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Employee Engagement
8 pages (2375 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Employee engagement is fast emerging as the new buzzword in the research arena owing to its greater significance and broad coverage in business.... However, employee engagement is fast emerging as the new buzzword in research arena owing to its greater significance and broad coverage in business and performance parlance.... , 1) strikes the most critical cord of employee engagement challenge when he describes how employee engagement is getting affected by a conflict in the professional and work life balance of employees....
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The Growth in the Spa Industry
12 pages (3524 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Definition of Spa ISPA (2013) defines spa as destinations dedicated to complete well-being via a range of professional services that boost the rejuvenation of mind, body and soul.... The paper "The Growth in the Spa Industry" discusses that operations and management issues related to this niche segment of the hospitality industry are different....
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Talk Shows - Contribution to the Public Sphere
13 pages (3954 words) , Download 1 , Essay
In Albania, the research exposes the role of social groups and media, especially television in creating a public sphere.... He evaluated data collected from a language research assignment where numerous amounts of audiovisual texts beginning in 1961 and ending in 2011 were created.... Therefore, future research should focus on determining other means influential and commercial interests are reinforced by talk shows because I believe this influence may be spread not only through talk show hosts, but other factors make it much stronger....
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Male and Female Speech Patterns: A Sociolinguistic Perspective
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Human beings across the globe, in every language, have an expansive diversity of language to make use of in various social and cultural circumstances.... Individuals have applied and acted in response to social variations since time immemorial, but only currently have these.... ... ... This field of study involves exploring the different aspects of language use in different situations....
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Governments Should Not Run Businesses
10 pages (2948 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Like public sector agencies they are required to execute government policies often in the form of delivering non-commercial services (or' community service obligations') - (Stephen Bottomley 2000, research Paper 18).... - (Stephen Bottomley 2000 research Paper 18) ... tephen Bottomley (2000) Government Business Enterprises and Public Accountability through Parliament research Paper 18 1999-2000 ... It thus embraces laws, formal and informal orders, administrative guidance and subordinate rules issued by all levels of government, as well as rules issued by non-governmental or professional self-regulatory bodies to which Governments have delegated regulatory powers"- (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 2001 pp3) ...
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Terry Zwigoffs Crumb as an Example of True Documentary
8 pages (2005 words) , Download 0 , Essay
So it is not just an introduction to Crumb's life and his character because this documentary is also a research on Crumb as a phenomenon of popular art (Fairbanks, 2005).... Therefore, Crumb retrospectively evaluates his professional career that was established in America while Zwigoff records Crumb's self-reflective opinions, thoughts, and arguments.... It is a story about a man, about his professional work, about his life and his own view of his existence (Aufderheide, 2007)....
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The Degree of Seriousness of Psychological and Emotional Problems Displayed by Children of Adolescent Mothers
12 pages (3366 words) , Download 1 , Essay
rg/conf/papers/psych.... Planet papers.... In a research made by Russo (1992), children from teenage pregnancies are more likely to: 1) have chaotic and insecure family lives; 2) suffer child abuse and neglect; 3)anger prone and irritable; 4) be involved in drugs, alcohol and displays criminal tendency behaviors; 5) exhibit psychological distress; 6) have academic problems; 7) often have job dissatisfaction; 8) have early sexual experience; 9) have marital problems and 10) be welfare recipients. ...
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Women in Africa: An Endless Struggle
9 pages (2408 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Mikell, based on her extensive research, bases her viewpoint on deductive generalization and observation, describing the status of African women as she sees it from the outside, from a physical and analytical distance, rather than from the perspective of someone engaged in feminist activism on the African continent. ... omen must engage with theory and analysis from different perspectives, and develop strategically useful skills to make use of information technology, research, and writing skills, training, teaching, and communication to influence the world with their concerns and transform to serve their collective interests, instead of allowing it to perpetrate intellectual and epistemic violence against women (Mama, 1995)....
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Interaction of Psychology with Indigenous Australians
9 pages (2553 words) , Download 1 , Essay
As it became known as a profession in the 20th century, psychological research was employed to back up popular stereotypic theories such as Social Darwinism.... Guidelines for the Provision of Psychological Services for, and the Conduct of Psychological research with, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of Australia, Australian Psychological Society, Melbourne, Australia. ... As a result of this role, the professional practice of psychology has had a great impact on mental health interventions, as well as the general health and human welfare service delivery. ...
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Reasons for Studying at University
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
My experience in Principals of University Learning has expanded my knowledge of the learning process, given me insight into study and research methods, and motivated me to pursue my education with greater resolve and passion.... The author of the following research paper "Reasons for Studying at University" mentions that he is studying at University because he cares about knowledge in-itself, and he believes this is his best opportunity to be around other students, with similar interests, purpose, and goals....
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Stress Management to Human Relations
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
With change, be it in working environment or change of cadre etc, comes stress and most certainly professional stress or job stress presents a risk to physical health.... The introduction is too lengthy and not really related to Stress management.... Have to state the main points....
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Cyberethics Issues
9 pages (2467 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Cyberethics Issues" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in cyberethics.... The cyber ethics codes are proposed by Microsoft some of them are: do use of the internet to keep in touch with family, friends, work fellows, and other people.... ... ... ... The safer legal and disciplined use of the internet is the basic understanding of Cyber-Ethics (Cyberethics, 2011)....
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The Middle School Approach With a Focus on Visual Arts
9 pages (2545 words) , Download 2 , Essay
When teachers plan developmentally appropriate art curricula that present art works to middle school children, the results of the following research studies can prove to be useful.... Other research studies have shown that two different art museum tours, one taking the form of a lecture and the other the form of a lecture-cum-discussion were both equally effective in long-term information retention.... Future research on the middle school approach should focus on how visual art making and visual art viewing should be integrated for best outcomes in learning new art concepts and techiques....
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Justification of Terrorism
9 pages (2354 words) , Download 2 , Essay
(Terrorism research, n.... (Terrorism research, n.... (Terrorism research, n.... (Terrorism research, n.... (Terrorism research, n.... (Terrorism research, n.... (Terrorism research, n.... (Terrorist research, n.... (Terrorism research, n.... (Terrorism research, n.... The media and terrorist research programs primarily focus only on the terms and conditions leaflet pulled out by the terrorist organisation, without paying any heed to the roots of this operation; and this is exactly what the terrorists want us to focus on....
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Comparison between website verification systems and their technique
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
he research paper aims to present detailed understanding of the three major website verification systems implemented by major search engines.... The management of a website is a complex and multifarious task and the webmasters often face lot of problematic issues while dealing with certain matters related with the security and optimization of their websites (Greg, 2008, p76)....
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The Three Eras of Law Enforcement
10 pages (2755 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
hat has become clear about team policing during the research, is that it was a strategy of competing with varied expectations on every aspect of law enforcement throughout the eras no wander under such circumstances it was terminated.... These developments that transformed the traditional law enforcement into a more professional field and verified Vollmer's theory that stressed on college educated officers....
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American Bibliographical Article
10 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
To escape their frustration, they immerse themselves into research on death.... To escape their frustration, they immerse themselves into research on death.... They are well educated as very privileged, although they are forced to struggle to realize the lofty expectations regarding personal as well as professional lives....
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Enrolment and Placement in Special Education
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The AASE aims to enhance access for students with special education, improve the quality of educational programs, promote professional standards of a high order and to support research that informs the delivery of special education in the Australian context (Arthur-Kelly, 2011).... The qualification and professional competence of teachers handling the special education curriculum and for that matter the enrolment and placement have been criticized by many....
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Effects Of Media On The UAE
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Media effects: Advances in theory and research.... When I say strongly, I mean it because a research by Emercon Statistics, 2000, show that on average a person who subscribes to cable in Dubai watches television more then 6 hours a day! ... Media has in one way or the other changed the lives of millions around the globe and the UAE is no exception....
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Urban Health Issue in London Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
14 pages (4012 words) , Download 0 , Essay
ccording to a research conducted by Gibbons et al (2011) the number of people living in urban centers is increasingly becoming high and the figures are predicted to go up from 2.... According to research 47% of this population has previously died of cardiovascular diseases and at least 54 of the residents in this area die of heart disease while 12 of them die of stroke (Social Exclusion Task Force, 2010).... National Centre of Social research and University College London, Department of Health, London. ...
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Media Around the Globe and the UAE
6 pages (1729 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Media effects: Advances in theory and research.... When I say strongly, I mean it because a research by Emercon Statistics, 2000, show that on average a person who subscribes to cable in Dubai watches television more then 6 hours a day! ... This essay explores the media that has revolutionized life in general throughout the globe....
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The Importance of Practical Learning to Young Students in the P-3 Class
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research center is open daily between 9:30 am and 5:00pm.... The paper "The Importance of Practical Learning to Young Students in the P-3 Class" highlights that there are several ways through which theoretical facts can be tested practical to justify their effectiveness in explaining a real world's phenomenon....
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Drug Abuse as a Pandemic in the Contemporary Society
6 pages (1636 words) , Download 5 , Essay
A synergy between action research and ... ffected family members: A summary of two decades of qualitative research.... It is also wise and productive to obtain professional assistance.... The paper "Drug Abuse as a Pandemic in the Contemporary Society" discusses that the WHO asserts that drug abuse is a pandemic in contemporary society....
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Social Networking
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The current research aims to find out everything there is to know about social networking and the ethical issues that relate to it.... Pros and Cons of SNSs The young generation would obviously view SNSs are purely beneficial in their ability to achieve various personal and professional goals, as well as in their ability to serve various functions and uses....
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Education and Society
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to Durkheim research, he came up with three irrefutable facts to social sciences.... This is also concurred by Sir John Cassells, director, National commission on Education on his research findings of 2003.... The main idea of a central controlled curriculum is to set clear standards for what the students learn and to use these standards academically to make additional changes in the system including employment, professional development, community and parent involvement, instructional leadership, and use of technology and other resources (Tilak, 2003, p....
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A critical analysis of nursing care for Gina
23 pages (5750 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Regardless of the specific practice model they follow, first and foremost nurses must adhere to the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC, 2004) code of professional conduct: standards for conduct, performance and ethics.... Regardless of the specific practice model they follow, first and foremost nurses must adhere to the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC, 2004) code of professional conduct: standards for conduct, performance and ethics.... The code sets the standards on matters such as patient respect, consent, teamwork, confidentiality, professional competence, trustworthiness, and risk mitigation....
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Masculinity in sport presented by contemporary media
32 pages (8000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
n order to examine, explore and analyse the influence and role of mass media in representing masculinity in sport, this study uses the secondary research, qualitative research methodology, whereby various research articles, media articles, news published in tabloids, books, television adverts and sport magazines are studied, to gather evidence required to substantiate the research hypothesis and research objectives listed in the previous section of this paper.... This study mostly relies on secondary research and all the observations made are through literature review, and existing available material on the subject under study....
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The position of infrared in the world of photography
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In investigating the research question, one of the greatest challenges is establishing a working definition of art.... Grain and contrast can be seen in almost everyone's photographs, whether if he/she is a professional photographer or a tourist with a camera.... The position of infrared in the world of photography is rather ambiguous and arguable, because infrared photography is in between the lines of artistic technique and photographic gimmick....
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Critical Perspectives on Management and Organisations
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Sexualisation is a critical factor in massage therapy.... Many individuals view the activities in massage therapy as sexual in nature.... Sullivan (2014, p.... ... ... ... The topic is vital to an understanding that desexualisation need to be done with precaution.... It recommends ways to control sexuality without Sexuality refers to the ability of an individual to become sexually stimulated and sexual arousal mostly exists between a man and a woman (Yardley-Nohr, 2007, p15)....
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Infection Control and Prevention
6 pages (2051 words) , Download 0 , Essay
research suggests that hand washing is necessary even after removing the gloves ( Pratt et al 2007 ).... The paper "Infection Control and Prevention" is an excellent example of an essay on nursing.... The profession of nursing is considered to be a noble profession as it deals with the utmost care offered to a suffering human being....
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The Perspective of the Symbolic Interaction and the Conflict Perspective
9 pages (2582 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to Durkheim research, he came up with three irrefutable facts to social sciences.... ccording to Durkheim research, he came up with three irrefutable facts to social sciences.... This is also concurred by Sir John Cassells, director, National commission on Education on his research findings of 2003. ... The main idea of a central controlled curriculum is to set clear standards for what the students learn and to use these standards academically to make additional changes in the system including employment, professional development, community and parent involvement, instructional leadership, and use of technology and other resources (Tilak, 2003, p....
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The War on Drugs
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
arriers to Scientific research ... he war on drugs has been found to be a major hindrance to scientific research.... research on psychedelic drugs was one of the major successes of renowned researchers in the psychiatry.... If research on these drugs was repressed, such knowledge could not have been discovered.... The future of progressing in psychedelic drugs research was terminated after regulators from the government recommended the withdrawal of licenses....
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Strategies for Improving Nursing Staff Recruitment and Retention
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Inventions and research hugely contribute towards improvement in quality outcomes.... Health Services Management research, 19(3), 144-52.... research and Development in Clinical Nursing Practice.... There is an urgent need to instigate strategies for retaining professional nurses and add the significant support in the health segment (Thompson 2006).... Handsome remuneration packages have proven to be the magnetizing element I numerous occupations such as the professional careers that encompass law, engineering among others....
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Antiretroviral Therapy as an Intervention in the Treatment and Care of HIV in the US
9 pages (3160 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
In its guidelines for the use of ART among HIV-infected adults and adolescents, the Office of AIDS research Advisory Council (DHSS) recommends a variety of laboratory tests which should be conducted prior to the commencement of ART or for initial assessment and monitoring of patients....
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Hispanics and African Americans - Mores and Value System
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
It was necessary for me to first look and gather via the search engine for the books and journal articles that would be of great help to my research endeavor.... , African American culture and heritage in higher education research and practice (pp.... It is essential to me, as a teaching professional, to synthesize the information for me to fully understand and master the subject in question. ...
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Fashion Media: Vogue Magazine
10 pages (2659 words) , Download 4 , Essay
In this respect, fashion writing in the Vogue magazine encompasses comprehensive research to come up with up to date fashion information rather than merely relying on images and superficial first-impressions as bloggers often do.... The dissimilar relationships between fashion and art writing with commerce is a pointer to the divergent practices of each media; fashion writing reveals a gradual blurring of the limits that have conventionally isolated professional practice from corporate interests....
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Risk Communication Issues
18 pages (4649 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The framework can be used on different managerial actions and research contributions. ... he author follows the evolution of the research on risk communication over the years, the mistakes made and the lessons learnt.... A critical need in this area of research is to evolve and apply new theoretical models and to conduct new theoretically guided experiments for more insight into risk perception and communication. ... e/research/research-domains/transdisciplinary-concepts-and-methods/favaia/workspace/documents/jones_2001....
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Multiculitural Education of Exceptional Children in Urban Schools: A Shared Responsibiity
24 pages (6228 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This research proposal describes the aspects of multicultural education of exceptional children in urban schools .... ost of the people govern their lives depending over certain types of norms and regulations that have been incorporated with the very essence of their existence since their childhood through methods of conventional teaching and social taught conceptions....
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Angry Bird Video Game Personal Reflection
4 pages (4667 words) , Download 0 , Essay
research and Development, 47(1), 61–79.... Another application of gamification is assessment, well-recognised in the research community but not yet explored to its full potential (Reiner et al.... research and Development, 47(1), 61–79.... ssessment: Insights from recent research.... Review of Educational research, 78, ... edical Internet research, 12(1). ... VirtualPREX: Providing virtual professional experience ...
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The Critical Incident: A Challenging Communication Encounter
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
I consider the practitioners, mainly the doctors to engage in cognitive activities whereas there is stronger research urging nurses to become aware of their intellectual leanings and apply them in practical situations (Kuiper & Pesut, 2004).... In this last part of my essay, I plan to approach the topic through simple everyday examples backed by theory or academic underpinnings; earlier research also would help me in this regard.... Based on earlier research where Taylor, Lee, Kielhofner & Ketkar (2009) did a nationwide study where it was clearly suggested that a therapeutic mode is essential for a keen understanding of how the nursing practitioner responds in an emotional encounter with a patient or care-giver....
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Impact of Regulation Regimes on Fund Performance
16 pages (4711 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The investment includes commercial papers that are backed by assets, collateralized debt obligations, commercial mortgage backed by securities, credit linked notes and real estate mortgage (Gupta 23).... oney market funds defined as open-ended funds that aim to invest in the short-term debt securities such as, commercial papers.... Hence, the research paper underlines effect of the regulations on function of the fixed income funds (Jarrow 25)....
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Clinical Depression in Later Life
16 pages (4745 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
research papers both quantitative and qualiative will be considered , but so too will be reports and guidelines from various organisations, including government bodies.... Has there been empirical research?... Search terms will include such things as depression, depressive illness, older people and depression, age associated depression, diagnosing depression, research into depression in older people.... lso, despite this supposed rarity, recent Australian research into the human genome ( National Institute of Mental Health , August 2013) has concluded that between 17 and 28% of a predisposition to mental illness can be linked to a genetic variation and a 9% link between schizophrenia and depression....
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The rise of Neorealism as the Most Dominant Explanatory Theory of IR
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This essay shall attempt to show that although Morgenthau's contributions to IR theory remain seminally important, future directions in realist theory and a more general development of theoretical approaches to the study of international politics make the statement under discussion untenable, by considering departures from both within the realist research program and without. ... owever, he remained optimistic in his hope that IR theory would flower into a vigorous field of research: ...
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Theoretical Orientations in Cultural Criticism
8 pages (2329 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Bearing in mind the important role that art plays in the global social-cultural theory, the study of contemporary art theory and criticism is invaluable for one to carry out art research.... Bearing in mind the important role that art plays in the global social cultural theory, the study of contemporary art theory and criticism is invaluable for one to carry out art research.... in Lenin and Philosophy and other essays(1971).... professional critics are alienated from the majority of art consumers since they spend much of their time attending private screening and visiting high end art galleries, with their peers....
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Newcastle Gateshead - Revisited
12 pages (3873 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The following is an extract from the leaflet printed for the cited workshop working papers.... : School of American research Press, Santa Fe: 137-65.... (1999): Recovering Landscape: essays in Contemporary Landscape Theory, Princeton: Princeton University Press. ... (1989): 'Introduction: Iconography and Landscape', in Denis Cosgrove and Stephen Daniels (editors) The Iconography of Landscape: essays on the Symbolic Representation, Design and Use of Past Environments, pp....
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Impact of the Equality Act 2010 and Human Rights Act 1998
13 pages (3497 words) , Download 0 , Essay
From the paper "Impact of the Equality Act 2010 and Human Rights Act 1998" it is clear that we can see that it takes more than academic merit and professional experience to obtain a panel of judges who are suited to implement the Equality Act 2010 and the Human Rights Act 1998.... Experience is a vital issue to consider when selecting judges, as is required in many other professional positions. ... o recap, we can see that it takes more than academic merit and professional experience to obtain a panel of judges who are suited to implement the Equality Act 2010 and the Human Rights Act 1998....
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Strategies Of Teaching In Indian Higher Education
49 pages (12250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Cardiff University is not only known for the outstanding ranking in the UK but also for the global reputation in the research field and teaching.... It would really be an injustice to compare it with the other academic and professional course.... The popularity that it has gained is enormous but definitely not valueless as it strives to blend just the right mix of the professional attitude in the future to be managers.... MBA course tends to converge towards the professional atmosphere after the studies by enforcing the practical implementation of theoretical knowledge....
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The Power of Women or Lack of Power of Women Early Revolutions
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The outcome, based upon two papers she conveyed to literary societies at Newnham and Girton in October of that year, was "A Room of One's Own", an extensive essay on women as both writers of fiction and as characters in fiction and whilst Woolf suggests that, "when a subject is highly controversial-and any question about sex is that-one cannot hope to tell the truth.... research on youth culture shows that young ... In "A Room of One's Own", with the exhortation for women to lay flowers on the grave of Aphra Behn in gratitude for her pioneering work as a professional writer and the assertion that "we think back through our mothers if we are women," Woolf initiated the historical work that taught feminists to seek and take interest in women writers of the past....
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The Race for the Double Helix
10 pages (2730 words) , Download 3 , Essay
England was more appealing with its much scientific advancement and future opportunities for research.... The problems facing Franklin condemned her to perform her research almost in Professional isolation.... The field of scientific research was viewed to be suited only for men.... ?? Watson went to the point of expressing his disapproval of Franklin engagement in the scientific research field when he says, “I don't want a scientist....
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Health Inequalities and Welfare State Regimes in the UK
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
1994, 'Competitive Tendering and Contracting: Theory and research', Australian Economic Review, vol.... The essay 'Health Inequalities and Welfare State Regimes in the UK' will provide the economic justification for continued public health funding in the UK.... It also presents the rationale for reforming the current public health system in the UK and gives specific reforms to be implemented....
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