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South Korean Automobile Market - Non-Tariff Barriers
36 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "South Korean Automobile Market-Non-Tariff Barriers" examines the updated trade patterns and determinant of complete passenger and road vehicle trade between the U.... and S.... Korea.... The main explanatory variable is the effect of S.... Korea's Non-Tariff Barriers on the automobile industry....
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Persuasive speech writing
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Here is a serious issue for the sociologists and the psychologists, more serious than controlling the assault rifles, to do some productive research, so that such incidents are not repeated.... I confidently assert that the answers to these questions will never be found through the measures envisaged by the so-called experts and the politicians handling this issue....
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Assignment 4.1: Research and Discussion on Business Crimes, Business Torts, and Product Liability
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Friedrich Flick is an example of a law suit showing business crime or brought against various companies working within the United States for their civil wrong in employee or customers handling. ... ... his example of a business tort states that Flick.... ... ... nd his counterparts had committed civil wrong while working as managers in their corporations to cause harm to various individuals who were being used as slaves....
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The Story of The Awakening and The Storm
4 pages (1724 words) , Download 2 , Essay
“New essays on the Awakening”, Cambridge University Press ... “Tradition and the Female talent: The Awakening as a solitary book” IN “The Awakening: A complete authoritative text with biographical and historical contexts, Critical History and essays from five contemporary critical perspectives”, Martin Press, pp 169-189 ... “Tradition and the Female talent: The Awakening as a solitary book” IN “The Awakening: A complete authoritative text with biographical and historical contexts, Critical History and essays from five contemporary critical perspectives”, (Nancy Miller edn), Martin Press, pp 169-189 ...
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The Film Invictus, Up in the Air
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In pursuit for this, the president, when aware that the country is set to host in a year's time, the 1995 Rugby World Cup, goes ahead to convince a meeting for the newly-black-dominated South African sports Committee to support the Springboks.... This paper discuses this film within the context of how inclusive the film is as far as addressing the processes of human socialization, the competing moral orders, as well as the compassionate stories” or narratives enacted by the characters are concerned....
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Globalization and Culture
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This research paper describes the connectiones between globalization, progressing interconnectedness between countries and modern cultures, that are mixing today.... The background of this research goes back from the days of long distance trade routes that emerged out of transport systems to the modern days of planes and policies propelling economies to influence globalization.... lobalization has been widely described as the interconnection between states and their cultures through trade, technology, sports and other forms....
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Neurotic Psychology
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Personality: Theory and research.... Personality, genetics, and behavior: Selected papers. ... The outcome of this study was in line with other research findings that have attached homogamy as a key norm in marriage.... Three essays on the theory of sexuality....
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What An Education Means To Me
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Admission/Application Essay
Practical vision and experiencing is far superior to knowledge gained through reading books, listening to lectures, writing lengthy papers and taking examinations.... The never-ending homework, writing essays, preparing for the debates and other academic competitions etc....
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Is It Possible to Ensure Scientific Rigour When Conducting Quantitative and Qualitative Research
6 pages (1664 words) , Download 5 , Essay
"Is It Possible to Ensure Scientific Rigour When Conducting Quantitative and Qualitative research" paper argues that the quality and reliability of any research finding depend on the techniques used in collecting data, sample choices, techniques in the analysis, and the illustration of the techniques .... In the past, studies were often conducted without consideration to scientific rigor, beginning with the objective leading to a general perception that scientific research was a pseudoscience, especially as a result of the method used....
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Research proposal is feasible to delivering package with drone in the nearest future
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The resources that will be used to conduct the research include books, journal, research articles and papers and information available on the internet portal.... This aspect is what inspires the extensive research into the delivery process that uses the unmanned aerial vehicles that are in most cases referred to as drones.... research questionsDespite being a potential area of improvement of service and the use of technology, the drones raises some economic, legal and safety concerns....
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To Outline a Synthesis or Summary of two Quantitative Research Articles about Nursing Rounds
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This paper seeks to outline a synthesis or summary of two quantitative research articles about nursing rounds and their effect with regards to aspects such as reduction of falls as well as patient satisfaction.... This particular paper is a reproduction of the a quantitative research paper written by Christine M.... research has shown that falls among patients in the US are a problem given that 2.... The sampling method employed by the study is non-probability sample on all subjects who are 18 years and over admitted to 4 South (Oncology/OBGYN) or 6 South (Orthopedic/Neurology) at Hospital during the period of the research....
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The Factors That Attract the Tourists to Visit Orlando, FL
18 pages (5865 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The factors that attract the tourists to visit Orlando,FL A research Proposal Table of Contents Content Page SECTION 1…………………………………………………………………………………4 Abstract…………………………………………………………………………….... ??………………………………14 research Design and Approach…………………………………………………….... The primary objective of this research is to identify the factors that attract tourist to Orlando, Florida....
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Elements of US Culture
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is a tough task for the American youth to join a school or college as they have to go through the tiring task of proving why they are joining the school through essays, tests and recommendations.... The concept of freedom of expression has been enrooted in the social mindset since the period of European Enlightenment....
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The Reasons Behind the Volatility of Agricultural Product Prices and Other Questions
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Many governments also have invested in the boosting of agricultural production by strengthening agricultural research and innovation.... Congressional research Service.... The educational institutions can benefit from access to research funds and a large pool of students.... Lastly Australia have also supported the public sector research infrastructure and provided a strong education system (McPherson, 2008, 64)....
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Report market sells product internationally
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the age of globalisation market players are essentially trying to reach out to profitable market segments.... The present study would analyse the business prospects of setting up a new business venture comprising of beer as a product in the UK market.... The choice of the market assumes significance considering the economic growth....
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Guest lecturer reports
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Social Construction of Technology Name: Course: Lecturer: University: Date: Synopsis Social construction of technology (SCOT) links the everyday societal economical needs such as transport, food production etc to the human effort in order to embed technology to its social context.... ... ... ... Engineering assist in the implementation of this theory through, trying to solve the technical problems that are prominent in the society....
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Scotts Fitness Center
2 pages (560 words) , Download 4 , Essay
From the paper "Scotts Fitness Center " it is clear that it is really essential to state that the organization can change its fee structure or charge a higher fee depending on the size of the facility and the hours in which the services are provided.... ... ... ... Scotts fitness center has to focus on various constructs while devising a plan to increase its profitability and to compete in the market....
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When Disaster Starts
10 pages (2946 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The author of "When Disaster Starts" essay describes the earthquake that took place on May 16 2009 in Qatar.... The author states that the consequences of earthquakes can be catastrophic and it is impossible to predict earthquakes.... Awareness is the only remedial measure to loss of innocent lives....
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Reports for ODE Complaints
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
There are several complaints against the authorities of the school district, in relation to education of students with disabilities.... The students with disabilities required special and.... ... ... According to the parents, the District has not implemented the Individualized Education Program (IEP)....
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Issus on Populr Journlism
16 pages (4196 words) , Download 2 , Essay
"Issuеs on Populаr Journаlism" paper conducts а rеsеаrch on thе strеаming dеvеlopmеnt of British journаlism аnd еffеcts it hаs on modеrn sociеty.... Journаlism еxpаnds businеss of diffеrеnt fiеlds аs wеll аs grows strеаmingly itsеlf through vаrious sourcеs of informаtion еxpаnsion аnd growth....
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Student Perceptions of Reflective Practice
24 pages (9293 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
It analyzes current studies and research reports that contain student perspectives on reflective learning.... The proposal "Student Perceptions of Reflective Practice" critically analyzes the concepts of online education and its prominence in recent years and the concept of reflective practice....
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The Polarities in Kate Chopins Short Story Ripe Figs
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper consists of three papers.... These are The Polarities in Kate Chopin's Short Story Ripe Fig, Life and aging: Robert Frost's The Span of a Life and “A Comparison of Two Scriptural Narratives: The Judgment of King Solomon and The Prodigal Son”.... ... ... ... The godmother is cautious about how she takes care of the child's world, not burdening her with more than she needed to know....
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American and Japanese Motorcycles
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
They then made their way to Europe and later made their presence felt in the US.... The Japanese motorcycles evolved from small slow mopeds to reliable, designer, fast, and above.... ... ... The Japanese made constant progress that was lacking from the American counterparts.... One of the most welcomed developments was the introduction of the electric start system. ...
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Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and the Risks They Face in an International Environment
10 pages (2905 words) , Download 2 , Essay
While taking SMEs in UK as an example, thirty six percent of SMEs  business leaders of UK  who carry out international business quote ‘currency fluctuations' (Latest Market research Surveys 2009) as their overruling concern.... “research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem” (research Methodology: An Introduction 1978).... SME should research on consumer tastes, trends and preference so that the SME's business can react to changes that occur in the market frequently....
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Political Economy of Ireland
5 pages (1624 words) , Download 4 , Essay
American Economic Association papers and Proceedings , 86(2), 240-245.... The paper "Political Economy of Ireland" describes that Ireland being relatively such a small country with such a low population has been able to develop and gain the position where there is a higher attraction for foreign direct investments and overall excellence....
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The Measures Implemented by the Chronicle Gazette in Order to Increase Its Advertising Revenues
9 pages (2582 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
onsulting Report Introduction The Chronicle Gazette is one of the leading and popular news papers in US.... Operational Capabilities The news paper publishers used to implement vertical integration process in their distribution papers.... In this present problematic scenario, it is recommended for The Chronicle Gazette to implement online version of the papers with print value edition.... Several news cover ages including sports news, political news, and entertainment and art news are being available for free to the each and every online reader....
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Schizophrenia and Bipolar in Psychiatric Researches
12 pages (3533 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
The authors have however also emphasized on the fact that more researches on the topic should be conducted as the topic needs to be addressed on a broader and wider perspective and research (Ivlevaa, et al.... Schizophrenia And Bipolar Critical Discussion Schizophrenia and Bipolar are two different and diverse terms in psychiatric research as suggested by different researches and studies.... If the traditional medical practices in the field of psychiatric research are observed critically then it will come into knowledge that these modern diagnostic practices are based on the assumption that schizophrenia and bipolar disorders are separate entities of a disease....
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Doing Business with Japanese
30 pages (7892 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Doing Business with Japanese" discusses that generally, Japanese culture and business etiquettes are the most considerable factors for overseas business in both starting a business in the Japanese market and also trading the Japanese firms.... ... ... ... The initial part of the project will talk about the country and the business already existing in the country....
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The Irish Image in Contemporary Society
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Today, the common concept of the Irish is that of a feisty, fun-loving people.... Passionate, loyal, driven, and communal are all traits commonly associated with the Irish.... So, too, are drunk, aggressive, childish, and slovenly.... Popular depictions of the Irish in 19th and early 20th century print consist of boorish, ape-like figures often surging with violent mobs, or living in squalid tenements surrounded by hundreds of filthy children in rags....
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Research a current wireless networking trend
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Computer networking technology has undergone a lot of revolutions and developments concerning the media of transfer of information and data from wired LANs to wireless technologies for local area networks within an enterprise as well as organizations.... Wireless technology tends.... ... ... Wireless networking technology is subjective to improvements in order to meet the ever changing and ever growing demands of enterprises and organizations....
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Christine Mari Evert as a Leader
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
?Greatest sports heroes of all times.... his source majorly talks about the top ranking sports personalities of all times in the United States of America.... Christopher and Smith, (2007) lists and discusses several sports achievers who have made big impacts in the sporting field.... They cite Christine Evert as one of the most successful sports personalities.... ?A to Z of American women in sports.... his resource majorly talks about all that pertains to all the American women who were engaged in sports....
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Mechanisms Involved in the Development of Atherosclerosis
5 pages (1445 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author of the "Mechanisms Involved in the Development of Atherosclerosis" paper discusses the laboratory development of cardiac markers used for investigating patients with suspected AMI.... The study further extrapolates the development of atherosclerosis.... .... ... ... In the modern day scenario, chest pain and other related symptoms might signify 'Acute Myocardial Infraction'....
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Gang Violence and Links to Drugs
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research will begin with the definition of crime as an action or activity considered as an offense against society in general, prosecuted by public officials and is punishable under criminal law by statutorily imposed sanctions such as loss of personal freedom or life.... According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that one of the manifestations of crime in the American neighborhood is gang violence.... Based on research findings collated by Bratina, ethnicity is a contributing factor to crime in terms of social disorganization, delinquency, poverty, blocked economic opportunities, culture conflicts, language barriers, the ratio of males to females and issues associated with assimilation (263, 263). ...
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Macroeconomic Performance of the UAE
9 pages (2599 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The essay "Macroeconomic Performance of the UAE" focuses on the critical analysis of the economic conditions currently prevailing within the United Arab Emirates (UAE), over the last ten years.... Thereon, the strengths and weaknesses in the economy of UAE have been addressed in this study.... ... ...
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The Proposed US-South Korea Free Trade
1 pages (297 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper entitled 'The Proposed US-South Korea Free Trade' presents the South Korean negotiators who have already extended vital concessions to the US automobile sector in the FTA.... This includes the elimination of tariffs on the automobiles manufactured in the US.... ... ... ... According to the provisions of the KORUS FTA, as soon as this agreement is approved by the Congress, Korea will allocate a duty-free status to almost 2/3rd of the agricultural products that it imports from the US....
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A Regional Overview of the Pond Inlet Area
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This essay discusses a regional overview of the pond inlet area.... It analyses the recent development of the pond inlet region.... This essay considers communication with the region and the emergence of an infrastructure and economic development of the pond inlet area.... ... ... ... Pond Inlet is a small hamlet – with a history dating back some 4,000 years - on the northern extremity of Baffin Island....
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Effects of the Key Discoveries in Science since 1800
5 pages (1697 words) , Download 0 , Essay
After his discovery had been acknowledged with a Nobel Prize, Chadwick was able to create a new department that was instrumental in the invention of the cyclotron that was cutting edge nuclear research at the time.... One area that it has already affected safety assessment research, especially because finding efficacious and safe drugs has always proven challenging....
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Writing for the English Major
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It was a contest piece, but it failed to win, largely perhaps of the topic, not the quality of writing.... The essay was all about lying.... The author fails to persuade the.... ... ... The Decay of the Art of Lying is an essay complains about the demise of the “art” of lying, as the author sees it....
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Are Wal-Mart Stores Good for America
8 pages (2151 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Market research is a vital tool that can help businesses in evolving appropriate strategies for expanding into new markets.... Market research helps in gaining competitive advantage in the industry and expands operations to new and emerging market regions.... Market research is used by managers to understand the market dynamics and economic forces driving consumer trends and expectations.... Market research provides the managers with an in-depth knowledge and insight into the opportunities and threats existing in the operating market environment and the industry competitive forces that have a significant impact on market share and potentials....
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BMW Marketing Plan in China and Japan
19 pages (5510 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This essay "BMW Marketing Plan in China and Japan" presents BMW that have embarked on various marketing plans that are aimed at enhancing its survival in the market.... The company has decided to come up with different ways of reaching out to its potential customers.... ... ... ... So far the company has hired Fallon worldwide and advertisement agencies in Minneapolis to develop new marketing strategies for their products....
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Reflaction Paper (Earth Science)
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
If we spent today on global warming research and development what is spent on defense and security for our nations, we would solve the energy crisis and have a peaceful planet upon which to live.... Reflecting on the course as a whole, what elements of the course did you find the most challenging, and why?...
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Professional Organizations Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
(2004), Analytic Quality Glossary, Quality research International, Retrieved April 3, 2008 from, http://www.... These organizations work for the benefit of the public in general and welfare of the professionals in specific, because they are.... ... ... Professional bodies also enforce codes of professional conduct and ethics in order to protect the professions in conjunction with public interests....
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Health Reform Plan Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Washington: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy research.... When Bill Clinton delivered a popular speech in September 1993, the main agenda of the proposed plan entailed an enforced mandate for employers to give health insurance coverage to their employees (Bowman, 1994)....
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Mohammed ali clay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Before the days of Mike Tyson and Lennox Lewis, Muhammed Ali popularized a sport known for its brutishness and violence.... Muhammed Ali became an international.... ... ... Born Cassius Clay in Kentucky in 1942, Muhammad Ali subsequently changed his name to embrace the Islamic faith.... This boxer was one of the most well-known Muslims of his generation As a professional athlete who popularized the sport and who remains one of the most well-known boxers of all time, Muhammad Ali was a three-time world heavyweight champion as well as an Olympic athlete....
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Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
7 pages (2257 words) , Download 0 , Essay
An investment company was forced to pay $62 for conservation research and protection of about 13 hectares of a habitat for endangered species after breaking national environment law.... Guide to Legal research: Australian Case Law.... The paper "Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999" has discussed the strengths and weaknesses of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth)....
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Contract law research
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In everyday life, people engage in a lot of interactions that entail many transactions.... Some of these transactions are in the form of a one off activity that does not involve future need to interact.... However, there are other cases when people take part in transactions that require making and keeping promises either in written or oral forms....
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Research and Employability
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Unlike everyone else, my ambition in life is not attainment of one single goal, rather it is two fold.... Technology has always interested me right from my early days.... It has not only fascinated me but I also feel that in today's modern scenario, keeping oneself updated regarding the latest technologies is of paramount importance for professional as well as personal success....
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Research on Classic Airlines
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Classic Airlines is a corporation that faces many challenges.... One of the inherent problems the firm is facing is that the company is currently barely obtaining a profit from its operation.... The net margin of the company last year was a very thin 0.... 1%.... The company was able to stay profitable, but the operating results of the company are below the industry average....
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Economic & Marketing (Research Project)
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Name: Professor: Institution: Course: Economic and Marketing Finance can be described as a branch of economics apprehensive with resource management as resource allocation, investment and acquisition.... The key deal of finance is matters related to the market and money being the key factor.... ... ...
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Research Confucius and Socrates
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
(Assignment) Confucius and Socrates Confucius, the highly determined Chinese scholar was born in 551 BCE in the state of LU.... He proved himself multitalented possessing all qualities of a great thinker whose deeds greatly influenced the spiritual history of China.... ... ... ... Confucius desired to restore the lost justice and harmony of Chinese society through his remarkable teachings throughout his lifetime....
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