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Sampling assignment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The student were Sample Technique Part Comparing Sampling Techniques First sample Weed Patch school is equally large as compared to any population for the purpose of research.... The population of 100 students is a mere representation in the sampling technique of the general population of the school. ...
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International Analysis of Organization Design
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Until recently, the issue of national culture and the effect that it may have on organizational design and the operation of a company was a concern of only.... ... ...
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Asylums role in understanding of mental disorders
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
“The biomedical model of mental disorder: A critical analysis of its validity, utility, and effects on psychotherapy research”, Clinical Psychology Review no 33, pp.... The writer of this study suggests that mental disorders are no longer reason to be ashamed, but a health condition which is needed to be investigated carefully....
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How Colors Affect Us
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
research has shown that our bodies are affected by colors.... In the paper 'How Colors Affect Us' the author analyzes the influences of colors that surround us.... Colors have the abilities to affect human beings in many ways such as an individual's life, psychological state.... People have always been looking for better ways of making their garments appear attractive....
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The Phenomenon of Ecosystems
6 pages (1787 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Conservation of nature and its products is the need of time; organizations like the Centre for Natural Land Management and the Siskiyou Field research Institute are instrumental in Nature Conservation.... The essay "The Phenomenon of Ecosystems" presents the idea of living beings on the planet being interconnected with each other and with other non-living components like water, air encompassing nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide....
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TV media and violence
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
Focusing on the various analysis that have been made it is clear that media has both negative and positive effects.... Different parties have different views on which.... ... ... However whether lying more on the positive or negative side, they all seems to receive wide support accompanied by irrefutable evidence hence leading to the conclusion that media plays a huge role in shaping the However, it is not enough to leave the subject vague and as such, there is need to weigh media positivity against its negativity....
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Background Information on HIV and AIDS
6 pages (1804 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Moreover, international concern of this issue has attracted funding for feminine issues that had been ignored and research is underway in order to generate women controlled prevention programs.... The paper "Background Information on HIV and AIDS" highlights that considering the modes of transmission, the stages as well as the prevalence and incidence of HIV/AIDS mentioned, effective treatment is necessary....
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Environmental Management - Air Pollution Control Act, Clean Water Act, and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
8 pages (2130 words) , Download 0 , Essay
According to studies, environmental management provides opinions and research on the conservation and use of the natural environment which include the resources, control of hazards as well as the protection of habitats.... The paper 'Environmental Management - Air Pollution Control Act, Clean Water Act, and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act' is an affecting example of an essay on environmental studies....
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Fast Food Nation by Erick Schlosser
6 pages (1829 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Journal of research in Medical Sciences, 13.... From the paper "Fast Food Nation by Erick Schlosser" it is clear that the fast-food restaurants in the countries may give the natives of that country a taste for the food, but, as for the accusation that culture is changing because of the presence of these restaurants, this is difficult to believe....
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Mechanism of Regulation and the Importance of Blood PH
6 pages (1819 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It has been shown through research that during pH aberrations both during acute and chronic conditions, activate the buffering system in the bones.... This essay "Mechanism of Regulation and the Importance of Blood PH" talks about the acid-base homeostasis of the body that is maintained by body buffers, chemosensors, the kidneys, and the lungs....
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Interpersonal Communication
8 pages (2119 words) , Download 0 , Essay
His assumptions in his research on these three concepts generalized that 55% of human communication develops impact from body language, that is, postures, eye contact or gestures; 38% has great impact in tone of voice, while 7% is via content of the words spoken (Brantley, 2003). ...
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Communication Is not an Easy Process
6 pages (1845 words) , Download 0 , Essay
avage, J 1977, Effective communication: language arts instruction in the elementary, Science research Associates ... The author of this "Communication Is Not an Easy Process" analyzes the process of communication, verbal and non-verbal attempts of communication.... This paper outlines aspects of effective communication, rules, and skills of conversation....
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Psychology of Uncertainty Issues
6 pages (1900 words) , Download 0 , Essay
ubstantial affective system research and spoken dialogue have demonstrated that users display a range of affective states while interacting with a system.... The essay "Psychology of Uncertainty Issues" critically analyzes the main issues concerning the psychology of uncertainty....
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Hydrolysis of Phenyl Benzoate, Preparation of Cyclohexanol from Cyclohexene
9 pages (2512 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Accounts of Chemical research, 45(5); 683-695.... The paper "Hydrolysis of Phenyl Benzoate, Preparation of Cyclohexanol from Cyclohexene" states that hydroboration does results in an anti-Markovnikov addition because, in this addition, the hydroxyl group is normally attached to the carbon that is less substituted than the other carbons....
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Interpersonal Partnerships
7 pages (1904 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Through this research, I was able to understand that my partner and I both recognize patterns of confrontation. ... The paper "Interpersonal Partnerships" tells that interpersonal partnership come out in many forms.... It is what makes us build long-lasting connections, establish free lines of communication, and resolve conflicts with friends and relatives....
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Comparing the Use of Death Penalty Around the World
7 pages (2163 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Most people do not approve the death penalty in almost all countries in the world thus this will soon be abolished (Pew research Centre Analysis, 2014).... The essay "Comparing the Use of Death Penalty Around the World" focuses on the critical analysis and comparison of the use of the death penalty around the world....
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Disadvantages of Mandatory Internet Filtering
7 pages (1872 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Or the organization that started the site must be caught but will never be found out because of lack of information and material to research to work on. ... The paper "Disadvantages of Mandatory Internet Filtering" tells that the Australian Federal Government has proposed the mandatory filtering of internet content, to make certain types of illegal content unavailable....
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Prohibition of Torture in the case of Guantanamo Bay
10 pages (2481 words) , Download 0 , Essay
For example, a research done among residents of New York City, “80 percent of New Yorkers, regarded torture justifiable in the fight against terror while 99 percent opposed the torture of political activists in some African states.... The main focus of the paper "Prohibition of Torture in the case of Guantanamo Bay" is on lesser ethics in relation to torture and the Geneva Conventions and on answering such questions like "What is the Guantanamo Bay Detention camp?...
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The Comparison of Acceptance of Homosexuality in South Africa and United States
8 pages (2154 words) , Download 0 , Essay
According to recent research “heterosexual individuals have more favorable attitudes toward gay men and lesbian women if they have had prior contact with or know someone who is gay or lesbian” (Knox & Schacht, 2010, p.... The essay 'The Comparison of Acceptance of Homosexuality in South Africa and the United States' is devoted to the comparison of the history of the acceptance of homosexuality in the United States and South Africa, which is believed to have begun during the biblical times....
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Failure of American Dream by Miller
7 pages (1975 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Thus, it can be concluded that capitalism in America was powerless enough to fulfill the long cherished American dream of many a Middle class American and the present study calls for in-depth research into the issue whereby the researcher can bring out how well Miller's plays depict the failure of the very notion of the ‘American dream'....
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Role of Individuals in Historical Thought
7 pages (2029 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The paper "Role of Individuals in Historical Thought" discusses that whereas historical materialism offers superiority to the objective aspects in history, for instance, the level of the prolific forces as well as the current class associations, the subjective aspect can play a significant part.... ...
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The Federal Reserve Controls the American Economy
7 pages (1860 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The Beige Book is a manual usually published by the Federal Reserve that contains research on various aspects of the US economy.... The Federal Reserve controls the American economy because of the prominent role it plays in managing the flow and circulation of currency and the interest fees....
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Analysis of the Troubled Asset Relief Program
8 pages (2118 words) , Download 0 , Essay
lot of people and research that has been carried out will agree with me that the TARP has not been of much benefit to the U.... During the 2008 financial crisis, the U.... Treasury created a number of programs under the TARP in the bid to prevent avoidable foreclosures, stabilize and strengthen its financial system and restore economic growth in the country....
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Are Children in the Pre-Operational Period Egocentric
7 pages (1923 words) , Download 4 , Essay
From his research on egocentrism, Piaget contended that children tend to be a-dualistic as opposed to being dualistic.... The paper "Are Children in the Pre-Operational Period Egocentric?... cites Piaget's theory of cognitive development.... Piaget stated that egocentrism refers to the child's inability, during the pre-operational stage, to have any other point of view apart from their own....
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Reflection: Patient Interaction
6 pages (1817 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Results of the research revealed that “hypertonic saline does not improve symptoms or illness duration in patients with common colds of rhinosinusitis” (Adam, et.... This essay "Reflection: Patient Interaction" discusses pharmacy staff that is doing a good job in taking care of the customers, and they have a very good relationship with their customers....
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Gang Violence and Juvenile Delinquency
7 pages (2017 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
research reveals that gender variation in cognitive influences suggests girls' supremacy on visual-motor speed and language prowess while males' superiority is seen in mechanical and visual-spatial duties (Whitehead and Steven, 2006).... The paper "Gang Violence and Juvenile Delinquency" states that a few juvenile courts have incorporated punishment and sentencing of juvenile criminals just like adults with a view that if they realize how they would be punished for committing a crime, they would less likely to commit a crime....
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The Assassination of Digna Ochoa
7 pages (1835 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The book reveals the persistent research about the dark secrets which existed within the Mexican government and the police's investigation of Digna Ochoa's death.... The book reveals the persistent research about the dark secrets which existed within the Mexican government and police's investigation of Digna Ochoa's death....
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Is State Sovereignty Absolute
6 pages (2118 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Journal of Food research, 1(1), pp.... The paper "Is State Sovereignty Absolute" highlights that migrants can enter the country legally until such time that their working visas had expired.... To avoid such cases, the European migration office should enact new laws and policies that will impose penalties on migrants with expired visas....
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Cold War- Arms Race between US and USSR which Lead to the Fall of USSR
8 pages (2151 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper "Cold War- Arms Race between US and USSR which Lead to the Fall of USSR" discusses the cold war, when the world was left with only one superpower.... Once each country realized that their weapon power matched, they started funding research that was directed towards making stronger nuclear weapons that were of mass destruction....
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Does Thatcherism Mark a Radical Break in British Politics
8 pages (2339 words) , Download 2 , Essay
All these efforts contributed to the development of a strong economy that was the dream of Margret Thatcher and, as research shows, other leaders that had come before her.... From the paper "Does Thatcherism Mark a Radical Break in British Politics" it is clear that generally speaking, the political system became popular among the British politicians after Thatcher, such as John Major, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and David Cameron....
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Major Determinants of Health
1 pages (2148 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The essay "Major Determinants of Health" focuses on the critical analysis of the major determinants of health.... According to Lomas, numerous healthcare factors differentiate the status of health in a population.... These factors can be social, personal, or environmental.... ... ... ... They are the determinants of health that heavily impact the quality of health and life in a specific community or population (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2012)....
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Origins of Nursing
8 pages (2510 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
research shows that monks and nuns dedicated their lives in the service of those in the society who are poor and sick.... The paper "Origins of Nursing" highlights that all the activities carried out by ancient mothers when the young ones were in pain to help them ease the pain was a form of nursing, which is attributed to the current mother care or children homes where little children are taken care of....
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Crime Control versus Due Process
7 pages (1981 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Alleged offenders are considered to be guilty because those working in the criminal justice system have already conducted the research necessary to arrest the correct person (http://www.... The paper "Crime Control versus Due Process" outlines that in the US criminal justice system, there are two distinct models of criminal justice....
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Sentencing of People with Mental Disorders
9 pages (2464 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Further research has showed that these public acts of violence have been triggered due to the negligence of the patients and carelessness from the clinical management along with lack of interaction between patients and medical institutional staff (Coid, 1996).... The paper "Sentencing of People with Mental Disorders" discusses that if the clinical staff and the probation and parole staff distance themselves from patients, then many problems can arise due to lack of liaison, and similarly a lot of trouble can be saved....
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Marketing: Concepts and Strategies
7 pages (1880 words) , Download 2 , Essay
research and Advisory Services Directorate.... The statement that will be observed in the paper "Marketing: Concepts and Strategies" is: 'A company achieves advantage by delivering superior value to its consumers in the marketplace'.... Marketing entails a process of communicating the value that a product or a service can offer to the customer....
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Contemporary Globalization in Africa
7 pages (2076 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Dakar, Senegal: Council for the Development of Social Science research in Africa, 2004.... This paper ''Contemporary Globalization in Africa'' tells us that Africa, also known as the Dark Continent, represents a special locus to analyze how contemporary globalization has affected state sovereignty....
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Company Analysis: Determining Strategic Capability
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Management research News, 27 (4), 64-71 ... This essay "Company Analysis: Determining Strategic Capability" presents strategic capability that ensures that the company's competitive edge can be sustained in the long run.... In the current globalized environment, firms need to grow in order to survive in the market....
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Sholay The Classic Epic that Transformed Indian Cinema
8 pages (2216 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to a research, 800 films are released each year more than 11 million people visit cinema halls every day; these are also exported to more than 100 countries worldwide (Mishra, 2002).... The focus of the paper "Sholay The Classic Epic that Transformed Indian Cinema" is on Indian movie is acknowledged for its extraordinary ensemble casts, outstanding cinematography, music and powerful dialogues which made this movie a legend in the history of Indian cinema....
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The Use of Storytelling in Videogames
8 pages (2326 words) , Download 2 , Essay
research by Kimberly (2006) showed that in the United States, eighty four percent of kids play video games.... The essay "The Use of Storytelling in Videogames" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues concerning the use of storytelling in videogames.... Storytelling has been in existence since time immemorial as a way of transferring information and knowledge from generation to generation....
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Marketing Communication
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Traditionally in a documentary film, there is enough research involved with a considerable number of interview processes.... The paper 'Marketing Communication' states that the article is based on the case how SBS has come out with a successful way to find its audience for a documentary TV series....
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Publishing a Magazine on How Secure Your Computer
9 pages (2429 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It shall go through a staff of first readers who shall check for occurrences of poor author credentials, weak writing, or problematic research.... The paper "Publishing a Magazine on How Secure Your Computer" describes that the magazine has been able to explain the various ways of security to one's computer....
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Marketing Plan for RLLs New Hot Chocolate Product
7 pages (1902 words) , Download 4 , Essay
RLL normally carries out research regularly to ensure that is well positioned in the market.... This essay "Marketing Plan for RLL's New Hot Chocolate Product" presents RLL as one of the leading companies in the UK that make hot beverage products such as tea and coffee.... The company is planning to launch a new hot chocolate product in the market....
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Materials Ology and Projection
9 pages (2549 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
aterials research Laboratory.... The paper "Materials Ology and Projection" presents that the laboratory session involved three experiments aimed at determining the effect that cooling rates have on grain structures, the effect that different alloy compositions have on solid phases....
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Effective Communication
8 pages (2284 words) , Download 0 , Essay
research has revealed that voice makes around 38% impression of what is being said in face-to-face communication; however, the impression shoots up to 85% when the communication is distant, like over phone.... This paper ''Effective Communication'' tells us that nowadays drama has come to be appreciated and understood in the development of communication skills....
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The Emergence of Biosimilar
6 pages (1934 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
It is hoped to provide new avenues for molecular structure research and the potential for the discovery of affordable treatments.... It is hoped that discussion of biosimilars will provide new avenues for molecular structure research and potential for discovery of affordable treatments for human disease....
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Cyberbullying Using Information Technology
7 pages (1815 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Past research demonstrates that females are more likely to carry out cyber bullying since the underlying motives of cyberbullying favor them.... The paper "Cyberbullying Using Information Technology" suggests that cyberbullying takes place through various channels which include email, text messages, blogging websites....
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Home Depot Company - Ethics and Social Responsibility
8 pages (2082 words) , Download 2 , Essay
New York: Transportation research Board, 2004.... The paper "Home Depot Company - Ethics and Social Responsibility" describes issues of strategy implementation - developing strategy-supportive culture, allocation of resources, matching managers to strategy, restructuring, and engineering, devising policies, adapting operation processes, etc....
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The Role of Social Media in Journalism
8 pages (2472 words) , Download 4 , Term Paper
Journal Of Public Relations research, 22(3), 241-264.... The paper "The Role of Social Media in Journalism" focuses on the critical analysis of the role of social media in the field of journalism.... The emergence of digital and social media platforms has resulted in a massive transformation in the field of journalism....
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Literature as a Primary Means for Communicatio
6 pages (1794 words) , Download 0 , Essay
 Educational research review 22 (2017): 99-113.... The paper "Literature as a Primary Means for Communication" tells that literature is a vital life element.... It teaches people about different societal issues and educates humans on how to live within specific restrictions.... Literature touches on all the life topics of concern....
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Transnational Gangs in America
6 pages (2290 words) , Download 2 , Essay
om/research%20Packets%202012/Security%20Council_Gangs%20in%20Latin%20America.... The paper "Transnational Gangs in America" discusses that transnational gangs are becoming more influential in the Americas.... What started as help to the vulnerable people in El Salvador during the civil war emanated ruthless, careless and killer gangs....
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