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Formula One Racing
9 pages (2406 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
However, over years, the scope of the sports has evolved as today racing is being held in different countries like United States and other continents.... The sports has garnered support among different fans who in most occasions views the racings conducted by renowned sports men through such media devices like televisions which today is available at every corner of the world (Baer, 1995).... ormula one racing has led to major changes in the history of sports racing making the sports to be competitive globally....
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Freshman College Admissions Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
I have applied to ISU as I feel that it is the right place for me considering my background so far and that it would launch me into a career after my undergraduate program.... Presently, I am a senior at Deerfield.... ... ... I have always dreamt of a career as a corporate manager and hence my decision to opt for an undergraduate program in Business Administration. ...
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Research paper The Apology of Socrates
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This is because Socrates, in his single-minded pursuit of wisdom, chose not to write down his ideas (Wilke & Hurt, 2000: 942).... One of the writings that reveal his.... ... ... In this text, Plato records the defense Socrates presents during the trial for his life.... Within the discussion, Socrates refers to himself several times as being the wisest man alive....
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The Economic Impacts of Major Sporting Events
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
In order to explain the arguments more clearly the discussion includes research findings or case studies on previous sporting events, such as the World Cup and Olympics.... Drawbacks, misconceptions, and inaccuracies of economic impact research are comprehensively discussed in the literature.... More often than not, economic impact research produces an exaggeration of the net gains that regions obtain in hosting major sport events (Madden 2006)....
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Leadership and Management Essay
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 6 , Research Paper
r/doc/conf/jjl/papers/152dessein.... The research will also endeavor to identify if any association between organization structure and culture exists or not.... om/essays/marketing/organizational-strategies-of-ford-motor-company_1.... The main objective of the paper is to identify the changing nature of the work environment and the relevance and the application of recent approaches to organizational structure....
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Research Paper: Serious Game Critique
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In recent years, with rapid advancements in tools that make game development easier for people and a generation often literally raised on games, the nature of role played by games in changing human population's attitudes and behaviors is under debate as not much research is as.... erious games 15 April Serious Game Critique: In recent years, with rapid advancements in tools that make game development easier for people and a generation often literally raised on games, the nature of role played by games in changing human population's attitudes and behaviors is under debate as not much research is as yet done in this area....
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Impact of Technology on Society Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
1.... Introduction The technology of telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in the year 1876.... He broadly described the technology as “an electrical contrivance for reproducing in distant places the tones and articulations of a speaker's voice (NAE, 2013).... From that point of time where the whole concept of telephoning was considered to be a utopian idea, the technology has grown to a large extent....
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Grey and Green Infrastructure Adding Value to Natural Capital
11 pages (3472 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
On the contrary, research studies have demonstrated that the building green infrastructure is not expensive than gray infrastructure.... research studies have shown that tree enhances the value of property by 15-25% depending on location, condition, size and species rating (CABE, 2005 and CTLA 2003).... research report.... Forest research, Farnham. ... New pathways to health and well-being: summary of research to understand and overcome barriers to accessing woodland....
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Research Methods and Designs
2 pages (602 words) , Download 13 , Essay
The author of the following paper "research Methods and Designs" argues in a well-organized manner that qualitative research is a research method that is devoid of numerical data and focuses on analysis and comprehension of observation.... research method and design are important to data collection reliability, and validity of collected data.... Different research methods and designs exist, and this study defines qualitative, qualitative research methods, and primary and secondary research and offers a rationale for sequencing and dependency of research designs....
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Islam in India. Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Islam in India is the second largest religion which is being practiced there.... Moreover India has become the third largest country of the world where Islam is being practiced.... ... ... ... Islam in India is the second largest religion which is being practiced there.... Moreover India has become the third largest country of the world where Islam is being practiced....
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Critically analyse the International Olympic Committee, politicaly and memebers' corruptions
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the event, the governments sports strategy, published as A Sporting Future For All in April 2000, failed to go this far, even if there were references to a new deal between government and sports governing bodies, the need to enhance the prospects for more success for our top competitors and teams in international competition and the urgent need to learn the lessons of our competitor nations: Government cannot and should not dictate....
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Sport in the Community Conference
8 pages (2553 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper "Sport in the Community Conference" focuses on the data collected from the questionnaire 'Southwood: Sport in the Community Conference.... onsumer expenditure on recreation and culture, measure in ' million for the UK is measured in the following graph.... igure 4: Graph of Consumer expenditure on recreation and culture in ' million for the UK. ... igure 5: Time series data plus four future predicted consumer expenditure on recreation and culture in ' million for the UK using SMA3. ...
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Work Skills. Business Research Paper
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
All professions in the 21st century are changing due to a variety of factors, thus professionals have to pursue a higher level of excellence by educating themselves on the latest trends, regulations, and research associated with their careers.... All professions in the 21st century are changing due to a variety of factors, thus professionals have to pursue a higher level of excellence by educating themselves on the latest trends, regulations, and research associated with their careers....
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Popular American Culture
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Americans prefer coffee to tea, and research shows that half of the adult population prefers drinking at least one cup daily.... What American sport has produced is more than the hero worship of winners and other usual trappings of sports that affect other societal aspects.... Modern American sport has produced incredible dialogue about sports.... Spectator sports attract large audiences since on the onset of the 1920s.... sports provide America with the people's yearning for an increasingly impersonal practical society....
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Sporting Excellence and the Radical Turnaround in Team GBs Olympic Success
7 pages (2090 words) , Download 2 , Essay
?? Sports Science Periodical on research and Technology (4) pp1-11 ... Sporting Excellence and the Radical Turnaround in Team GB's Olympic Success Introduction The great and improvement achieved by team GB is an example of the effects of good sports management, financing, motivation and nurturing.... ccording to Lyle (1997), funding is an important part in developing sports because it is necessary for the success of its development systems.... This recently modernization in sports funding has impacted on sports generally including team GB....
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Long Term Athlete Development
6 pages (1606 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The methodology is based on consensus of evidenced research which is focused about how young people develop sporting ability.... Though it not a new theory, yet it should be recognized that majority of research is based on experience from dealing with sporting activities, which have been practiced to underpin physical education for many years.... research confirms that this is true about developing any skill, such as learning to play musical instrument or playing sport....
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Story of Popol Vuh Creation
1 pages (363 words) , Download 3 , Essay
From the paper "Story of Popol Vuh Creation" it is clear that generally, there are several lessons which can be learned from Popol vuh creation as it has some similarities to other mythologies of civilizations like; an underworld, a flood, and heroes.... .... ... ... In the story of Maya of creation tied to kingship, religion plays a major role as in uniting the people....
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Analysis of the Essays by Foucault, Susan Bordo, and Richard Miller about Panopticon
2 pages (754 words) , Download 3 , Essay
"Analysis of the Essays by Foucault, Susan Bordo, and Richard Miller about Panopticon" paper analyzes the three essays and finds different approaches to power demystification.... Considering the works done by Susan Bordo and Richard Miller in their essays Beauty (Re) discovers the male Body and The Dark Night of Soul respectively, several aspects of agencies are being discussed.... By using Foucault's way of thinking in the essays of Bordo and Miller, we can be able to deduce how Foucault might treat the particular materials used chosen for their examples....
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Calcium Element Chemistry Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Element: Calcium.... Section 1.... The element itself.... Calcium can be described as “a silvery white, soft alkaline earth metal.... ?? (Helmenstine, p.... 1).... It is the fifth most abundant element in the earth's crust and the third most abundant metal after aluminum and iron.... ... ... ... (Earnshaw and Greenwood, p....
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Marketing Research Techniques and Research Methods
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
This paper "Marketing Research Techniques and research Methods" underlines that a good marketer is one who uses the insights from others to help improve and interpret the past performance and improve the future performance.... om/research-papers/research-process.... The cultural study is a subject with a high need for research and studies.... There are four main steps that need to be followed for research: a) Defining the research, b) Designing the research, c) Doing the research and d) Describing the research (Jobber, 2004)....
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Microeconomics Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
A - Explain with the help of a diagram for the market how the equlibrium price and quantity of butter are determined, AND explain with the help of a seperate diagram for a typical firm how the firm will decide how much butter to sell at the current market price. ... ... ... ... ... t the given quantity Q, the price should be P, the equilibrium market price of butter....
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Research paper on Ethnomusicology
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Understanding the differences between cultures is reliant on the capabilities of how different expressions are used.... This not only occurs through the content and the style that is used.... The distinct sounds of various cultures also create a different interpretation of the music played as well as how this links to the attributes of the artist....
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Slavery History Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Slavery Introduction: Sojourner Truth (1797-1883) and Harriet Tubman (1820-1913) were African American women who were born slaves in United States of America.... Originally, sojourner Truth was named Isabella Baumfree but from 1843 onwards she was known by her self-given name Sojourner Truth.... ...
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Influenza Vaccine Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Influenza vaccine Introduction Influenza is a contagious viral infection that attacks the respiratory tract.... It can easily be spread from one person to another through respiratory droplets.... When an infected person coughs or sneezes, or if one touches a contaminated surface it is likely that he catches the virus (Goldstein, 2004, P....
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Inoperability Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
INOPERABILITY Date Health Level seven (HL7) is one of the significantly successful messaging standards in the vast health industry all over the world.... It is a term developed to be used in referring to no for profit organizations or volunteer groups which is involved in the development of healthcare standards....
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Macroeconomics Master Research Paper
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
If U' increases we expect that inflation will decline, given that 2U'1 < 2U' e-1 then we expect 2U'1 - 2U' e-1) to be negative and therefore reduce inflation level in the economy, in an economy when the level of unemployment increases inflation goes down, therefore under rational expectations we expect the level of inflation to decline at a bigger margin. ...
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Research paper politics
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The African continent includes 53 countries, many of which were at one time part of European colonialism.... By focusing on West Africa (even though all areas of Africa were influenced by colonialism), a discussion of colonial rule by Britain, France, and Portugal with a reference to Germany, Spain, and Belgium, can indicate specific effects and history. ...
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Psych research paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The way we handle the “stressors” in our lives is a totally different concept.... Much money is spent each year on medications for stress disorders and doctors who specialize with the.... ... ... Our culture says it is okay to have some sort of stress in our lives, but it seems as though we want a quick “fix” as to how we deal with the stress we each have....
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World literature Research paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The poem Iliad accounted the life events of a half-god, half mortal hero.... Achilles became an epic hero when he fought for his homeland.... His heroic actions made him a protagonist for his fellow Greeks who fought wars.... ... ... The life of the Greek half-go half-mortal hero has several adaptations however it does not matter because the most important events in his life was when he became a part not just of a very rich Greek history but also of the world's literature....
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Research Paper Thesis Statement
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The present effective operation strategic plans as well as realistic marketing plans have enabled the Toyota Motor Corporation to be among the eleventh most flourishing companies in the global motor vehicles market.... For the company to prosper in contemporary global market, the.... ... ... Some of the common drivers of globalisations affecting Toyota Motor Corporation include competitive drivers, cost drivers, technological drivers, market drivers and political drivers....
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Research paper the introduction
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In light of this, the problem issue is whether parents should be held responsible for their children's behaviour that has led them to jail (Richardson, 2000).... Children's.... ... ... It is likely that if parents are held responsible for their childrens misconduct before they are mature enough to be held liable for their own deviance, Parental responsibility for children misconduct Number Parental responsibility for children misconductParents play a pivotal role in raising a child whether or not the behaviour of the child is deviant....
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Research paper on radiation
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
There are two basic types of radiation, namely the ionizing radiation and the nonionizing radiation.... The ionizing radiation produces ions.... ... ... In other words, radiation can be electromagnetic or particulate.... Examples of electromagnetic radiation are x rays and gamma radiation whereas examples of particulate radiation are alpha radiation and beta radiation....
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Research paper about lululemon
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The products and services are offered at various prices for instance: Recently the company unveiled new men's yoga pants that cost $88.... ... ... Women top tanks are sold at $60 while stretching pants goes for $90 per pair (www.... usinessinsider.... om).... While these prices have been criticized in some cases, Lulu Lemon has continued attracting a wide range of clients in various parts of the globe. ...
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Integrated Research Paper
6 pages (1568 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This research paper "Integrated research Paper" shows that before going into further detail in discussing the contrasts and resemblance of Japan, China, and American Indians arts, it is relevant to lay down first the general meaning of art as a whole.... .... ... ...
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Frist quality management assays
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
research study done on legal advisors, where the sample consisted of 600 commercial business organizations drawn from ‘Key British Enterprises' 1989 proved that “Clients with higher perceptions of service quality are likely to consider changing their legal advisers less often and expect to enjoy longer working relationships with their corporate legal advisers....
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Creation-Order Theodicy: The Problem of Evil
3 pages (1013 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This paper "Creation-Order Theodicy: The Problem of Evil" introduces the problem of evil by presenting the main ideas of the problem.... It also suggests what the paper aims to achieve.... This paper explores Mackie's rejection of the coexistence between God and evil based on three major propositions....
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Research Reflection Report
15 pages (3966 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Forschungspapiere research papers, pp.... The essay "research Reflection Report" focuses on the critical, and thorough analysis of the major issues in the research reflection report.... As the research progressed, the research methodology was selected based on the aim and objectives of the research.... I selected the qualitative research approach as it provided a base for systematic assessment of the subject using numerical data and statistical tools....
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Tourism and Hospitality Marketing
9 pages (2536 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Journal of Travel research, vol.... M 2000, Benefit segmentation: A review of its application to travel and tourism research.... esearch studies have indicated that about 50 per cent of travellers like to partake in some kind of recreation activity (Jaume, 2014).... The new product discussed in the paper is recreational facilities for tennis, golf and water sports.... The experience-based product to be discussed in this report is recreational facilities for tennis, golf and water sports....
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Statistical assessment of two research reports
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Dissertation Analysis Of Two Studies: “Care recipients' and family members' perceptions of quality of older people care: a comparison of home-based care and nursing homes”(Study 1)(Hasson et al, 2010) and “Relationships between coping, coping resources and quality of life in patients with chronic illness: a pilot study”(Study 2)( Kristofferzen et al,2011) SECTION A 1....
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Positioning of Countries as Tourist Destinations
12 pages (3332 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Therefore, the research conducted was ethical research because informed consent was taken.... These perceptions have increased after the bombings in Kuta (Asian Market research dot com, 2003). ... Asia Market research Dot Com.... Bahamian Culture and Factors Which Impact Upon It: A Compilation of Two essays.... There are no events and activities are limited to water sports. ... Hunting, Faith tours, Winter sports, Silk Road, Thermal Resort, Congress Tourism, Golf, Youth Tourism, Yachting, Eco Tourism, Spelunking, Highlands, Air sports, Mountaineering, Rafting, Underwater Diving, and Ornithology are some of them!...
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Tips for Writing a Successful Research Paper
9 pages (2158 words) , Download 0 , Essay
etter sources and detailed qualitative analysis leads to better results and research become comprehensive wholesome and more detailed. ... The paper 'Tips for Writing a Successful research Paper' is a fascinating example of the essay on science.... There are two motivations behind any research; the curiosity of a researcher in pursuit to know more about an interesting topic.... The paper 'Tips for Writing a Successful research Paper' is a fascinating example of the essay on science....
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TCP/IP Ports and TCP/IP Applications
2 pages (561 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In this paper 'TCP/IP Ports and TCP/IP Applications' the author will define the functions of TCP/IP port associations and review the common port number assignments.... He will also use several utilities that will allow you to explore and analyze protocols, ports, and processes.... ... ... ... The author of the paper states that after exploring the higher-layer transport protocols, you would like to know how TCP/IP keeps track of all the different sessions on a typical networked PC....
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Quistclose Trust and the Requirements for Its Creation
7 pages (2259 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Hart Publishing, Oxford Swadling, W 2004 The Quistclose Trust: Critical essays.... df High Court of Justice Chancery Division 2008 Alan Blackburn sports Ltd.... The paper "Quistclose Trust and the Requirements for Its Creation" states that a Quistclose trust appears simple to understand from the point of view of commercial application, and one would tend to appreciate and agree with the soundness of the rationale of Lord Millett....
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Reflective Essay on Capstone Course
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 5 , Essay
he systematic design of the course included class participation, interdisciplinary project, e-portfolio, research presentation and a course reflective essay.... I feel that my research assisted me in inspiring individuals who have been wronged to take action against injustice.... For my capstone project for the course I was presented with a range of options and possibilities to direct my research.... am actually proud to acknowledge that my research for this course was my epiphany....
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Argumentation of the Desire to Enter the University
1 pages (250 words) , Download 5 , Essay
One more reason why I want to become a member of the university is that it pays much attention to sports.... All my life I have been interested in different kinds of sports.... From the paper "Argumentation of the Desire to Enter the University" it is clear that the author believes that he has made the right choice and he is ready to prove it on practice....
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Queer Theory: Sociology Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
SOCIOLOGY: QUEER THEORY Gabrielle Cohen SYG 2000 Estimated Word Count: 1,910 November 23, 2011 The United States military should allow gay people to serve openly in its services.... This is because homosexuals (gays and lesbians) serve with distinction whenever they are given rare opportunity to serve their country....
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Port Logistics
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
This paper describes Port logistics involve management strategies used by port management and government agencies to ensure efficient goods circulation from their origin to their destination in such a way that satisfies the needs of the customers.... ... ... ... Management of the port business is an important area in not only internal but external business operation....
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Industry Information on park users perceptions and attitudes towards public exercise settings
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
More recent research has broadened its focus significantly with bias towards the socio ecological models, particularly in the last decade; the socio ecological models explain that numerous factors including the physical environment interact to influence domain-specific physical activity.... urrent research concerns ... rich volume of research has been conducted on the relationship between parks and physical activity; a vast proportion of this literature documents studies carried out to examine the potential contribution of parks to physical activity and the overall health of communities....
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Research Paper on Antoni Gaudi's Casa Batllo
3 pages (750 words) , Download 22 , Research Paper
Considering that architects' works are unique as a result of one's imagination, this research paper will investigate on Antoni Gaudi's Casa Batllo.... Considering that architects' works are unique as a result of one's imagination, this research paper will investigate on Antoni Gaudi's Casa Batllo....
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Manchester United Background, Pricing Strategy
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
resently, sports marketing utilises the four Ps of the marketing mix of product, price, place or positioning and promotion strategies aimed at increased results usually used after thorough market research and experimentation are well established.... His research showed how some companies have exploited governmental protection for infringed logos and names (Please see Appendix) while legally allowed within certain territories.... Management research News 28 (8), 55-60....
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