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Strength and Weaknesses of 3 Government Schemes
6 pages (1844 words) , Download 2 , Essay
nother scheme adopted by the UK government is the recreation Strategy for Physical Activeness.... The recreation strategy for the National Park in the Peak District is one of the recreational strategies adopted by the UK government.... The creation of sports for recreation will help reduce the levels of physical inactivity and increase the health of employed and unemployed people in the district marginally.... The Scotland play strategy aimed at children parks for instance is mainly aimed at improving physical activity among children, whereas the recreation strategy is mainly aimed at improving the physical activity of the adults....
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Appeal to the Portfolio Committee - Reflective Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
According to the portfolio committee meet on May 13, my portfolio was among those that did not pass the assessment because my essays were not adequate in terms of meeting the goals and outcomes for ESL 118.... I may agree that my essays might not have fully met all the course goals; however; I have exerted my best effort to make my portfolio meet the criteria for passing portfolios throughout the semester.... This essay is a sincere attempt to explain and demonstrate how I think my essays have addressed the course goals and outcomes of this course....
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Marketing Consultancy, this is a group work not full paper work see details bellow
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
To effectively target young boys and girls between 5 to 15 years of age, the arts center should educate the schools, youth clubs, and sports Target Market and Market Segmentation of Dunamaise Art Center ID Number & Total Number of Words: 634Target Market Target market refers to a given customer base that a company or business and identified and willing to channel its marketing activities (Pinson, 1998, p36).... To effectively target young boys and girls between 5 to 15 years of age, the arts center should educate the schools, youth clubs, and sports clubs about the educational benefits children can get out of visiting the Dunamaise Arts Centre (Webber, 1998, p34)....
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Healthy Body Keeps Healthy Mind
6 pages (1682 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Issues in sports ... Keeping in view of this fact and giving importance to physical fitness, governments of various nations have initiated plans to promote sports activities and physical education so that more and more people can participate in various sports such as football, hockey, cricket, and gymnastics to keep them fully fit.... Although the governments fully plan to provide sports services to the local population of the country, however, they surely invest huge sum of money on national sports teams that represent country on international level....
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Southeast Asia Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
research indicates that there were differences in terms of practices when it came to the Chinese and the western rulers like the British and especially the Portuguese.... This paper analyzes the close relationship that the Spanish had with the Chinese when they entered south East Asia colonies....
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Modern Europe Research Paper
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
unning head: MODERN EUROPE research PAPER Modern Europe research Paper (school) Modern Europe research Paper Introduction There are various points in our history, recent or otherwise which have and will impact on our current status as nation states.... Congressional research Service....
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Petroleum Engineering final research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
While engineering and research have developed methods of extracting different petroleum products from crude oil in practical approaches, the academic and the overall public domain is unable to know from research how exactly the formation of crude oil takes place as many theories exist within the sources credited as scholarly articles and approved books.... Given the increasing threat of reading and believing various sources in existence, this essay seeks to answer the following question as it relates to petroleum engineering and research on petroleum production: Research Question If petroleum engineering was developed through research on petroleum formation, why is it that petroleum engineering follows the same concepts and methods of processing while petroleum research on petroleum formation differs considerably?...
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Forensic Entomology research paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Throughout the twentieth century scientific methods of analysis have improved greatly, with the result that at the present time forensic entomology is a well-established discipline within forensic science, complete with rigorous protocols and extensive underpinning research which help to ensure that it provides relevant, accurate and reliable evidence for crime investigation and prosecution purposes....
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Seeing Through the Illusions of the Sports Hero
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The present research has identified that parents would not like their children mimicking the bad behaviors of their favorite athletes.... This study presents debates of the thesis that sports figures have tacit responsibilities as role models, and should, therefore, conduct their lives accordingly.... sports figures have tacit responsibilities as role models, and should therefore conduct their lives accordingly. ... ou: I support the idea that sports figures have tacit responsibilities as role models, and should therefore conduct their lives accordingly....
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Research paper about lululemon
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
It offers (Lecturer's research paper about lululemon Lululemon Athletica is an apparel retail company with branches across the globe.... research and development that leads to innovation and established product identities are other strengths that the company has....
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Socialgical research paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Not only are exclusions more prevalent, but research suggests that a disproportionate number of African American and other minority students are being excluded from schools across the country.... Year after year, parents vote "lack of discipline" as the most serious school problem confronting the American educational system today....
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5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In spite of the recognised benefits of sports to the disabled people, they still experience formidable challenges in accessing favourable sporting environment, a situation that limits their participation and wellbeing This report discusses the major barriers that restrict disabled people in accessing and progressing within the available sporting infrastructure in Darlington Borough, in United Kingdom.... These challenges permeate into sports across different regions and Darlington is not an exception....
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The Development and Organization of Australian Football
10 pages (2758 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
ethodology and research Design ... This research "The Development and Organization of Australian Football" is also motivated by the need to find better ways of facilitating marketing for the sport now and in the future.... otivation for the research ... he research is also motivated by the need to find better ways of facilitating marketing for the sport now and in the future.... This proposal; seeks to get a nod to have research that will incorporate comprehensive information on marketing dynamics in the sports industry and particularly on Australian football....
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Rules of writing a research paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This research paper 'Rules of writing a research paper' analyzes three sources that were used in the previous assignment submitted.... Moreover the paper tries to justify why it is vital to use authentic sources while writing a research paper in the field of nursing.... The author recommends that while writing a research paper it is important to ensure that source from where one accesses the data is a credible one....
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In What Ways Are Expository Essays Similar to Business Communication
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This essay "In What Ways Are Expository Essays Similar to Business Communication" presents expository essays and business communications that are similar in a number of ways.... Expository essays and business communications both give a complete piece of information to the reader about certain issues but the difference remains in terms of the depth of the issue discussed.... However, expository essays contain detailed information about all the relevant facts which are linked to the thesis....
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How Service Factors Affect Sports Customers Loyalty - The Atlanta Braves Baseball Team
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Business Design research Report Executive Summary The main aim of this research is to determine the value of stadium features such as parking attendants, security personnel, ticket takers, and ushers, along with stadium identity, to sports stakeholders such as fans and employees in various capacities.... The Atlanta Braves Baseball Team management could utilise this information in generating marketing research that will assist in facilitating the necessary renovations that are to be made to the team's home stadium....
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Executive Summary - Xtreme Gymnastics
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Xtreme Gymnastics has on offer a wide range of training and teaching services catering to a diverse audience segmented by age and skill level, with a focus on differentiated services from trained instructors with USA Gymnastics credentials and certifications, differentiated.... ... ...
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Strengths and Weaknesses as a Writer
5 pages (1000 words) , Download 5 , Essay
have some difficulties in setting designated time for writing my essays and weight until the last minute, which builds a lot of pressure on me (Hesse n.... I learned how to revise my work thoroughly before submission and can meet deadlines since I submitted all my papers on the specified time.... I always read in my papers at least three times reading word by word to make it easier for me to notice any mistakes.... There is the need for somebody to do a thorough research before embarking on the actual writing to come up with the best essay....
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Encouraging Tourists from the United Kingdom to Visit Kuwait
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
research Objectives …………………….... Purpose and Procedure of the Proposed research ... About the Proposed research Questionnaire Design …….... Proposed research Methodology ……………………………… 11 ... Proposed research Reporting ………………………………….... Proposed research Schedule and Timing …………………….... Marketing research Fees ………………………………………....
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Conflict in Sierra Leone -Research Paper-
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The Role of Multinational Corporations in Sierra Leone Conflict Name: Institution: Abstract Conflicts based on resources have become more rampant with the expansion of globalization.... The need of profit maximization through low production costs has pushed international trade into the brink of corporations and companies finding raw materials by all means....
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Numerous Sorts of Leukemia
2 pages (626 words) , Download 9 , Essay
The paper "Numerous Sorts of Leukemia" highlights that a few types of leukemia are more frequent in kids.... Other types happen generally in adults.... There are a few distinct types of this blood cancer.... Leukemia is gathered by how quickly it deteriorates and what sort of white cells it influences....
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Gun control Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
Gun control is one of the most hotly debated topics in America.... Each person has their own individual opinion on the right to bear arms.... The 2nd amendment provides each citizen of the United States the right to bear arms.... However the increase in gun violence in recent years has led many individuals to the belief that in order to curb gun violence there must be stricter regulation in the attribution and possession of firearms....
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South Africa Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
We are a company that prides itself on market research, vital for the hiring of employees who we guarantee understand the dynamics of your company, as well as your niche in the South African electronics industry.... The aim of the work is to give a detailed account of South Africa's background, business practices, hierarchy, dress code, and business etiquette, and to recommend South Africa to Kelly Services as an investment destination....
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How to Combine Sports Running Track and Marathon Route Jointly
6 pages (1607 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning research 21.... The paper "How to Combine sports Running Track and Marathon Route Jointly" focuses on a site assessment, a CAD-created drawing of the construction gathering with all invested individuals as the initial phase in the methodology to distinguish the needs of the project.... Precise tolerances are obliged to be qualified for setting sports records....
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Research Paper Outline
1 pages (250 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
) In the song, “Two Trains Running,” by August Wilson tries to explore the lives of African Americans who see to themselves no appearance to research PAPER OUTLINE Playing of in most cases may reveal some hidden facts about an event or the platform in which it is taking place....
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Sports Marketing Plan
2 pages (769 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper ''sports Marketing Plan'' tells us that in this section, we present information about the services offered at C.... Chivas U.... .... .... that is located in Los Angeles, California.... The services offered here are strictly entertainment and we do matches.... There is a lot of luxury and enjoyment for the whole family....
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Quanitative Research Method Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
They include those related to the ambiguity and limited scope of labor laws; the implied absence of the employment relationship; the uncertainty about who the employer is; lack of.... ... ... In other words the legally defined work place relationship between the employer and the employee has become rather individualistic to a greater extent g on a number of endogenous and exogenous variables such as employers' preferences, employees' willingness to accept such relationships and even time related economic pressures such as the current global economic recession....
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Physical Activity and Academic Performance
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This question has validity from the social perspectives since if relevant evidence can be gleaned from the research articles; this can generate a means to improve academic achievement through promotion of regular physical activities including sports in the academic settings (Bodin and Hartig, 2003).... esearch HypothesesIn recent years, a great deal of research evidence has accumulated to show that regular physical activity is associated with a range of physical and mental health benefits (Mutrie, 2002)....
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How Has The Emergence Of The Internet Help The Sport Industry
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This is a precise paper describing the benefits and influences of internet on the revenue and net income of organizations related to sports industry.... In the paper, the impact of internet on varied sports brands is revealed namely Nike, Reebok, Saucony and Puma among others.... This is a precise paper describing the benefits and influences of internet on the revenue and net income of organizations related to sports industry.... In the paper, the impact of internet on varied sports brands is revealed namely Nike, Reebok , Saucony and Puma among others....
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Sports Participation and Happiness
2 pages (707 words) , Download 3 , Essay
research shows there's a link between playing sports and self-esteem in children.... The paper "sports Participation and Happiness" tells us about the positive relationship between sports participation and happiness through physical health.... So playing sports regularly improves children's overall emotional wellbeing....
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Womanist Theology Research Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Womanist Theology ... n womanist theology, religion provides a conceptual framework that revises and reconsiders the scriptures, practices, traditions, and biblical interpretation based on a special lens in order to liberate and empower America's African American women.... .... ... ... Name Institution Instructor Course Date Womanist Theology In womanist theology, religion provides a conceptual framework that revises and reconsiders the scriptures, practices, traditions, and biblical interpretation based on a special lens in order to liberate and empower America's African American women....
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The understanding of modern urban life
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
_______________________________________ Link both essays in together and edit from 1100 to 600 words ie what is contained between the line above and the line at the end A utopia is an imaginary place, situated in a particular time and space, that is socially, morally, and politically ideal, and a dystopia is its exact opposite....
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Final Research paper Ryves Youth Center
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
According to recent research, “at risk youth” {“children who deal with extreme circumstances ought by family members, peers, and social circumstances on a regular basis such as substance abuse, violence, or extreme poverty” (Miller 10)} are faced with complex issues that pose hardships in their life.... Some of the activities offered by Ryves hall include basketball, volleyball among other recreation activities....
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Gay Marriage Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Kings Academia research research Paper April 27, 2012 Solutions to Proposition 8 Standoff The Proposition 8 standoff has led to a severe fracturing of the Californian community besides trampling underfoot minority rights.... Matthias K.... The proposition withdraws the right to gay marriage, and this has led to the splitting of the community into two camps: the pro and anti-proposition 8....
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HR Strategy of Brunazzi Sports Systems
21 pages (5250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This research paper "HR Strategy of Brunazzi Sports Systems" states that the HR function has consistently faced a battle in justifying its position in organizations.... Brunazzi sports Systems, as core brand of Bendicco, aims to expand their manufacturing and engineering excellence worldwide by opening new development centers and manufacturing facilities abroad.... Furthermore, it would also allow Brunazzi sports System to gain a competitive edge in the market of high-performance exhaust systems because, at present, a number of international organizations are looking to set up their business operations in China....
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Training for Fitness and Sport
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
ll sports people respond to training in varied ways, depending on their age, gender, developmental age, heredity and past training history.... In sports training, it is universally agreed that an athlete needs to rest for a longer time than non-athletes (8 to 10 hours)....
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Best American Short Stories
6 pages (1518 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Exley mirrors these aspirations in his own ruminations about sports fandom, which is touched upon in his book—but he also makes plain the common dilemma that Sal has in “On the Road,” which is primarily in the search for a life partner.... It is not just a book about describing sports fandom, but about loneliness, the stigma of mental illness, and the inability to conquer one's addictions in the face of great emotional turmoil....
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Int Econ Term Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Name Surname Supervisor Subject Date Int Econ Term Paper Vietnam is a South-East Asian country with a population of around 6.... million.... Before 1975, it was in war with the US.... The country initiated economic reforms (called doi moi) in 1986.... Until then it had meager exports in agricultural products; however, as reforms progressed and foreign direct investment (FDI) increased, the GDP and exports grew dramatically....
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Exports are good for the U.S. economy
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Exports are goods and services that a country offers to another country for the exchange of foreign currency (Schrier).... A country may export goods such as raw materials or food to another country.... Services exported may.... ... ... Discussed below is the importance of exports to the US economy. ...
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3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
[Instructor Name] Summary and Response: Children Need to Play, Not to Compete In the essay “Children Need to Play, Not to Compete” Jessica Statsky focuses on mental and physical impacts of organized competitive sports on children of six to twelve year (O'Connor and Braverman 25-26).... She states that organized competitive sports harms children physically and psychologically.... Furthermore, children engaged in competitive sports are inclined to win....
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Improving Performance in the Coaching Process
9 pages (2590 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Construct validity is how well a given piece of data relates with other measures such as previous research findings.... Scientific research and literature enables coaches to control variables and statistical data when faced with various observations (Sanderson 1983).... The conclusions obtained from scientific research enable better analysis and intervention.... However, this kind of research can limit the generalization of results towards various situations or players....
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Bullfighting Sports Tradition
2 pages (615 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author of the "Bullfighting sports Tradition" paper states that killing animals in such a cruel way is not a show of courage.... The author is completely against it.... It is we who are appreciating it and making this sport popular and it is we who can stop it.... ... ... ... The bull is left to bleed during the fight....
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Global Challenges in Governance Research Essay 2
8 pages (2021 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper " Global Challenges in Governance research Essay 2" tells ua about analyse the main challenges that most poor countries.... We will use Kenya as our reference country since it is ranked by the UNDP as a low human development country as at 2014 statistics (UNDP, 2014).... ...
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Fiscal Policy Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Macro and Micro economics Fiscal Policy Paper Discuss within your Learning Team how and why the U.... .... s deficit, surplus and debt have an effect on the following: 1.... Tax payers 2.... Future Social Security and Medicare users 3.... Unemployed individuals 4.... University of Phoenix student 5....
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Ducati Sports and Cruisers Bike From Buyers Point of View
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The research paper aims at understanding and identifying the perception and preference level of customers for Ducati Sports Bike and Ducati Cruisers.... The research paper also aims at analyzing reasons behind their preference based on the primary research.... The research aims at highlighting the customers' preferences for Ducati sports bikes and Ducati cruisers.... he research aims at underpinning the difference between the two bikes along with identifying the buying preference of customers for them in an analytical manner....
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Should College Football Players be paid
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
On the other hand, the schools have been gaining so much extra funds for spending on other programs and non-revenue sports.... Abstract For many years, college football players have been contributing much to the reputation of the school and for this, they have been aptly provided with scholarships by their respective schools....
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Michael Jordans biography as a sportsperson as well as a non-sports person
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This research analyzes Michael Jordan's (MJ) biography as a sportsperson as well as a non-sports person.... In the report, the researcher has presented a brief discussion of Michael Jordan's (MJ) non-sport background and MJ's sports background.... This paper analyses MJ's biography as a sportsperson as well as a non-sports person.... It is believed that MJ was interested not only in sports activities but also in some of the other unacceptable social activities such as gambling....
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The Influence of the Olympics 2012
16 pages (4832 words) , Download 2 , Essay
rg/en/resources-for-research/contents/research-in-focus/european-capitals-of-culture/resources/capitalising-on-culture-an-evaluation-of-culture-led-urban-regeneration-policy ... Planning Practice & research, May, Vol.... International Journal of Urban and Regional research.... The Olympic Games are the world's largest sports mega-event.... he Olympic Games is the world's largest sports mega-event, with a history spanning more than 100 years (Garcia, 2008)....
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Personal Adornment Reflection
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In my high school days, I was very much inclined towards games and sports.... I prefer mild perfumes rather than strong sports deodorants.... Yes, I go for gym and during those times, I prefer shorts or tights along with sports T-shirts.... Personal Adornment Reflection If face is the index of mind, then one's dressing sense or get-up does reflect the personality of the individual....
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American Football Rules
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
?? Talk about the game football and depending on precisely which place an individual is one of two completely dissimilar sports may appear in mind.... Coal Valley, IL: Quality sports Publications, 1999.... The author of the paper concludes that the sport of football possesses the past of continuous changes in the rules....
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