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Sustainable Infrastructures through Micro-forests Integration
5 pages (1660 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
"Sustainable Infrastructures through Micro-forests Integration" paper determines how micro-forests can be integrated into the architectural design to replace the ecological function of the depleted forests.... ... ... ... The increase in population has seen the proliferation of buildings in the towns thus not issuing space for the trees to be planted....
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Internal Audit
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The author of the paper "Internal Audit" touches upon the concept of the audit.... Admittedly, technically, an internal audit refers to the process of objectively evaluating an organization's processes in order to improve the effectiveness of operation structures.... .... ... ... In practical application, organizations may deviate from pre-established rules of operations with stakeholders....
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Media Relations
1 pages (250 words) , Download 9 , Research Proposal
Secord, Backman and Slavitt (1976) observe that the children under extreme isolation for a long period suffered considerable damage both emotionally and in learning ordinary.... ... ... Institutionalized children suffer less severe, but appreciable, loss (p.... 38).... Deprivation and isolation deteriorate the personality of the kids. ...
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1 pages (250 words) , Download 45 , Research Proposal
Putting something off until the last minute or not doing it at all due to carelessness or habitual laziness is termed as procrastination (Myron, 2014).... Recent studies suggest that procrastination is harmful and irrational, most people put off things occasionally and many of them.... ... ... It is a universal problem affecting the behavior of many individuals. ...
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The Advocacy for the Use of Nuclear Energy as a Sustainable Source
6 pages (1715 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "The Advocacy for the Use of Nuclear Energy as a Sustainable Source" discusses an increase in nuclear energy use to the world that at first seems like a bad idea due to its association with proliferation and the threat of a Third World War.... ... ... ... The construction of new power plants should also be made possible such that they reach the heights of electricity or other sources that have been supported....
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Network Management Deployment Plan
10 pages (2657 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Network Management Deployment Plan" discusses the intelligent deployment of the network resources to maximize their performance with given capabilities.... This study considers a Wireless Sensor Network, comprising sensor nodes for deployment in the field of interest.... ... ...
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The Customer Service of a Public Sector Organization
13 pages (3484 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
"The Customer Service of a Public Sector Organization" research proposal is about the customer services within the author's organization, which is a public sector organization, and the department the author work for is the Waste Collection and Street Cleansing department.... ... ... ... In this proposal, adequate information is given to give an insight into each module, and then the application of the section methodology is demonstrated....
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The Effectiveness of Music as a Mnemonic Device on Recognition Memory
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
A paper "The Effectiveness of Music as a Mnemonic Device on Recognition Memory" claims that studies devoted to this topic researched it in different aspects such as an effect of peak experiences on music perception and memories retrieval, relations between music, and autobiographical memory.... ... ...
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Modernising Medical Careers
4 pages (1156 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper ''Modernizing Medical Careers'' tells us that this proposal is to make a research proposal to modernize medical careers and build a case for education during their work.... This proposal will comprise of the introduction highlighting the context and the rationale for the research work....
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Effective Human Resource Management in Nursing
7 pages (2239 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The paper "Effective Human Resource Management in Nursing" states that Human resource forms the backbone of every organization.... Its efficient management is fundamental to the nursing profession.... This establishes the need to identify factors that may negatively affect motivation.... ... ... ...
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Accounting Training Development and Education in Saudi Arabia
15 pages (4240 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Accounting Training Development and Education in Saudi Arabia " is a wonderful example of a research proposal on finance and accounting.... The accountancy profession includes skilled individuals working in a variety of roles including both professional accountants and accounting technicians....
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International Marketing Strategy
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The author of the following paper states that the world of today is a platform where smooth synchronization of various new age technologies is happening on a regular basis.... The growth of new technologies and related processes in the arena of business is helping in reducing human intervention.... ...
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Racial Cultural Perceptions Associated with PPD
9 pages (2557 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "Racial Cultural Perceptions Associated with PPD" concerns to examine the perspective of nurses' duties in postpartum depression and how they can promote health outcomes through the application of Leininger's culture theory.... ... ... ... The birth of a child is associated with dramatic hormonal shifts....
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National Labour Relations Act
10 pages (2780 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper ''National Labour Relations Act'' tells us that issues of management of labour escalated to a worrying level resulting in factory takeovers, citywide strikes as well as violent and conflicts between the anti-union employers in the 1930s.... In 1935, NLRA was passed in the United States of America congress....
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Financing Educational Boot Camps for Less Privileged but Gifted Students in the Czech Republic
14 pages (3729 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This report is a research proposal that is intended to identify the various financial sources that can be taken into consideration so that a boot camp can be establish in regions of Czech Republic in order to provide education to those under privileged children who has the.... ... ... The paper 'Financing Educational Boot Camps for Less Privileged but Gifted Students in the Czech Republic' is a fascinating example of a finance & accounting research proposal....
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Reasons for the Lack of Students Readiness with English Language at University
18 pages (5360 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Reasons for the Lack of Students' Readiness with the English Language at University" will explore why do Emirati university students need English preparation programs when entering the university after being taught English in government schools.... ... ... ... The head of the high-school exam board CEPA stated that '88 percent of students graduate with inadequate English to cope at University, where almost all courses are taught in English' (p....
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Positivism vs Interpretivism, Induction versus Deduction
19 pages (5323 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Positivism vs Interpretivism, Induction versus Deduction" describes that extreme sides and the middle portion consist of pure research approaches, however, the area that falls in the middle of these points tends to accumulate the mixed research approaches.... ... ... ... Research question 3 and 4 shall be addressed in the model and system processes....
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Is Nurse Satisfaction Associated with Hospital Length of Stay
5 pages (1475 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper "Is Nurse Satisfaction Associated with Hospital Length of Stay" states that patients received satisfaction through effective services offered to them, thus reducing their stay in hospitals.... The effective services that nurses offer to patients also enabled them to determine their satisfaction....
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Diversification Strategies British Mobile Telecommunication Companies
6 pages (1694 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
"Diversification Strategies British Mobile Telecommunication Companies" paper analyzes the diversification strategies being adopted by different British companies in different markets/ segments.... Mobile telephony still appears to be in the evolutionary stage.... ... ... ... The telecommunication scene is one of the fastest-growing sectors today....
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The Impacts of Information Systems in Government Organizations
9 pages (2773 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This proposal 'The Impacts of Information Systems in Government Organizations' is regarding the use of information systems in government organizations and departments in Australia.... It will focus primarily on the impact of information systems on the aboriginal population in the country.... ... ...
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The Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder in Children
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper 'The Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder in Children' seeks to evaluate children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) who face the daily challenge of focusing their motor and mental skills into complicated and even simple tasks.... ... ... ... Research into the effectiveness of behavioral therapy for children with ADHD is considered a top priority because the use of stimulant medications like Ritalin have been known to produce adverse effects which are very dangerous to the health of ADHD children....
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The Field of Photography and New Media Art
5 pages (1612 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The following paper under the title 'The Field of Photography and New Media Art' gives detailed information about MA photography that has been practiced by photographers all over the world to critically explore areas of photography that have remained unexplored.... ... ... ... The overall aim of this proposal is to look at MA photography as a championing tool that tries to combine the traditional theories and new digital photographing technologies that require experimentation and curiosity....
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Re-Engineering Computer and Electrical Engineering at Cleveland State University
5 pages (1503 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper "Re-Engineering Computer and Electrical Engineering at Cleveland State University" highlights that employing technicians will be a trickier thing because they will have to employ people with machine knowledge who will be able to fix the machines after the practical demolition of the machines....
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Challenges in College Recruiting
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
Normally, the process of recruitment and orientation is rocked by numerous challenges.... Most of these challenges go unreported or unnoticed.... ... ... The proposal will follow the routine steps of a research project.... A standard research project is composed of several parts.... Specifically, it will have the parts described below....
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Impact of Computer-Based Video Games on Learning
10 pages (3095 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "Impact of Computer-Based Video Games on Learning" states that among the benefits of computer-based video games are that they help in making classroom sessions more interesting and engaging, promoting interactivity and engagement, challenging and motivating.... .... ... ... The findings, in this case, involve the data obtained from the teachers....
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Use of Technology in the Classroom with Special Needs
9 pages (2769 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal 'Use of Technology in the Classroom with Special Needs' provides a comprehensive overview of the role of using technology in the classroom with special needs students and how such technologies can play roles in promoting the education of students with different disabilities....
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Responding to the Schizophrenic States on the Issue of Homosexuality
12 pages (3507 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Hence, both Chou (2000) and Kong (2004) concluded that most homosexuals seem to share the public's alienation and disinterest in Politics.... Tongzhi: Politics of same-sex eroticism in Chinese societies.... Civil society: Rewriting the laws of Singapore Politics.... au, Siu-kai (1982) Society and Politics in Hong Kong....
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Re-Engineering Computer and Electrical Engineering at Cleveland State University
5 pages (1504 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Re-Engineering Computer and Electrical Engineering at Cleveland State University" aims at giving credibility to electrical and computer engineering in terms of the content needed in both the theoretical and practical part of it.... ... ... ... Today the technology is accelerating at a very high note implicating that the machines used in operations are changing with time and the labor-intensive part of it is needed to have the expertise in operating it....
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Challenges Faced by Immigrant Women in Canada
11 pages (3980 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
... Challenges Faced by Immigrant Women in Canada " is a research proposal about the challenges that women migrants face in their quest to find jobs in Canada with the focus on Ontario.... The proposed research is descriptive research and it aims at finding the major trends in the lives of these migrant women and identify the status quo from a myriad of research systems and methodologies....
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How Global Climate Change Effects the Survival of Polar Bear Abundance in the Arctic
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This paper declares that Climate change is one of the major global problems in the 21st century.... It is also referred to as global warming.... Climate change is defined as the continuous increase in average temperatures of the earth's atmosphere, landmasses and ocean bodies.... .... ... ... The polar bear is one of the animal species that have been significantly negatively affected by the effects of climate change hence calling for a quicker human intervention in order to eliminate the problem....
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Social Work Intervention on Young People
7 pages (1927 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The paper "Social Work Intervention on Young People" analyzes social work intervention on young people aged between sixteen and twenty-five, living in London and this will be based on a positivist perspective's point of view.... ... ... ords: 35 ... haracters: 225 ... ... ... ... Social work activities and procedures can be considered to consist of two key parties....
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The Concept of Graffiti
8 pages (2447 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Each media article on graffiti was classified and ranked for interestingness within one or more of the following 3 categories: 1) violence/fear; 2) dirty looking/dirty; 3) Crime; 4) vandalism; and 5) Politics .... errell, J 2005, Crimes of style: Urban graffiti and the Politics of criminality, Garland Publisher, ...
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Efficiency of Treating People Who Self Harm
5 pages (1477 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The research is proposed to assist in the improvisation of the medical treatment delivered in the United Kingdom to the patients suffering from the tendency of self-harm.... The objective of the proposed research is to measure the efficiency of the current services provided to the patients.... ... ...
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Identification and Assessment of Children with Learning Disabilities in Early Childhood
5 pages (1433 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "Identification and Assessment of Children with Learning Disabilities in Early Childhood" states that ethical issues will variably be considered.... Permission will be sought from the District Education Board Secretary (DEBS) Lusaka, to use the schools in the study.... ... ... ... The qualitative research design will interpret data according to the information that will be provided by the teachers, parents and caregivers in the semi-structured interviews conducted by the researcher....
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Construction of Elevators
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Letter of Transmittal 27th Nov 2013, Office of Contracts and Grant, University of Florida, Dear Sir: Referring to the joint grant the University has received from US Department of Commerce and US Department of Energy task force, kindly find the attached proposal entitled β€œThe University of Florida needs more elevators in major university building....
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1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
One is interested to determine whether Americans work too hard in terms of complying with the prescribed 40-hour work week, as compared to other people across the globe.... Likewise, one also aims to determine the effect of working more, in terms of additional working hours over.... ... ... Overall, one intends to define manifestations of exhibiting characteristics of being pegged as workaholics, and the impact this alleged overindulgence to work, on the individual, on the employer, and to other Workaholics: A Research Proposal al Affiliation Workaholics: A Research Proposal Topic of Interest One is interested to determine whether Americans work too hard in terms of complying with the prescribed 40-hour work week, as compared to other people across the globe....
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Waiter Calling System
5 pages (1971 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
From the paper "Waiter Calling System" it is clear that the use of computerized based waiter calling system becomes more and more popular because it is low cost and ease-of-use.... This technology allows us faster and more convenient access to the world.... ... ... ... Competition in the foodservice segment is also becoming increasingly fierce as restaurants look to attract diners from other types of restaurants in order to increase their own traffic....
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Substance Abuse and Teenage Violence
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper represents a research proposal regarding the thesis "Is substance abuse one of the environmental factors causing teens to become violent?... .... This research will examine the responses and narratives of teenagers of a renowned educational institution/high school.... ... ... ... Whether biological and genetic factors are responsible for the violent behavior of an individual, or it is the environmental or evolutionary influence that makes one perform violent acts, has always been a hot debate....
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The Use of Social Networking among Students in the Age Groups of 13-17 Years
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper is a research proposal for studying the use of social networking among students in the age groups of 13-17 years.... The research topic was selected as it is evident that social networking is popular among students and develops a major proportion of activities performed through the Internet....
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Treatment of Gouty Arthritis
4 pages (1185 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Treatment of Gouty Arthritis" states that confidentiality of the records will be paramount.... The results of the study shall only be restricted for study purposes.... They should not be shared or used for any other purpose apart from the stated.... .... ... ... Arthritis is a disease with variants and gout is one of them....
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Earthquake-Proof Pipeline Modeling
5 pages (1599 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Earthquake-Proof Pipeline Modeling' is an affecting example of a research proposal on engineering and construction.... The aim of this proposal is to design an Earthquake proof pipeline to transport oil and gas between countries as well as across the sea.... ... ... ... The paper 'Earthquake-Proof Pipeline Modeling' is an affecting example of a research proposal on engineering and construction....
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Innovation & Creativity and Enterprise
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Innovation, creativity and Enterprise (ICE) together represent the key constituents of any contemporary business that an organization must infuse in order to achieve competitive advantage in this rapidly transforming and technology driven business environment (Ness, 2012).... In.... ... ... s paper, a research proposal will be constructed to analyse the effort of the Kuwait based mobile telecommunications company, Zain Telecom in integrating innovation, Creativity and enterprise in its business process. ...
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How Does Celebrity Endorsement Influence Consumer Purchasing
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This research proposal identifies the level of influence that is exerted by celebrity endorsements in connection to the purchasing behavior of the consumers.... The research proposal comprises of an introduction, research question and objectives, literature review and also the research methods.... ...
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Up-gradation of Our E-Mail System
6 pages (1710 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
"Up-gradation of Our E-Mail System" proposal is aimed at integrating different systems into a single system by powering a comprehensive communication package.... The objective of the project is to implement an integrated e-mail system by replacing the existing fragmented system that is being used....
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Globalization with an Eye to Outsourcing
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Outsourcing, meaning the subcontracting of employment to other countries, is an increasingly common phenomenon with global ramifications.... This paper "Globalization with an Eye to Outsourcing" explores the dynamics of the change of the global economic community.... ... ... ... As the jobs of the first world make their way to the developing regions of the third world, the forces of globalization have had many unintended consequences....
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Causes and Effects of Internet Addiction
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 6 , Research Proposal
The study "Causes and Effects of Internet Addiction" will investigate how the age of an individual affects usage of the internet, find out if the type of device used by an individual has an effect on addiction, establish the effect of addiction to the internet on an individual's studies or work.... ...
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Exploring the influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on customer buying behavior
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper also aims to provide a comprehensive insight into the two variables by exploring how they relate to each other directly and indirectly.... The writer intends.... ... ... Over the years, research has shown that identify and, if possible, predicting customer behavior is critical to meeting their needs Exploring the Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on Buying Behaviour Research Question and Aims Aims The aim of this paper is to examine the influence of corporate social responsibility on customer buying behavior....
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New Demands for Beer: Feral Brewery in Australia
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The regulations with Politics begin with the need to stop underage drinking or too much consumption of alcohol.... While this may offer more opportunities, it also promotes beer in the wrong manner and may have difficulties if policies and Politics begin to see this as a threat for family education....
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The Public Sector Organisation: Development Performance
6 pages (1643 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "The Public Sector Organisation: Development Performance" analyzes the importance of the appraisal and development on the performance of the employees for the public sector organization, and fulfilling the objectives and desired target of the organization.... ... ... ... Performance appraisal and development have a wide variety of effects on the employees as it guides the employees towards organizational advancement....
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Topshop in the UK Fashion Store and Other Global Markets
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper seeks to investigate how the success of Topshop in the UK can influence its strategy to expand to overseas markets.... The research is valuable since it gives insight about the strategies that can be implemented by this leading UK fashion store when it decided to expand to other global markets....
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