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Potentially Effective Educational Strategies for Dyslexic Students
5 pages (1422 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This paper ''Potentially Effective Educational Strategies for Dyslexic Students'' tells that a seven-year-old dyslexic child born to middle-class white American parents.... Dyslexia, a genetic disorder of learning disability has been under research for a long time whereby Psychologists have derived many effective teaching techniques....
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Personality or behavior - Organizational Behavior HRM
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Journal of Applied Psychology.... An author of this study suggests that an employee who seeks promotion must understand how the personality and behavior affect their organizational commitment.... This paper examines how personality and behavior affect job performance and promotion in the workplace....
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The Bay Area Athletic Club
1 pages (315 words) , Download 7 , Case Study
The paper "The Bay Area Athletic Club" highlights that during the low seasons, the management should offer aerobic and yoga classes to both the silver and gold membership holders.... Such strategies will aid in expanding the membership base and increasing revenues for the club.... ... ... ... There are various methods that a club can employ to increase cash inflows....
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Measures for Exacerbation of COPD
6 pages (2715 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Measures for Exacerbation of COPD " states that It is necessary to treat acute COPD exacerbations at an early stage in order to reduce the long-term possible complications.... Among the available pharmacological include, the use of bronchodilators inhaled steroids, and vaccinations for influenza....
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Crisis Intervention
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
The writer of this paper states that Crisis Intervention is one of the most challenging and complicated aspects of counseling within the general field of Psychology.... The complexities and challenges clearly occur when a counselor involves in a traumatic counseling environment.... ...
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Strategic Management of Microsoft
15 pages (4219 words) , Download 8 , Case Study
In this paper "Strategic Management of Microsoft ", the researcher will shed light on business portfolio-related strategic issues of Microsoft in context to strategic management theories like competitive advantage, core competency, the resource-based view (RBV), etc.... ... ... ... It is to be believed that core competencies or competitive advantages are being achieved through practices very long period....
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Lyme Bay and Tort Law
9 pages (2328 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This case study "Lyme Bay and Tort Law" deals with the discussion of the role a public plays in the consideration of corporate manslaughter.... The resonance case of Lyme Bay is considered further on with regard to the influence of public organizations and legal regulations in the field of tort law....
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Age at Marriage and Breast Cancer
48 pages (13765 words) , Case Study
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The paper "Age at Marriage and Breast Cancer" states that generally, early marriage or early sex is the most important risk factor for breast cancer.... The finding was based on a case-control, hospital-based epidemiological study that involved 675 women.... .... ... ... This chapter is a detailed discussion of the findings of the study to determine whether early marriage and sex is a new risk factor for breast cancer among women in the Eastern region of Saudi Arabia....
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A Plan of Opening a Hotel London Eye in the Heart of London
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
New York: Psychology Press.... This study 'A Plan of Opening a Hotel London Eye in the Heart of London' discusses the mission of the ultra-modern European hotel, its development plan, services of international standards, human resources management, marketing, operations, procurement, and finance policies of London Eye....
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The Success Story Of Toyota Company In Qatar
8 pages (2569 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
This paper "The Success Story Of Toyota Company In Qatar" discusses the performance of Toyota in Qatar that can be characterized as quite successful.... Still, the potentials for the firm's growth in Qatar are not standardized.... The performance of Toyota in the market is declined in most countries....
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Reflective Decision Making Using Clinical Reasoning Model
10 pages (2902 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Psychology of clinical reasoning.... The paper 'Reflective Decision Making Using Clinical Reasoning Model ' is a meaningful variant of a case study on nursing.... Clinical situations require nurses to make critical decisions that could affect the health and overall well-being of patients....
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Columbine Attack and its Results
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
nswer Q3 Parents and authorities should have got alert with the first offence, howsoever minor, and consulted good psychiatrist to unravel the Psychology of young students, who were otherwise intelligent and seemingly well mannered.... The reporter describes columbine attack that was carried out by two college-going students from a good family background who had a good academic record....
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Recovery-Oriented Approach to Assessment
7 pages (2066 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "Recovery-Oriented Approach to Assessment" analyzes that the concept of a recovery-oriented approach owes its origin to 1970s and 1980s consumer movement.... Ever since that time, it continues to be further developed and utilised internationally by people.... ... ... ... To understand the key factors in Justine's case that need to be considered before undertaking a recovery-oriented assessment and case management plan, it is important to go deeper into her life transition....
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Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide as Sensitive Issues That Entail Judicious Treatment
7 pages (2345 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide as Sensitive Issues That Entail Judicious Treatment" states that British lawyers do not support active euthanasia but do not resist the passive voluntary death of patients.... The factors considered in such cases are autonomy, self-determination, beneficence, and paternalistic intervention....
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Assessment of the Organizational Development
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
If we look at the history of OD it goes long back to early fifties Kurt Zadek Lewin, a German born social psychologist and known to the world as "the father social Psychology" is the one who first studied the group dynamics and organizational development.... This case study "Assessment of the Organizational Development" explains about the four parallel tracks involved in the research namely, literature review, SWOT analysis, business leaders interviews, and business and academic advisory board interviews....
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Organizational Supervisory Control
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper 'Organizational Supervisory Control' asserts that this function is needed to check the worker's performance according to the projects' deadlines and objectives.... Internal and external review systems can be developed through communication: bulletins, meetings focusing on critical points....
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Capiro Industries vs. Dickman
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
The paper 'Capiro Industries vs.... Dickman' seeks to evaluate the case of Capiro Industries vs.... Dickman where the three stages should be taken into consideration which includes; foreseeability, proximity as well as reasonability.... In some cases, it may not always follow that a duty of care....
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Non-rational Escalation of Commitment
2 pages (719 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
In the paper 'Non-Rational Escalation of Commitment,' the author aims to consider a discussion where commitments are likely to be escalated.... Ted has had a demanding, but a well-paid job in a corporate finance firm but he and his wife Kate have decided to move to St.... Louis to start a poorly paying job....
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Culture and Communication in China
5 pages (1610 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
?Journal of personality and social Psychology, 78(5), 943. ... "Culture and Communication in China" paper learns about a new culture that is quite different from our own culture.... Our team appointed a group manager who has some knowledge regarding the Chinese economy, as well as the person, who is well versed in the local language of China....
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Team Silo and Their Impact on Organizational Citizenship Behavior
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Contemporary management, Psychology advocates for the eradication of the silo mentality as a motivation to employees (Diamond & Allcorn 2009).... Journal of Business and Psychology, 22(3), 241-250.... The paper "Team Silo and Their Impact on Organizational Citizenship Behavior" discusses that the increased calls for organizational citizenship have brought a new concept that ensures that organizations are built on a solid foundation of informational flow....
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Accounting Management at Shell Company
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The purpose of this study "Accounting Management at Shell Company" is to evaluate the accounting system implemented at Shell.... Moreover, the writer of the study analyzes the company's annual financial reports in order to asses the activity-based costing model at Shell.... ... ... ... The organization that I have chosen is Shell which is a group of petrochemical and energy companies....
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Which Play Therapy is Best
7 pages (2065 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Journal of Clinical Psychology, 21, p.... Journal of Community Psychology, p.... This paper "Which Play Therapy is Best" discusses the use of play in therapy.... Theories and practice surrounding play differ within each Child Psychotherapy tradition.... Each tradition shares the main belief that play communicates the child's unconscious experiences....
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The Behavioral Approach to Management
9 pages (2524 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
he Hawthorne Studies of the Western Electric Company during the 1920s and 1930s applied the principles of Psychology, social Psychology, and sociology to the understanding of organizational behavior (Clemen-Stone, Mcguire & Eigsti 2002).... This paper "The Behavioral Approach to Management" discusses the behavioral approach to management that stresses the importance of people in an organization; that, as front liners in the attainment of specific goals, their personal needs should be appropriately regarded....
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Opportunity Development through Corporate Venturing - 3M Construction Materials
7 pages (2051 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Opportunity Development through Corporate Venturing - 3M Construction Materials " is a great example of a management case study.... Corporation venturing is considered an important tool for innovation.... ... ... ... The paper 'Opportunity Development through Corporate Venturing - 3M Construction Materials " is a great example of a management case study....
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The Identification Evidence Used by Mr Justice JA Lee
6 pages (1700 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 17(1), 140. ... From the paper "The Identification Evidence Used by Mr Justice JA Lee" it is clear that the Royal commissioner relied on hearsay, but if it was through the law of evidence from the Evidence Act, 1995, there could have been a thorough investigation for identification of the accused....
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Consultation Process in Context of General Practice Same Day Consultation with Advanced Nurse
11 pages (3377 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The author of the "Consultation Process in Context of General Practice Same Day Consultation with Advanced Nurse" paper determines how the consultation process is carried out by an advanced nurse, inclusive of the methods used in the context of general practice.... .... ... ... The research assistant documented the duration of the consultation by use of a stopwatch, right from the time when the patient entered the consulting room of the advanced nurse and stopped when he or she left the room....
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John F. Kennedy Personality
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
unning Head: Psychology Personality Profile of John F.... Understanding Biological Psychology.... John F.... Kennedy has commonly been described as a charismatic, extrovert, and neurotic political figure.... This paper "John F.... Kennedy Personality " discusses the personality of Kennedy using two psychological theories, namely trait theory, and biological approach theory....
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Making Financial Decision Based on Financial Information
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The following case study "Making Financial Decision Based on Financial Information" deals with the concept of budget analysis is the systematic evaluation of the budget.... Admittedly, it involves the collection, study, and interpretation of budget data.... ... ... ... British Airways Plc and Iberia had merged to form a new leading airline group named International Airlines Group (IAG)....
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Business Law and Negligent Misstatement
6 pages (1588 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Business Law and Negligent Misstatement" states that Max could defend himself from the accusation of a negligent misstatement as he may have contained a disclaimer.... In Hedley, a statement of caution may exempt a plaintiff from liability for negligent misstatement.... ... ... ... Negligence is a tort that is meant to compensate people who have suffered due to the slack judgment of others....
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Effects of Armed Conflicts and Violence on the Food Access of the Urban Poor in Mogadishu
22 pages (5902 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This paper ''Effects of Armed Conflicts and Violence on the Food Access of the Urban Poor in Mogadishu'' tells that according to UNHRC, food acts as the basic need entitled to everybody.... Despite the assumption that everybody gets food at an affordable rate, readily, and safe, Somalia's hometown Mogadishu does not reflect the same....
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The Effects of Job Dissatisfaction among Nurses in Gosford Hospital
6 pages (1672 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "The Effects of Job Dissatisfaction among Nurses in Gosford Hospital" is an excellent example of a case study on human resources.... Job dissatisfaction has been the main issue in health institutions around the world.... ... ... ... Self-administered questionnaires will be used since the study subjects (target audience and researcher) will be able to develop, read, understand, and respond by filling out the questionnaires....
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Feeding Tubes and the Prevention or Healing of Pressure Ulcers
10 pages (2913 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Feeding Tubes and the Prevention or Healing of Pressure Ulcers' is a worthy example of a case study on nursing.... According to Dr.... John Gilbert, Barbara Mary Piro died on 23 October 2008 not only for being very elderly (91years), but for being immobile which led to thrombosis that caused her death....
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Unethical Business Practices of McDonald's
5 pages (1480 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
In the paper 'Unethical Business Practices of McDonald's' the author analyzes the ethical issue associated with the food products offered by McDonald's to the customers.... The study will be focused on complying with a formal structure of gathering data and evaluating them through real-world evidence....
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The Analysis of European Economic Interest Grouping
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The study is about the evaluation of the strategic alliance between the four companies.... It presents the impact of the strategies on the individual companies.... The study reveals that with the implementation of the strategic alliance all the four companies were extremely benefitted.... ... ... ...
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Operation Management of Firm Based in Singapore
8 pages (2301 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Operation Management of Firm Based in Singapore" is a good example of a management case study.... XYZ is a multinational firm based in Singapore.... The basic operations of XYZ include marine engineering, facility management, technologies for land securities, engineering consultation, traffic system intelligence and maintenance and plant operations....
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Nursing Law: the Rights of the Patient
9 pages (2467 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Nursing Law: the Rights of the Patient " is a great example of a case study on the law.... Phillipa 28 years adult brings a serious concern to her son and husband due to the 10 years history of her bipolar affective disorder.... ... ... ... In addition, this paper tries to look at the rights of the patient (Phillipa) in case she gets involved in an involuntary admission to a mental health service....
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Cloud Computing Based Solutions for Letting Agency
7 pages (2199 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
This case study "Cloud Computing Based Solutions for Letting Agency" demonstrates a cloud-based solution to a company titled 'Letting Agency' that sells/purchases property.... The Agency stores the property information and allows its employees to store and access the property information.... ... ...
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Cognitive-Behavioral and Psychodynamic Therapies Critique
7 pages (2028 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The study "Cognitive-Behavioral and Psychodynamic Therapies Critique" critically analyzes the way to work with the clients from both Cognitive-Behavioral and Psychodynamic Therapies perspectives.... Therapy treatment is one of the oldest treatments being effective in modern society (McLeod, 2009)....
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Technical Entrepreneurship and Bill Gates Growth as a Technical Entrepreneur
16 pages (4331 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This is process in which an opportunity is identified, evaluated and developed taking into consideration the required resources for effective and efficient implementation.... This process.... ... ... The paper 'Technical Entrepreneurship and Bill Gates Growth as a Technical Entrepreneur ' is an impressive example of the management case study....
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The Rise of CCTV Surveillance in the UK
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The author of the following paper claims that the development of criminal activity worldwide has led to the increase of measures taken by the state towards the limitation of phenomena of violence against the citizens in both urban and rural areas.... However, in most cases, criminals remain unpunished....
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Zara Spanish Brand of Clothing
4 pages (1186 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The paper "Zara Spanish Brand of Clothing" states that Zara's general business undertakings, the inclusion of design process, manufacturing process, and delivery process, all are so complicated that it makes Zara becomes a leader in the designing standard attires.... ... ... ... The Spanish brand of clothing, Zara, establish by the visionary Amancio Ortega Gaona and Rosalia Mera in Artexio, Galicia in 1975, is one of the chief selling brands of one of the largest fashion seller Inditex....
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Diabetes as a Self-Care Disease
9 pages (2356 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The study "Diabetes as a Self-Care Disease " presents a pessimistic scenario of the development of the disease and its accompanying symptoms in case of non-compliance by the patient with the instructions given to him: to lose weight, exercise, control blood sugar and pressure.... ... ... .... ...
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Executive Pay: A Cause for Concern
6 pages (1655 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This paper "Executive Pay: A Cause for Concern" discusses the CEO compensation package in such a way that it always aimed at maximizing the shareholders' wealth, which is the ultimate aim of any corporate organization.... The package must be designed according to the CEO's individual performance....
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Marketing Strategy for Trap-Ease America
1 pages (250 words) , Download 12 , Case Study
The main objective of the current study is to briefly analyze the promotion campaign for a rat trap product.... The writer of the study would investigate the target market and marketing objectives.... Additionally, the writer describes some tricks to make the advertisement more effective,.... ... ...
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The Difficulties of Complaining
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Complaining is basic nature of a person.... He is never satisfied with any thing, but everybody always try to satisfy guests, visitors, or strangers to some extent.... This is known as hospitality.... It refers to the relationship process between a guest and a host, and it also refers to the act or practice of being hospitable, that is, the reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers, with liberality and goodwill....
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Management Accounting Control Systems of Theatre Calgary
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
This paper under the headline "Management Accounting Control Systems of Theatre Calgary " focuses on the fact that the management accounting control systems (MACS) of Theatre Calgary (TC) proposed by McCabe can be evaluated using Simons' levers of control theory.... .... ... ... McCabe's first step of rebuilding the culture was correct because it was challenged by the crisis, resulting in staff discouragement and departures....
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Strategy of Levis Strauss: Choice and Changes
5 pages (1757 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"Strategy of Levis Strauss: Choice and Changes" paper argues that the company can use the four elements of the Ansoff matrix to strengthen its position.... The Ansoff Matrix refers to a strategic planning framework that helps managers to come up with approaches sued for the growth of the business....
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Campus Response to a Student Gunman by Kelly J. Asmussen, John W. Creswell
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This paper, Campus Response to a Student Gunman' by Kelly J.... Asmussen, John W.... Creswell, declares that the development of violence in educational settings is a common phenomenon in countries worldwide; for most people, this phenomenon is related with the increase of violence in daily life.... ....
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The Pedagogical Strategy of Ethics in Micro-Ethical Issues
5 pages (1356 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "The Pedagogical Strategy of Ethics in Micro-Ethical Issues" presents the ethical problems confronting the profession.... The law defines a certain ethical standard in close collaboration with the Codes that are set up by the professional bodies.... ... ... ... The Code of ethics governing the society of engineers has been frequently amended over the years....
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Merger and Acquisitions: Description and Characteristics
8 pages (2536 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This paper "Merger and Acquisitions: Description and Characteristics" presents the role of mergers and acquisitions in the increase of shareholder value in both the companies that involved can be easier understood if referring to the context of M&A, i.... .... to their main characteristics.... ... ...
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