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Project Assessment about Fire Investigation
11 pages (2942 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
"Project Assessment about Fire Investigation" paper identifies whether fire-trained personnel is better at dealing with fire hazards than untrained workers in case of emergencies from an owner's perspective and whether cameras are a reliable source of conducting fire investigation.... .... ... ... Fire accidents are the most dangerous type of accidents....
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International Trade and Competition
6 pages (1707 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper outlines the research on the international trade and competition.... Marketers have to find ways and means to identify continuous demand and match the demands with the products and services which they are best at offering.... If the demand has saturated then marketers need to identify unmet needs and demand and create demand....
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How Can Saudi Arabia Improve Policy to Reduce RTAs Mortality and Morbidity
8 pages (2541 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
"How can Saudi Arabia Improve Policy to Reduce RTAs Mortality and Morbidity" paper is aimed at strengthening the deliberations of the Saudi Arabia government through recommending modern and appropriate policies.... It is crucial to note that the world is changing, and the road requirements are changing ....
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An Original Investigation on the Pathology of Colon Cancer
5 pages (1422 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
"An Original Investigation on the Pathology of Colon Cancer" paper tries to explore the possible reasons for the disease as well as a mechanism that can help in intervention, especially using drugs.... The paper is highly relevant in order to comprehend the grave threat that this disease poses.... ....
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New Zealand Bank Lending Practice
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper "New Zealand Bank Lending Practice" highlights that personal Lending is one such area where the lending rates are higher as compared to other conventional users of banking thus finance companies tend to bet more on them and in the process sometimes violate their own lending criterion.... ...
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Aboriginals of the Australian Capital Territory
8 pages (2468 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Aboriginals of the Australian Capital Territory" highlights the identified problem which, in the study, is whether there is a link between children's sleeping patterns and obesity among Aboriginals in the Australian Capital Territory regions, Australia.... ... ... ... The research intends to obtain data from the South Australian Monitoring and Surveillance regarding Aboriginals in Australian Capital Territory regions....
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Deakin University: the New Branding Campaign
12 pages (3464 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Deakin University: the New Branding Campaign" involves a detailed examination of the perceptions of the current students of Deakin University as well as the potential students.... A scientific approach will be followed in the study in an effort to obtain valid conclusions....
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Project Management - Impact of Stakeholders on Project Delays and Increased Costs
5 pages (1392 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The author of the paper "Project Management - Impact of Stakeholders on Project Delays and Increased Costs" argues in a well-organized manner that a good transport network ensures and promotes the movement of goods and services from one place to another easily.... ... ... ... The construction of infrastructure projects attracts stakeholders who play different roles to ensure that these projects are carried out to completion....
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Creating a Daycare Facility in Campus
10 pages (2618 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper "Creating a Daycare Facility in Campus" discusses that setting up an on-campus childcare facility is one of the many ways of showing the faculty, staff and student parents that their presence and wellbeing in the University is valued by affording them with an excellent provision.... ... ...
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The Role of CRM in Maximizing Customer Profitability in the Banking Industry in the UK
10 pages (3293 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
"The Role of CRM in Maximizing Customer Profitability in the Banking Industry in the UK" paper gains a more understanding of the role of CRM in the maximization of customer profitability in banks'.... The study seeks to answer the question 'how does CRM enhance customer profitability in banks?... ....
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Customers Brand Equity and Customer Loyalty
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The following research proposal entitled "Customers Brand Equity and Customer Loyalty" is focused on the concept of customer loyalty which can be identified as a conceptual paradigm which focuses on the retention of customers by delivering quality services.... ... ... ... Enhancing and preserving customer loyalty is considered to be the key objective of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) initiatives performed by modern-day organizations, which is deeply rooted in the concept of relationship marketing....
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The Hispanic Community in the USA: AT&T Business Transactions
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This proposal is geared towards reaching the Hispanic community in the USA to provide them with better customer services and to the Spanish speaking countries where AT&T performs business transactions.... This will not only benefit AT&T but it will also benefit its employees.... ... ... ... AT&T obtains the bottom line in its financial statements, which is cost/effectiveness....
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Environmental Issues in the Maritime and Logistics Field
10 pages (3016 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
hee-Jin, T 2006, Vessel-source marine pollution: the law and Politics of international regulation, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ... The paper 'Environmental Issues in the Maritime and Logistics Field" is a perfect example of an environmental studies research proposal.... The maritime field has a long history the traces man's effort to exploit resources due to massive water bodies....
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Quality of Service Within Emirates Airline
12 pages (3345 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Quality of Service Within Emirates Airline" finds out the extent to which quality of service has improved within Emirates Airline and what are the initiatives that have been undertaken by the top management of Emirates Airline to make the journey a safe and enjoyable trip....
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Land Registration Act 2002 to Rescue the Landowners from Theft
5 pages (1487 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Land Registration Act 2002 to Rescue the Landowners from Theft" discusses the problem of inadequacy of legal regulations to rescue the landowners from land theft through adverse possession.... The research will examine the statutes and the case law related to the issue under examination....
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Medication Adherence in Elders
5 pages (1479 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper "Medication Adherence in Elders" discusses that improper medication adherence has been a major global burden involving grave consequences.... The problem acquires more significance in elderly patients due to chronic illnesses and high vulnerability to diseases during this age.... ... ... ...
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Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
8 pages (2473 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy" focuses on postpartum depression (PPD), an emotional disorder, which is associated with giving birth.... Four evidence-based treatments are used in women presenting with depression during the postpartum period.... .... ... ... Study participants will be required to sign an informed consent form prior to being included in the study....
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Effect of Docosahexaenoic Acid in Dog Food on the Health and Intelligence of Dogs
6 pages (2179 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Effect of Docosahexaenoic Acid in Dog Food on the Health and Intelligence of Dogs" states that statistical analysis will be performed for the significance of data results.... The effect of DHA in dog food on health and intelligence of dogs will be determined based on the results.... ... ...
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Kellogs: Growth in the Business
5 pages (1642 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Focus Group Research in American Politics.... World Politics the New Methodology of Qualitative Research, 62 (1), Retrieved on May 20, 2012 from http://www.... This research proposal "Kellogs: Growth in the Business" looks at Kellog's needs to look into along with the target respondents, time frame, the method of collecting information, and other information which will help Kellogs to understand the consumer....
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Relationship between Alcohol Anonymous and Alcohol Addicted Patients
8 pages (2651 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
From the paper "Relationship between Alcohol Anonymous and Alcohol Addicted Patients", Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) was founded in 1935.... AA is an international mutual aid association whose main objective is to encourage people to stay sober while encouraging alcoholics to achieve sobriety.... .... ...
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Multiple Detectors Computerized Tomography Scan
11 pages (3416 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
From the paper "Multiple Detectors Computerized Tomography Scan" it is clear that proper research conduct like confidentiality must be observed.... The use of name coding of the hospitals and the patients will further ensure patients' privacy and maintain the hospital's confidential information.... ...
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How Popular Companies in the UK are Minimizing Their Carbon Footprint
6 pages (1669 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
"How Popular Companies in the UK are Minimizing Their Carbon Footprint" paper determines the strategies popular companies have adopted in the reduction of carbon footprint.... The research plays a significant role in putting to light the evolution of climate disputes.... ... ... ... Many countries and environmental agencies have conducted a wide range of campaigns towards the reduction of greenhouse gases due to the impact on the environment....
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Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Under Cyclic Loading
8 pages (2311 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Under Cyclic Loading" elucidates the behavior of reinforced concrete beams.... The bean is subjected to cyclic loading and also experiences fatigue loading.... The study will be concerned with two concrete beams.... .... ... ... Observations will be made on the behavior of the beams and the results will be compared for the two cases....
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Social Construction of Inter-country Adoption: its Psycho-Social Impact on the Adopted
4 pages (1423 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The research seeks to identify the social construction of child adoption and its effects on an adoptee through projective interviews.... A specific characteristic of all the adoptees is identified with having different racial origins and those with similar racial origins with their adoptive parents....
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The Impact of Human Resource Development in UAE on Workforce
4 pages (1173 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'The Impact of Human Resource Development in UAE on Workforce' is a comprehensive example of human resources research proposal.... This study will try to examine the impact of human resource development in the UAE on the workforce.... The study will be based on employees in the UAE of both men and women....
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Autism and Autistic Disorders
9 pages (2751 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Autism and Autistic Disorders" explores the hypothesis of autism and describes various approaches to integrate a child into society.... A variety of studies continue reporting on the effectiveness of a structured environment for people affected by autism.... ... ... ... A thorough physical examination would be conducted on the autistic children and urine samples would be taken to investigate the type of genes present....
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BYOD-Polcies for Mitigation of Data Loss
8 pages (2324 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The purpose of the paper "BYOD-Polcies for Mitigation of Data Loss" is to describe the state of affairs as it exists.... This will involve highlighting all the data mitigation strategies that have been put in place and, most importantly, to analyze how the various recommended strategies are effective in reducing data losses....
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The Rule of Change in Project Management: Drivers and Resistance in Saudi Arabia
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
It would be hard for firms to avoid change.... According to successful managers, new ideas are the basis for promoting growth.... Therefore, to create a working environment in organisations that incorporate new ideas, there is a need for.... ... ... A study by Anstey (2006) noted that, nowadays businesses face the challenge of increased level of change and the degree of complexity....
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Using Social Networking to facilitate learning in CPUT for IT students
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
In the year 2004, face book was launched and took the world by storm by attracting very many users worldwide.... Social networking has quickly become a popular method of communication especially among.... ... ... 3).... Social networking can be used in organizations and institutions (Jay L.... .... There are many other social networks apart from face book....
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Libyan Legal System
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper will also focus on the efforts being made to ensure that the legal system in Libya is more effective.... It will also present an array of solutions that can be used in the creation of a more effective legal system that has wide acceptance in the country.... ... ... ... The main objective of the paper is to outline the major flaws in the Libyan legal system that emanate from the cultural and religious influences....
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Australian Childhood Obesity
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This essay describes the problem of the obesity among Australian citizens.... Australia is fast becoming one of the fattest nations.... Currently ranked #2 in population BMI means that the citizen of Australia are at greater risk of heart attack, stoke, and of course, premature death.... .... ... ...
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Woodmere Products: Time Based Logistics at Work
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 6 , Research Proposal
This case study considers the Woodmere Products and the HomeHelp partnership.... This case demonstrates the all-encompassing change that is sometimes required for a firm to maintain long-term competitive success.... Change is very difficult to achieve in organizations large and small.... ... ... ...
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The Discrimination against Attractive Women Seeking Senior Management Positions
11 pages (2943 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
In Politics, women like Margaret Thatcher, in the past, and Angela Merkel, at present, have had aspects of their bodies discussed in pubic forums in ways that have never been done where male politicians are concerned (Warhurst, van den Broek, Hall, and Nickson, 2009).... This paper 'The Discrimination against Attractive Women seeking Senior Management Positions' aims to establish how conscious the ordinary worker is about the realities of lookism, and it's positive as well as negative effects on attractive male and female workers, and their plainer counterparts....
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Teaching Strategies Integration
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
I was having no trouble at all following him, and I suspect most of the guys were like me.... However, the girls seemed to just sit glassy-eyed and stare while he drew diagrams on the blackboard.... ... ... ... He said he had had a visit from a parent the day before and that this parent had asked him to talk more while he diagrammed, because he child needed words to learn....
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Hospital Staffing Crisis
2 pages (500 words) , Download 9 , Research Proposal
It then puts out possible remedies to the crises.... The crises are due to dissatisfactions amongst medical personnel, which make them quit their jobs.... This leads to vacancies and the hospital strains in re.... ... ... Labor costs are also a limitation to the hospital departments.... Solutions to these crises are necessary and they include collaborative agreements between the chief nursing officers and the hospital managers....
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The Effects of Mindfulness
2 pages (600 words) , Download 6 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Effects of Mindfulness" tells us about practicing mindfulness changes many parts of the brain.... Some research suggests that mindfulness can affect the production of chemicals that change our mood.... ... ... ... Studies suggest that focusing on the present can have a positive impact on health and well-being....
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Drug Abuse
4 pages (1294 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Drug Abuse" shows us that Drug abuse among working-class adults has shown trends of increasing each year.... Tobacco and alcohol are among the most abused drugs and have defied concerted efforts aimed at creating awareness regarding the danger of drug abuse in society.... ... ... ... The study is aimed at facilitating self-management and recovery training (SMART) in a group of working adult addicts....
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Exploring the Differences in Patients Satisfaction with Primary Care Provided by Nurses and Doctors
17 pages (4657 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The study "Exploring the Differences in Patients' Satisfaction with Primary Care Provided by Nurses and Doctors" is intended to prove the hypothesis - primary care services provided by Nurse Practitioners differ from those provided by General Practitioners in terms of patients' gratification.... ...
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Bayesian analysis of HMM-GARCH models in Finance
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
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Leadership Styles in United Kingdoms Industries
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The author of this paper "Leadership Styles in United Kingdoms Industries" provides different leadership styles, each with distinct leadership qualities that suggest specialization among leaders.... Admittedly, the work environment, based on situational leadership, influences applicable leadership styles....
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Customer Loyalty in Aviation Industry
13 pages (4675 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Customer Loyalty in Aviation Industry" seeks to analyze what is most important to the consumer when making their decision on which particular airline carrier to use.... It shall use the five service dimensions to analyze the top three airlines in the United States.... ... ...
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Loan Syndication Participation Agreement
5 pages (1291 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This paper ''Loan Syndication Participation Agreement'' tells that International syndicated loan agreements are essentially arrangements that are put in place for corporate borrowers in different countries who need to have a flexible borrowing source.... Syndicated loan arrangements are the best financing arrangement....
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Easy Jet's Ways to Stand Out among Competitors
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The lack of a unique service with total differentiation from the competitors, the rising tension on world Politics, the war against peace (terror), global warming and its negative contribution are some particular examples.... The environment in which Easy Jet operates in is indifferent from this as is affected by governmental laws, international laws, competition from other low cost airlines as Flybe, change in interest rate, Politics, technology etc....
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Best Practices for Students with Learning Disability in Inclusive Schools from the US and UK
8 pages (2379 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The research "Best Practices for Students with Learning Disability in Inclusive Schools from the US and UK" is of significance in improving the teaching of students with learning disabilities in Saudi Arabia in line with recommended international/ UN standards adopted.... ... ... ... There is an increasing consensus that all children have the right to be inclusively educated....
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The Debate about Stem Cells
5 pages (1446 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The Promise and Politics of Stem Cell Research.... The Promise and Politics of Stem Cell Research, 2007.... This research proposal "The Debate about Stem Cells" presents a Stem cell study that holds hope for individuals suffering from terminal and incurable diseases....
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Is Russia a Democratic State under Putin
9 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
This study 'Is Russia a Democratic State under Putin?... will mainly focus on the situation of Russia under the leadership of Putin with regard to its adoption of democracy.... Democracy is however a broad term thus will need to be broken down for effective analysis.... ... ... ... The analysis of level of democracy in Russia under Putin will be based on the 2004 UN General Assembly's seven principles of democracy....
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The Importance of Online Advertising to Hospitality and Tourism
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
This essay describes how the Internet has changed hospitality industry and especially in the sphere of its advertising.... Without a web-based presence it is unlikely that a hospitality industry entity would have success in this globalized and interconnected world.... ... ... ... The author reveals the benefits of the internet as a means of advertising, through an examination of the modern travel practices of the 21st century....
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Solar Energy
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This type of energy has become popular because of its renewable characteristic since it has the capacity to produce unlimited energy for all.... ... ... New technologies are being developed to ensure that solar energy is more effectively harnessed and put into use in different areas where it is needed....
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User Satisfaction about Mobile Phone Network in the East Midland Area of the UK
6 pages (1553 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
"User Satisfaction about Mobile Phone Network in the East Midland Area of the UK" paper states that New companies are desperate to identify the criteria of users' satisfaction with the mobile phone networks in East Midland, UK.... This research produces fruitful results for mobile phone networks....
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Recreational Anglers - Feasibility of the Ban of Fishing in Port Phillip and Corio Bays
7 pages (1958 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Recreational Anglers - Feasibility of the Ban of Fishing in Port Phillip and Corio Bays' is an actual example of a research proposal on environmental studies.... The Government of Victoria announced its decision to ban net fishing by commercial fishers in Port Phillip and Corio Bays.... A state government agency was asked to collect data of recreational anglers engaging in fishing....
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