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Reflection paper
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
At the same time, IT systems have become so commonplace that their value or uniqueness has diminished somewhat over time.... IT was originally considered to be a.... ... ... However, with the expansion of IT the system has now become an infrastructural technology.... One mistake that many managers make is that they think that the advantages to be gained from infrastructural ISM 6021: Management Information Systems Over the past 50 years organizations have come to realize the importance that IT can have for their business....
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Financial Crime and the Law
24 pages (6000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Outlining the different types of financial crime and its impact, this research gives detailed information about the regulatory processes, systems and legislation which exist in the UK.... ccording to the research findings in recent years, the occurrence of the global financial crisis made it evident that the shortcomings of the laws in terms of complex nature are being associated with the crimes conducted in the specific sector, imposing huge level of impact on the legal bindings....
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Decisions in Paradise Paper part 1,2, and 3
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Keeping our company's mission in mind, the time has arrived to apply effective decision making in meeting the various internal and external challenges of the situation in Kava and propose appropriate solution so as to establish a significant presence here.... Kava, having a.... ... ... ultural society with hugely diversified problems, needs to inspire its inhabitants to convert their misfortune into opportunities for personal growth and socio economic development of the region....
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Wildlife and Urbanization Process
8 pages (2037 words) , Download 0 , Essay
It is important to carry out some research on the nutritional needs of the wild birds in your surroundings and choose a food combination that will most appropriate for the kind of wild birds in the area.... Those who want to put up a birdhouse should conduct a small research on the birds that are in need of artificial homes in the area and then purchase or construct something that suits them....
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Components of a Well-Written Paper
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper 'Components of a Well-Written Paper' presents a well-written paper which should have correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.... Moreover, a well-written paper should cater to the needs of the readers or subscribers.... Responsiveness, thesis, organization/focus, development, style, presentation, etc are some of the prerequisites....
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The Image of Women in News
7 pages (1862 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Women as signs Chart Woman signs categories Men in My research (14) Women in research (22) Private individuals 20% 10% Authorities 22% 8% Celebrities 8% 20% Political activists 30 % 22% Unidentifiable 10% 30% Feminists 10% 10% In category 1, Women are represented in media as relatives or mothers.... From the research, the newspaper still demonstrates that women cannot qualify or interested in real or hard news.... From the research, the problem lies in when most stories that will obviously interest women are included in the content of the newspaper, while the quality and number of stories that represents women still remains scanty....
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How Best to Prepare for the Future Job
4 pages (1102 words) , Download 2 , Essay
I am basically interested in every kind of sports.... The author of the paper "How Best to Prepare for the Future Job" will begin with the statement that all of us have certain goals and ambitions in our life.... Every human being is born with a purpose.... Our purpose keeps changing with our life cycle....
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Witchcraft Term Paper
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Witchcraft is generally thought to be something evil practiced by individuals interested in harming people or making them do what they themselves like for their own interests.... However, witchcraft cannot be defined in a so easy manner as it is a rich term and has a considerable history.... ... ...
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Critical Issue Paper Two
8 pages (2143 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay 'Critical Issue Paper Two' is dedicated to the largest world armed conflict in the history of mankind, the Second World War, which lasted from September 1, 1939, to September 2, 1945, and its impact on life in the United States of those years, ethics and economic relations.... ... ... ... Before being able to comment on the principles of war and judge whether the Second World War was the best war ever, details regarding the United States homefront and the war itself will be accounted for through the works of the authors/historians in the following paragraphs and pages....
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The Sunflower Paper
8 pages (2076 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper ''The Sunflower Paper'' focuses on the subject of forgiveness, how and when it applies in the context of the awful events that befell the Jews during Nazi's reign.... n the 'Sunflower,' Wiesenthal gives us a harrowing account of how events unfolded during the reign of the Nazi's regime....
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Research Brief: Women and Minorities as Strategy
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
research Brief: Women and Minorities as Strategy 1.... What are the strategic advantages and disadvantages of having a diverse (e.... .... gender, age, race, etc.... board of directors and executive team?... Diverse board of directors and executive team in a particular workplace of an organization include the individuals possessing different experiences, as well as ways of thinking, cultural backgrounds, ethnicities, departments and being of different age....
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Generation Y Consumers
18 pages (4738 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Most of them will be reading business news papers and magazines and watching business news channels.... The marketers conduct research to defend, develop counter measures to meet the market competition.... Recent demographic and related research endows members of the baby boomers, X and Y generations with particular attitudinal and behavioral characteristics.... For instance sports brands like Nike, Reebok or Adidas have been going for celebrities to endorse their brands....
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Proposal for Exec Hotels for Business Improvement
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
research uncovers that in the UK, over 25 percent of surveyed companies expect to be spending more on corporate travel in 2011 (PriceWaterhouseCoopers, 2010).... These representatives will target UK corporate offices and other businesses in cities in London and outside of the region so as to illustrate why weekend stays at Exec Hotels can be a significant distraction from corporate responsibilities and also related to lifestyle and recreation.... Each guerrilla team will also be equipped with pamphlets and brochures about culture and recreation in major UK cities, with a 25% off one weekend day stay that can be detached as a coupon to act as an incentive to extend the corporate stay and make it a personal one....
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Why Is There A Lack Of Men In The Early Years Workforce
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Lynn Trodd, head of the Children's Workforce Development Council contends that research shows that men perceive working in an early years environment is not as prestigious as corporate jobs, have fewer career opportunities, has a vague career structure, the pension system is not in place and there is less in-service training.... In my research for this paper I came across men who worked in the early years setting who shared their own experiences and perspectives in working in such a female-dominated career....
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The Reliability and Validity of a Tool Research
1 pages (291 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "The Reliability and Validity of a Tool research" tells us about whether research methods can reproduce the same results multiple times.... If your research methods can produce consistent results, then the methods are likely reliable and not influenced by external factors.... Validity refers to how well your research measures what it intends to measure, and how accurately it reflects the reality of the phenomenon you are studying....
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Multinational Corporations
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
For instance, the Coca cola Company supports the sports activities.... The coca cola company has sponsored such sports as football in developing nations by providing the teams with uniforms, painting stadiums e.... Multinational corporations refer to business entities with operations in many countries....
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West High School in Denver, Colorado
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
?? This is the motto of the Denver High School, the topic of my research.... ?? This is the motto of the Denver High School, the topic of my research.... West High School or New Denver West High School Home of the Cowboys was pioneered by Owen J.... Goldrick.... His school opened in 1859 in a log cabin with 13 students....
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Major in Communication Studies
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Admission/Application Essay
Mapping communication and media research: Conjunctures, institutions, challenges.... Topical issues require a student to possess knowledge of writing magazines and newspapers, sports, political topics, as well as weather news.... The paper contains a letter of intent from a second-year journalism student who expresses the desire to study communication studies major in one of the leading institutions of higher learning....
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Gun on campus position paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) noted, “State legislation mandating that individuals be allowed to carry guns on campus is likely to be introduced again in many states this year.... ?? The number of states in which lawmakers have stripped.... ... ... Currently, 21 states ban concealed weapons on campus while 24 states allow individual public institutions to set their concealed weapons policy. ...
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Women in Psychology
5 pages (1550 words) , Download 3 , Essay
“The Unknown Karen Horney: essays on Gender, Culture, and ... The paper "Women in Psychology" presents the background of Karen Horney and her various contributions to the field of psychology.... Horney developed theories closely-connected with those of Sigmund Freud, blending rationale with wisdom to assist in building a new element of psychological examination....
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GlaxoSmithKline: Introducing the Potential for a Line of Bottled Waters
12 pages (3413 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "GlaxoSmithKline: Introducing the Potential for a Line of Bottled Waters" presents a mix that requires that the price, promotion, product, and place be appropriate to the highest potential for the product.... The pricing of the product should be in line with other bottled water products....
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Whether the Embryonic Stem-Cell Research Is Immoral
1 pages (371 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper under the headline 'Whether the Embryonic Stem-Cell research Is Immoral" focuses on the fact that stem cell research is concerned with studying different types of body cells that possess the potential to improve and normalize a variety of body functions.... Stem cell research is relatively new emergent in the field of medical sciences that promises a cure for chronic conditions; however, the source of stem cells had caused much controversy on this subject in the past....
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Age of Holidaymakers in Walmington
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
ypes of research Methods ... The aim of primary research is to make known something previously unknown and to advance human knowledge by making it more certain or better fitting; the aim is discovery (Elias and Dunning, 1986; 91-92).... A research design provides a structure for the collection and analysis of data.... A preference of research design reflects decisions about precedence being given to a scope of dimension of the research process (Bryman, 2001; 54-57)....
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Consequences and Remedies for Plagiarism
6 pages (1760 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Requiring students to submit their term papers at the end of the semester or course without monitoring their progress create the opportunity of cheating.... Towards the end of the semester and faced with limited time, students who have not started researching their papers may pursue easier alternatives (Posner, 2007).... Involvement of instructors in the process minimizes chances of cheating, such as copying or buying papers since students need to demonstrate progress on a continuing basis....
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Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research
2 pages (542 words) , Download 4 , Essay
In the paper 'Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral research,' the author provides the Belmont report, which defined the practice as an intervention that had a reasonable chance of enhancing the well being of the individual patient involved.... research is the process that is designed to "test a hypothesis, permit conclusions to be drawn, and thereby to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge".... research has a predefined protocol and endpoint objectives....
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Health Sciences: An All-Encompassing Scrutiny
21 pages (5250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This research paper will cover the following questions: To what extent has public health contributed to the improvement in health status and quality of life throughout history?... Is poverty a cause of poor health in a community, or is poor health a cause of poverty?... How would different views of this question influence public health policy?...
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Free Trade vs. Protectionism
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
However, the research starts where there is an unfair turn seen in the trading policies that are a nation's own together with the international trade pacts and agreements.... For example as Japan completed the agreement with Singapore in 2001, a workshop to research the viability of an agreement with Mexico was also formed....
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The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
10 pages (3011 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This means that if a product is imported from third parties, the necessary duties are imposed but once it get to EU, Article 29 indicates that such goods are then considered to be free during circulation within the members of European Union (European research Council, 2007).... uropean research Council....
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Overthrow - Americas Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq by Stephen Kinzer
6 pages (1721 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Overthrow - America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq by Stephen Kinzer" promotes historical evidence that supports Kinzer's assertion that America perceived itself as a peculiar, chosen people, the Israel of our times, a nation of diverse culture and multicultural people....
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Price Elasticity for Electronic Chips
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Price Elasticity for Electronic Chips" focuses on the DRAM that was reported to have reached record low prices in the post-holiday season, due to the oversupply of the memory chip, sending PC prices down as a consequence.... This development occurs in the industry.... ... ... ... At present, there is a post-holiday oversupply of DRAMs, due to an attempt by companies to remain competitive....
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International Business and Rapidly Developing Economy
12 pages (3435 words) , Download 2 , Essay
These countries, including United States, through their research and development provide China with new technology.... The paper "International Business and Rapidly Developing Economy" highlights that even though China is no longer a strictly communist state but it is yet to embrace a democratic stance which would further increase its chances of becoming a superpower in the near future....
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Child Obesity, plaguing the nation for our next generation: an in-depth study
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
??) Children in this current generation has a shorter life expectancy due to high rates of obesity as opposed to children 2 decades ago (Hill, 25) Obesity is an excessive accumulation of body fat you need to properly cite sources – the reference is the report supporting your claim –do the required research.... After conducting extensive research, I came across an interesting approach that was developed by J.... Also they should let the children getting involved in sports by making them join schools team....
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Effective and High Quality Education for People with Cerebral Palsy
7 pages (1912 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research was conducted in Europe among 14 centers in13 geographical regions.... Cerebral Palsy: Hope Through research, NIH Publication No 10-159.... It will take a lot of effort and treatment to achieve one's goals such as sports and carrier with this condition....
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Conclusion for the thesis
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Various electronic devices, multimedia as well as computers are all next to impracticable without internet.... The internet help us retrieve files such as journals,.... ... ... Apart from retrieving files, we can also share them with other people through uploading them on several networking websites or through sending them through an e-mail. ...
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Use of Non-probability Samples in Management Research
7 pages (2096 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Implications of applying non-probability samples for presentation of findings and research design. ... The paper "Use of Non-probability Samples in Management research" is an impressive example of a Management essay.... The use of samples makes it possible for research to be manageable.... The paper "Use of Non-probability Samples in Management research" is an impressive example of a Management essay.... The use of samples makes it possible for research to be manageable....
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Man's Search For Meaning
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Admission/Application Essay
English 111 Professor Land Name of the Student Date Submitted Final Essay 2 Introduction Man's search for meaning is as old as life itself.... From the time of the earliest philosophers and thinkers, scientists and inventors, we have wondered about life and the purpose of our existence on Earth.... ...
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Country Development Report
11 pages (3467 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper ''Country Development Report'' tells us that the post-world war II intellectual and historical perspectives on scholarly thinking examined developmental agenda using four competing theories.... Each of these theories provides valuable insight into how development should take place.... ...
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Shakespeares Macbeth
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay declares that differentiating between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth in terms of desire, action and the successive destruction Macbeth is one of Shakespeare's shadiest and most disastrous works.... This play has been read and performed all over the world.... .... ... ... As the paper stresses Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, even though their characters may appear alike, they are in fact dissimilar in many features....
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Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing in Victoria
7 pages (1859 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
In this research paper, we shall focus on the mental health and wellbeing in Australia and in particular the adolescents.... The research paper on the state of mental health and illness among adolescents in Australia is helpful since it will allow policy makers in the development of guidelines which address different intervention strategies in combating the problem.... The research paper will allow a health professional to develop skills of early identification of mental illness symptoms and refer the patient to the relevant mental health professional for treatment....
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Being an Atheist by H J McCloskey
7 pages (2279 words) , Download 3 , Essay
om/essays/Response-To-On-Being-An-Atheist/253461 (2009): para.... om/essays/Response-To-On-Being-An-Atheist/253461 (2009).... om/essays/Response-To-On-Being-An-Atheist/253461 (2009): para.... om/essays/Response-To-On-Being-An-Atheist/253461 (2009)....
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Brand Audit at Coca Cola
6 pages (1766 words) , Download 6 , Essay
The Journal of the Operational research Society 59 (4) April.... While analysing the firm's corporate history, it seems that Coke maintains its brand image by means of communications focused on the product's supreme quality; and it also keeps close associations with celebrities, film stars, and sports events (Keller, 2000).... In addition, the company has achieved a luxury image through the sponsorship of major sports events like World Cup Football....
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Should GMO foods be banned in the United States
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
GMOs refer to bacteria, animals, as well as plants that tend be engineered either for research that is scientific or production through agricultural ways.... Introduction GMOs refer to bacteria, animals, as well as plants that tend be engineered either for research that is scientific or production through agricultural ways.... essays done by various authors can be regarded as an indication of the harmful effects that GMOs have on the environment, and why they should be banned in the United States....
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Understanding Alliance Boots Internationalisation Process - Boots Thailand
13 pages (3428 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In addition, the function and choice of the entry mechanisms in the market have a drawn considerable research interests.... espite diversified experiences in the retail sector, research is based on two premises.... Secondly, research has almost assumed growth and success.... iven Boot's comprehensive understanding, the core research question is ... Their research explains that internationalism is best perceived as the product of firm's strategies to strength network positions, which is traditionally referred to as market position protection....
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Countryside or the city
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Therefore every child is entitled to enjoy the services of recreation, for example, the fresh air camps established in Canada often found in urban areas were an integral part of the development of the child.... Therefore every child is entitled to enjoy the services of recreation for example the fresh air camps established in Canada often found in urban areas were an integral part of the development of the child.... For example, apart from visiting sports facilities, most youth in the countryside do not venture outside the house as compared to their urban counterparts who have several activities they can get involved in. ...
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Is The World Really Becoming A Global Village
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Today we can shop world-wide; we can work from home for a company on the other side of the world; we can know what is happening throughout the globe almost instantaneously; we can learn, research, and study any given subject; we can conduct business on an international level, and we can chat with those from different cultures.... In 2002, the Global Scenario Group (GSG), which was an environmental research and forecasting organization, formally presented the results of an extensive study concerning future globalization, in an essay entitled, “Great Transition: The Promise and Lure of the Times Ahead”....
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Analysis of Internet Auction Fraud
6 pages (1896 words) , Download 1 , Essay
This calls to perform a thorough research about a seller by also using a business bureau where most businesses across the globe are located.... ang, Y, et al: (2004) Parallel and Autonomous Agents Based Internet Marketplace,” Electronic Commerce research and Applications, 3 (3)294-310. ... “The Effects of Shilling on Final Bid Prices in Online Auctions,” Electronic Commerce research and Applications, 4 (1) 21-34.... This is most often in the cases of sports memorabilia....
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Is the Global Economy Converging to one Form of Capitalism
5 pages (1698 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Brookings papers on Economic Activity, 1-95.... For instance, research by Pawakapan (2000) shows the creation of new market by firms in a Thai village by sending sales force with branded products, which just preferred to speak national rather than local language.... research reveals that a positive relationship exists between managerial ownership and performance until a certain threshold level of ownership concentration.... Though it is not clear that how shifting state ownership affects firm's outcome, research suggests that private ownership yields far better performance....
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Strategic Fashion Marketing
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This research evaluates the extent that design or marketing is more significant in affecting consumer behavior in the fashion industry.... While Zara is engaged in strong marketing efforts, this research argues that it is the design functionality that drives the success of these marketing campaigns.... Within this spectrum of understanding the research has argued that in large part it is design that drives marketing, such that the most practical and functional designs will allow for the most effective and widespread marketing campaigns....
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Changes in Taxation: Impact on Savers or Investors
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
( NBER Working papers) ... Available at http://papers.... om/sol3/papers.... Available at http://papers.... om/sol3/papers.... Available at http://papers.... om/sol3/papers.... elvin Milligan mainly attempts to find some consideration for the purpose of future research mainly on tax related savings account.... So in the concluding words it can be said that there is many other scope of research on this particular topic....
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BUS Unit 3 Individual Project
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It participates in sponsorship programs in sports events like Formula 1 and taps the young potential consumers.... Bus Unit 3 Individual Project Name of the of the University Date Answer 1: The automobile sector in the modern world is a budding segment of the economy that contributes a lot to the economic progress of nations....
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