Neulinger’s Paradigm of Leisure in Relation to Martin’s Personal Leisure According to Martin leisure regards the free time that he has when he is not obligated to meet the duties of his employment. Additionally, according to Martin this is only achievable on weekends as he is not obligated to go to work. As a result of this Martin states that leisure time means spending time with his family. This he achieves by going out for mountain hikes with his family. Additionally, Martin states that he also uses this time to write a book which he has been trying to complete for nearly two years.
Martin has always viewed himself as an author and hopes that one day he would become the bestseller. As earlier stated Neulinger’s theory classifies leisure into various categories which are characterized by distinct features. Under Neulinger’s Paradigm of Leisure, the activity of mountain hiking with family would constitute pure leisure. Pure leisure as per Neulinger’s theory involves activities that are conducted by individuals and are intrinsically motivated (Rojek 2010). This is to say that the activities performed in this category are solely for enjoyment and are not determined by external motivators.
However, writing of a novel does not amount to pure leisure as per Neulinger’s theory, but falls under leisure-job category. This is attributed to the fact that despite the fact that Martin is self-motivated to write a book, he is also motivated by external factors. This is evident by the fact that Martin aims at becoming the best seller upon completion of his novel. Therefore, based on Neulinger’s theory leisure is any activity that that is conducted by an individual as a result of their own will and it could be intrinsically or externally motivated (Haworth 2006).
Additionally, according to Martin leisure time plays quite a significant role in his life, due to the fact that it is only this time that he is capable of achieving his desires. Therefore, he attributes time spent in his free time to the need to meet his personal desires. This is in correlation to Neulinger’s Paradigm of Leisure which states that leisure should be more of self-satisfaction. This means that activities should be more motivated by internal factors rather than by external factors such as money rewards (Torkildsen 2012).
Additionally, according to Neulinger’s theory when individuals are intrinsically motivated they are more likely to experience peace of mind, in that they are completely satisfied. Additionally, Martin explains that leisure time assists him in clearing some of the tensions that he may have come across during the week in the course of his employment. This correlates with Neulinger’s theory which states that leisure should be a way of distracting oneself from the day today routines. Therefore, activities such as mountain hiking and writing of novels act as a distraction from the day to day routines of Martin.
Lifestyle management Lifestyle refers to activities which are structured with an aim of promoting health well-being of an individual. This is to say that the sole aim of lifestyle management is to ensure that individuals are healthy to undertake their day to day activities. Lifestyle management is structured according to the lifestyle of an individual. Lifestyle is described as the manner in which an individual lives reflecting the values and attributes of the individual. Therefore, as a result of an individual’s lifestyle concerns have been raised regarding the health of individuals as they go on with their day to day activities.
This is because certain lifestyles are deemed detrimental to an individual’s health. Therefore, this has led to coming up with programmes that try and ensure that an individual’s health is promoted. As a result of this individuals have incorporated leisure and lifestyle management (Haworth 2006). Upon describing what lifestyle entails to Martin it was clear that he was not aware of lifestyle management.
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