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FedEx Corporations Measurement of Success
17 pages (4690 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(5), 901–910. ... Journal of Applied Psychology, 85(5), 751-765. ... The present status of FedEx Corporation represents it to be one of the leading courier delivery corporations currently operating in the global market.... The company is of American origin headquartered in ‘Memphis, Tennessee'....
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Legalizing Cannabis
9 pages (2798 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
?? School Psychology International.... This paper "Legalizing Cannabis" discusses concerns over legalization centers around the questions of who, what, where and how these drugs would be distributed, which are questions that have been satisfactorily answered in other countries as well....
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Intervention Plan: Culture and Curriculum
16 pages (4396 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Handbook of Child Psychology: Theoretical models of human development, 6th Ed.... Developmental Psychology: Childhood and Adolescence, 8th Ed.... The paper "Intervention Plan: Culture and Curriculum" is a great example of a report on education.... This intervention plan is based on Bronfenbrenner's Ecological systems theory which visualizes the development of a child in the context of the relationship system....
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Organization and Conflict Management:Appolo Manufacturing
8 pages (2118 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Journal of Applied Psychology, 85, 1, (2000): 102-111.... "Organization and Conflict Management: Appolo Manufacturing" paper argues that there are issues that must be solved within the firm.... Not only are the teams not effective within themselves but the collaboration between the teams is not achieved which makes Appolo Manufacturing ineffective....
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Diversity and HRM Strategies
13 pages (3791 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
indell, MK & Brandt, CJ 2000, ‘Climate quality and climate consensus as mediators of the relationship between organizational antecedents and outcomes', Journal of Applied Psychology, vol.... chneider, KT, Hitlan, R and Radhakrishnan, P 2000, An examination of the nature and correlates of ethnic harassment experiences in multiple contexts, Journal of Applied Psychology, vol....
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Planning for Effective Learning
7 pages (2166 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
(2007), ‘Physical and Cognitive Development' In: Educational Psychology / Anita Woolfolk, Kay Margetts; associate authors, Sally Godinho.... The paper "Planning for Effective Learning" describes that effective learning in any classroom situation is a result of a combination of a number of factors....
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The Adoption of Transformational Leadership in the Management of Projects
9 pages (2844 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
1999, "Leadership and organizational Change: An Introduction," European Journal of Work and Organization Psychology, 1999, 8 (1), 1-8. ... This case study "The Adoption of Transformational Leadership in the Management of Projects" highlights the relation between transformational leaders and manipulative behavior and how the organizations should be careful about such leaders while affecting changes....
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Non-Strategic Games
14 pages (3623 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Whether or not non-strategic games actually reflect the Psychology of the decision maker's rather objectively derived outcomes remains an issue to be discussed.... Non-strategic Games Whether or not non-strategic games actually reflect the Psychology of the decision maker's rather objectively derived outcomes remains an issue to be discussed.... on-strategic games go against nature and they reflect the Psychology of the decision maker's rather objective rule....
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Mary Schwartz and Beach Electrical Systems
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Solutions”, University of Liverpool Dept of Clinical Psychology.... This essay explores the issue of Mary Schwartz and Beach Electrical Systems.... This research will begin with the role of Mary's past work record presenting that Mary was considered a model employee during the first years of her employment....
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Contemporary Operations Management in Nestle Company
13 pages (3622 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Psychology & Developing Societies.... The paper 'Contemporary Operations Management in Nestle Company' is a fascinating example of the management case study.... All triumphant businesses are in one means or another correlated to a strong organizational culture that has accredited to its accomplishment....
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Important Perspectives in Learning Theories
10 pages (2733 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
n education and Psychology, learning theories make an effort to explain how people and animals learn, which is very helpful to understand the highly complex process of learning.... fm) Cognitivism had replaced behaviorism as the most popular model for understanding mental function and became the leading force in Psychology in the second half of 20th century.... Educational Psychology (5th ed)....
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Service Management
7 pages (2342 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Consumer Psychology of Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure.... The evaluation of the quality of services provided by firms in different sectors can be a challenging tasks; firms involved in the provision of services of various types are likely to set different standards for ensuring the high quality of their services....
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Developing a Marketing Plan for Kingfisher Airlines Limited
7 pages (2308 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
New York: Psychology Press. ... This case study "Developing a Marketing Plan for Kingfisher Airlines Limited" focuses on Kingfisher Airlines Limited, a former leading airline group based in India and understands how to develop a sound marketing plan and attempts to redesign the marketing plan for Kingfishers Airlines Ltd....
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Personal and Professional Employee Coaching
9 pages (2615 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
In both personal and professional coaching, there exist numerous definitions of coaching, owing to the divergent contexts under which the term is used.... ICF defines employee or professional coaching as an ongoing professional relationship that helps people produce extraordinary.... ... ... The paper 'Personal and Professional Employee Coaching' is a valuable example of human resources case study....
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Human Resource Management at Nokia
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This case is the success story of the remarkable performance of the Nokia over the period of a decade.... It was in early 1990's when it was being though that the Nokia group would wipeout within few years.... However, when Ollila was appointed the CEO of the group, it proved to be the turning point for the fate of Nokia....
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Leadership Development at Goldman Sachs
10 pages (3223 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
ord, JK, 2014, Improving Training Effectiveness in Work Organizations, Psychology Press, New York. ... ones, JW 2011, Applying Psychology in business, Lexington Books, Lexington, Mass. ... Journal of Applied Psychology 96, 443–456. ... achau, DA 2007, Resurrecting the Motivation-Hygiene Theory: Herzberg and the Positive Psychology Movement.... Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 12, 93–104....
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Impact on My Life since Acquired Brain Injury
13 pages (4251 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Rehabilitation Psychology.... Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.... Rehabilitation Psychology.... The paper "Impact on My Life since Acquired Brain Injury" is a perfect example of a case study on nursing.... I am a 37 years old male living in Barcaldine in Central Queensland....
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Advocating a Solution for the Problem of Police Brutality
11 pages (3043 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The advantage of this approach is that many police officer behaviors are founded on social learning theory, a respected theory in Psychology which states that when a reference group figure maintains desirable or aspirational traits, others tend to mold their behaviors against this particular social figure in an effort to gain social belonging (Weiten and Lloyd 218).... However, PTO training is feasible and there are many experts in sociology and Psychology equipped with training education that could facilitate such a program....
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Work and Changing Ages
14 pages (3762 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Handbook of the Psychology of aging, 128-154. ... This study ''Work and Changing Ages'' will look into these changes and how they bring themselves.... This study will analyze the effects of these changes on older working individuals' work-lifewill also look into the priorities and preferences of such individuals in this stage of their careers....
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Tennessee V. Garner 1985 and Making of a New Force
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The case study examines the conditional liabilities of the police department and the Tennessee statute during the prosecution and after the verdict by the Apex Court of the US.... This case attained global attention as it was an unforeseen event of an 'individual v/s constitution debate'.... .... ...
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Strategic Marketing at Waitrose
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
In our case, the sales people can be masters of customer Psychology, accounting, finance, economics, laws, rule & regulations and others because they need a well rounded personality to get the nod of that hard to get customer.... The present study will discuss the background of the Waitrose organization along with a summary of its activities....
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Leadership at Nissan - Strategies Undertaken to Improve Efficiency, Adaptation, and Human Relations
11 pages (3358 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Annual Review of Psychology.... Personnel Psychology, 54(1), pp.... The sales figures hit record low and the company was literally on the verge of bankruptcy.... The company lost all its money and was finding extreme difficulties to operate in.... ... ... The paper 'Leadership at Nissan - Strategies Undertaken to Improve Efficiency, Adaptation, and Human Relations' is an intriguing example of the management case study....
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Personality and Job Performance
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The paper 'Personality and Job Performance' focuses on many laypersons and scholars who have consistently assumed human being to essentially be rational creatures whose conduct is invariably found to be mainly guided by various abilities, propensities, and beliefs.... ... ... ... Personality traits are defined as various dimensions of a single individual's personal differences they are essentially a set of distinguishing characteristics and qualities of a given individual....
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Quality of Life and Work-Life Balance at Four Seasons Inc
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Work in the 21st Century: An Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology.... The paper "Quality of Life and Work-Life Balance at Four Seasons Inc" states that a lot of responsibilities rest on the employees to make sure that they provide the best possible customer care to their customers....
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The Expansion of Rudmore Press Ltd
6 pages (1995 words) , Download 10 , Case Study
(1978), The Social Psychology of Organizations.... This study "The Expansion of Rudmore Press Ltd.... examines the issues faced by the Rudmore Press, Ltd.... as a result of the business expansion.... The company is a medium-sized organization that ranks low with respect to formalization, standardization, and professionalism....
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Nathan's Situation of Agoraphobia in Development
11 pages (3122 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The past theories of Psychology perceived human beings as creations that are corrupt and selfish.... Psychology for nurses.... The paper "Nathan's Situation of Agoraphobia in Development" presents that Nathan Jone's condition of agoraphobia (a type of anxiety disorder) has been becoming so intense and that the reason he had to seek medication from a therapist....
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A Critical Incident During Attachment Session at the National Hospital
10 pages (2620 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Psychology of terrorism.... This paper "A Critical Incident During Attachment Session at the National Hospital" reports a critical incident that happened to the author once and made him\her learn a great deal.... A critical incident can be any disturbing episode that results in strong emotional reactions in individuals....
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Cross cultural management
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
Applied Psychology: an International Review, 49 (1), pp.... This essay discusses cross-cultural management is an important concept in modern business world.... This study is centred towards analyzing various dimensions related to cross-cultural management.... Different cultures have different meanings and so it is misinterpreted by people....
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Jameson Holdings Management
5 pages (1834 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Work Psychology and Organizational Behaviour: Managing the individual at work.... The paper 'Jameson Holdings Management" is a good example of a management case study.... This paper examines how a construction company can manage its human resources with the aim of maximizing the future company-wide benefit from these resources....
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The Four Major Online and Mobile Banking in the UK
16 pages (4359 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
he bank understands the customer Psychology and ratifies the fact that the customer deserves peace of mind.... This case study "The Four Major Online and Mobile Banking in the UK" is about the performance of the leading four banks namely NatWest Bank, Barclays Bank, HSBC, and Lloyds Bank....
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Effective Pain Management in an Acute Ward
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This paper 'Effective Pain Management in an Acute Ward' shall also discuss the contribution of the World Health Organization analgesic ladder and the non-pharmacological management techniques.... The patient is a 63-year-old male adult who has just undergone partial hip surgery.... ... ... ... The author states that the patient is experiencing post-operative pain at the operative site, particularly at his right hip area....
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Service Gaps Model vs Service Profit Chain Model
12 pages (3719 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 28(2), pp.... The study "Service Gaps Model vs Service Profit Chain Model" critically discusses the ethos and elements of two key models in service marketing (the Service gaps model, and the Service profit chain model), evaluating them within recent research in services marketing....
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Reviewing the Marketing Mix Based on Ironman and TransRockies
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
, Proceedings of the Second Notional Conference on Psychology and Sociology of Sports and Physical Education, pp.... The current paper critically analyzes Ironman's use of the marketing mix and examines its application in comparison with TransRockies.... The paper begins with analyzing the Ironman's use of the marketing mix and explains how TransRockies Inc....
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Speech, Language and Communication Needs in Children and Young People
7 pages (2139 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Understanding developmental language disorders-from theory to practice, Hove: Psychology Press ... From the paper "Speech, Language and Communication Needs in Children and Young People" it is clear that SLCN can result in significant difficulties in children and young people.... Prevalence studies and school census estimated that 10% of all children suffer a long-term effect of SLCN....
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Lockhart River M23 Accident
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Safety traditions and systems strengthening in aviation in the past have been dealt with at many stages of the industry and as well at forums, plus the first Australian Aviation Psychology Association Symposium in 1992.... This paper under the headline 'Lockhart River M23 Accident" focuses on the fact that the aircraft SA227-DC Metro 23, registered VH-TFU on 7 May 2005, was refuelled at Bamaga for the return flight to Cairns via the Lockhart River to embark two passengers....
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Transfer and Adaptation of Management Systems
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Journal of Managerial Psychology; 12: 2 1997; pp.... Journal of Managerial Psychology; 13: 3-4 1998; pp.... The case study "Transfer and Adaptation of Management Systems" demonstratesmMatching jobs with people which is the nitty-gritty of personnel management, but the more important function of personnel managers is to unlock the productive powers of employees and creatively influence them....
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Concepts and Challenges of the National and International Communication Planning Process in Marketing Agencies
12 pages (3068 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Journal of Applied Psychology , 9:75 - 86. ... The Psychology of Selling .... "Concepts and Challenges of the National and International Communication Planning Process in Marketing Agencies" paper highlights some recommendations to enable the marketing agencies to successfully maintain an effective national and international communication....
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Professional Sports Team Brand Identity
8 pages (2683 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Professional Sports Team Brand Identity" highlights that while the brand is a symbol used to represent a specific company and, by extension everything that company stands for, branding refers to the practice of associating that brand with more esoteric ideas.... ... ... ... Aaker and Joachimsthaler (2000) use the example of Richard Branson's Virgin Group to illustrate the three most important elements of brand identity, elements Aaker had previously identified as the building blocks of the brand pyramid....
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Women in Facilities Management
61 pages (10679 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "Women in Facilities Management" discusses that women are very good at multi-tasking, an area where the men fall far behind.... The reason for this is obvious.... Right from the beginning, she is prepared to play a dual role, that of a mother as well as a career woman.... ... ... ... Interviewing is one of the many methods that are used for the collection of qualitative information....
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A Comparison of Dominant Negation Styles between Malaysian and Japanese Cultures
7 pages (2064 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
International Journal of Psychology, 35(2), p.... The paper "A Comparison of Dominant Negation Styles between Malaysian and Japanese Cultures" is a great example of a culture case study.... In the modern era of globalization, the aspect of intercultural interactions and communications is becoming more and more pronounced....
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Interaction between New English Language Learners and Those Who are Proficient in English
15 pages (4130 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Journal of Educational Psychology, 88(4), 715-730. ... The following paper under the title 'Interaction between New English Language Learners and Those Who are Proficient in English' gives detailed information about high literacy standards which are a key priority to many countries in the world, Israel not an exception....
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Analysis of the Marketing Communications Campaign of FMCG Brand of Heineken
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Generally, consumer and market research is a type of applied Psychology that focuses on understanding the attitudes, preferences, and behaviour of the targeted consumers.... The author states that the risks faced by Heineken beer could be tackled by the market communication models like advertising and relationship communication among others....
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Human Resource Function Using Technip the UK
21 pages (5250 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This paper, Human Resource Function Using Technip the UK, stresses that in an era of globalization where the use of information technology has become increasingly common, a new dimension has been added to the human resource function, i.... .... the focus has shifted to strategic human resource management....
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Significance of E-Commerce Business in the Market Place
11 pages (3004 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
USA: Psychology Press. ... This paper "Significance of E-Commerce Business in the Market Place" would be centered on analyzing various operations of Zappos Company.... Zappos was established in 1999 and belongs to the retail industry.... It is an online platform that sells clothes and shoes....
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Human Resource Management - GS Plumbing in Hot Water
7 pages (1921 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
eading Edge Research in Cognitive Psychology.... This paper "Human Resource Management - GS Plumbing in Hot Water" will evaluate the case study of GS Plumbing Company with intent to examine the significance of HR audit, role assignment, and managerial interaction as contributing factors to the formulation of a firm's competitive advantages....
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Operations Management Plan for ALWYNS Sports Supplies
7 pages (2027 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper titled "Operations Management Plan for ALWYN'S Sports Supplies" assesses the methods of supply chain management to see how Alwyn's procurement and logistics division can manage its supply chain more effectively in an online business context.... ... ... ... The procurement and logistics division of Alwyn's can manage the company's supply chain more effectively by using the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model, as espoused by Householder (2005)....
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A Marketing Concept
8 pages (2227 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
oming from the quarters of the present day marketing regimes, the benefits of marketing in our society are manifolds since it looks at a number of different issues like the understanding related with the Psychology.... The paper 'A Marketing Concept' presents marketing which is selling a product before it has actually entered the market....
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Toyota Organization Using the Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model
7 pages (2125 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Journal of Psychology and Marketing (2003): 20(2):123 - 128. ... The paper "Toyota Organization Using the Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model" describes that in line with the tight competition among the players within the car manufacturing industry in the UK, it was necessary for Toyota to invest in the development of a company website....
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Signs, Symptoms and causes of Dementia
13 pages (3739 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
??In social Psychology human being is taken as a person rather than an object”(Kitwood, 1997, p.... "Signs, Symptoms and causes of Dementia" paper analizes case of an 82-year patient.... Her family is currently facing a lot of problems in treating and caring for her.... Dementia cannot be treated effectively with medicines and the problems can be managed with the help of an experienced caregiver....
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Knowledge and Skills in Author's Dream Career as a Military Member
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
n view of this, I take advise from the experts who have come up with Positive Psychology, a new science gaining popularity in helping people live their lives to the fullest by maintaining a positive disposition in life.... According to Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi (2000), four different personal traits that contribute to positive Psychology are subjective well-being, optimism, happiness and self-determination.... The pursuit of true happiness is one major motivation of the Positive Psychology movement. ...
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