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International Transport Assessment
8 pages (2364 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
006, Social Science Japan Journal ... This case study "International Transport Assessment" analyzes two very different enterprises in the transport sector at an international level, The Indian Railways and The Shinkansen of Japan, both of which have discovered their own route to the same goal of a profitable existence, a sense of the right path is now in view....
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Terroir in New Wine Regions - Possible Scientific Reasons for Terroir and Its Effect on Marketing and Tourism
6 pages (1916 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The soil Science, topography, climate and microbes are all discussed from a terroir perspective in this paper.... oil Science ... The paper 'Terroir in New Wine Regions - Possible Scientific Reasons for Terroir and Its Effect on Marketing and Tourism' is a potent example of a case study on agriculture....
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New Belgium Brewing Case Summary
12 pages (3233 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
US: Springer Science & Business Media.... From the case study provided, it is quite clear that NBB is extensively and effectively involved in conducting various social responsibilities including proper management of wastes, recycling of the products, and taking initiatives for the betterment of its customers along with the societal members among others....
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Understanding the Development of Mental Disorders and Its Recovery Process
12 pages (3602 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
ouda, H, & Powles, J 2014, The Science of epidemiology and the methods needed for public health assessments: a review of epidemiology textbooks, BMC Public Health, 14, 1, pp.... This case study "Understanding the Development of Mental Disorders and Its Recovery Process" explores Mary's mental health conditions....
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Samsung Customers Perceptions on Branding
34 pages (8500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Samsung Customers' Perceptions on Branding" examines how the customer experience, satisfaction and loyalty can influence customer perceptions towards the Samsung brand, explains the concept of branding and related variables that drive brand success, brand value.... ... ... ... The evaluations of the Samsung brand may differ across cultures, and this may be worth investigating to increase the external validity of the findings of this research....
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Strategic Capability of IKEA
13 pages (3667 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
?Academy of Marketing Science Review, 1999, nv.... The paper 'Strategic Capability of IKEA' is a meaningful example of a management report.... Pralahad's model highlights four key competencies consisting of resources, capabilities, competitive advantage, and strategy that are accommodated in the four square matrices....
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The Nutritional Content of an Athlete's Diet
8 pages (2347 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "The Nutritional Content of an Athlete's Diet" describes that the individual patient is following many best practices of maintaining proper health and nutrition.... However, it is also clear and apparent that she is ignoring vital issues relating to the sustainment of her own health.... ...
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Starbucks Case Analysis
5 pages (1388 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2(13): 224-229. ... The main objective of this paper 'Starbucks Case Analysis' is to provide a lucid comprehension about how the aspect of employee development can facilitate Starbucks to mitigate the rising issues and also to maintain their competitive position amid their competitors....
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Cultural Change Analysis
8 pages (2217 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The study "Cultural Change Analysis" presents an analysis of the mergers of organizations within the changes in their cultural environment in a globalized world.... Organizations have been operating in an increasingly competitive environment, especially after the growth of globalization and free trade....
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Myths and Stories of Coles Group
6 pages (1657 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Perspectives on Leadership: From the Science of Management to Its Spiritual Heart.... This case study "Coles Group: Managing Director McLeod" focuses on the egalitarian and no-nonsense way of leadership that made McLeod a powerful leader at Coles supermarket.... Besides McLeod, other individuals in Coles's power structures entailed Gavin Parker, Tony Leon, and Peter Pokorny....
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Knowledge Sharing Networks and Strategic Alliances
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Organization Science, 13(2), 147-161.... Organization Science, 11(1), 77-101.... Organization Science, 9(4), 454-468.... From this paper "Knowledge Sharing Networks and Strategic Alliances" it becomes clear that forming strategic alliances are vital for an organization's success....
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Nursing Care Plan Based on Epidemiological Model
14 pages (4065 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The study "Nursing Care Plan Based on Epidemiological Model" analyzes a community nursing care plan with the expectation that it would promote and protect the health of the populations of this community.... It accomplishes the knowledge from nursing, social, and public health sciences.... ... ... ...
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Minimum Legal Drinking Age
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
t has been argued that "Science" convincingly shows a cause-and-effect relationship between the law and the reduction in fatalities.... We must neither confuse numbers with Science nor interpret a lack of numbers as implying an absence of Science.... t is time to liberate ourselves from the tyranny of "experts," who invoke "Science" in order to advance a prohibitionist agenda....
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U.S.Health Care System
11 pages (2949 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
New York City,NY: Springer Science & Business Media, 2008.... This paper ''U.... .... ealth Care System'' tells that the US health care system has evolved over time.... The system used to be simple with no much regulation and monitoring from the government.... The parties involved were patients, physicians, nurses, hospitals and one kind of insurance....
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Capacity and Distribution Management in ALDI - Challenges for Regional Distribution Centres
6 pages (2006 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, 4 (1). ... Organisations from inception have an expansion plan no matter the size, and for this to happen they need to have clear strategies for operations management (Kleinbaum and Stuart, 2013).... A simple definition of operations management is the planning and organizing of the production....
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How Effective Technological Measures Are the Solution to Various Marketing and Operational Problems
9 pages (2530 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
“Multi-criteria product mix problems”, International journal of Management Science, Vol.... "How Effective Technological Measures Are the Solution to Various Marketing and Operational Problems" paper summarises how the organization (Avison Industry, Ninak Fireworks Mindmap, and NINAK Fireworks) have strategically harnessed the use of operations and/or information systems....
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Professional Leadership and Organizational Change
8 pages (3205 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
(1951) Field Theory in Social Science, Harper Row, London. ... mplementation Science, 10(1), p.... Lessons from complexity Science.... This paper ''Professional Leadership and Organizational Change'' tells that According to the studies by Cicely Saunders Institute and Hospice UK, there has been an increased demand for hospice services due to inadequate primary care given to patients suffering from chronic illnesses that threaten their lives....
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Risk Management in GFC
12 pages (3446 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
?Annual Review of Political Science, 14, 67-87. ... The paper 'Risk Management in GFC" is a good example of a management case study.... This essay development is based on the need to evaluate the critical and underlying causes of the 2008 global financial crisis.... In this case, the overall argument in the market has been that the key cause of the industry failure was the real estate industry failure....
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Elementary School in Birmingham
8 pages (2241 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper 'Elementary School in Birmingham' presents an observation at an elementary school in Birmingham, Alabama.... The forty hours of observation were completed in a kindergarten classroom.... The teacher has over twenty-eight years of experience.... The class has 17 students: 8 girls and 9 boys....
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The Results of Evidence
9 pages (2572 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The following paper under the title 'The Results of Evidence' presents evidence-based practice which is a practice that has been gaining a lot of fame and importance throughout medical history since its start.... This practice was formally introduced in 1992.... ... ... ... This practice formally started with the field of medicine then it moved on to other fields also, fields like nursing....
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The AIDS Epidemic
5 pages (1120 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
AIDS: Science and Society.... This paper "The AIDS Epidemic" discusses that analytical studies on epidemiology focus more on the disease and the pathogen than the descriptive studies.... As far as AIDS is concerned, investigating the causes of the disease and how often it becomes a potential risk factor are done....
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Marks and Spencer: Factors Affecting the Supply and Demand
8 pages (2508 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
(MANAGEMENT Science).... Journal of Information Science , Vol.... This paper "Marks and Spencer: Factors Affecting the Supply and Demand" discusses the factors that significantly affect the supply for the food products offered by Marks and Spencer.... The economic concepts related to elasticity will be used in analyzing the forecasted sales of Marks and Spencer....
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Ethical Consumerism - Google Company
8 pages (2260 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This is however not an exact Science and some of the people may be influenced by the standards while other may not.... The paper "Ethical Consumerism - Google Company" is an outstanding example of a marketing case study.... Different companies believe in giving the best products to their consumers through enhancing and promoting their brand in the market....
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Digital Forensic Investigation
8 pages (2257 words) , Download 6 , Case Study
This paper "Digital Forensic Investigation" discusses sources of data used during the investigation of digital forensics in an effective and legal way, and prioritize discussed data sources according to three different events of network intrusion, malware installation, and insider file detection....
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Heuristic Evaluation Technique
22 pages (6228 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Heuristic Evaluation Technique" presents a detailed analysis of the two different applications through Jakob Nielsen's heuristics evaluation module.... In this report, the author has analyzed the ACE-Project and Task-Merlin for better usability analysis.... ... ... ... In this analysis, I have found that ACE-Project is offering better functionalities and working capabilities as compared to Task-Merlin....
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Ethical concepts management
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, 2011.... My name is Teddy Martins a student of Marylyn high school, Texas City in California, USA.... I am interested in advanced study of management skills for a successful organizational administration career in future.... .... ... ... Name Instructor Course Date Ethical concepts management My name is Teddy Martins a student of Marylyn high school, Texas City in California, USA....
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Air Canada
1 pages (432 words) , Download 9 , Case Study
The paper "Air Canada" tells us about the prime airline in Canada.... Toronto Pearson International Airport (YYZ), Vancouver International Airport (YVR), and Montréal–Trudeau International Airport (YUL).... ... ... ... Air Canada is the flag carrier and the largest airline in Canada by size and passengers carried....
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Induction Training Process provided by UK Manufacturer
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
usiness Science Reference. ... The author of the paper states that employee induction is one of the most significant processes in the human resource department of any firm.... It determines how well a new employee integrates into the organization, relaxes and fits in, which then determines how quickly he becomes a productive team player....
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Dementia, Delirium and Depression - Mr David Geoffries
11 pages (3428 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
urphy K, O'Connor D, Browning C, French S, Michie S, Francis J, Ruseell G, Workman B, Flicker L, Eccles M & Green S, 2014, Understanding diagnosis and management of dementia and guideline implementation in general practice: a qualitative study using the theoretical domains framework, Implementation Science, vol....
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Augmentation of Our Natural Abilities Using Technology
4 pages (1285 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Robotics which is a craze in the Science community will benefit from this device because they can enhance human legs to make them look like robotic animals.... he Science Behind the Magic 8 Ball, Etch a sketch, Boomerang and more.... onsense of Stilts: How To Tell Science from Bunk.... 2005)Encyclopedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Science, Literature and General Information, vol 4...
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Improving Poor Quality and Performance
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
eveloped by Frederick W Taylor in the early 20th century, Scientific Management is a Science based system of organizing the operational areas of the organization so as to ensure the existence of and implement the following elements: (Wrege, 1995) ... The strategic business plan for any organisation depends on its resource base as well as its capabilities....
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Starbucks Case Analysis
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Starbucks Case Analysis Introduction Starbucks Corporation is an American global coffee company specially known for providing a wide variety of coffee products to choose from.... Established in the year 1971 in Seattle, United States, today the business is considered to be the world's largest coffee house company operating in almost 50 countries globally along with providing employment opportunities to almost 149,000 employees....
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An Understanding of Legal Implication on Self-Medication
24 pages (6265 words) , Case Study
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"An Understanding of Legal Implication on Self-Medication" paper argues that supplementary prescribers while recommending medicines should limit the health risks of patients by ensuring that the medicines are correct and they abide by the standard operating procedures of pharmacists.... ... ... The independent prescriber was ultimately the doctor who diagnosed the problem of the client and made treatment plans and CMPs whereas the dependent prescriber had the means to take care of patients in the long run through clinical guidelines, and treatment plans that could be prescribed according to the patient's needs, looking at his history....
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Naturalistic Inquiry in E-Learning
2 pages (876 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
The paper "Naturalistic Inquiry in E-Learning" highlights that the master's degree-level courses provided an environment that was conducive to the subject matter.... The environment in which the empirical study was conducted was not originally designed for the naturalistic questioning method.... ...
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Concurrent Product and Supply Chain Development - Apple Inc
11 pages (3055 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
om/Science/article/pii/S0925527398000796, retrieved on May 12, 2014. ... om/Science/article/pii/S0272696304001056, Retrieved on May 12, 2014... has the best supply chain management in the world.... Still, can change the produce design or introduce new technology for better to save labour and cost in the process, the paper discusses this issue in detail. ...
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The Legal and Ethical Issues in the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
9 pages (2441 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Moreover, basic principle number five of the Declaration of Helsinki stated that the lives of human beings should be valued more than any medical experiment or Science.... The paper entitled 'The Legal and Ethical Issues in the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment' presents ethical issues which bring a lot of tension between the rights of participants to maintain privacy, and the aims of the research especially when making generalizations for the benefit of others....
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The Human Resources Challenges due to Companies' Internationalization
8 pages (2547 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Management Scientists are Human, Management Science, vol.... The study "The Human Resources Challenges due to Companies' Internationalization" suggests that Jackson needs to focus on people issues that will arise on account of the merger for achieving synergies, while Storey needs to be careful with layoff and outsourcing and to gather support for their strategies through intense employee involvement....
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The Challenger and Columbia Shuttle Disasters
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Case Study: Chapter 12, The Challenger and Columbia Shuttle Disasters [University] [Instructor Name] Case Study: Chapter 12, The Challenger and Columbia Shuttle Disasters NASA faced Challenger and Columbia shuttle disasters due to unrealistic flight schedules and lack of coordination among different operational departments of the organization....
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Analysis of the Market in which Apple Inc. Operates
10 pages (3348 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
?Safety Science, 46(4), pp.... ?African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 1(3), pp.... The company is known for its high quality goods that are served to the customers (Osterman, 2006).... The researcher says that it enjoys leadership in the.... ...
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Stereotype Threat during Mental Cognition Tasks
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Psychological Science, 20, 1132–1139. ... Psychological Science, 16, 175.... The research explores how stereotype-threat conditions can play a role in a performance of female students on in cognitive processing of mental rotation tasks, as is broadly applicable to the performance of women and minorities on standardized general math assessments, such as the SAT or GRE....
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The Condition of Facebook in 2011
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
2006, Entrepreneurship Education - A Compendium of Related Issues, Social Science Research Network, Rochester.... The paper 'The Condition of Facebook in 2011' focuses on the analysis of how 'Facebook' came into being leaves one amazed on how creativity would be merged with the opportunity to bring about totally new creations which would not only be fascinating but that would be great business innovations....
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Automating the British Library
15 pages (4062 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Automating the British Library" is a wonderful example of a case study on management.... Library automation is the utilization of semiautomatic automation data processing machines in performing traditional library activities that will include cataloging, circulation, and acquisition.... ...
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Superconducting Supercollider - Project Management
4 pages (1085 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
They include; lesson on public backing for basic Science, lesson on the role of politics, and lesson on foreign involvement.... Lesson on Public Backing for Basic Science One can learn a lesson on public backing for basic Science.... During that time, studies indicated Science learning in America fell behind that of other industrialized countries.... Lesson on Foreign Involvement It is evident that foreign involvement should be included in significant Science and technology projects from their inception....
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Organization Theory in Education
16 pages (4548 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
It includes details of the development of the natural and social issues revealed through the use of Science and reason.... raditional Science of Educational Administration ... he traditional Science of behavior has got assumptions that include: ... ritical theory criticizes traditional Science of educational administration, because of the fact that traditional Science ignores the power issue which is crucial in the leadership of an organization....
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Water Jet Cutting Machine
9 pages (2563 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
(Norwegian University of Science and ... This paper "Water Jet Cutting Machine" looks at sustainable development with a focus on water jet cutting machine innovation.... In the paper ideas of iterative optimization, the procedure is featured where there is the inclusion of technical assessment and sustainable assessment....
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Technology Management
16 pages (4765 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The paper under the title'Technology Management' presents the introduction of new products based upon new technologies it is necessary to understand the rules of the relevant process, which is part of a wider framework known as technology management.... ... ... ... At the same time, the models and the rules of the introduction of new products in modern firms should be discussed for understanding the difficulties that the introduction of new products in modern organizations would have to face....
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Academic Building Fire Protection
9 pages (2500 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Moreover, Science laboratory is another main cause of numerous fire incidents.... A famous saying states, “prevention is better than cure”, which in the case of kitchen and Science laboratory means all people within these areas should ensure they employ fire consciousness views and provisions (BSI British Standards, 2008).... The walls of the kitchen and Science laboratory should be protected with the use of cement mortar while any woodwork should be painted with paints that are fire resistant....
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Admissibility of Expert Opinion Evidence
8 pages (2202 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
However, at some point, the jury requires the opinion of a Science expert.... However, at some point, the jury requires the opinion of a Science expert to gain scientific facts necessary to avoid possible violation of the law by making decisions based on hearsay issues arising from inadequacy in the jury's testimony to meet the requirement of the law.... However, the common law in the UK's England and Wales has lagged behind in raising concerns over the accuracy and consistency of the Science behind the expert's opinion....
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Improvements in Hydraulic Fracture Propagates
13 pages (3664 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 70, pp.... The study "Improvements in Hydraulic Fracture Propagates" focuses on the critical analysis and investigation of how to improve the methods and the change with different factors in the fracture propagates to minimize failures of materials (Settgast et al....
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Legal and Ethical Issues in a Clinical Setting
6 pages (1896 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Legal and Ethical Issues in a Clinical Setting' is a thrilling variation of a case study on nursing.... This is a case of Kieran Darragh, a 17 years old male who died after suffering from complications related to tonsils, a mysterious circumstance.... ... ... ... The paper 'Legal and Ethical Issues in a Clinical Setting' is a thrilling variation of a case study on nursing....
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