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The Link of Leisure with an Individuals Mind and Social Psychology - Research Paper Example

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There are many debates and discussions existing on the matter digging up past, present and future perspectives of leisure. The link of leisure with an individual’s mind and social psychology is being evaluated in this paper including various aspects of its usefulness…
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The Link of Leisure with an Individuals Mind and Social Psychology
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The Link of Leisure with an Individual’s Mind and Social Psychology Introduction: The study on leisure in mind is of considerable importance in this contemporary world which recognizes vast fields of application of it and benefits driven out. Analysis of various debates and implications in social psychology of leisure is being executed in many parts of the world. The leisure is something which is given least concentration by many people. But it is given honourable position by researchers on it. Leisure is dependent upon individual’s attitude and the situations to which they are confronted. In certain situations it includes wide-range of actions and sometimes no actions. The important constituent is the attitude of individuals that fosters them to create and sustain a productive and peaceful atmosphere within the environment to which they confront. Leisure refers to the free time that we can use according to our choice and it has no restrictions and compulsions. There are many debates and discussions existing on the matter digging up past, present and future perspectives of leisure. The link of leisure with an individual’s mind and social psychology is being evaluated in this paper including various aspects of its usefulness. The scope and hope for it is excellent, implying much advancement in almost all aspects of science and life. The benefits derived out of this pleasant idea is vast and exciting spread even personal developmental aspects of an individual. The recent debates accompanied by analysis of results from independent researches on the topic are presented in compact so that it becomes a real life illustration to academic learning outcomes. Also, numerous values identified in social psychology of leisure are explained with evidence. Social Psychology of Leisure: Before entering to proper discussions on the topic, it is necessary to define ‘social psychology of leisure’. Social psychology is something linked with one’s societal values, defined as “Branch of scientific leisure studies which examine how the feelings, cognitions, and behaviours of one individual are influenced by the feelings, cognitions, and behaviours of others during a period of time subjectively designated as unobligated, free or leisure.” (Iso-Ahola n.d., p.41). The definition implies the connection between coexistence and values of individuality. In a different approach, the same can be technical revision of practices and activities of persons within the public leisure circumstance. Leisure can be identified as a condition of mind of a person which has no stress or strain as such. It gives our mind a pleasant and relaxing context around. A fact on it is that it is interactive, maybe with silence at times. Those interactions actually define variations produced in one’s mind during and after leisure. In the study on leisure in mind, it is important to mention the name John Neulinger who proposed Social Psychology of Leisure Theory which turned out as a milestone to extensive researches on social psychology of leisure. The developmental approaches in social psychology of leisure found a basis in this theory. With this as a sturdy foundation, various advancements are being created till recent days. The study on the matter involves two sections, one each for debates and implications. Different traits of scientific studies on the matter lead to successful future with regard to this sector. The self assessment on what is accomplished just follows the entire literature. The overall requirements of learning outcomes’ illustrations are met with identification of hopeful scope of leisure in scientific analysis of life and living matters of an individual. Key contributions to debate within the psychology of leisure: The concept of psychology of leisure showed a remarkable development in the coming years. In the current scenario, it has gained a lot of popularity among the researches and scholars. The psychology of leisure is oriented towards a basic phenomenon which can be termed as an individual’s state of mind. It depends upon the attitudes and beliefs of an individual. The reason for debate is that there is a misunderstanding between free time and leisure time. This was the topics that led to the emergence of debates with respect to this topic. Critically evaluating the psychology of leisure: The concept of psychology of leisure includes two wider concepts - the psychology as a discipline to understand individual behaviour and experiences in the situations confronted by the individual. One important example for this is the social psychology of leisure which involves scientific understanding of human experience and their behaviour with respect to a particular situation. “In a narrow sense, the psychology of leisure is restricted to the investigation of a specific phenomenon: the state of mind that has traditionally been associated with the experience of leisure.” (Neulinger, p. 37). The two important tasks that are involved in creating this state of mind are identifying the condition that creates this state of mind, identifying the nature that creates this state of mind and finally exploring this particular state of mind. The important factor that influences the level of leisure is motivation. The intrinsic and extrinsic motivation influences the nature of leisure experience of an individual. There are many theories that are related to psychology of leisure. “According to Neulinger (1981), leisure, then, has one and only one essential criterion, and that is the condition of perceived leisure implies being engaged in an activity as a free agent and of one’s own choice.” (Neulinger, p. 37). As mentioned in certain theories, leisure is not related to motivation or any other aspects. Various theories have depicted it as a negative concept, but it is positive concept that depicts the state of mind of an individual when he gets spare time. In the theories the concept is not related to any work context, but it has found out that it is “an overriding experience that determines the quality of both work and non-work time.” (Neulinger, p. 39). Key relationship between leisure and the individual: Leisure is very closely related to the attitude of an individual. Leisure is the free time which is being utilized and enjoyed by the individual. It is a state of mind where the individual is enjoying his maximum with the available time period. The concept of leisure is different for different individuals. It is oriented towards the value that is held by the person, the physical and mental stability of the person and the value for freedom possessed by the person. In the narrow sense, the psychology of leisure is related to the state of mind of an individual and in the broader sense it is related to the level of intrinsic motivation and the freedom perceived by the person. This is the important concept involved in leisure psychology. Critically evaluating the socio/psychological role of leisure/play in the past, present and future: The social psychological of leisure has been identified as “that branch of scientific leisure studies which examines how the feelings, cognitions and behaviour of one individual are influenced by the feelings, cognitions, and behaviours of others during a period of time subjectively designated as unobligated, free, or leisure.” (Iso-Ahola n.d., p.41). This involves two core concepts – the individual and the social influence. This psychology analyse the way in which the attitudes, emotions, motives, beliefs and attitudes towards leisure is being changed by the influence by other person. The important point to be noted in social psychological analysis is that it is a cognitive mechanism that mediates all the individual responses that will be different from one another. In this approach, only interactive aspects are taken and the cognitive aspects are neglected. The research on this topic has started in 1940’s, and until 1970 no further improvement was seen. The ‘journal of personality and social psychology’ which was published in the year 1970 was a key contribution to this field. In this journal, it is stated that the selection of the leisure situations will be different for different persons. In certain situations, there is a consistency in the selection of leisure situations for some people. Another study conducted by Bishop and Chace in the year 1971 reveals that, “the abstractness of parent’s cognitive functioning affects the type of home – play environment they provide for their children, and that this in turn influences children’s potential creativity.” (Iso-Ahola n.d., p.42). All these researches were connected to the application of different values and benefits that are related to socio-psychology to the area of resource management. There was significant development in the area of social psychology after the publication of the two books ‘the social psychology of leisure and recreation’ and ‘Social psychological perspective on leisure and recreation’ by Iso-Ahola. Among all these researches, the research conducted by Witt and Elli’s formulated certain instruments to measure the satisfaction level of the individual towards the leisure activities. In this study, various scales are used to measure the individual perceptions towards the concept of leisure. Even though many researches were done, none of them were able to identify the exact factors that influence the attitude of an individual towards leisure in a social psychological approach. The quality of the past researches indicates that there will be a significant improvement in the concept of social psychology of leisure. Social Psychology of Leisure Theory by John Neulinger: John Neulinger was a renowned psychologist and Professor Emeritus of psychology in City College of New York. His psychological works and research have been considered with importance due to their relevance and applicability. The leisure psychological sector of social psychology should thank him for his social psychological theory of leisure. “Neulinger's theory of leisure is defined by a psychological state of mind that requires two criteria for leisure: perceived freedom and intrinsic motivation.” (O’Brien n.d.). He identifies that a person in leisure can have motivations of no concluding reasons but are much freed from any stress and so would be able to decide without any influences. ‘The Psychology of Leisure’ was his book on those ideas on leisure. Influence of Social Psychology of Leisure Theory: The leisure theory proposed by Neulinger has brought wider acceptance of leisure in their approaches for digging out better results. Leisure linked to work has been analysed intensively for seeking cognitive developments in the field. These studies “have tended to move vocational behaviour closer to the context of total human experience, and to make vocational counselling interventions and strategies somewhat less arbitrary and artificial.” (Blocher & Siegal 1981, p.33). The benefits on application of Neuinger’s theory are being identified by various organizations and associations. Education & training, managerial, organizational groups etc have achieved real pace of influence from social psychology of leisure ideas. The major basis to these can be traced out to reach a state of peaceful mind ready to face challenges in a stress free manner. Implications of Social Psychology of Leisure: The implication of leisure in mind has attained a position in psychological as well as efficiency aspects that it is no longer seen as an opposite factor to work instead termed as something should be coexisted with work and during free hours. There are recognized implications of leisure in almost all aspects of life including social, educational, economical etc. “Leisure is no longer defined in contrast to work but is seen as an overriding experience that determines the quality of both work and non-work time.” (Neulinger, p. 39). In this contemporary period of tension for expansion of profit, this theory becomes much relevant. Before, leisure was considered as an enemy to exploitation of employees in firms. But, situation has changed with advent of social psychology of leisure and worldwide research on it. It has been seen that leisure can increase efficiency and confidence in employees evident from the theory of Neulinger. The investigations through beneficiaries are essential at this point of discussion. “The benefits of leisure -- physical and mental health, economic development, family bonding, environmental awareness, and so on -- are now well-documented scientifically.” (White paper #7: The benefits of leisure, n.d.). The theory being promoting leisure for individuals of all age groups and fields has created advancements in leisure sectors worldwide. The development of recreation centres and leisure points has brought about much economic benefits; “literally hundreds of recent studies have documented that recreationists exhibit a great willingness to pay for their leisure opportunities” making clear about the context. (White paper #7: The benefits of leisure, n.d.). All are accepting leisure trips and activities, thus rejuvenating economy to a larger extent. The organizations and associations into these projects often succeed due to shift in approach to leisure. “Elizabeth Hall, CTRS of National Organization on Disability (2004)” has conducted effective studies on “the Benefits of Leisure for People with Disabilities” (Hall 2009) to submit a report on extensive benefits expected through leisure in disabled ones. The report describes that due to lack of motivation, disabled are less efficient compared to other groups. The social psychology of leisure theory clearly implies that leisure can bring strong motivation and freedom for success to any individual. So, it becomes clear about the factuality of the report. Elizabeth Hall states the words of Mennell & Kleiber saying “a benefit can include simply maintaining a level of functional independence which would have otherwise declined without leisure interventions” (Hall 2009) describing the probable success by utilization of leisure activities to inspire groups with disabilities. The education, life and talents of disabled can be advanced with greater value with the help of leisure treatment. They get much influenced with those activities that they can forget partially about their disabilities that is the prerequisite. The social and psychological benefits are even induced through leisure activities. Social benefits can be through socialization due to participation and enjoyment of various leisure activities. When different individuals get involved in different doings of recreation, they become friendly and social among themselves. Also, social interactions lead to development of social and behavioural values. But on emotional values, it is seemed that research will never get a realistic substantial conclusion as such. Emotional benefits can be considered in synonymous with psychological reimbursement. The induction of feelings and emotions like pleasure, joy, confidence, contentment, freedom, self-sufficiency etc can effectively be felt by individuals themselves which can never be tabulated or recorded. The emotional differences thus achieved can bring about increase in creative and physical throughput of any individual. Thus, it can be an effective approach in treatment of psychological ailments as well. Revitalization for psychic people can be achieved through emotional benefits of leisure which helps the doctors to approach the patients’ diagnosis and treatment in much easier and effective way. Another fact that was proven to be success is application of leisure in recovery from various dangerous diseases. Motivation and peace of mind is prerequisite for any medical success. Leisure has its own implications in education and training sectors as well. Education involves much stress and strain which is evident in any field; so there is position for leisure in it. Same is the case of training, which requires more motivation and decisive freedom for acquiring skills with full energy. “The potential benefits of leisure, however, need to be inculcated in young people long before any thought is given to training issues.” (Torkildsen 2005, p.524). Those words make evident about considerable position of leisure in education and training sectors as well. Educational sector can have better teacher-student relationships through leisure activities. Also, social values can be induced in students that will do well for their behavioural and personality development. Motivated students are societal and communal assets as all know. Managerial aspects can be connected with it in an effective method. Manager always requires motivation and confidence than employees, as he is responsible for even employees’ motivation and confidence. Managerial benefits can thus be taken in alignment with training and education. Conclusion: The investigation on leisure in mind turns out to be a motivating exploration as such. Various debates and implications on the matter are being unveiled with this voyage. A person can never be completely involved in any occupation all the time. Studies prove that not only concentration but even physical sustenance depends on state of mind. The treatment of ailments as well as social well being is determined to a wider extent through leisure and social psychological aspects of it. Leisure psychology has been recognized with much status and honour owing to its contribution in almost all sectors of life and world. The technologies and innovations of recent world depend on it directly or indirectly. Due to this fact, various researches and campaigns are executed worldwide in great numbers. The benefits of leisure psychology are being traced to be deep and consistent. Almost all results are not tangible but lead to abundance of tangible outcomes. John Neulinger can be praised to an honourable position because of his precious donation of social psychology of leisure theory and book named ‘Psychology of Leisure’. The inspiration from his ideas is the basis for all developments in the studies and implications of leisure in mind. May be it takes out time and energy for a while, it gives back something valuable than those spent. Each and every individual in a society requires motivation and inspiration to succeed in his current and future fields of performance. Also, social values preserved within create an environment of peaceful and coexisting life in a society or nation or world as whole. Leisure with its uncountable benefits can bring about shift in fruitfulness and peacefulness in a healthy successful environment. To be frank on the matter, leisure has nothing to do physically but is connected to our mind and emotions which is the real foundation for all aspects of a living individual. Self-assessment on Leisure in mind: The purpose of work is met with effectiveness. The learning outcomes are analysed through illustrious real life implications so that each debate and proposition becomes much evident. Salient features of the debate prevailing on the matter of psychology of leisure are scrutinized. Those theoretical perspectives are linked to practical sought outs. The relationship between leisure and individuals is made clear to understand that individuality that makes up an individual is greatly influenced and benefited by leisure. The initial approach towards leisure and shift created in it recently, and hopeful approach in future are all evaluated with support of various researches and conclusions. The development of leisure and its recognition during 21st century is being identified through analysis of various practical succeeding. The psychological factors that are important and pertinent for creating requirements of leisure scheduling are studied and evaluated. The real time boon of John Neulinger’s social psychology of leisure theory was understood in depth. The social, educational, managerial, and economical and many other benefits and inferences were dug out. The circumstances and background that provide benefits from the theory including various associations and organizations are evaluated. It is made clear how leisure can create advantages to different fields of real life. It becomes evident from entire investigation presented in the paper that leisure is having significance in almost all sectors where human resources is applied and how much advancement is being achieved in the field of research on it. Possible progressions with the help of it are vast and result will be a better life and living conditions with social, economical and virtual advantages. Reference List Blocher, D.H., & Siegal, R., 1981. Toward a cognitive developmental theory of leisure and work. [Online] Sage Journals Online 9(3), p.33. Available at: [Accessed 17 January 2010]. Graefe, A., & Parker, S., 1987. Recreation and leisure: An introductory handbook. London: Ventures Publishing, Inc. Hall, B., 2009. Living well! The benefits of leisure for people with disabilities. [Online] National Centre on Accessibility. Available at: [Accessed 17 January 2010]. Iso-Ahola, S.E., n.d. The social psychology of leisure: What is the psychology of leisure. P.41. (Provided by the customer). Neulinger, J., n.d. The psychology of leisure. (Provided by the customer). O’Brien, L.H., n.d. A psychological theory of leisure activity. [Online] CABI Abstracts. Available at: [Accessed 17 January 2010]. Torkildsen, G., 2005. Leisure and recreation management. [Online] Routledge. p. 524.. Available at: [Accessed 17 January 2010]. White paper #7: The benefits of leisure, n.d. [Online] The Academy of Leisure Science. Available at: [Accessed 17 January 2010]. Read More
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