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About the Company - Sunny Cottage Holidays
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This paper "About the Company - Sunny Cottage Holidays" focuses on Sunny Cottage Holidays (SCH) is an agent for the holiday cottage market in the UK.... The company forms a bridge between cottage owners who are seeking to rent their cottages to vacationers who are seeking exclusive vacations.... ....
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The sale of Gatwick Airport
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Gatwick Airport, the second largest airport in the United Kingdom, has been offered for sale by BAA, its owner following a move by the competition commission to push the Company to dispose three of its British airports due to dominance concerns of the Airline business market.... ... ... ... Gatwick, being the country's second biggest airport, acts as a major component of the national infrastructure as well as a significant constituent of the British aviation industry....
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Athens Olympic stadium
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The Athens Olympic stadium was first inaugurated in 1982 at the 13th European Athletics Championships and hosted a number of international athletic and cultural events, before being refurbished for the Athens Olympic Games of 2004.... The renovation of this stadium was assigned to the world-renowned architect Santiago Calatrava....
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Six Sigma Quality Management
6 pages (1602 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This case study analyses how Six Stigma manages its quality.... Constant improvement of production quality is one of the determinant conditions of raise of its competitiveness on the market and growth of production efficiency.... Not without reason in countries with developed industry majority of firms and companies use different kinds of systems of quality management....
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Nissan Renault and Carlos Ghosn: Optimizing Operations
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Nissan, once a darling of the automotive world, with its cheap Datsun pickups and stylish, spunky Z roadsters, had, by the 1990s, fallen on hard times.... Saddled with billions in debt, the company merged with Renault in 1999, and a Renault VP, Carlos Ghosn, was named Nissan's new CEO.... ... ... ...
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Prominent English Architects of the Eighteenth Century
5 pages (1480 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This case study "Prominent English Architects of the Eighteenth Century" focuses on two of the most illustrious English architects during the late Georgian era in the 18th century, Robert Adam and William Chambers.... A major difference between the two great architects was their style.... .... ... ...
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Baggage Handling System Project at Denver International Airport
6 pages (1588 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Baggage Handling System Project at Denver International Airport" highlights that it was an ill-conceived and an over-ambitious project.... Besides, such projects should be undertaken after lengthy deliberations and drawing lessons from past projects of this nature.... ... ... ... Denver International Airport (DIA) was planned to be the world's most efficient and the nation's largest airport....
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Pepsi vs. Coca Cola
4 pages (1349 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The paper 'Pepsi vs.... Coca Cola' aims at discussing in brief and comparing the strengths and weaknesses of the companies as well as taking a brief view of the financials of the two companies.... The paper also aims at identifying which of the two companies is the stronger one.... ... ... ... The main aim of the paper is to provide a brief overview of the two companies....
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Todays Business Environment of JetBlue
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The aim of the report 'Today's Business Environment of JetBlue' is to develop a strategic management and competitive advantage plan in order to ensure the viability of the airline in the long run.... JetBlue is a low-cost career (LCC) based in New York.... ... ... ... The author states that the airline operated secondary routes and offered first class service to its clients such as free snacks, beautiful aircraft with leather seats, also harnessed new information and communication technology to lower costs and it had a culture which significantly prioritized the interests of both the clients and the employees....
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Lufthansa: Going Global but How to Manage Complexity
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The "Lufthansa: Going Global but How to Manage Complexity" describes the type of international strategy the Lufthansa company, describes the potential risks of cooperative strategies and identifies and describes the elements and objectives of Lufthansa's cooperative strategy.... ... ... ... Lufthansa's organizational structure has been recently changed and updated due to some changes in the company....
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Critical Thinking and the Society
5 pages (1575 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This paper "Critical Thinking and the Society" discusses critical thinking that would play a very important role in today's alarming decline in the earth's natural resources.... We as the natives of this planet, Earth, have already seen the effects of global warming.... ... ... ... Professionally, the people who think critically are called clear thinkers and are in high demand as they whittle down solutions for the company....
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Fed-Ex: Employing Strategy in a Competitive Environment
6 pages (1674 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This study "Fed-Ex: Employing Strategy in a Competitive Environment" discusses information technology infrastructure which provides support services to different companies in the world.... The study analyses the major competitors include Con-Way Freight, DHL, UPS, TNT, ABF Freight System.... ... ...
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Strategic Management Competitiveness and Globalization
6 pages (1758 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The case study "Strategic Management Competitiveness and Globalization" states that Apple Inc.... was incorporated in 1976 together with its subsidiaries.... The company is mainly involved in the designing, manufacturing, and marketing of mobile communication and media gadgets, personal computers, etc....
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Campaign Ads of Pepsi and Coke
7 pages (1817 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
From the paper "Campaign Ads of Pepsi and Coke" it is clear that the marketing strategies for diet Pepsi and diet Coke may eventually vary.... The actual desire for these product offerings is eventually an outcome of a certain process of creation of needs.... ... ... ... Diet Pepsi's style in its ads is not so much of human experience or culture....
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The Lord of the Flies by William Golding
6 pages (1741 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "The Lord of the Flies by William Golding" states that the events in the novel could not take place as a whole in our society.... However, these events could take as a symbolism for the events that take place today.... Several scenes in the novel would reflect the wrongdoings of people nowadays....
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Hants Hotel Strategy
6 pages (1654 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This case study "Hants Hotel Strategy" presents the Hants hotel that has to come up with a better information technology strategy.... First, the company has to lay down the basic IT infrastructure.... These include, first, the purchase of computers that can support the latest software and upgrades....
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Management of Information Systems: The Google Inc
5 pages (1397 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This case study "Management of Information Systems: The Google Inc.... sheds some light on an American company that provides mainly internet search engines.... Surgery Brin and Larry Page founded it in 1998 while still Stanford University PH.... .... Students.... ... ... ... It documented that nearly over 70 percent of the world's online search requests usually pass through Google search engine (Rezaul 41)....
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Applying Adult Learning Theory through Character Analysis
5 pages (1538 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "Applying Adult Learning Theory through Character Analysis" states that adult learners are self-directed as well as self-motivated.... They bear the features of readiness to learn and frequently change their behavior in response to the stimuli from the environment.... ... ... ... Celie's role in the film 'The Color Purple' reveals her behavioral change due to continued extortion that is going on during the lifespan, initially, from her so-called pseudo father and later by her drunkard husband....
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Strategic Plan for Abercrombie & Fitch
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This research will present a strategic plan for Abercrombie & Fitch.... The SWOT analysis of the firm has been performed to find the internal and the external environmental situation of the company.... .... ... ... According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that Abercrombie & Fitch (A&F) have encountered huge fall in business ranking as they could not respond to the changing desires and needs of the customers....
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Matthews College
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Indeed, prior to the coming of President William Ridley Allison in the summer of 2005, the College's independent auditors had.... ... ... At the time, the finance department did not receive any budget information from the administration, which necessitated the need for a new president to address the financial issues at the institution....
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Organizational Analysis of Wal-Mart
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper presents the organizational analysis of Wal-Mart.... Wal-Mart is recognized as one of the American multinational retail organization, established in 1962 by Walten Brothers.... It is first opened in Bentonville of Arkansas of the United States and very soon captured the entire global market....
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Quality of the Food, Room for Expansion, Chef Training in Little Singapore Restaurant in Brisbane
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Quality of the Food, Room for Expansion, Chef Training in Little Singapore Restaurant in Brisbane" highlights that the need to develop an outdoor dining experience would be prioritized as the single most important change that has been denoted within the analysis.... .... ... ... In terms of instituting a value menu wars creating value days, this will be determined as a secondary issue of importance that will not be completed or attempted up until the effective creation of an outdoor dining experience....
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The Novelty of the Electric Cars Hood
5 pages (1518 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'The Novelty of the Electric Car's Hood' presents electric cars as automobiles that are propelled by electric motors powered by energy from batteries.... It is difficult to tell whether a car is electric or not and because electric cars in most cases are created from converted gasoline cars....
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Recommendations to Seattle Solid Waste Utility
6 pages (1610 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This paper 'Recommendations to Seattle Solid Waste Utility " focuses on the fact that the Seattle Solid Waste Utility (SWU) had a myriad of issues to deal with in the midst of a turbulent period that was characterized by filled landfills, lawsuits and a solid waste policy that was not working.... ....
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Ikea Global Sourcing Challenges
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The discussion will give IKEA the likelihood to account for themselves and their goal concerning their engagement in India.... Particularly Marianne Barner could make her aims clear as she is feeling that IKEA's obligation is much more extensive than simply stopping.... ... ... ... According to the report the German documentary producers invited IKEA to send a delegate to be a partaker in the live discussion while the program was being aired....
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Unemployment in Australia in a Tourism Management Perspective
6 pages (1702 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This case study "Unemployment in Australia in a Tourism Management Perspective" demonstrates Australia that has been rated as among the fastest-growing economies in the world which are ranked at a seven percent unemployment rate (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2011).... ... ... ... This unemployment level is very low and therefore this means that the country's economy is growing pretty well like in the developed countries....
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Professional Engineering Practice: The Fall of the Car Industry in Australia
6 pages (1689 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"Professional Engineering Practice: The Fall of the Car Industry in Australia" paper analyzes the car industry in Australia, how the workers are paid, the international and domestic demand for vehicles, and the reasons why the car industry has failed in the market.... .... ... ... The car industry in Australia is effective, with a ready market base....
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Communication as an Important Element of a Business
5 pages (1486 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Communication as an Important Element of a Business" will begin with the statement that in the business world it is important to have coordination between the different departments of an organization.... Communication is an extremely important element of a successfully run corporation....
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The 4th United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries
6 pages (1649 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"The 4th United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries" paper examines the conference that provides the participants with an opportunity to assess the level of implementation of the Program of Action by both the LDCs and their development partners.... .... ... ... LCD-IV United Nation's conference is held every ten years....
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The Hiring Process Used by the Firm
6 pages (1638 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
The paper "The Hiring Process Used by the Firm" highlights that getting a mature subordinate should actually be considered a boon by any superior as he would be able to shoulder a lot of the burden of his boss.... It depends on the boss as to how he would handle his mature subordinate.... ... ... ...
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The Effects of WalMart on Local Economies
6 pages (1645 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The researchers in the market often use the term ‘WalMart' effect to imply various positive and negative impacts created by the company in the.... ... ... The paper "The Effects of WalMart on Local Economies" is a great example of a case study on macro and microeconomics.... In the contemporary era, Walmart is recognized as the most prominent, private profit-making institution in the global marketplace....
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Tesla Motors Inc Macroeconomic Variables Analysis
6 pages (1633 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Tesla Motors Inc is a manufacture of electric vehicles, as well as electric train power components, which was established in 2003 in California USA, but only managed to launch its first vehicle in 2008 (Praem, 2014).... There are various macroeconomic variables that affect Tesla.... ... ... The paper "Tesla Motors Inc Macroeconomic Variables Analysis" is a perfect example of a macro & microeconomics case study....
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Economic Implications of Declining Oil Prices on OPEC Countries Government Subsidies
6 pages (1739 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Economic Implications of Declining Oil Prices on OPEC Countries Government Subsidies" is a perfect example of a macro & microeconomics case study.... Lower oil prices have affected both the OPEC countries and the Global economy.... The effects of the low oil prices on the economy will be stronger if the low oil price is expected to last longer than if the low price is expected to be just for a short period....
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Australia Business Analysis: Attribute Group
6 pages (1628 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"Australia Business Analysis: Attribute Group" paper focuses on Ochre Restaurant, a medium-sized restaurant that has operated in the hospitality industry but has not yet grown to the big company status.... Service differentiation is important for the realization of an increased customer base.... ....
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Agile Methodology in Sapient
6 pages (1557 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The goal of this study is to critically assess the implementation of agile management techniques at Sapient.... The writer suggests that the agile project management approach is one of the superior project implementation methods that have its own benefits and challenges.... ... ... ... Sapient is a multinational company based in Massachusetts that provides technology services to its clients....
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The Shareholder Wealth Maximization Model
5 pages (1390 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'The Shareholder Wealth Maximization Model' focuses on Shareholders that are the owners of a corporation, and they purchase stocks because they want to earn a good return on their investment without undue risk exposure.... Since managers are supposed to be working on behalf of shareholders....
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The Future of Supermarket Retailing in Australia
5 pages (1446 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'The Future of Supermarket Retailing in Australia' is a great example of a business case study.... Australia remains among the countries with the most concentrated grocery markets globally, with the top two retailers holding about 80% of the total grocery market share, as revealed by the Australian Food and Grocery Council....
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Health and Safety Regulations in Construction
5 pages (1726 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Health and Safety Regulations in Construction" is a remarkable example of a case study on the law.... The Swansea high street, SA11LN, is supposed to undergo the redevelopment project which involves the demolition and Façade retention scheme in order to construct new offices.... ...
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Principles of Management
5 pages (1541 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Principles of Management ' is a good example of a management case study.... Marketing strategies and new goals have become very important for modern managers and companies in general.... This is because new and unique strategies and goals combined with internal capabilities enable them to win the hearts of customers and also to gain competitive world markets....
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Managing Financial Information
5 pages (1685 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This paper ''Managing Financial Information'' tells that Management of financial information is becoming one of the toughest and most challenging tasks in the ever-changing business environment.... Finance is considered the lifeline of a business entity and is a major factor that determines the fate of the business....
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General Motors: Globalization
6 pages (1584 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
"General Motors: Globalization" paper argues that GM has made great strides in its expansion.... It has opened many facilities across the world, taking advantage of the global setting.... Globalization is only good if it plays into the company's strategic objective.... .... ... ... The problem that GM has to deal with is an economic meltdown affecting major economies such as Japan, the US, and China (Dunne, 2011)....
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Problems of Modern Education
5 pages (1456 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This paper "Problems of Modern Education" discusses that one of the main challenges facing education is mandatory homework.... Parents and students against homework argue that it does not allow their children to spend time with their families doing activities like fishing and soccer practice.... ...
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Goals and Sustainability Initiatives of the Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council
5 pages (1432 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Goals and Sustainability Initiatives of the Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council' is a great example of an environmental case study.... The Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council is a public enterprise that was formed in accordance with law number 23 in 2007 to take care of the metropolitan environments of Abu Dhabi....
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The Decline of UK Manufacturing Over the Last 40 Years
5 pages (1499 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This case study "The Decline of UK Manufacturing Over the Last 40 Years" attempts to identify and analyze the reasons for the decline of UK manufacturing over the last 40 years.... It has caused a number of economic issues in the UK including structural unemployment and deficit balance of payment....
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The Role of Accountants in Minimising Tax Bills
5 pages (1374 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This paper "The Role of Accountants in Minimising Tax Bills" critically looks at the two scenarios to bring out the fact that the accountant's main role to have been to minimize tax bills for companies and rich individuals and consequently providing very little positive value for society.... ... ...
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Virgin Mobile USA: Pricing for the Very First Time
5 pages (1511 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"Virgin Mobile USA: Pricing for the Very First Time" paper argues that a company issuing some new product or concept is to be aware of how the target audience will respond to new and, consequently, develop a strategy which will make early and late majority accept the product faster.... ... ... ... New technologies and services come up to be introduced to the world: a wireless phone service has been chosen by Virgin to be launched in the US as the next step of the company's international operations....
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Director of Security for a New Industrial Facility - Top Cut Food Industries Pty Limited
5 pages (1401 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"Director of Security for a New Industrial Facility" paper focuses on The Top Cut Food Industries Pty Limited, a company that is categorized under Meat Processing and located in Flemington, VIC, Australia.... The company offers Northwest Meat Processors and American Meat Processors.... ... ... ... The company also operates health food shops in different cities around Australia....
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The first Marib Attack
5 pages (1351 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This paper "The first Ma'rib Attack" discusses that the first Ma'rib attack happened on January 18, 2020, while the subsequent one happened in May 2020.... The attack happened when drones and missile attacks were directed at the Military camp located near Ma'rib.... ... ... ... Houthi leadership did promise that they were going to revenge over the killings of General Suleimani....
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Virology and Immunology Laboratory Risks
5 pages (1443 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Virology and Immunology Laboratory Risks" discusses hazards and risks at Virology and Immunology Laboratory, identifies the processes of mitigation of these risks, and discusses numerous processes important in championing health and safety.... ... ... ... Virology and Immunology Laboratory is an example of a location in which risks and hazards have to be understood, and corrective measures introduced to prevent occurrences of problems or complications....
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Gulf Center for Aviation Studies in Abu Dhabi Airport
6 pages (1665 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Gulf Center for Aviation Studies in Abu Dhabi Airport" states that the understanding of an organization is an important aspect of an internship process; this is because it helps in making certain that one starts their internship knowing what the company entails.... ... ... ... This paper is a report on the gulf center for aviation studies that will provide the company description which will highlight the corporate history by providing the size and other details of the company....
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