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The Car Production Industry
8 pages (2889 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper 'The Car Production Industry' presents production chain which is a step by step procedure followed to bring something into existence, normally in the car industry, it is majorly essential that technology, resources, and the labor force are properly organized.... ... ... ... Production chain, therefore, involves the process of collecting the resources to be used as inputs in the production of various commodities or items in order to get a sustainable output, for example, in our case of car manufacturing industry, it is of great importance to ensure that materials like metals, rubber, glasses....
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The Use of Social Media in Risk and Crisis Communication
6 pages (1899 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
he other category of social software that can be used to detect potential crisis signals includes collaborative key wording systems and social sharing.... This case study "The Use of Social Media in Risk and Crisis Communication" discusses Facebook, Inc.... that is an internet-based company that runs Facebook, the social media website....
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Brand Re-positioning of McDonald's
48 pages (12000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The paper 'Brand Re-positioning of McDonald's' analyzes brand repositioning, from a corporate point of view.... Fast-food restaurant guru, McDonald's Corp.... has spent billions over the past half-century in promoting itself as fast food company with a kid-friendly approach.... ... ... ... The author states that repositioning is all about shifting customers' minds into what a brand stands for....
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Sustainable Events Management in Maryland Green Travel
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
eter, R, Kazi, J, & John, B 2008, Sustainability: science, practice, & policy, An Introduction to Sustainable Development, vol.... This also maintains cultural integrity, ecological processes, biological diversity and life support systems.... This will help to create awareness of the demands on social systems and will show an analysis of the resources needed.... ark, J 2003, Sustainability –Architecture, Between Fuzzy systems and Wicked Problems, Blueprints vol....
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Climate Change Impacts on Queensland Fire and Emergency Services
8 pages (2264 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
A hundred years of science and service ... This case study "Climate Change Impacts on Queensland Fire and Emergency Services" presents climate change that affects the day-to-day operations of Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, even with a large staff to assist in rescue procedures climate change presents a threat to human life....
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International Law Case Study
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
But the advancements in science and technology and the earlier lessons learned from international conflicts like the world wars have drastically changed the social views about the expansion of territories.... International law can be defined as the body of laws governing relations between nations....
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Organization Management Theory and Practice - Coca-Cola Company
8 pages (2261 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
avana, M 2012, Decision making theories and practices from analysis to strategy, Hershey, PA: Business science Reference. ... The paper 'Organization Management Theory and Practice - Coca-Cola Company " is a good example of a management case study.... Currently, the business world has become very dynamic and competitive....
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Bhopal Accident and How Issues That Resulted from It Can Be Avoided in Future
14 pages (3950 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
he presidential oration of 1985 in the session of Indian science Congress suggested that the edema would disappear by itself.... The discussion "Bhopal Accident and How Issues That Resulted from It Can Be Avoided in Future" seeks to answer the questions: What did the Bhopal accident entail?...
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Web Analysis of Argos Retailers
10 pages (2903 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Institute of Computer science, Germany.... The improvement on navigation systems at the site is clear for normal user, which is commendable for practical use of web analytics data, however some windows of products opens in new windows which to many online users is not a good practice because of security and privacy of the users....
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The Hearing Loss in the Young Infants: Aid
13 pages (4055 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This paper "The Hearing Loss in the Young Infants: Aid" discusses two reports which aim at finding the right method and correct 'auditory evoked potential' tools to measure the hearing loss threshold in young infants, report 'b' is a well-structured paper giving the report essay outline.... ... ... ...
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Research Findings for Asthma
10 pages (3017 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Research Findings for Asthma" highlights that asthma is a chronic condition that usually requires continuous medical care.... Medication therapies are designed to minimize the airway inflammation component of asthma as well as to treat airway narrowing.... ... ... ... Rates of asthma varied markedly with the child's sex; boys had twice the rate of asthma as girls....
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Various marketing strategies
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The Journal of the Academy of Marketing science, 19(3). ... Stephen Haines' Centre for Strategic Management has built a new strategic planning system based on systems thinking and calls it the 21st Century Yearly Strategic Management System and Cycle.... A gist of above discussion could be that a low-cost strategy can work well over a differentiation strategy when buyers are more or less satisfied with a standard product and do not see extra product attributes as worth paying additional premium....
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Spanish Politics: Terrorism
9 pages (2651 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The "Spanish Politics: Terrorism" paper looks at a particular segment of terrorism in Spain.... This country used to be quite peaceful but has lately had to contend with the threats of terrorism coming from its experience of dealing with the ETA or the Basque armed separatist organization.... ... ...
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Managing Performance in Operations - CC Ltd
15 pages (4164 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
International Journal of Environmental science: Development and Monitoring, Vol.... The report focuses on determining the aspect of CC Ltd regarding the operations that consumes energy and recommend the measures to reduce the level of carbon emission.... The discussion revealed the fact that electricity and utilisation of vehicles for the business purpose are....
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Qatar as the apital of Sports in the Gulf Region
12 pages (3224 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education & Sport/science, Movement & Health, 12(1), 47. ... Sometimes individuals take drugs to stimulate their systems and in most instances they tend to perform better than those who are not under the influence of any drugs....
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Ethical Case Study Analysis
5 pages (1466 words) , Download 6 , Case Study
This paper 'Ethical Case Study Analysis' analyzes the ethical issues and dilemmas that are presented in this case study.... It helps James how to deal with the issue and develop an effective course of action to resolve the issue.... The assignment has given proper justifications to the selection of the course of actions....
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Terms of Alcohol and Drug Issues Among Indigenous Australians
10 pages (2920 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Social science & Medicine, 41(11), 1487-1498. ... The paper 'Terms of Alcohol and Drug Issues Among Indigenous Australians' presents Alcohol and drug issues or drug abuse that are the largest contributors to deaths among indigenous Australians.... Nonetheless, this has continued for decades with no effective means....
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Employee Relations Practice at Royal Mail
16 pages (4312 words) , Download 6 , Case Study
Darlington, R 2009, What is the Point of Industrial Relations In Defense of Critical Social science, BUIRA Manchester.... Gibb, S 2001, 'The state of human resource management: evidence from employees' views of HRM systems and staff', Employee Relations, vol.... The paper "Employee Relations Practice at Royal Mail" supposes legally defined workplace relationship has become rather individualistic depending on a number of variables such as employers' preferences, employees' willingness to accept such relationships, etc....
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Organizational Behavior Case Study
1 pages (257 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
"Organizational Behavior Case Study" paper argues that when one considers the case study, one will notice how employee motivation can slow down the functions of a business establishment.... Employees can be de-motivated by various issues including the actions of their fellow employees.... ... ... ...
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Quality as a Key Driver of Profit Performance
9 pages (2565 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This paper "Quality as a Key Driver of Profit Performance" analyzes that It is a widely believed that quality is a key driver of profit performance, but that has been re-focused to customer perceived quality, especially when dealing with service operations.... ... ... ... If companies master the "rules of the service game', service organizations can outperform the competition....
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Strategic Analysis of Intel Corporation
15 pages (3805 words) , Download 8 , Case Study
The paper "Strategic Analysis of Intel Corporation" makes five forces analysis, SWOT analysis of the company as it stands today after its highs and lows, and the strengths of the competition.... IBCG matrix is prepared to study the extent to which the products have been capitalized by the company....
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Human Resources Management Case Study
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Human Resources Management Case Study ABC Human Resources Professor XYZ December 07, 2013 The case study is based on the acquisition of a loss making bookstore and the manner in which strategic human resource management can convert it to a revenue making outlet.... ... ... ... Keeping this in mind, several questions have been raised by the human resource manager at of Wordsmiths....
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Tourism in Taiwan
11 pages (3349 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
New York: Nova science Publishers, Inc. ... The paper "Tourism in Taiwan" is a perfect example of a tourism case study.... Taiwan is a country that takes the shape of a leaf and narrows at both ends giving a beautiful shape and hence making it a perfect travel destination that is also made possible by its location to the south of the Philippines and to the north of Japan....
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Mad Cow Disease Case Study
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Many watched on the news as reports came across the wires of an issue with the meat supply in the world.... The name given to that issue was "Mad Cow" disease.... The idea of the illness leads to panic like responses to the meat supply in areas of the world.... As is the case with other illnesses, "Mad Cow" has a history and the purpose of this paper is to give clarity to what exactly "Mad Cow" is....
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Developmental Psychology Case Study
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The person chosen for this project was a teenage cousin that has been known to exhibit certain psychological problems.... She was chosen based on her age, relatedness, and presence of suspected developmental issues.... All of this came together to make her an ideal case study example. ... ... ... ...
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Study case
1 pages (358 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
While many organizations exist, some may not be in need of marketing consulting services while some may be using their internal facilities.... At the same time, information.... ... ... The need to bridge the information gap on firms that use external consulting services, towards identification of existing opportunities, is therefore Donna's research problem and defines the most important information....
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Reflective Learning Case Study
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
As defined by Miura & Okamoto, "place value is the property of the base ten numeration system by which the numerical value represented by each digit of a written multi digit symbol is equal to the product of the digit's face value and the power of 10 associated with the digits position in the numeral"(1989). ...
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Redesigned Hiring Process for Critical Analysis Company
11 pages (3038 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The New science of Networks.... In respect to US Department of Defense (2013) study on the current labor market forces, the job market growth for computer applications software engineers and computer systems software engineers is expected to grow at a rate of 34% and 30% respectively between 2008 and 2018.... Next, the new employees should be shown around the offices, kitchen, bathrooms and copier systems....
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MediSys Case Study Assignment
6 pages (1800 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The main focus of the paper "MediSys Case Study Assignment" is on intense situational analysis, which purposes to shed light on the prevailing situations and concerns in the medical organization, including recommendations to the company president especially on matters concerning the meeting.... ... ...
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Answers question based on case study
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
This entity provides a mechanism where one party can make cross-border payments through the internet.... TradeCard provides more secure, easier, and cheaper payment alternatives for international.... ... ... User authentication is primarily handled through a combination of a username, password, and a smart card system....
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Eyemax Group in Monaco
12 pages (2968 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The Art & science of Interpreting Market Research ... The paper "Eyemax Group in Monaco " states that generally speaking, Monaco is governed by the same insurance rules that are coordinated in France hence the same rules that govern companies in France will apply to Eyemax Group if registered in Monaco....
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Mrs Fields Original Cookies Case Study
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
ields' Information systems 7 ... ields' Information systems ... The tasks performed by the software included the routine activities of each store such as maintaining financial records, complete agenda of operations, supporting marketing tactics, recording the hourly sales goals and even proved supportive in the interview selection process (Power, “Gaining Competitive Advantage with Decision Support systems”). ... The high level of dependency also caused a diminished level of autonomy which a store manager used to practice in LPB (Monsalve, “It's the System's Decision: Uncovering Expert systems and   Ethics in the Workplace”). ...
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Case Study Based On Arab Culture
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
The paper "Case Study: Based On Arab Culture" covers questions about an understanding of cultural orientations that establish a barrier is necessary, a factor that is consistent with the fourth standard of the Expert Panel on Global Nursing & Health.... ... ... ... Mrs.... Nasser brought her 16-year-old daughter, Samia, who was experiencing a burning sensation upon urination....
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Case Study
2 pages (347 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
A higher discount factor often results in a lower present value.... A higher discount factor results in a lower present value interest factor which in turn lowering the present value (PV).... At high.... ... ... At 11%, the $75 million payment has a present value of only $1,125,000 as compared to $7,275,000 at six percent. ...
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Law and Policy Case Study
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
In many organizations, policies remain the first strategy of ensuring the organization information systems are secure.... For instance, government and organization polices provide employees with guidelines on how to secure systems.... Law and Policy Case Study James Moravec Institution Law and Policy Case Study Introduction Information security continues to draw interest among business and government entities....
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Accounting a Business Perspective
12 pages (3127 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper 'Accounting – a Business Perspective" focuses on the fact that as business organisations are considered, appreciated, and seen as entities separate from the personalities of its owner or owners, theories have been created to understand the intricacies of organisational structures....
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Operation Managment case study
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Attaining operational excellence is critical for any business as organisations cannot afford to have quality issues, high cost operations or even long market cycles (Oracle 3).... Notably, one of the core advantages that businesses often attain to achieve is effective inventory.... ... ... Optimal inventory management is vital for any business organisation....
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Ischemic Heart Problems and Treatment of Symptoms
32 pages (8000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
From the paper "Ischemic Heart Problems and Treatment of Symptoms" it is clear that heart disease is a condition in which there is oxygen deprivation to the muscles of the heart as a result of decreased blood flow and perfusion and is accompanied by inadequate removal of the products of metabolism....
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Health Program Evaluation Case Study
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Ben a professor in Health Sciences and an author of several articles and publications, advices one of wards, a graduate student to present a paper to a conference.... He suggests to Alyssa, his ward that in case she is unable to attend the presentation he can do it himself as he will be there in the presentation....
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Leadership and Management Development Program - GlaxoSmithKline
10 pages (2705 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
GlaxoSmithKline is a science-led global healthcare organization that researches and develops various innovative products in the areas of Vaccines, Pharmaceuticals, and Consumer Healthcare.... Leadership and management development is an approach aimed at expanding the ability of people in leadership positions to perform in an organization (Keast & Mandell 2013)....
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Turkish Lobby in the European Union
64 pages (17802 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This case study "Turkish Lobby in the European Union" is an attempt at studying the lobbying process that exists in Turkey with regard to the European Union, because Turkey has been trying to get full membership in the Union for a long time.... ... ... ... At present, lobbying plays a powerful role in influencing the decisions of governments across the world....
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A Great Civil War Hero and a Great Military Commander Whose Name is Hiram Ulysses Simpson Grant
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Rating the Presidents of the United States, 1789-2000: A Survey of Scholars in Political science, History, and Law.... New York: Nova science Publishers ... The paper describes Grant's leadership proved difficult for many scholars and historians.... Perhaps, this is due to the fact that the career: military commander and US president, he took are two entirely different, yet both challenging major career paths....
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Medical case study report
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
He neither smokes nor drink but allergic to codeine and Rosuvastatin.... He is inactive with Fluvax (12, 13, 14) immunization with the following medical history; LV, AF, VT, AMI and Mitral valve replacement.... ... ... The recent medical history include; Prostatiem 2011, tiredness+reccurent falls, alzheimer's, rhabdomyolysis, left frontal lobc CVA, dementia, parkinson but no diabetes, kidney disease, temperature of 36, respiratory rat of 97% and blood pressure of 139/80....
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Trammel Craw - Investment Opportunity
7 pages (1909 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
In this project, Trammel Craw seeks an investment partner and in this case QRS, a public pension scheme is evaluating this investment opportunity.... ... ... ... The paper "Trammel Craw - Investment Opportunity " is a perfect example of a finance and accounting case study.... Trammel Craw, a real estate investment company proposed a development project involving the construction of the Doral Costa office park....
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Tennessee V. Garner 1985 and Making of a New Force
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The case study examines the conditional liabilities of the police department and the Tennessee statute during the prosecution and after the verdict by the Apex Court of the US.... This case attained global attention as it was an unforeseen event of an 'individual v/s constitution debate'.... .... ...
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Destination on Pittsburgh
11 pages (3189 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This case study "Destination on Pittsburgh" discusses The City of Pittsburgh, PA which was established in 1758 and currently hosts a population of over 369,879 people as per the 2000 census but the whole county has a population of over 1,281,666 people.... ... ... ... Temperatures at the place in July could go up to a high of 82....
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1 pages (250 words) , Download 16 , Case Study
Summarization of the article titled ‘Euro Disneyland' Any person curious to know about the empire known to the world as the concept created by Walt Disney may find the article to be of interest.... The main area covered under this in-depth integrative case study is with regard to Euro Disneyland, the first and only Disney Park outside of the United States and Japan....
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Legal Issues from Case Study
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
He is also being accused by one of the members of house maintenance community of stealing plans for converting old HVAC systems to the new ones.... The author examines various legal issues in the case study.... They include jurisdiction, torts, crimes, remedies, sale contracts, and agency....
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Historical Background, Purpose and Future of the Zapatistas Resistant Army
19 pages (5007 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Historical Background, Purpose and Future of the Zapatistas Resistant Army" is a good example of a military case study.... Globalization is a process that creates some world togetherness through interaction and integration into one.... The rise in technology, the movement by people to invest and the development aided especially by the rise in information all create a sense of globalization (connectivity)....
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The Marriott International's Marketing Activities
17 pages (5344 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
lthough market research is imperfect science, it deals with customers and their continual changes feels and behaviours, which are influenced by innumerable subjective causes.... The study "The Marriott International's Marketing Activities" concentrates on the company's relationship marketing efforts....
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