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Human Resource Management policies and techniques
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
By the end the last century, Human Resource Management acquired a real professional perspective and scientific discussions were initiated in the corporate world leading to formulation of accurate management technologies.... The acceleration of this replacement across the globe was triggered as the largest professional organisation in the field of management, The American Society for Personnel Administration (ASPA) changed their name to The Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM)....
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HR Practice and Consultance
14 pages (4006 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
"HR Practice and Consultancy" paper evaluates the 'gaining entry to the organization' and other aspects of the hiring process.... Different kinds of approaches to the consultancy process are evaluated and discussed which will best suit the organization.... ... ... ... Human Resource (HR) is imperative in the modern business organization....
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Using Life Story Work to Enhance Care
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In this approach, the influences that every individual in a person's life may have on his or her life and experiences are recognised as likely to have made tangible contribution to their lives (Social Policy research Unit, 2000).... Generally, such a therapy takes twelve months but could be updated depending on a client's understanding and situation (Social Policy research Unit, 2000).... What's more, present and past studies have confirmed that many loved ones feel reassured about nursing care in cases where life story work is complete (Social Policy research Unit, 2000)....
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Perceived Need for ACLS Training among Nurses in a Selected Hospital
10 pages (2783 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
his research will seek to meat several objectives which include the following ... Hagyard-Wiebe (2007) conducted research on MEDLINE and CINAHL databases for research on ACLS training, critical nursing care and resuscitation.... Their research design was a retrospective case review of patients who had experienced cardiac arrest in the previous 13 months prior to ALCS training at the facility and after the training.... orst, LR 1998, Evaluation of Advanced Cardiac Life Support Written Examinations, Graduate research and Creative Practice, Grand Valley State University ...
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Texting in the Workplace: Effective or Not
5 pages (1548 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
n Australia, a research council has conducted a study on the impact of mobile phone on work/ life balance in 2007.... But for me, what this research means is the significance of the impact of productivity at work due to text messaging.... Portugal: Nokia research Center. ... Australian research Council.... The lack of phone is difficult in the workplace among mostly managers, professional workers and tradespersons....
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School of Management: Financial Reporting Policy and Practice
10 pages (2814 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper "School of Management: Financial Reporting Policy and Practice" discusses the ethical issues, economic consequences, and political context of accounting standards and financial reporting for stock-based compensation (most commonly in the form of employee stock options).... M8W1-12 Summary Issue Analysis (research Paper) The Ethical Issues, Economic Consequences, and Political Context relating to Accounting for Stock-based Compensation Instructions for Completing Summary Issue Analysis Assignment The objectives of this template and its instructions are to maximize students' learning and grade by: 1....
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Work out your career path
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The professional studies and career require closer planning and time management skills.... My aim in professional life is to become a successful and famous fashion designer.... Table of Contents ... y career Path 3 ... ducational Requirements 4 ... xperience 4 ...
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Conducting of Research - Avoiding of Bias, the Role of Theory Formulation, and Literature Review
3 pages (961 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
'Conducting of research - Avoiding of Bias, the Role of Theory Formulation, and Literature Review" paper argues that a researcher would only seek to examine the performance of men and women managers without focusing on any other area of research.... Thus, theory guides research work and process.... Theory must be formulated and in turn, offer the basis for conducting the research.... This stems from the fact that research cannot begin or take place if there is no theory to guide the whole research process....
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The Major Ethical Issues Involved in the Research Work for Criminologists
1 pages (518 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "The Major Ethical Issues Involved in the research Work for Criminologists" states that generally speaking, the most important ethical issue in criminologist research relates to the aftermath of the interaction of the researcher and the criminal.... The chapter discusses the major ethical issues involved in the research work for criminologists.... I will elucidate the main problems that the researcher faces in the research work in criminology and criminal justice....
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What does Professionalism Mean to You
2 pages (500 words) , Download 8 , Essay
The online version of the Oxford English Dictionary defines professionalism as 'the competence or skill expected of a professional'.... The online version of the Oxford English Dictionary defines professionalism as "the competence or skill expected of a professional" (AskOxford.... A professional is described as "a person having impressive competence in a particular activity" (AskOxford.... No court in the world would let an individual without the accepted credentials try to pass him/herself off as a professional solicitor....
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The Growing Incidence of Crimes Committed by Young Gamers
9 pages (2839 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper "The Growing Incidence of Crimes Committed by Young Gamers" will analyze the different viewpoints of different observers.... Anderson's research proved that the interactivity of violent computer games affect children's behavior.... Potential benefits and negative impacts will be presented in video games, as well as this author's personal analysis on the issue....
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Analysis of Shirley Jackson's The Lottery
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Analysis Of Shirley Jackson's Lottery Shirley Jackson is known for her well written short stories most of which acclaimed a lot of criticisms.... The lottery appeared in New Yorker clearly tells about the superstitious belief of the people belong to a particular village and the inhumanity they show to one among them in the name of false belief....
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Select an existing company of any size, any location which provides any product or service
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Cultural Identity and Unilever Introduction The company selected is Unilever PLC headquartered at London in UK.... The company is a multinational having manufacturing and marketing operations spread across more than 100 countries.... It is in the business related to consumer products owning more than 400 brands; however, the company focuses on 13 brands or products mainly in the field of Home and Personal Care; and Food & Beverages business....
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Art and Creativity how they affects to the world
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The reason I chose this research topic is to demonstrate the importance art Art and Creativity Topic Selection: Art and creativity are some of the most important forms of cultural expression and mental activity.... The reason I chose this research topic is to demonstrate the importance art and creativity have an important affect on the world.... research Question: The various ways and the extent to which art and creativity affect the modern world....
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Critical analysis related to the care of critically ill patients requiring high dependency care
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Recognizing sick and more dependent persons and increasing the level of care and attention to them is known as high dependency care (Sheppard & Wright, 2000).... In this type of care, the patients receive more support from the nurses, doctors and other medical professionals in the.... ... ... The multidisciplinary team which takes care of the high dependency patient is more trained, knowledgeable and specialized....
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4 pages (1272 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In one such incident, Nasser tells his brother 'But we are professional businessmen, not professional Pakistanis.... This essay discusses the concept of multiculturalism which may offer liberty, progress, and a world of exciting ideas for self-development and success but at the same time, it also leads to increased feelings of discrimination and being rootless generated due to displacement and discontinuity....
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The Reasons to Study Fashion Design
2 pages (511 words) , Download 56 , Admission/Application Essay
People and acquaintances have been really appreciative of my creative designs and been a constant source of encouragement for me to take up fashion designing on a professional level.... I have decided to go for a professional degree in fashion designing so that I could further explore the intricacy of the business.... I believe that the degree from this college would help me to grow not only as a person but also as a professional who would be able to meet the challenges of the contemporary world....
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Ethics in Accounting and Corporate Accounting Scandals
8 pages (2140 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper "Ethics in Accounting and Corporate Accounting Scandals" is a perfect example of a finance and accounting research paper.... The research study is aimed at establishing a relation between unethical practices in accounting and the occurrence of corporate scandals.... Ethics in Accounting and Corporate Accounting Scandals The research study is aimed at establishing a relation between the unethical practices in accounting and the occurrence of corporate scandals....
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Flexible working patterns
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
he methodology for the research collected in this paper is library and online research which gives interesting insights into what experts suggest is the correct way for enriching jobs with flexible working schedules.... The research done on the topic sought out both positive and negative opinions on the subject to come to a conclusion about the benefits or disadvantages of having flexible working hours.... In cases where personal biases were likely to affect the presentation of the research material, evidence was used to show the source of the material used for creating this document....
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Crisis Counseling and its impact on the Survivors of the London Bombing
9 pages (2912 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Crisis intervention handbook: assessment, treatment, and research.... The research paper entitled "Crisis Counseling and its impact on the Survivors of the London Bombing" states that With the increasing instances of man-made and natural disasters followed by a short term crisis, crisis counseling has become a popular concept.... The areas which have been discussed in this context also include issues referring to instant and long-standing disaster mental health services, the role of administrative organizations, services to minorities and underserved inhabitants, mental health research subsequent to bombing. ...
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Endocrine Disruptors
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The harmful effects of exposure to environmental pollutants on reproduction and development in wildlife populations have been acknowledged and reported in the scientific literature for many years.... Some reported reproductive disorders in wildlife have included morphologic abnormalities, eggshell thinning, population declines, impaired viability of offspring, altered hormone concentrations and changes in socio-sexual behaviour....
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Challenges of Health Workers in Providing Counselling Services to HIV-positive Children in Uganda
6 pages (1640 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
This study thus becomes more or less a system-centered research while the real beneficiaries of the system including the HIV-positive children and their parents are opted out.... "Challenges of Health Workers in Providing Counselling Services to HIV-positive Children in Uganda" paper analizes the article by Joseph Rujumba which provides information on the general lack of training and institutional facilities in the health care sector in Uganda....
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Fault Lines on an Assymetric Scale
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Fault Lines on an Asymmetric Scale Name: Institution: Fault Lines on an Asymmetric Scale The theory of The Clash of Civilizations was put forward by political scientist, Samuel Huntington.... 1This theory argues that the religious and cultural identities of people will be the main cause of disagreement after the cold war in the world (Huntington 1993, 23)....
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Islam and Conventional Economic Systems
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
IMF Working papers, 1-46.... IMFSurvey Magazine: IMF research.... The essay "Islam and Conventional Economic Systems" aims to explicate on the existent differences between Islamic and conventional economic systems.... The writer of the essay presents a performance analysis of Islam and conventional banks during and after a financial crisis....
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Childhood Life in Swizterland
6 pages (1771 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Many women worked in the packing area and their work was to wrap chocolates in silver papers and put them in cartoons (Miles & Stephenson, 2000).... This research paper "Childhood Life in Swizterland" discusses women who did not receive their salary while they were on maternity leave.... One- third of the contribution in higher education is directed to research and some to development.... research has shown that 49% of adult have tertiary education where the enrollment of men is about 53% while that of women is about 44%....
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Presentation for Literature Class
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
research Paper ... Tillie Olsen's I Stand Here Ironing and Anne Tyler's Teenage Wasteland depict the regrets of two mothers in rearing and bringing up their children and their attempts to rectify their past mistakes in vain which shows that mother's continuously try to be the best....
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Difference between Karl Marx and Max Weber's Perception of Social Classes
8 pages (2188 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
During this time, Weber finished his research and the writing of his most important work, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1904), which posits an alternative view of historical development in Europe than Marx's dialectical materialism.... Weber continues their research into the relation of religion in the development of culture through sociological methods, and Weber views this as valid knowledge and inquiry.... Thus, the world is watching the socialist movement in Germany, with its publication of influential essays by Marxists, but he warns of moderating interests....
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Effects of Hospital Ratings on Patient's Decision of Admission for Treatments
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
Running Head: research Proposal research Proposal Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 research Statement 3 Significance of the Problem 3 Literature Review 4 Methodology & Hypothesis 5 References 6 Introduction Since few decades, ratings and rankings (Hall, 2009) have been enjoying significant importance due to their impact on consumer behavior and decisions, and until few decades ago, this trend was limited to restaurants, food chains, supermarkets, colleges, and media....
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Clinical Depression in the Film Its Kind of a Funny Story
4 pages (1308 words) , Download 3 , Essay
However, if there is a drawback that has been noted in the course of this research, it can be said that it seems to simplify depression in terms of something that is merely necessary for the individual themselves to admit and come to grips with in order to rectify.... Further with regards to the film, it was ultimately the healthcare professional, and not the individual, the was able to impress upon him the full gravity and importance of the symptoms that had driven them to commit himself to the emergency room the first place....
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Student survival guide
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
What this means is the fact that conducting one such successful library research is the basis of extracting the needed information in the wake of knowledge acquisition and the eventual development of details related with the student's resource.... The significant thing to understand here is that the personal action plans need constant checking upon them so that the pivotal facets that are encompassed within them do not feel left out and the same....
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Disclosure of Physician Information
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
For example, a survey conducted by the Agency for Healthcare research and Quality in 2006 showed an improvement in quality measures by about 8% following the administration of report cards (Protomag, 2012).... Considering this fact, information concerning the professional training and experience of physicians should be availed to the clients so that their confidence in the health facility can be boosted.... The systems should also make it possible to establish the accuracy of physician report cards and their professional competencies....
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Effectiveness of Senior Team Member and In-Depth Knowledge of the Subject
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The writer of the essay "Effectiveness of Senior Team Member and In-Depth Knowledge of the Subject" would evaluate the contribution of oneself being a senior specialist prior to other team members to the nursing research project.... They provide an insight to the educational, professional roles of Psychologists but they are not merely specific rules for psychologists but they are associated with certain principles that provide guidance on when to fulfill demand of the patients and when it would be feasible to say no to them....
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Observation, Contact, and Survey Methods - Options to Choose Certain Type of Research
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The aim of this research is to get facts first hand, at the source, while also actively getting involved in factor variation and research control.... The paper "Observation, Contact, and Survey Methods - Options to Choose Certain Type of research" talks about different methodologies for conducting experiments and argues why the experiment using focus groups would be the most reliable data collection method for the given study.... Employment of research methodology that best suits a sample under study is needed....
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The Risk of Sudden Unexpected Death in Infants
13 pages (3459 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The primary research papers on the topic are available.... For instance, primary source of evidence are more appropriate sources of evidence since they contain a detailed amount of information and minimizes errors which might be carried on and magnified in the subsequent secondary and tertiary research papers (Eamon 2004).... The major keywords in the question include; infant, swaddling, and skin-to- skin contact which are providing easy access to the sources or previous research work related to the question. ...
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Health Literacy and Nursing
11 pages (3229 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The gravity of health literacy in the United States is attributed to the high number of publications and research around this topic.... Literature Review for Nursing research Ambika Chacko Western Governors 10 13 Task 2 Problem ment The level of health literacy among patientsis a major concern to various health professionals because of the impacts that it has on the medication processes.... Literature search In conducting the research on the available peer and scholarly reviewed articles on this topic, the development of strong key words to guide my search is necessary....
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Compensation and Benefit System
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Employee benefits are non-monetary type of compensation provided besides cash earnings to improve employees' lives - both personal and professional.... Employee benefits usually include health indemnity, holiday time, disability coverage and retirement plans.... Compensation incorporates a set salary or inspirational income plans, for instance, commission, bonuses and value income....
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Healthcare Analyzation: Pros and Cons of Managed Care in America
11 pages (3055 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
rg/papers/managed-care.... In this regard, if the patient receives treatment from the preferred professional, he/she is likely to gain confidence on the treatment and the entire process would be effective.... 'Healthcare Analyzation: Pros and Cons of Managed Care in America" paper discusses various challenges along with pros and cons associated with the implementation managed healthcare system within the US....
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The Aim of the Total Quality Management Process
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Administrative research Associates.... The person becomes a professional and tries to reach to the level of self-actualization.... It marks teh end of the entire professional life on a person.... professional advancement in the organization may be in accordance with such principles as efficiency, competence and capabilities, diligence, ability to organize the formal aspect of the case, please leadership, seniority, and general abilities....
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Outline for Caffeine
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
any products contain caffeine, making them readily available to people who enjoy caffeinated products, but does research suggest they are good for you?... research into the psychological tendency to desire chocolate can aid the thesis that caffeine as a supplement is often considered an enjoyable experience.... s it possible to conduct a small research study using peoples viewpoints on caffeine?... as anyone professional considered making capsules or tablets already, for caffeine supplements?...
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Student Misbehaviour in a Classroom
11 pages (4226 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Social research Update, 26,pp1-9 1.... research design & method(s) Qualitative analysis: calculating differential attainment.... More research needs to be done on the topic to prove the efficiency of social class and mobility.... This research enables me to understand that educational achievement is normally influenced by sociological and physical issues.... research design & method(s) Qualitative methodology and reflective reports 6....
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Importance of Health
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper discusses the many ways by which the nursing profession can also do its part as a crucial member of the health care team.... It is always a good mindset to not rely on the government in all instances, such as in health care, there are clearly limits to what the government can do.... ... ...
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Metro of San Antonio
5 pages (1623 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Metro of San Antonio" discusses that the education system in the city has been enhanced by various partnerships such as the San Antonio Education Partnership.... The partnership has endeavored in reducing the gap between graduating from high school and joining college and then Universities....
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The Articles of Confederation and Shays Rebellion
2 pages (575 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper ''The Articles of Confederation and Shays Rebellion'' tells us that Shays' rebellion was a civilian revolutionary war in the period of 1786-1787 fought against the government of the US, due to financial instability.... Articles of Confederation were designed by the Continental Congress and were approved in 1781 by all states....
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Social and behaviour issue for paramedics
8 pages (1575 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The ability to reflect and self-evaluate are key professional attributes as laid out in HCPC Guidance on conduct and ethics for students, point 6 states - You should keep your professional Please use the action points from your last assignment and comment how you have acted upon them....
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The Impact of Sexual Abuse on a Child
9 pages (2551 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The research also indicated that men are the common sexual offenders.... Therefore, professional health practitioner need to be consulted (1987).... In case the parent is not comfortable, they may seek help from a health professional (1990).... The paper "The Impact of Sexual Abuse on a Child" explains that the issues that are involved in the issues of sexual child abuse....
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Information Relating to the Arson Problem in America
7 pages (1959 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Fire Brigades statistical research paper issue.... The paper "Information Relating to the Arson Problem in America" describes that cost of fire protection for new buildings, injuries, deaths and firefighters, coverage of the firefighters both professional and to the volunteers is expensive to the government making it to lower the GDP of United States.... The cost of fire protection for new building, injuries, deaths and firefighters, coverage of the firefighters both professional and to the volunteers is expensive to the government making it to lower the GDP of United States....
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Should Individuals be Allowed to Sell their Organs on the Open Market in the US
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The following research paper "Should Individuals be Allowed to Sell their Organs on the Open Market in the US" investigates the fact that kidney has been noted to be the body part that accounts for the greatest portion of organ sales around the world.... The research study by the Department of Health, DH (2010) for example attributes the low organ donation rate in Black-Caribbean as guided by religious belief against disfiguring the body, this being wrong before God....
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What can/should businesses do to make their employees most productive
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The causes of a job satisfaction are primary originates from some real factors which are a workplace organization and environment, from social and professional relations established within a company and etc.... What makes a positive way of thinking specifically meaningful for business is a positivistic striving for success and its idea of a....
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Ethics of Marketing
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
It articulates the code of ethics in various marketing functions, with this paper seeking to articulate ethics in marketing as concerns market segmentation, marketing research, product management, pricing, distribution, advertising and personal selling.... The code of conduct that various marketing research professional organizations advocate for uphold the need to protect the confidentiality of respondents, appropriate disclosure of research procedures and non-misrepresentation of research sponsors among others....
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Advanced Nursing Role
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Participate in research studiesAn FNP has intellectual knowledge to work with other health team members and take part in a research study that can change the field of medicine.... The roles of an FNP are as per the educational background of courses studied for instance pathophysiology, research, clinical practicum, family theory, women's health care during reproductive years, and pharmacology.... Nursing research: Randomized Clinical Trial Testing Efficacy of a Nurse-Coached Intervention in Arthroscopy Patients....
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