Again, closed ended questions will help in the understanding of dependent variable (children’s sleeping patterns) as the causal factor that tends to influence the problem of the research. In conclusion, the observations to be gained from the questionnaires will be sorted into two distinct but mutually exhaustive and exclusive categories where the observations will be labeled in terms of elements such as Agree and Disagree or numbers such as 0 and 1. However, these categories will have to be defined so that all observations regarding obesity and patterns of sleep can be harmonised or fit into one category but no more than one at a given time (1=Absolutely agreed, 2= Agreed, 3=Neutral, 4=Not agreed). 2.0.
Qualitative Method of Data Collection There is consensus among scholars that there is need for the integration of qualitative method of data collection as the approach helps the research to capture the broad point about what the research hopes to accomplish and the desired outcome from the process of researching (Wells et al., 2008; Matricciani et al., 2012; Liou et al., 2012). In addition, qualitative method has been adopted as it introduces what is missing from the literatures reviewed thus identifying the gap in knowledge.
Since quantitative data method identified open and closed questions, integration of qualitative approach provides an opportunity for the introduction of semi-structured interviews with the aim of discussing their beliefs, feelings and perceptions regarding their observations on sleeping patterns and obesity. Respondents as earlier identified, will take place in the semi-structured interviews so as to ascertain among other aspects of the research, perception and awareness of obesity and the link patterns of sleep to health related complications.
In order to capture certain aspects of respondents’ views, Douglas (2016) noted that interviews should be conducted on face to face while recorded as aspects such as facial expressions are essential in discerning respondents’ answers. At the beginning of the interview processes, the respondents will be briefed about their roles, elements intended in the process of interview and options of withdrawing if a given aspect of interviewing does not conform to their rights or beliefs. Finally, the qualitative analysis of the responses will involve the interpretation of each aspect of the rubric according to the respondents’ view.
Furthermore, descriptive statistics (means and frequencies) will be utilised in the analysis. 3.0. Appraisal of Proposed Data Collection Tools The research uses mixed method of data collection as it enhances reliability of the data that will be collected and the deductions that will be made. As already noted, the data collection procedures that will be used include: structured interviews and structured questionnaires. Further, validity and reliability of the study will play a fundamental role in the acceptability of the findings, conclusions and recommendations emerging from the study.
Additionally, these methods are intended to help the researcher answer the research questions by deciphering the respondents’ perception and awareness of sleeping patterns and the link obesity has with such patters. On the other hand, the justification of mixed method in finding the relation between the two variables borrows the research conducted by Borghese et al. (2015) who noted that when research adopts mixed method then the research will be able to select samples of respondents for different phases of data collections.
The need to incorporate both closed ended and open ended in questionnaires enhance the findings of the research as it provides an avenue for understanding information that is already known (Tzischinsky, 2016; Fatima and Mamun, 2015). As a result of what this study considers to be evidence-based researches, the adoption of closed and open ended questions have been integrated in the study to enable the research conceptualise various phases of the study.
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