8 pages (2563 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Survey of sociology, culturology, history, and archaeology literature corroborate the perspective that festivals are the most ancient forms of culture evident in the contemporary society.... Survey of sociology, culturology, history, and archaeology literature corroborate the perspective that festivals are the most ancient forms of culture evident in the contemporary society (Fjell 2007; Devine 2013; Webb 2005)....
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Racialism in Country Lovers and What its like to be a Black Girl
9 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Racialism in “Country Lovers” and “What it's like to be a Black Girl” ENG125: Introduction to literature August 13, Racialism in Country Lovers” and “What it's like to be a Black Girl” Introduction and Thesis Statement The continual existence of racialism and ethnicity in today's contemporary world it strongly elaborated in the short story of “Country Lovers” and the poem “What it's like to be a Black Girl”.... Norton Anthology of American literature, third edition, Volume 2, New York, W....
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How Richard Hoggart Challenged Traditional Definitions of Culture
8 pages (2214 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
According to Leavis, literature represented an essential component of culture due to the role of great literary works in preservation of important moral qualities of the past British era.... Therefore, the elite based on categorise such as intellectuals or academics were called upon to uphold the legacy of cultured literature in a society experiencing rapid changes due to industrialization.... ccording to Bailey, Clarke and Valton (2011) Richard Hoggart's work demonstrate the outcome of influences that goes beyond the social changes affecting the British population as it was also a result of long-standing debates around issues such as mass literacy, popular media and the role of literature in wake of industrialism and compulsory state education....
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Anaslysis of A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
8 pages (2267 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
Introduction A story told from a first-hand experience or knowledge results in an extraordinary piece of literature, and this is what defines Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms.... story told from a first-hand experience or knowledge results in an extraordinary piece of literature, and this is what defines Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms.... With his impeccable writing skills, the author combines a writing perfection with personal experience and fiction to deliver an exquisite work of literature that leaves the readers captivated and craving for more....
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Christina Rossettis Goblin Market
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
England's Victorian era was known for its significant contributions to literature, and one of the most profound of the time was Christina Georgina Rossetti of London.... Rossetti's sister Maria even became a nun with the Anglican order, and Rossetti herself began to denounce supposedly negative values in her favorite works of art and literature, such as nudity and pride.... or the rest of her writing career, Rossetti focused on children's poetry and religious literature, and her Christmas-themed work "In the Bleak Midwinter" is proof of her unyielding faith....
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The Theme of Violence in Doctorow's The Book of Daniel, Herr's Dispatches and Schuyler's Black No More
8 pages (2133 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The theme of violence is firmly encoded in literature and that for several genres it is, in fact, a fundamental element.... A great number of studies have already explored and discussed this fact in literature and underscored that it is a precarious dimension in literary history.... Discuss violence and/or cruelty in the at least two texts you have studied in this The theme of violence is firmly en d in literature and that for several genres it is, in fact, a fundamental element....
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Cassandra by Christa Wolf
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
She abolishes the corruption of literature which is more and more littered with descriptions of male bravery and heroism.... Cassandra is a story written by Christa Wolf and is divided into five separate fragments.... Cassandra is a female character in the story, shown as the daughter of Priam and a prophet during the Trojan war. ...
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Unwritten Rules of Society
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
The author of this literature review "Unwritten Rules of Society" comments on the place of women in society.... A literature-Based Unit: Outline, Teaching Content, Nature of the Learners, 10 Text Overviews, And An Explanation for Each Text and Links To Language and Culture ... his literature-based unit is going to focus on ten texts that will focus on the theme of the unwritten rules of society and how the characters in these texts manage to operate outside the boundaries of their own contexts....
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The Story of An Hour and In the Lake of the Woods
6 pages (1579 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
The manner in which such issues are perceived by the world at large depends greatly upon the way in which they are represented in works of literature by an author.... This paper shall discuss two works of literature and how they can be called works of protest art.... The works of literature that have been under the scanner in this paper contribute to the culture of protest in their own ways....
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Issues in The Thematic Paradigm by Robert Ray
5 pages (1424 words) , Download 0 , Movie Review
Ray The Thematic Paradigm The Thematic Paradigm of American movie and literature created bythe Professor of the University of Florida Robert B.... hese two types of heroes contrast with each other in many points but they are not just “Good Boys” and “Bad Boys” this contradiction lays much deeper, in the core of traditional American culture, literature, ideology, legends and mythology.... These are only two examples of a large scale of outlaw heroes in American modern literature....
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The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner
6 pages (1687 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
?? Twentieth Century literature.... ?? American literature.... ?? Cardozo Studies in Law and literature.... This book review "The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner" discusses William Faulkner's fourth novel, The Sound and the Fury, which is undeniably a product of the postmodern school of thought....
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