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Contemporary Sociology: Applying Theories
12 pages (3354 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From Max Weber: essays in sociology.... The author of the "Contemporary Sociology: Applying Theories" paper argues that the theories developed by the above philosophers help the human race and societies find answers to various behaviors exhibited by different subjects and power agents in society....
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Is an Understanding of Sociology Important for the Practice of Social Work
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Sociological thinking and research contribute to practical policy-making and social reform in several obvious ways.... ost interactionist research uses the qualitative research method such as, participant observation to study aspects of social interaction and/or individual's selves.... ?? (Giddens, 2000:26) Therefore, their research focuses on face-to-face interactions which are easily observable rather than on macro-level structural relationships; which involve social institutions....
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How Is Digital Learning Going To Change Education
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The topic so selected for the purpose of research examines the effectiveness of applying digital way of teaching in the classroom.... The use of digital technology increases the access to information and therefore improves the research ability of students.... he research conducted is according to research “onion” as designed by Saunders (2003).... The research is based on the different layers of the onion concept....
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Rationale Paper on 'The Outsiders' by S. E. Hinton
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This novel is suitable across a wide range of grades, from 7 and 8 in middle school, right through all high school grades.... Described as Young Adult Literature and aimed at ages from 12 years to 17plus, it contains many elements which would immediately engage students.... ... ... ... Some educators have suggested that less academically minded students would relate easily to the book, and in so doing, may be motivated to pursue further literary examples....
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Comparative Paper Between the Bible and the Quran
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This report is a comparitive paper between the Bible and the Quran.... The Bible is a book of revelation- a communication from God to man.... Quran means “Recitation.... ?? Quran is not a book and it does not reach one in written form.... In the written form, it is not Quran.... .... ... ... According to the article the Bible has two sections, Old Testament and the New Testament....
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Perspectives Paper on the Health of Institution of the Family
6 pages (1734 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This paper ''Perspectives Paper on the Health of Institution of the Family'' tells that Macionis and Plummer (2008) suggested that the relationship structures family as an institution through blood or even adoption, and by tradition, it is built around marriage.... he institution of the family is not stable....
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The Importance of Exploring Ecology
11 pages (2759 words) , Download 2 , Essay
reating research papers and Causal Maps ... nformational reading, basic presentation and research writing skills, basic knowledge of life interdependencies ... A discussion of the study and the presentation assignment will be carried out with the class and the necessary research skills taught.... The outline of the research paper and scoring guide will be reviewed so as to clarify the expectations.... By using a Webquest research project, the students will learn how the survival of organisms is affected by human activity, and seek ways to minimize this human impact on local populations....
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Managing Diversity and Equality
16 pages (5000 words) , Download 6 , Essay
research Approach 4 ... research Approach ... 2004) claim that diversity management does more than “tolerate differences,' the research shall critically define and analyse the concept of diversity management in order to establish the stated.... In order to prove the validity of Thompson's approach, the concept of diversity management, as defined and discussed in relevant academic literature will be reviewed, after which the research shall compare the outcomes of diversity management to other management paradigms within the context of heterogonous organisational settings....
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Managing Diversity and Equality
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The author states that diversity management is fundamentally focused upon the transformation of diversity into a competitive advantage and into an asset.... If this is to be realized, organizations must invest effort and resources into the design and implementation of diversity management paradigms....
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Strategic Tourism Planning and Development in London
54 pages (11500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The main aims of the research project 'Strategic Tourism Planning and Development in London' are to: find out how the present issues London tourism planning is adapting to change; to find out the recent and future tourism development attempts to obtain success in London.... The aim of the research is to identifying why certain demographic groups are more acceptable to tourism iniatiives....
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Marius Petipa: The Role of Other Players in His Rise and Fall
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Thus, by the time he was joining the Imperial Theatres in 1847, Marius had considerable experience in several aspects of ballet – dancing, choreography, designing and research.... The author examines Marius Petipa, one of the leading figures in modern classical ballet.... His teaching and choreography career lasted about sixty years, most of which he spent at the Imperial Theatres in St....
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Implementation and Action Plan of CSD Manager
6 pages (1553 words) , Download 1 , Essay
In order to persuade the managerial staff my approach is to prepare a short 10 minute presentation full of qualitative and quantitative data and research of the importance of the problem.... I would hand out a pen drive with the entire presentation and additional research to each of the executives and would ask for a 10 minute allocation for me present the problem to managerial staff.... A long term solution to change the corporate culture at SWC is to establish a code of professional conduct....
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Assistant to the President
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Additionally, part-time programs may offer a student an opportunity to explore various fields, which may ignite interest for future research considerations.... In this paper, I will demonstrate why I believe that this position is timely and significant for my academic progress, career development and professional growth....
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Personal Communication Model
5 pages (1413 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The essay "Personal Communication Model" discusses personal communications and covers the aspects of temperamental models as discussed by the Kiersey method with specific reference to the author's temperamental style.... The aspects of communication and how it relates to other individuals are analyzed....
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Competency Self- Evaluation
4 pages (1214 words) , Download 8 , Term Paper
teach , provide services or conduct research within areas of jurisdiction as dictated by their level of competence which is based on such parameters as education, supervised experience, training, study, consultation and professional experience (Kaslow & Grus, 2009, p 29).... According to a research, teachers teaching students at a remedial class often have a preconceived personality bias associated with teaching dumb children.... NCSPP only recognizes organizations that are adhering to psychologists' acts such as provision of services, teaching practices and conducting ethical research practices....
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John Maynard Keynes' Life
5 pages (1466 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Modern universities, books, projects and research companies apply modern economics which is basically, neo-Keynesian version of economics.... research was done by Keynes favorite students and later David Bensusan-Butt.... He had a list of other publications like; The economics of war in Germany 1915, Revision of the treaty 1922, I am a liberal 1925, Treatise on money 1930, Economic possibilities for our grandchildren 1930, The end of the Gold standard (Sunday express) 1931 and essays in persuasion 1931....
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Integrating Internet Resourses
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Military science and internet resources Internet helps in interacting a large no of educational, research and other related organizations through its extensive academic and research based network linking.... In 1989 it was finally decommissioned from military services and was devoted to education and research purposes.... (Kumar, 2005) Types of internet resources utilized Internet is the future in research and in planning and facilitating higher education because of ever decreasing funds as well....
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Organization Development Survey
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A survey is done in order to research a problem or to search for an opportunity.... he questionnaires cover almost every part of research unlike interviews.... Covers every Aspect: The questionnaires cover almost every part of research unlike interviews....
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Regulatory Function of Dopamine Transporter Phosphorylation Site Threonine 53
5 pages (1446 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper "Regulatory Function of Dopamine Transporter Phosphorylation Site Threonine 53" focuses on a neurotransmitter that takes part in major brain functions, which include motor activities, inspiration, and incentives.... Biology research Paper December Dopamine Transporter Phosphorylation Site Threonine 53 Regulates Substrate Reuptake and Amphetamine-Stimulated Efflux ...
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ADDIE Model: Implement Training Prototype on Time Management
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
This part of the ADDIE Model training prototype aims to present the plan to ensure the effective and smooth delivery of the Time Management Course.... his aims to check the course delivery format to ensure that logistics and management issues will be avoided .... ... ... ADDIE Model: Implement Training Prototype on Time Management Overview This part of the ADDIE Model training prototype aims to present the plan to ensure the effective and smooth delivery of the Time Management Course to students....
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Max Weber Biography
13 pages (3464 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
This research paper "Max Weber Biography" shows that Max Weber was born in 1884 and was a German philosopher, political economist, and sociologist whose works were in the sociology discipline.... On top of that, he influenced social theory and social research.... On top of that, he had influence on social theory and social research (Weber, 2009).... mplications for future research ... It is therefore important for any research to understand the historical background of the society he intends to research on....
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Description & Identity: How It Feels To Be a College Student
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Undeniably, being in college presents one with both a momentous and exciting life's experience as he or she deals with varied problems while in pursuit of own academic goals.... For instance, some of challenges or problems include intending to know one's identity and.... ... ... However, due to numerous stereotypes and assumptions that characterize one's life based on where he or she emanates, end up taking long to cope with their peers....
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Essential Skills for Teamwork
2 pages (804 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The author of the "Essential Skills for Teamwork" paper studies and analyzes how innovation and creativity are developed in a team environment.... It also examines how people develop new skills by working in a team environment and the team development process.... ... ... ... Learning to work in a team environment is essential for corporations to achieve high levels of success....
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Legal Environment for Global Organizations
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
DISCUSS why you think that an understanding of the legal environment for global organizations is important.... INCLUDE a specific example of a situation when an understanding was important or could have made a difference.... If you do not have a personal example you may use an example from an article you read or an example that you heard from someone else ...
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Interprofessional Practice beyond the Health Care System
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The article 'Interprofessional Practice beyond the Health Care System' presented issues relative to the benefits and costs of using Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) in professional practice.... ummary of Lecture The lecture delivered on October 25, 2011, on Health Practitioner Practice 2 presented initially the definitions of inter-professional practice, inter-professional education and inter-professional learning; as well as expounded on other critical terms within this topic (uni- or intra-professional, multi-professional, multi-disciplinary, teamwork and trans-professional)....
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How Effective are Pain Assessment Tools on Patients with End-Stage Dementia Admitted in Hospitals
48 pages (17466 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
A literature review research study design can either be based on the study intention or the method used in the course of undertaking the review.... ), a literature review entails scrutiny of previous works relevant to a research area.... A systematic literature review design is adopted in this research study.... iterature review systematically used existing research rather than use original research as its database report (Kotthissssi 2008, p....
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Drowning in a Sea of Information
13 pages (3619 words) , Download 3 , Essay
One example comes from Equation research which is a small company that does not even have a physical office but manages its entire seventeen person staff from the internet using the information systems they have created for themselves.... They specialize in getting research done for other companies and conducting product and service related surveys (Rupley, 2005). ... This is the case for Equation research since according to Rupley (2005): ... iven the information system technology Equation research has at their disposal and with the secure information framework that they have, it comes as no surprise that they manage to deliver information without overloading their clients with irrelevant data....
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Health Needs and Challenges that Older People with Intellectual Disabilities in Australia and the UK
14 pages (4210 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
I started the search with a general search so that I could be able to identify the relevant information that are available on my research topic.... The general search also helped in identifying better concepts that could help in my research.... he advanced search option in the Ebcohost library helped in carrying out sophisticated search for the research topic.... This investigative study was carried out by use of three validated questionnaires and a self reported measure of “social desirability” by the selected research sample....
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Federalism and State Powers
6 pages (1895 words) , Download 1 , Essay
This paper ''Federalism and State Powers'' tells that since its inception, the division of power in the United States' federal structure of governance has been one subject of fierce contestations characterizing continuous political battles extending to the court corridors.... ... ... ... Tasked with drawing up the Articles of confederation in 1781, the Congress literally opted for few powers being assigned to the new central government....
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Anishnabe change makers
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The original definition of the word Anishinaabe is ani (whence), nishina (lowered), abe (male of the species) thus "People from whence lowered.... From a traditionalists point of view, the.... ... ... Anishinaabe can refer to "the good people" or the good humans that mean those people who are on the right path that the creator or Gichi-Manidoo gave to them....
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Globalisation of Markets
9 pages (2288 words) , Download 2 , Essay
evitt's research is guided by international marketing theory.... evitt's research relies on secondary data, observation and statistical evidence pertaining to the globalisation of markets via technological innovation and the emergence of global products.... He does not define his research strategy, nor does he clearly specify his data sources.... imitations and future research direction ... This would be a rich area for future research....
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How Reading one Composition Affects the Reading of Another
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The present essay under the title "How Reading one Composition Affects the Reading of Another" deals with the idea that when reading an essay about a certain topic, one is more or less being asked by the author to see things from the author's perspective.... ... ... ... When reading another essay on the topic, from a different perspective, one is inclined to still feel sympathetic to the essay written by the first author and read first....
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Qatar Olympic Committee Strategies
28 pages (7349 words) , Research Paper
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The paper "Qatar Olympic Committee Strategies " is a perfect example of a management research paper.... The paper "Qatar Olympic Committee Strategies " is a perfect example of a management research paper.... The paper "Qatar Olympic Committee Strategies " is a perfect example of a management research paper.... econdary data provides the past activities of the organization while the use of primary research makes it possible to establish the prevailing problems/issues facing the organization....
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How to Synergize the Works of Internal Auditors and External Auditors
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This research paper 'How to Synergize the Works of Internal Auditors and External Auditors' explores how to synergize the works of Internal Auditors and External Auditors in listed companies.... To achieve the objectives of the research, secondary sources were used to obtain data.... The research paper intends to assess the importance of external auditors and internal auditors in listed companies.... In addition, the research paper will identify the functions of internal and external audits....
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Environmental, Health and Safety
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
The company's environmental professional works in tandem with their business contemporaries across various operations and projects.... This term paper discusses job functions and EHS representative responsibilities related to environmental protection, Worker health and safety, and Environmental protection as seen at Exxon Mobil and Shell Oil and Gas....
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A Nationalize Healthcare System Is the Right Thing to Do for All Americans but Can Americans Afford It
30 pages (7500 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Based on the background of America's healthcare system, the purpose of this research is to analyze whether the nationalization of health care system would be the best alternative solution to the crisis of America's health care system, how to apply it, and whether America affords it or not....
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Legal Issues In Nursing
6 pages (1672 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The skills therefore shown by the doctor in the case were below professional requirements or standards.... In healthcare, this has encouraged healthcare practitioners to be more careful and professional in line of duty. ... The paper "Legal Issues In Nursing" tells us about dealing with the Donoghue v Stevenson case of 1932 and the Henson v Perth Hospital Management 1939 case....
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Dental Practice
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Admission/Application Essay
The author of this essay "Dental Practice" comments on his/her attempt to start dental practice professionally.... According to the text, every phase of life teaches us a valuable lesson that can help us refrain from the same mistakes in the future endeavors.... .... ... ... It is often witnessed that opportunities are grasped with whatever minimal resources one possesses to ensure that the missed opportunity does not become a cause of regret in the life ahead....
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Healthcare Systems of Singapore and the United States
11 pages (3229 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Numerous professional boards and societies regulate the private health services.... The essay "Healthcare Systems of Singapore and the United States" focuses on tech critical analysis and comparison between the healthcare systems of the United States and Singapore.... It will look at the organization, funding, regulation, and quality....
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Separation of Powers
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay talks that democracies the world over are functioning on the principle of ‘separation of powers' between the Executive, Legislature and Judiciary.... Inbuilt ‘checks and balances' in the system accord each branch of government powers to monitor the activities.... ... ... ... According to the report in the present environment where the omnipresent threat of terrorism is driving domestic and foreign policy, more and more governments all over the world are and seeking to arm themselves with more and more draconian powers under the mantle of ‘national security' at the cost of human rights and individual liberties....
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Separation of Powers
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Separation of power is an imperative to assure accountability on the part of a government, to restrain and dilute a trend towards corruption and to protect the fundamental and universal rights of the citizens, from incursions and interference of the governments in power.... ... ... ... Separation of Powers....
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The Dangers of Prayers
8 pages (2146 words) , Download 1 , Essay
This essay "The Dangers of Prayers" discusses the dangers of the obligatory service that we offer and through this prayer, we enable our inside to realize that God actually exists.... The dangers of prayers are expecting too much from them.... .... ... ... If Christian doctrine is stable enough, no other source whether influential or powerful would be able to distract a Christian from Christianity....
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Your powers of observation
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
For two consecutive days, I noticed that he would want to maximize the space and write on it.... He wanted to own it.... I noticed that it was just a simple showcase of the innate creativity inside him.... But that was just a part of.... ... ... I noticed that understanding the sociological development of an adult may be revealed through this child....
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Presidential Powers and Limitations
7 pages (1835 words) , Download 4 , Term Paper
This term paper "Presidential Powers and Limitations" discusses the US that has changed and metamorphosed into a large and vibrant economy that has integrated with numerous countries of the world.... Congress has passed a huge number of governing laws beyond the imagination of the original framers....
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Social Changes And Changes In Technology Since 1900
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Race, Ethnicity, and Urbanization: Selected essays.... Most people have been forced to transform their social ways because of technological advancements.... This essay evaluates the relationship between social changes and changes in technology, since the beginning of the twentieth century....
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Flannery O'Conner Theme
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Flannery O'Connor in the age of terrorism essays on violence and grace.... This essay will cover a common theme between Flannery "A Good Man is Hard to Find" and "Revelation".... Flannery O'Connor is considered one of the religious propaganda.... At least a single character in her short stories had behavior or even a name that reflected on issues with God....
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Montaigne's Apology for Raymond Sebond
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Montaigne's Apology for Raymond Sebond Introduction Montaigne explores different contrasting opinions regarding sense, trait, and human knowledge.... The human knowledge is founded on the senses.... It is through our eyes, ears, nose, mouth, nose, hands, as well as other body parts that we view and judge the world....
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Hume Of the Standard of Taste
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
no.... Date David Hume's Perception of Beauty As one of the greatest philosophers, David Hume in his work “Of the Standard of Taste” attempts to come up with guidelines for the reconciliation of different sentiments among men.... ... ... ... To begin with, Hume acknowledges that different people have diverse opinions and sentiments which characterize their taste in objects (I....
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Writing about poetry and song lyrics
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In this poem the poet grandly makes use of an abundance of metaphors of nature as poetic expressions to beautifully articulate an intriguing aesthetic.... ... ... In this poem, Shelly attributes the many virtues of the skylark to a myriad of things.... The poem ‘To a Skylark' is concerned ... ... he Romantic poets of the 18th-century enriched English literature with their lyrical works....
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Affects of the Internet
3 pages (1072 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Often essays are just printed from the network without reading (Mokhtari 2009).... A person's personal and professional life can be disrupted by an addiction to social networking.... The paper "Affects of the Internet" tells us about excessive Internet engagement....
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